• Only 2 Ways To Reach More High-Value Patients
    Feb 3 2022


    Dear clinic owner/manager,

    Thank you for reading this. I know our time is valuable and I will do my very best to earn your trust by getting straight to the point.

    So, the purpose of this blog post is to share with you in less than 5 minutes with 5 simple images, exactly what you can be doing right now as a clinic to reach more new and high-value patients.

    Think of it as getting an "MBA in Clinic Marketing" and explain it in such a way that even a 12-year-old, a non-English speaker can understand it.


    Before we get started, (and because I really want you to take this information seriously) please allow me a moment to briefly introduce myself.

    I am the co-founder of a relatively successful dental clinic, (5 doctors / 5 million euros per year) with learnings from 13 years of consulting for more than 126 clinics both small & large across 26 countries to increase their revenue, reputation & results collectively by over 31% - yes, even during the COVID pandemic & lockdowns.

    During those years, I too have been confused & misguided in the past about how best to reach new patients, thinking that there are so many different ways to choose from.

    I was wrong.

    I want to save you from the same mistakes.

    So here it is:

    No matter what "marketing agencies" and "business growth consultants" want you to believe...

    There are only 2 ways to get your clinic more new or high-value patients...

    Only 2 Ways

    Yes, just 2. And that would be to:

    1. Do Marketing (nothing new here, apart from the fact that there are just 6 sources of new patient inquiries for you to focus on, so easy to do, and just 1.5 of those strategies cost real money, (1.5. is not a typo, I'll cover that later)


    2. Optimize The New Patient Journey (most clinics overlook this, but it is even easier to get more patients this way - and there are only 5 things to look at which I'll cover later)

    Ideally, you're doing both.

    But, unless you've just opened your doors to your very first patient just a few weeks ago, or no matter if you have just:



    or 1000 patients per week in your clinic,

    I'd start with...

    Read more here:

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    5 mins
  • The ultimate self-managing clinic system - Quarterly review
    Jan 20 2022

    Do you remember the last "great idea" that you tried to implement in your clinic?

    How did it turn out? Take a moment to think right now about the last "big improvement" that you thought about but never managed to implement.

    What happened there? 

    Well, if you're like most clinic owners, this "great idea" slowly suffocated. In-between patients, team motivation issues, technical, legal or other competing priorities in your medical practice and life outside of the clinic, your "great idea" then quietly took a bow and disappeared without anyone noticing, not even you.

    If you've done the thought exercise that I mentioned above, you've probably remembered once again that "great idea" you wanted to implement a few months ago. Now you may have decided that it wasn't the right time anyway and that you'll do it sometime soon.

    Perhaps this isn't your case; every "great idea" you have is put into place and gets tested and worked in the clinic immediately. However, in our day to day dealing with clinics owners and their teams all over the world - failure to implement good ideas and grow isn't as unusual as you might think.

    We have found that the best practice of the "quarterly review" changes this problem forever for the clinics that we work with.

    Instead of the "daily whirlwind" of dealing with patients, team & admin issues devouring all the time and energy your team desperately needs to focus on growing your clinic, the quarterly or annual review (when supported by the other 3 accountability cadences that we suggest implementing through the clinic boost method) makes sure that your "great ideas" get implemented fast.

    In this podcast, we'll discuss why the most successful clinics have a morning/afternoon off for getting their whole team together every 3 months away from the clinic to reflect on the 3 months past and set goals for the next 3 months to come.

    We'll also share with your the exact quarterly review & quarterly agenda taken from clinics of excellence so that you can implement the same in your medical or dental practice.

    Ready? Let's dive in.

    Why have a quarterly review in your clinic?

    Without the quarterly review, you'll continue to stay in chaos with:

    • Repeated Mistakes
    • Undiscovered team growth
    • Stalled growth of your clinic

    "We're already too busy!" I hear you say, so why have a meeting that takes half a day!? Yes - why do most successful clinics have a scheduled practice of taking a morning/afternoon off for a meeting with the whole team every 12 weeks and at the and / beginning of the year?

    Well, just like you do with your patients, this is a necessary time for a check-up of each system and person in your clinic to see if you are moving towards your ideal state.

    It's also a time to set new targets & implement new best practices.

    Here's a summary of how we suggest you should do it, based on the best practices of the clinics that we have worked with.

    The CBM Quarterly review

    Who: everybody

    Where: Away from the clinic

    Duration: 2-3 hours

    When: every 3 months

    Preparation: Scoreboard, Printed 4 Questions of Accountability, Printed 4 Quarterly Questions

    The CBM Quarterly agenda

    Part 1

    1. What worked?
    2. What didn't?
    3. What learned?
    4. What different?

    Part 2

    • Setting your WIG (wildly important goal) for the next quarter
    • Choosing best practices/systems to help you achieve that goal
    • Setting up the Scoreboard
    • Creating a Cadence of Accountability
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    12 mins
  • You do not rise to the level of your goals. You fall to the level of your systems.
    Oct 8 2021

    (That's a quote by James Clear from a great book Atomic Habits.)

    When I talk to clinics they usually belong to one of these 3 groups:

    1. Freestyle
    They have vague goals. Just doing day to day work, hoping things will get better in the future.

    2. Goal oriented
    This is much better, these types of clinics do have exact goals based on facts, but they are struggling to achieve them.

    3. Systems oriented
    This is the way. These are the clinics that not only have goals but also put systems in place that are executed every day to bring them closer to their target and track their progress.

    By having systems that are followed, your clinic goals are not wishful thinking anymore but a reality that just needs to catch up with the present.

    What systems do you have in place to support your goals as a clinic?

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    9 mins
  • Forget CRM
    Aug 19 2021

    When you are tracking your patient journey numbers (such as messages, calls, consults...etc) don't rely on the automatic log of activities in your CRM.

    Make your admin team log it manually as well. It helps them to:
    - be accountable
    - perform better
    - know how they are standing in real time instead of end of the day

    Try it and see your new patient numbers rise.

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    7 mins
  • 5 ways of attracting top talent to your clinic
    Jun 25 2021

    Here we explain how we look at hiring and how it closely mirrors the patient journey.

    1. Messages - receiving lot's of CV's into your inbox
    2. Calls - discovering if they are potential fit for your clinic
    3. Consults = Interviews - here's where you'll make an offer
    4. Treat = Job - here's where they start working for you and you start monitoring their performance
    5. Recommend - having your new hire recommend your clinic to their friends and ex-colleagues
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    8 mins
  • How does a patient experience your clinic?
    Jun 23 2021

    A good thought excersise is to simply a pick a patient who visited your clinic today and think about how they experienced your patient journey.

    Does it match how you want it to be for the majority of your patients?

    Let's say potential patient decided to write you a message.
    - Have you engaged them in conversation or just send them big templated response?
    - How quickly have you responded?

    Then you call with them.
    - Are you listening or talking too much? (80% of talking should be done by potential patient)
    - Have you identified their true pains and needs?

    They book a consultation.
    - Are they greeted when they enter your premises?
    - Coffee/tea served?

    They go for treatment.
    - Everything explained before? (fear of unknown)
    - How long did they wait?

    Post-op consultation
    - After-care package?
    - Did they give you review/testimonial?

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    10 mins
  • Why are clinic owners/managers so reactive?
    Jun 18 2021

    Here's a brief summary:

    Importance of being proactive vs reactive, by taking 5m a day to look at:

    • the way your calendar is and the way you want it to become
    • the way your numbers are and the way you want them to become

    Reactive clinic owner/manager will never find the time to make changes to grow.

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    13 mins
  • Clinic marketing is like a game. How do you win?
    Jun 17 2021

    If you don't roll the dice at all (i.e. do marketing) you will loose.

    There are 6 results you can get, when you roll (i.e. do marketing).

    You might think that the goal is to only roll the highest possible result.

    But the ones who win are the ones who roll the most.

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    6 mins