• #618: Business Planning, Lead Generation, Market Analysis, and Personal Development
    Jun 28 2024

    #618: Business Planning, Lead Generation, Market Analysis, and Personal Development

    In this episode, John Kitchens shares valuable insights from a conference, focusing on how real estate agents can improve their business planning, seller lead generation, market analysis, personal development, marketing, leadership, setting goals, and accountability. This episode is easy to understand and packed with practical advice, making it perfect for anyone looking to succeed in the real estate industry.

    The episode begins with John sharing key takeaways from the event and the conference he attended. He emphasizes the importance of business planning for the second half of the year and identifying the right people (the "who") to help achieve your goals. Knowing who can help you is just as important as knowing what to do. Next, the discussion moves to seller lead generation strategies. John talks about various methods to generate seller leads, highlighting hybrid farming and neighborhood prospecting as effective strategies. He explains that controlling listings is crucial because it allows you to control the market.

    Market analysis and personal development are also important topics covered in this episode. John provides steps to identify and create your own market, stressing the importance of self-awareness and personal development. He explains that changing your habits is necessary to achieve different and better results.

    Marketing and leadership are key components of success in real estate. John discusses how to future-proof your marketing strategies by using AI and the importance of maintaining brand consistency and reputation. He also focuses on the need to become a world-class leader and marketer to stand out in the competitive real estate market.

    Setting goals and accountability are essential for continued growth and success. John talks about conducting a half-year audit to assess your performance and make necessary adjustments to your goals and strategies for the second half of the year. He emphasizes the importance of your environment and the people you surround yourself with in achieving your goals.

    Several action items are outlined to help listeners apply these strategies. John suggests reviewing and analyzing the key takeaways from the event and the conference. He encourages team leads to implement seller lead generation strategies focusing on hybrid farming and other discussed methods. All team members are advised to conduct a half-year audit to assess their current performance and adjust goals if needed. The marketing team is tasked with enhancing marketing efforts by leveraging AI and improving brand consistency.

    In summary, this episode provides a wealth of practical tips and strategies for real estate agents to improve their business planning, generate seller leads, analyze the market, develop personally, and become better marketers and leaders. John Kitchens offers valuable insights that are easy to understand and apply, making this episode a must-listen for anyone looking to succeed in the real estate industry.

    Tune in to learn how to implement effective seller lead generation strategies, conduct a market analysis, enhance your marketing efforts, and set and achieve your goals. This episode is packed with helpful advice to help you grow your real estate business and achieve success. Don't miss out on these valuable insights!


    We have created a brand new training, "7Figure Blueprint" that shows how to grow to 7 figures without the chaos and overwork.

    In this training, you'll uncover the three biggest myths limiting your growth, learn sustainable strategies for long-term success, and be introduced to a proven system that fast-tracks your transition from agent to CEO.

    Feel free to dive in: https://7FigureBP.com/

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    46 mins
  • #617: Master Real Estate Marketing, Value Delivery, and Relationship Building
    Jun 27 2024

    #617: Master Real Estate Marketing, Value Delivery, and Relationship Building

    In this insightful episode, the focus is on the critical elements of marketing, delivering value, and building strong relationships in the real estate industry. John Kitchens discusses how real estate agents can excel by providing value at every stage of a transaction, forming strategic partnerships, and leveraging affiliate relationships to generate leads. This episode offers practical advice and strategies perfect for anyone looking to enhance their real estate skills and grow their business.

    The episode begins with a discussion on the importance of marketing in real estate. John emphasizes that the best marketer, not necessarily the best agent, wins in this competitive industry. Providing value to clients even before engaging with them is crucial. By thinking strategically about marketing efforts, agents can attract more clients and set themselves apart from the competition.

    Next, the conversation moves to the importance of providing value during the transaction process. John highlights the need for specialization and utilizing team resources to create a positive experience for clients. Ensuring that clients have a great experience during the transaction can turn them into advocates and promoters of your business, leading to more referrals and repeat business.

    Providing value doesn't stop once the transaction is complete. John discusses the importance of offering post-transaction services to stay top of mind with clients. Examples include offering home warranties, providing a moving van, or other services that continue to benefit clients after the sale. Building long-term relationships with clients is key to sustained success in real estate.

    Forming strategic partnerships and leveraging affiliate relationships are also essential for generating leads and adding value. John explains how identifying business entities involved in real estate, such as appraisers and other vendors, can lead to strategic alliances. These partnerships can add significant value to your services and help generate more leads through affiliate relationships.

    Recommended reading for this episode includes Alex Hormozi's book "100 Million Dollar Leads." John suggests this book as a valuable resource for understanding effective lead generation strategies. Using clients and affiliates as lead sources is emphasized, along with showing empathy towards affiliates' financial situations to build stronger, mutually beneficial relationships.

    To implement the strategies discussed, several action items are outlined for real estate agents. These include developing comprehensive marketing strategies to attract clients, clarifying and enhancing the value provided during transactions, creating services and touchpoints to provide value after transactions, establishing partnerships with key business entities, and leveraging affiliate relationships for lead generation.

    In summary, this episode provides a wealth of practical tips and strategies for real estate agents to improve their marketing efforts, deliver exceptional value, and build strong relationships. John Kitchens offers valuable insights that are easy to understand and apply, making this episode a must-listen for anyone looking to succeed in the real estate industry.

    Tune in to learn how to master marketing, enhance your value proposition, and build lasting relationships that drive business growth. Don't miss out on these essential strategies to take your real estate career to the next level!


    We have created a brand new training, "7Figure Blueprint" that shows how to grow to 7 figures without the chaos and overwork.

    In this training, you'll uncover the three biggest myths limiting your growth, learn sustainable strategies for long-term success, and be introduced to a proven system that fast-tracks your transition from agent to CEO.

    Feel free to dive in: https://7FigureBP.com/

    Let’s make it happen!

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    14 mins
  • #616: Articulate Value, Plan Ahead, and Meet Client Needs for Real Estate Success
    Jun 26 2024

    #616: Articulate Value, Plan Ahead, and Meet Client Needs for Real Estate Success

    In this engaging episode, John Kitchens discusses key strategies to help real estate agents articulate their value to clients, plan for the upcoming year, and understand client needs. The focus is on using proven techniques to grow your business and achieve your goals. This episode is perfect for anyone looking to improve their real estate skills and ensure a successful future.

    The episode begins with an introduction to the purpose of the growth call. John explains the concept of the "value advantage" in real estate, emphasizing the importance of showcasing what sets you apart from the competition. He discusses how each monthly focus is built on foundational elements and reverse engineering goals to plan a clear path to success.

    Next, the discussion moves to the fast track system and the importance of daily activities. John highlights the need to gamify monthly, weekly, and daily tasks to stay motivated and achieve desired outcomes. By making tasks fun and competitive, agents can stay on track and reach their goals more effectively.

    A key part of the episode is the importance of articulating value to clients. John explains that agents need resources, tools, and a clear path to help clients achieve their desired outcomes. He introduces his framework of working with clients before, during, and after the transaction to ensure they understand the value provided at every stage.

    Planning for 2024 is another crucial topic. John encourages agents to start planning for the next year while also finishing the current year strong. He invites listeners to schedule a call for personalized guidance on goal setting and planning, ensuring they are well-prepared for the future.

    The value advantage document from the real estate cheat code is introduced as a valuable resource for agents. John explains that this document is available in the Facebook group and on Johnhart.com. He emphasizes that articulating value clearly can help avoid price questioning from clients, making it easier to secure business.

    Understanding client needs is essential for success in real estate. John discusses the importance of knowing the current reality and desires of buyers and sellers. He explains that creating a gap between the current situation and the desired outcome can highlight the value an agent provides. Testimonials and reviews are vital in proving this value to potential clients.

    Mindset and belief in one's value are also highlighted. John stresses the importance of having a strong belief in the value you offer and being able to articulate it clearly to clients. Showcasing value through actions and partnerships can help build trust and credibility.

    Market knowledge is another critical component. John encourages agents to become students of the market, especially new or younger agents. Providing valuable market reports and sharing them with the community can build credibility and authority. This information can be particularly useful when shared with influencers and decision-makers in the community.

    Several action items are suggested to help agents implement these strategies. Agents are encouraged to share the value advantage document in the Facebook group and ensure it is available in the files section. Additionally, providing market reports and sharing them with the community, especially with influencers and decision-makers, can help build a strong reputation.

    In summary, this episode provides practical advice on how to articulate value, plan for the future, and understand client needs. John Kitchens offers valuable insights and actionable steps to help real estate agents grow their business and achieve success. Don't miss out on these essential tips to improve your real estate skills and ensure a prosperous future.


    We have created a brand new training, "7Figure Blueprint" that shows how to grow to 7 figures without the chaos and overwork.

    In this training, you'll uncover the three biggest myths limiting your growth, learn sustainable strategies for long-term success, and be introduced to a proven system that fast-tracks your transition from agent to CEO.

    Feel free to dive in: https://7FigureBP.com/

    Let’s make it happen!

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    13 mins
  • #615: Master Mindset, Consistency, and Proven Strategies with Alex Piech - Agent To CEO Live
    Jun 25 2024

    #615: Master Mindset, Consistency, and Proven Strategies with Alex Piech - Agent To CEO Live

    In this episode, John Kitchens discusses key topics that can help real estate agents succeed. The focus is on the importance of having the right mindset, being consistent in your daily practices, and using proven strategies to grow your business. This episode is easy to understand and perfect for anyone wanting to improve their real estate skills.

    The episode starts with a discussion about mindset and consistency. John explains how having a positive mindset and saying affirmations out loud can make a big difference. Consistency in daily practices is important for both real estate and fitness, as both require patience and regular effort to see results.

    Next, the talk moves to real estate strategies. John emphasizes sticking to strategies that have been proven to work, like prospecting and marketing. He advises against constantly chasing new ideas and instead suggests doubling down on what already works. For example, sending out direct mail consistently can be very effective.

    Current market trends are also discussed. John notes that different markets have different levels of competition. In highly competitive markets, unique strategies like YouTube marketing can help you stand out. Geographical farming and being active in your community are great long-term strategies for building your presence and attracting clients.

    Lead generation and conversion are key to a successful real estate business. John highlights the value of expired listings, which can be a great source of business. He stresses the importance of consistently making calls and following up with potential leads. Tools like Google pay-per-click and YouTube can also be very effective for generating leads.

    Daily activities and metrics are another important topic. John talks about the need to track daily market data and trends. He suggests focusing on the number of conversations and appointments you have, as these are key metrics that can indicate your success. Being able to adapt to market changes is crucial for long-term success.

    Marketing and community engagement are vital for growing your business. John recommends using targeted marketing campaigns, especially for sellers who are likely to move. Engaging with your community by sponsoring events and being active on social media can also boost your visibility and help you connect with potential clients.

    To put these strategies into action, several key steps are suggested. First, recommit to sending out postcards and sponsoring community events to strengthen your presence in your geographical farm. Second, focus on expired listings by making phone calls and improving your drip campaigns. Third, use data to target likely-to-move sellers with your marketing efforts.

    In summary, this episode provides practical advice on how to improve your real estate business by focusing on mindset, consistency, and proven strategies. From lead generation to community engagement, John Kitchens offers tips that are easy to understand and apply. Don’t miss out on these valuable insights to help you succeed in the real estate market.

    Tune in to learn how to maintain a positive mindset, be consistent in your efforts, and use effective strategies to grow your real estate business. This episode is packed with helpful tips that can make a real difference in your career.


    We have created a brand new training, "7Figure Blueprint" that shows how to grow to 7 figures without the chaos and overwork.

    In this training, you'll uncover the three biggest myths limiting your growth, learn sustainable strategies for long-term success, and be introduced to a proven system that fast-tracks your transition from agent to CEO.

    Feel free to dive in: https://7FigureBP.com/

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    49 mins
  • #614: Agent Attraction with Tony King - Expert Mentors Live
    Jun 24 2024

    #614: Agent Attraction with Tony King - Expert Mentors Live

    In this engaging episode, John Kitchens hosts Tony King, who shares his inspiring journey from a military career to becoming a successful real estate agent. The discussion focuses on Tony's achievements with investment properties, the importance of agent attraction for business growth, and effective strategies for agent onboarding and follow-up. This episode is full of practical advice and inspiring stories, making it perfect for real estate agents looking to grow their business.

    The episode begins with an introduction to Tony King by John Kitchens. They discuss the impressive office of Cindy Featherstone Shields before diving into Tony's background. Tony shares his journey from serving in the military to entering the real estate world. His transition was inspired by reading the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad," which motivated him to explore investment properties and eventually become a top agent.

    Tony's real estate journey is both fascinating and educational. After leaving the military, he found quick success with investment properties, which set the stage for his real estate career. Tony talks about his experiences with well-known real estate companies like RE/MAX and Redfin, and how these roles led him to his current position at EXP Realty.

    The discussion then shifts to the importance of agent attraction for business growth. Tony and John explain the concept of the transaction treadmill, highlighting the need for real estate agents to have multiple income streams. They introduce the ESBI model (Employee, Self-Employed, Business Owner, and Investor), explaining its relevance to real estate agents who want to grow their business beyond just transactions.

    Tony shares several effective strategies for attracting new agents. They discuss the differences between direct and indirect methods of agent attraction, emphasizing the importance of building relationships and showing genuine interest in others. Tony provides useful scripts and prompts that agents can use to start conversations about joining EXP Realty.

    Onboarding and follow-up are crucial steps in integrating new agents into the team. Tony outlines the steps for successful onboarding, recommending daily contact with new agents for the first two weeks to ensure a smooth transition. He also highlights the importance of making a list of known agents and prioritizing high performers for recruitment.

    Several action items are suggested to help agents implement these strategies. John Kitchens will share Tony King's story and background with the Honey Badger Nation to inspire and educate other agents. Additionally, John will connect agents with Tony King to discuss growth and attraction strategies in more detail.

    In summary, this episode provides a wealth of practical tips and strategies for real estate agents looking to attract and onboard new agents effectively. Tony King's journey from the military to real estate is both inspiring and instructional, offering valuable insights into achieving success in the industry. By focusing on building relationships, using effective scripts, and maintaining consistent follow-up, agents can significantly grow their business.

    Tune in to hear Tony King's remarkable story and learn how to attract and integrate new agents into your team. Don't miss out on these valuable insights and actionable advice that can help you succeed in the competitive world of real estate!


    We have created a brand new training, "7Figure Blueprint" that shows how to grow to 7 figures without the chaos and overwork.

    In this training, you'll uncover the three biggest myths limiting your growth, learn sustainable strategies for long-term success, and be introduced to a proven system that fast-tracks your transition from agent to CEO.

    Feel free to dive in: https://7FigureBP.com/

    Let’s make it happen!

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    50 mins
  • #613: Unlocking Buyer Value: Consultative Strategies and Programs for Real Estate Success
    Jun 21 2024

    #613: Unlocking Buyer Value: Consultative Strategies and Programs for Real Estate Success

    In this episode, we dive into key strategies to help real estate agents understand and deliver value to their buyers. The focus is on developing a consultative approach, identifying what buyers really want, and creating programs to enhance the buyer experience. Let's explore how these strategies can help you succeed in the real estate market.

    First, we discuss the importance of having a consultative strategy. This means that agents should act as guides for their clients, helping them navigate the home-buying process. Agents need to understand their clients' needs and have the right team and support to provide the best service. By doing this, agents can better explain their value to buyers and help them make informed decisions.

    Next, we talk about identifying the results that buyers want. The main goals for buyers are finding the right home, getting the best terms, and securing the best price. Agents should focus on negotiating hard for their clients to get the best deals possible. This shows the buyers that the agent is truly working for their best interests.

    We then move on to the minimum required activities that agents need to do to achieve these desired results. This involves having strategy sessions with clients, asking the right questions, and tailoring products to meet the buyers' needs and timelines. By focusing on these key activities, agents can ensure they are providing the best possible service.

    Creating a Buyer Advantage Program is another important topic. This program should address common objections and questions that buyers have. It should also include bonuses and additional services to make the offer more attractive. Marketing this program effectively and clearly explaining its value to clients is crucial.

    Improving the buyer experience is also highlighted. The discussion points out that consumers care more about their experience than the commission costs. Providing an exceptional experience can turn clients into raving fans. Examples of great customer service are shared to illustrate how going above and beyond can lead to positive outcomes.

    We also talk about the importance of discussing future homeownership costs with clients. It’s essential to have honest conversations about potential issues with the property and make sure clients are aware of and prepared for future expenses. This helps build trust and ensures clients are making informed decisions.

    Several action items are suggested for agents to help them apply these strategies. These include developing a consultative strategy, identifying the minimum activities needed to achieve buyer results, creating a Buyer Advantage Program, improving the buyer experience, and making sure agents are knowledgeable about future homeownership costs.

    In summary, this episode provides practical tips and strategies for real estate agents to enhance their service and deliver more value to their clients. By understanding buyer needs, negotiating the best deals, and improving the overall experience, agents can build stronger relationships and achieve greater success. Don't miss out on these valuable insights to help you thrive in the real estate market.

    Tune in to learn how to create a consultative strategy, identify what buyers want, and provide exceptional service that sets you apart from the competition. This episode is packed with useful advice that is easy to understand and apply.

    Feel free to dive in: https://7FigureBP.com/

    Let’s make it happen!

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    14 mins
  • #611: Boost Your Mental Health and Leadership Skills for Real Estate Success - Honey Badger Nation
    Jun 19 2024

    #611: Boost Your Mental Health and Leadership Skills for Real Estate Success - Honey Badger Nation

    In this exciting episode, the hosts cover many important topics to help real estate agents succeed. The episode starts with a Q&A session that encourages listeners to engage and ask questions, focusing on the importance of reassessing goals halfway through the year.

    The hosts share valuable insights from Ryan Holiday's book, which highlights virtues like courage, discipline, and justice. They talk about how doing the right thing and staying disciplined can help in both personal and professional life.

    Next, the discussion moves to mindset and self-talk. The hosts explain how talking positively to yourself can help you achieve your success goals. They use examples from sports and their own experiences to show how staying positive and overcoming self-doubt is crucial.

    Mental health is another important topic. The hosts talk about how being aware of your mental health can help you in your job. They share techniques for focusing your thoughts and getting rid of negative ideas. This part is all about staying positive and believing in yourself.

    Leadership and responsibility in real estate transactions are also discussed. The hosts emphasize the importance of being a good leader and understanding your clients' needs. They explain how building a good relationship with clients and other people involved in transactions can make a big difference in success.

    The episode also introduces new tools and updates from EXP Realty. The hosts talk about the new buyer broker forms and encourage agents to get familiar with them. They also introduce the One Big Fire app and discuss its features, which can help agents manage their work better.

    Lead generation and training are crucial for success in real estate. The hosts introduce the Funnel Pilot tool, which helps agents generate leads. They encourage listeners to watch the on-demand replay of Funnel Pilot to learn effective lead generation techniques.

    Upcoming events are another highlight of this episode. The hosts announce events like Agent to CEO and Rock and Rescue. They share details about these events and encourage agents to participate and stay updated with the latest industry trends.

    Several action items are outlined for all agents to help them apply the strategies discussed in the episode. Agents are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the new buyer broker forms, onboard the One Big Fire app, and watch the Funnel Pilot replay for better lead generation.

    In summary, this episode is packed with useful tips and strategies to help real estate agents grow their business and achieve success while staying motivated. From mindset and self-talk to lead generation and new tools, the hosts provide practical advice that is easy to understand and apply. Don't miss out on these valuable insights!

    Tune in to learn how to improve your real estate business, stay positive, and use new tools effectively. This episode is perfect for anyone looking to succeed in real estate and make the most of the opportunities available.


    We have created a brand new training, "7Figure Blueprint" that shows how to grow to 7 figures without the chaos and overwork.

    In this training, you'll uncover the three biggest myths limiting your growth, learn sustainable strategies for long-term success, and be introduced to a proven system that fast-tracks your transition from agent to CEO.

    Feel free to dive in: https://7FigureBP.com/

    Let’s make it happen!

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    35 mins
  • #610: Stories for Real Estate Success: Make It Big with Spencer Yankowski - Agent To CEO
    Jun 18 2024

    #610: Stories for Real Estate Success: Make It Big with Spencer Yankowski - Agent To CEO

    In this exciting episode, Spencer Kaleb Yankowski shares his amazing journey from being a snowboarder to becoming a successful real estate agent. This episode is packed with success stories and tips that are easy to understand, making it perfect for anyone curious about how to make it big in real estate.

    The episode begins with Spencer introducing himself and talking about his background. He shares how he started in the world of snowboarding before making a big switch to real estate. Spencer's quick success in real estate is highlighted, showing how his unique experiences helped shape his career.

    One of the most interesting parts of Spencer's story is his first real estate experience in Whistler. He talks about the challenges he faced finding a place to stay and how he cleverly overcame them by renting a whole house and then subletting rooms. This creative strategy helped him navigate the tough housing market in Whistler and set the stage for his future success.

    Spencer also discusses his transition from working in construction to starting his own renovation business. He explains how this experience was a stepping stone to his real estate career. The importance of timing and his motivation for entering the real estate industry are key points in this segment, showing how he seized opportunities when they arose.

    Next, Spencer shares his journey of getting licensed to sell real estate in Canada. He talks about his experiences with the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA) and Humber College. Spencer emphasizes the importance of education and continuous learning in the real estate industry, encouraging others to keep improving their skills and knowledge.

    The discussion then shifts to the importance of marketing and social media in real estate. Spencer admits he was initially hesitant to use social media but has since realized its power in reaching the right audience. He talks about the significance of being authentic and how targeting the right people can make a big difference in your success.

    Throughout the episode, several action items are highlighted to help listeners apply Spencer's strategies to their own careers. Spencer plans to hire an Inside Sales Agent (ISA) and an operations manager to help scale his business. He also plans to attend the Kitchen Table event to network with other industry leaders and gain more insights.

    In summary, this episode is a treasure trove of valuable insights and practical advice. Spencer's journey from snowboarding to real estate is inspiring, showing that with creativity, education, and the right strategies, anyone can achieve success in the real estate industry. His tips on marketing and social media are especially useful for those looking to enhance their reach and connect with their audience authentically.

    Tune in to for an inspiring and educational experience. Learn how to overcome challenges, use innovative strategies, and grow your real estate business successfully. Don't miss out on Spencer's expert advice and actionable tips that can help you on your journey to becoming a successful real estate agent!


    We have created a brand new training, "7Figure Blueprint" that shows how to grow to 7 figures without the chaos and overwork.

    In this training, you'll uncover the three biggest myths limiting your growth, learn sustainable strategies for long-term success, and be introduced to a proven system that fast-tracks your transition from agent to CEO.

    Feel free to dive in: https://7FigureBP.com/

    Let’s make it happen!

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    48 mins