
  • Erin Sikopoulos - Exploring Gemstone Energy Medicine & The importance Solitude and Self Connection
    Aug 30 2024

    Erin Sikopoulos is an intuitive gemstone energy medicine practitioner and massage therapist. In this episode she discusses her practice of gemstone energy medicine and how it can help people with physical and emotional issues. She explains how she intuitively selects gemstones for her clients and the sensations they may experience during a session. Erin emphasizes the importance of moments of solitude and self-connection in achieving clarity and ease in daily life. She also shares tips for manifesting and upgrading one's energetic set point. The conversation concludes with a discussion on the healing properties of Blue Lace Agate gemstone. In this conversation, Lorraine and Erin discuss different gemstones and their energetic properties. They explore stones such as Blue Lace Agate, Citrine, Amethyst, Pink Morganite, and Mother of Pearl. They also touch on the importance of high-quality stones and the potential for counterfeit gemstones in the market. The conversation highlights the role of gemstone energy medicine in supporting emotional well-being, clarity, and self-discovery. Lastly, Erin explains how gemstone intuitive sessions can be conducted virtually, and she provides information on where to find her services.

    Erin's Website



    00:00Introduction 01:22Gemstone Energy Medicine and Intuition 03:48Sensations and Effects of Gemstone Energy Medicine 06:06Finding Clarity and Ease through Solitude and Self-Connection 09:59Case Study: Healing and Transformation 12:23Manifesting and Upgrading Your Energetic Set Point 16:33The Healing Properties of Blue Lace Agate 17:44Struggles with Decision Making and Self-Identity 19:23Working with Stones to Support Self-Discovery 21:37The Importance of High-Quality Stones 23:03Beware of Counterfeit Gemstones 26:18Gemstone Intuitive Sessions: Connecting with Stones Remotely 27:45Stones for Clarity, Self-Discovery, and Emotional Soothing
    Más Menos
    35 m
  • Kelly Ballard: The Power of Mental Clarity in Manifesting & Understanding Energy and the Auric Field
    Aug 16 2024
    In this conversation, Lorraine and Kelly discuss topics related to spirituality, manifesting, and personal growth. They explore how to tune in to spirit, the importance of mental clarity, and the benefits of using different organizers and journals.
    • Tuning in to spirit doesn't require psychic abilities; it can be done by paying attention to how you feel, noticing synchronicities, and asking yourself questions.
    • Mental clarity is essential for manifesting and living a fulfilling life. It involves removing emotional baggage, observing resistance, and redirecting focus.
    • Using different organizers and journals can help with manifesting and staying organized. It allows for focused intention setting and keeps track of manifestations and affirmations.
    • Resistance is a sign that a shift in focus is needed. Observing resistance and identifying common themes can help release limiting beliefs and open up space for manifestations.
    • Manifesting involves putting out desires, prayers, and intentions to the universe. It's important to have clarity about what you want and to believe in the power of manifestation.
    • Having patience and trust in the process of manifesting is key. It's about aligning with the energy of what you desire and allowing miracles to come into your life. Set clear intentions and visualize what you want to manifest
    • Believe in your self-worth and value to attract the right partner
    • Release old thought patterns and judgments to create space for manifestations
    • Pay attention to your energy and the energy of others in your auric field
    • Use energy work techniques like Reiki and smudging to clear and balance your energy




    00:00Introduction and Connecting with Spirit 02:15Tuning in to Spirit and Accessing Guidance 05:22The Power of Mental Clarity in Manifesting 08:44Organizers and Journals for Manifesting and Staying Organized 14:30Recognizing Resistance and Shifting Focus 18:08The Art of Manifesting: Clarity, Belief, and Patience 22:04Manifesting Your Desires and Attracting Your Soulmate 27:16Understanding Energy and the Auric Field 31:41Clearing and Balancing Your Energy: Energy Work Techniques

    Más Menos
    39 m
  • Brandon Russ: The Importance of Self-Discovery and Finding Happiness: Recognizing Your True Desires
    Aug 2 2024

    In this conversation, Brandon Russ and Lorraine discuss various topics related to personal growth, spirituality, and finding happiness. They talk about the importance of self-discovery and completing oneself before finding a partner. They also discuss the transition from the corporate world to a spiritual career and the challenges and rewards that come with it. They emphasize the need to be adaptable and open to new opportunities. They also touch on the significance of being in nature, particularly around water, for finding inner peace. Overall, the conversation explores the themes of self-discovery, personal growth, and finding happiness. In this conversation, Brandon Russ and Lorraine discuss their experiences of detachment and happiness while visiting Mount Shasta. They reflect on meeting people who live a carefree life and are detached from the worries of everyday life. They also explore the concept of making decisions and the importance of learning from mistakes. They discuss the idea of being forced to upgrade one's life by blowing it up and the role of self-inflicted and divine intentions in this process. They emphasize the importance of recognizing one's true desires and finding happiness in different ways. The conversation concludes with a discussion about astrology and the impact of one's astrological chart on their tendencies and choices.

    • Self-discovery and completing oneself are important before finding a partner.
    • Transitioning from the corporate world to a spiritual career can be challenging but rewarding.
    • Being adaptable and open to new opportunities is crucial for personal growth.
    • Spending time in nature, particularly around water, can help find inner peace.
    • Accomplishment and finishing tasks contribute to happiness. Detachment from everyday worries can lead to a carefree and happy life.
    • Learning from mistakes is crucial for personal growth and decision-making.
    • Making decisions can involve both self-inflicted and divine intentions.
    • Recognizing one's true desires and finding happiness in different ways is important.
    • Astrology can provide insights into one's tendencies and choices.
    00:00Introduction 02:18Self-Discovery and Completing Oneself 05:02Transitioning from the Corporate World to a Spiritual Career 08:43Adaptability and Embracing New Opportunities 10:37Finding Inner Peace in Nature, Particularly Around Water 14:01The Connection Between Accomplishment and Happiness 19:18Knowing Yourself and Reacting to Your Environment 22:13Living a Carefree Life 26:01Learning from Mistakes 29:25Upgrading Life 32:43Finding Happiness 36:07Astrology and Decision-Making Brandon Russ Website Brandon Russ Facebook Brandon Russ Instagram Brandon Russ Youtube
    Más Menos
    44 m
  • Deborah Hanlon - dating & relationships, red flags, reading profile photos & more!
    Jul 19 2024

    In this episode Deborah Hanlon and Lorraine Toth discuss all things dating and energy!

    How to "read" a profile photo on a dating app, how to know when the energy is off, how to manifest, tips to attract your perfect partner, red flags, what vibes are you putting out, speed of relationships and more!

    Are you on the same page as your partner? What behaviors are they showing? Do they GHOST? Ways to be the person you want to attract! In a relationship and ready for the next step but they won't commit? Or maybe you feel it is moving too fast?

    Want to give off the vibe that you are single and ready?

    Share this with all of your single friends!

    To learn more about Deborah Hanlon visit her website here:


    Más Menos
    26 m
  • Katie Manning Hilton - Psychic Insights and Relationship Tips
    Jul 5 2024

    In this episode, host Lorraine Toth is joined by psychic medium Katie Manning Hilton.

    Do you crave a deep, soulful connection but feel stuck in a cycle of frustrating dates?

    In this episode, Katie Manning, A medium, psychic and entertainer, engages her audience with her captivating and humorous personality. Katie shares insights on how to manifest your soulmate by clearing your energy and raising your vibration. She will also share her personal story of manifesting a partner after years of attracting unavailable men. Whether you're newly single or looking to reignite the spark in your current relationship, this episode is packed with valuable tips to help you attract and nurture lasting love.

    Additionally, Katie shares practical tips for tapping into your intuition, including meditation techniques and asking for guidance from spirit guides.

    The episode also touches on Katie's various classes on psychic development, manifestation, and past life regression, as well as her exciting haunted tours in Europe.

    You'll learn:

    • How to identify and heal from past relationship karma that keeps you attracting unavailable partners
    • Practical tips for creating a crystal-clear vision board for your ideal soulmate
    • Powerful techniques to manifest your soulmate using the law of attraction
    • How to tap into your intuition and discern red flags on dates
    • Signs you've met your soulmate and practical exercises to strengthen your connection

    About Katie Manning:

    • Website | www.katiemanninghilton.com
    • Facebook | www.facebook.com/KatieManningHiltonPsychicMedium
    • Instagram | @katiemanninghilton
    • LinkedIn | Katie Manning Hilton
    • Podcast | Psychic on the Scene.

    Más Menos
    38 m
  • Intuitive Medium Nick Carbuto - Unlocking the Secrets of Manifestation & Tuning into Intuition
    Jun 20 2024

    In this episode, we dive into the world of manifestation and energy work with special guest Nick Carbuto, an Intuitive Medium.

    Nick and Lorraine discuss the mechanics of manifesting, offering four practical tools to help you attract your dreams. Learn about the importance of energy, frequency, and vibration, and discover how to use your thoughts as powerful tools for creating the reality you desire.

    They also explore how to connect with your intuition for making significant life decisions, the role of spirit guides, and the impact of energy centers (chakras) on your well-being. Whether you're dealing with depression or seeking to raise your vibration, this episode provides valuable insights and actionable tips.

    Nick's AFFIRMATION mentioned in the podcast here:

    Affirmation... I am now ready to empower, to the next level, the template of my life path. From this moment forth, I consecrate my life force to a life of oneness, Divine Love, God’s Infinite Abundance, vibrant health, eternal youth and everything else that supports my Highest Good and helps me in fulfilling my Divine purpose and reason for being.

    For more information and to stay connected, visit chooseahappyday.com and sign up for Lorraine's email list.

    Más Menos
    36 m
  • Chakra Healer Kimberly Cardona -How to Overcome Trauma, Heal Your Past and Eliminate Health Diagnoses Holistically
    Jun 7 2024
    How to heal your past, overcome trauma and eliminate health diagnoses holistically with Reiki Master, Chakra Healer, Wellness Coach - Kimberly Cardona. Kimberly discusses how at one point she was on 14 different prescription medications after years of stored trauma in her body from an incident when she was 13 caused "dis-ease". She gives her feedback on how to heal holistically and encourage happiness within. Kimberly is teaching a class in Albany, NY on June 29th. More info here: https://healfeelandrestore.me/ *** Trigger warning: discussion of rape. *** Also, side note - I am aware there is a slight echo. New equipment learning curve lesson. Thank you for your grace and understanding. The information was too good to not post.
    Más Menos
    36 m
  • 2 Ways You Can Get Started with Manifestation - Solo Episode Lorraine Toth
    May 31 2024

    In this follow-up to my interview with Deborah Hanlon, I reflect on my personal transformation journey that started ten years ago when I met Deborah after a difficult divorce. I share how meeting Deborah and engaging in meditation and Reiki training profoundly impacted my life.

    I want to share with you two of my favorite books to get you started. And my go-to tricks from each that help me to manifest the things that I want in this life.

    Curious? Let’s get started

    [01:20] How I met Deborah Hanlon and her impact on my energy journey

    [05:51] My first book recommendation if you are going through a hard time and want to learn to harness the Law of Attraction

    [06:56] My second book recommendation if you want to understand energy and my "Would it be nice" tip

    [10:32] Creating a creation box for manifestation

    [12:26] What would you like to learn more about?

    Más Menos
    14 m