• Full Moon in Aquarius August 2023
    Aug 1 2023

    In this channel of the full Moon in Aquarious on August 1st, 2023, I started with free writing the channeling by Raya. In the Podcast, I read the channel and add light language as I am directed and led for activation. This transmission channels the energies of the full moon. It connects with the universal flow of diamond white light emanating from the temple of light.

    Light language is the language of the heart. It connects us with the energies of feeling rather than thinking. Enjoy!

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    14 mins
  • Did you suffer from cognitive dissonance in you childhood?
    Feb 4 2023

    Do you suffer from cognitive dissonace? It can be very painful to live differant from your intenal beliefs. Brene Brown discusses cognitive dissoance in her book, "Atlas of the Heart". She uses an example from a dooms day prediction and the subsequent human justification rather than logical thought that followed this line of thought and belief.

    Cognitive Dissoance was a bit part of my childhood and young adult life and led to a lot of pain. In this experience, you true, authentic self is not recognized and a lot of the pain is rejecting your self. I chose to live in this condition for a long time instead of embracing my self and its beliefs. Even as my actions changed I continued to put myself down and jusge myself based on beliefs formed in childhood around salvation and the church. I wanted to please my mom so badly. He have her approve of me and yet I didn't realize that it is impossible to please a toxic, manipulative, highly religions person. Not only do they have special rules that must be followed but all the rules are "salvational issues". So many of my friend began breaking free in their 20's but I waited until my late forties to begin finding myself. I think it was only raising my children that led to me define what I actually believed.

    I hope you enjoy the stories from my childhood. I am only able to do what I do today because of clearing fear and old beliefs of judgement and lack through Theta Healing Techniques and energy healing. I year ago, I could not have channeled my higher self or read tarot publicly for fear of judgement by my family and friends. The Salem Witch trials are still very real in verbal rather than physical abuse.

    In this podcast, I channel Raya my highest self and spiritual guide. We are all one. My topic is surrender to the unplanned miracle! Every week, I share a topic that I am led to share. I don't write a script ahead of time and just know that she will guide me.

    Blessed Be


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    25 mins
  • SHIFT REALITY: We define reality with our senses
    Jan 29 2023

    One of the most challenging lessons to learn is life, is that we create our reality. When our check doesn't arrive int he mail, when our friend calls us, when a stranger gives us a compliment. We created the event. We are capable of creating anthing with our consciousness, however, our beliefs and feelings get in the way of receiving all good things.

    Einstein stated, "Everything is energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics."

    This podcast episode discusses our 5 senses and the way we are tricked by what we see, we smell, we taste, we touch and we hear. I have experience 1st hand, that everything works out for our best good!

    One of the tequniques that I use for shifting to a new reality, is creating an intention when I go to sleep at night. Before going to bed, I create a very specific intention. Like: "when I wake and my feet hit the floor, I will be in my highest and best life!" The other day, I specifically asked for my divine masculine and divine feminine to be united and they had come together in unity when I awoke and stepped into the day. It was an amazing feeling.

    In Sedona, I was focussed on increasing my mobility, so I walked briskly around a circlular walkway approximately 100 times and crawled across the painful and hard gravel, and I could feel myself walk into a new timeline. In facte, there were several small changes so I knew that I had shifted.

    I love the stories and aid that I have received from Brian Scott's book and meditations, etc on his podcast, Reality Revolution.

    The title of this podcast, "Channeling Raya" is a nod to my higher self. I always felt that I needed to know who I was and I often felt that I am a soul with very little earthly experience in my lives. Raya is my biggest fan and support and I look to her for guidance in the messages of this channel. I couldn't live life without her. I am her. I AM. She is the master of healing and transformation. A dragon energy. A blue ray soul being. A flame. A Syrian Angel. Activation and healing of the DNA.

    Thank you for listening to this channel and podcast. My greatest wish and intention is that this message will resonate. if it doesn't that is fine. Leave the message for someone else. If you are intested in asking a question or joining my Sanctuary, please check out my website at www.spiritualrebirthsanctuary.com


    Love and Light, Raya Satori

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    29 mins
  • Life Lessons: Release Shame and Embrace Joy!
    Jan 21 2023

    In this episode, we are led to read an exerpt from "Letters to a Starseed" by Rebecca Cambell, pages 68, 69. In this book, Rebecca connects with the soul of Starseeds experiencing a human life on this planet. With compassion and grace, she encouarges us to ground into our bodies, into Mother Gaia and into our purpose.

    Most of us have a dual purpose for incarnating on this planet. Our personal experience of soul lessons and our collective experience of healing and transforming the planet into a new reality. In this chapter, Rebecca discusses our soul lessons in our personal journey. We may have come to learn better communication, authenticity, self-confidence, grief, etc. Our lives will address these lessons in many ways and under various stessors.

    I feel that learning to live in joy and happiness in any circumstance is one of the best ways to fulfill bother purposes in our lives.

    Recenly, I learned the importance of feeling our feelings. After all, we are in a body which can feel feelings. Sometimes we feel grief, anger, shame, weakness. It is part of our journey to feel these feelings in our bodies and transform them into love and light. As Brene Brown states, don't let these emotions create a home in your body and live there. This leads to disease and pain. This transformation occurs through breath work, sound, colors and journalling. To name a few. You will be led to the activities that will help my transform your pain into joy and your anger into love.

    Often our feelings come from belief systems deeply embeded in our subconscious and through reprograming our subconsious, we are able to act in any situation, instead of re-act. Re-acting often comes from programs created through childhood trauma and beliefs we assimilated in childhood before the age of 5. We often don't remember the cause and it may not matter. Leaning to identify these belief patterns and heal and transform them into new healthy patterns is one of the greatest life lessons we can create in our lives.

    Please enjoy this episode and please share any questions you may have for Raya in future episodes.

    Love and Light, Raya Satori

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    20 mins