• 069. How to Energetically Prepare Your Home for Guests by Connecting with Higher Self
    Jul 8 2024

    In today's episode, we delve into the energetic dynamics of your home, exploring how to create a harmonious space for all who enter. Whether you're hosting guests, undergoing a home inspection, or preparing to sell your property, the energetic imprint of your space matters. We'll discuss techniques to connect with the higher selves and nature spirits of your home, ensuring a supportive and balanced environment for everyone.

    This is a segment from Aleya's coaching sessions.
    To join her live online coaching sessions click on the link below...

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    Main Topics Discussed:

    1.) Connecting with the Higher Self and Nature Spirits
    2.) Setting Up Energetic Grids and Dimensions
    3.) Co-Creating with the Devas of the Home and Land
    4.) Establishing Sacred Geometric Shapes for Balance

    Detailed Breakdown:

    1.) Connecting with the Higher Self and Nature Spirits:
    - When others enter your home, it's essential to establish a connection with your higher self and the nature spirits of the space.
    - Invite your higher self, body's higher self, and spiritual guides to reference the energetic dimension of your home.
    - Visualize yourself on the perimeter, observing the space from a higher perspective, akin to using Google Maps.
    - Engage with the devas of the home and land, inviting them to set up supportive energetic grids.

    2.) Setting Up Energetic Grids and Dimensions:
    - Consult with the devas of the home and land to determine appropriate dimensions for visitors.
    - Each individual may have their own energetic floor or dimension to ensure a harmonious experience.
    - Nature spirits may accompany guests, offering support and guidance while maintaining the sanctity of the space.
    - Establish clear guidelines ("House Rules") set by the devas for visitors to follow during their stay.

    3.) Co-Creating with the Devas of the Home and Land:
    - Foster a collaborative relationship with the devas and nature spirits by acknowledging and honoring their presence.
    - Create altars or gardens dedicated to the devas, offering tokens of appreciation such as flowers.
    - Actively participate in amplifying the supportive qualities of the devas within the physical dimension of your home.
    - Explore methods of co-creation and collaboration with the devas for a healthy and connected relationship.

    4.) Establishing Sacred Geometric Shapes for Balance:
    - Request a sacred geometric shape to be placed over your home and space to honor and balance your energy, as well as that of the devas and nature spirits.

    🎤About Aleya:
    Aleya is a sound healer, energetic practitioner, a Licensed Acupuncturist in Colorado, a Minister in the State of California, and a Doctor of Oriental Medicine in New Mexico. She has been an alternative healer for over 30 years.
    Aleya graduated from Lewis and Clark University in Portland, Oregon, and earned her Master's Degree in Oriental Medicine from The Southwest Acupuncture School in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She practiced in Telluride, Colorado for 7 years before moving to Santa Barbara, California where she started delivering the Cups of Consciousness meditations worldwide in 2009, she has recorded nine sound healing albums and now lives just South of Yosemite in the Sierra Nevada foothills serving an international clientele as a spiritual guide, teacher, and sound healer.

    #higherconsciousness #spiritualmeditations #energywork #awaken #meditation #energetic #consciousness #wisdom #mastery

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    10 mins
  • 068. Release Old Boundaries and Create New Ones
    Jul 1 2024

    In today's epsiode let's delve into an energetic protocol designed to assist you in releasing old boundaries and crafting new ones that are in alignment with your current level of consciousness. We'll explore how outdated boundaries may be impacting your energy fields and learn how to weave a new vibrational fabric that supports, protects, and empowers you on your journey.

    This is a segment from Aleya's coaching sessions.
    To join her live online coaching sessions click on the link below...

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    Main Topics:

    1.) Understanding Energetic Boundaries
    2.) Releasing Old Boundary Mechanisms
    3.) Crafting New Vibrational Boundaries

    Detailed Breakdown:

    1.) Understanding Energetic Boundaries:
    - Introduction to the concept of energetic boundaries and their significance in personal growth and spiritual development.
    - Explanation of how outdated boundaries may no longer serve our highest good and can lead to fatigue, blocks, and limitations.
    - Highlighting the importance of aligning our boundaries with our essence and current level of consciousness.

    2.) Releasing Old Boundary Mechanisms:
    - Guided process to release old boundary mechanisms that no longer serve us.
    - Techniques for identifying and letting go of boundaries inherited from ancestors, parents, spiritual teachers, or past incarnations.
    - Emphasis on using vibrational frequencies and intention to release these outdated boundaries effectively.

    3.) Crafting New Vibrational Boundaries:
    - Inviting listeners to connect with their higher selves and energetic fields to reference their authentic vibrational fabric for crafting new boundaries.
    - Guided visualization to weave a new boundary mechanism that supports and empowers the individual.
    - Encouragement to release emotions and energies associated with old boundaries and embrace the freedom and expansion of the new boundaries.

    🎤About Aleya:
    Aleya is a sound healer, energetic practitioner, a Licensed Acupuncturist in Colorado, a Minister in the State of California, and a Doctor of Oriental Medicine in New Mexico. She has been an alternative healer for over 30 years.

    #higherconsciousness #spiritualmeditations #energywork #awaken #meditation #energetic #consciousness #wisdom #mastery

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    11 mins
  • 067. Exploring Scalar Light and Its Healing Potential with Tom Paladino
    Jun 24 2024

    In this enlightening episode of the Cups of Consciousness podcast, we welcome Tom Paladino, a scalar light researcher and humanitarian with over 50 years of experience in scalar light research and development. Tom shares his journey from studying the works of Nikola Tesla as a teenager to developing scalar light instruments that have the potential to heal and shift consciousness. This episode dives deep into the origins, mechanisms, and benefits of scalar energy and how it can be harnessed for healing.

    Detailed Breakdown:

    1. Introduction to Scalar Light Research:

    • Tom Paladino's background and introduction to Nikola Tesla's work.
    • How Tom's curiosity led to a lifetime of research and development in scalar light.

    2. Understanding Scalar Energy:

    • Scalar energy as the fundamental energy of the universe, originating from stars.
    • The omnipresent and perpetual nature of scalar energy.

    3. Mechanisms of Scalar Light:

    • The concept of scalar waves and their connection to human thought.
    • How scalar light instruments work and their application in healing.

    4. Practical Applications:

    • Use of photographs to administer scalar light and its benefits.
    • The non-biological, informational level of healing and its safety.

    5. Humanitarian Work:

    • Tom's projects in Africa and India, focusing on HIV/AIDS clinics.
    • The impact of scalar light on disease signatures and health outcomes.

    6. The Science of Positive Thinking:

    • The role of positive thoughts in creating harmonic fields.
    • How scalar energy supports the notion of positive thinking and its powerful effects.

    Resources and Tools Mentioned:

    • Tom Paladino's Scalar Light Website
    • 15 Day free Trial

    Check out the free trial of scalar light sessions offered by Tom Paladino and explore the potential benefits for yourself and your loved ones. Visit the link provided to submit your photographs and begin your journey with scalar light healing.

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    34 mins
  • 066. Strengthen Inner Terrain to Not be Affected by Outer World
    Jun 17 2024

    In this episode, let's into an energetic process designed to fortify your inner landscape, ensuring that external chaos and dissonance do not disrupt your inner peace. We'll explore techniques to amplify your core essence, creating a resilient buffer against the challenges of the outer world.

    This is a segment from Aleya's coaching sessions.
    To join her live online coaching sessions click on the link below...

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    Main Topics:

    1.) Strengthening Your Divine Line
    2.) Connecting with Your Essence
    3.) Amplifying Energy in Other Dimensions
    4.) Cultivating Inner Resilience

    Detailed Breakdown:

    1.) Strengthening Your Divine Line:
    - Recognize the Divine Line as a muscle that grows stronger with practice.
    - Pull yourself into your Divine Line, focusing on connecting with your essence.
    - Ponder the vibration and qualities inherent in your essence.

    2.) Connecting with Your Essence:
    - Identify the energies that flow effortlessly within you, such as joy, purity, strength, kindness, or sweetness.
    - Explore the texture, color, aroma, and tone of these energies.
    - Amplify and value these energies as part of your being of light.

    3.) Amplifying Energy in Other Dimensions:
    - Envision witnessing yourself in another dimension, amplifying your essence exponentially.
    - Recognize the ripple effect as this amplified energy reflects back to the physical dimension.
    - Understand that the physical dimension reflects the energies cultivated in other dimensions.

    4.) Cultivating Inner Resilience:
    - Embrace the idea of chaos as a weak field, easily overcome by strong, coherent vibrations.
    - Focus on amplifying your light and essence, even amidst density and darkness.
    - Use affirmations to remind yourself of your light and brightness in other dimensions, grounding yourself in gratitude and stability.
    - Address physical symptoms like headaches as indicators of increased frequency, balancing your energy accordingly.

    🎤About Aleya:
    Aleya is a sound healer, energetic practitioner, a Licensed Acupuncturist in Colorado, a Minister in the State of California, and a Doctor of Oriental Medicine in New Mexico. She has been an alternative healer for over 30 years.

    #higherconsciousness #spiritualmeditations #energywork #awaken #meditation #energetic #consciousness #wisdom #mastery

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    9 mins
  • 065. Attaining Specific Vibrations Inside is more Important than External Desires
    Jun 10 2024

    In this episode, let's delve into the concept that every need we have serves as an opportunity to enhance our enlightenment and awareness. We explore how our needs reflect our consciousness and how understanding them can lead to a stronger resonant field. The key takeaway is to refrain from judging our needs but rather recognize them as signals guiding us towards a particular vibration within ourselves.

    This is a segment from Aleya's coaching sessions.
    To join her live online coaching sessions click on the link below...

    Get a free month of the Cups of Consciousness meditations at

    Main Topics Discussed:

    1.) Understanding the role of needs in cultivating enlightenment and awareness.
    2.) Recognizing needs as reflections of our consciousness and our team's consciousness.
    3.) Letting go of attachment to outer desires and redirecting focus internally.
    4.) Utilizing a protocol to lift attachment from outer desires and reconnect with our Divine line.

    Detailed Breakdown:

    1.) Understanding the Role of Needs:
    - All needs serve as opportunities to cultivate greater enlightenment and awareness.
    - Needs reflect our consciousness, our body's consciousness, and our team's consciousness.
    - No need should be judged; instead, they are signals for attaining a particular vibration within.

    2.) Letting Go of Attachment to Outer Desires:
    - Visualize external desires as energetic attachments, represented by gripping hands.
    - Recognize that attachment to outer desires leads to disconnection.
    - Shift focus from outer desires to attaining a particular vibration internally.

    3.) Utilizing the Protocol:
    - Invite higher self, body diva, nature spirit, and teams to use energetic fields to reference attachment to outer desires.
    - Lift attachment from outer needs, wants, and goals back to the Divine line and Divine Cosmic Loop.
    - Redirect attachment to the internal Divine line, promoting connection with one's essence.

    4.) Redirecting Focus Internally:
    - Emphasize the primary need for connection with the light within oneself.
    - Redirect life force, passion, and vitality back to the core.
    - Cultivate a stronger, coherent field by focusing internally and aligning with one's essence.

    🎤About Aleya:
    Aleya is a sound healer, energetic practitioner, a Licensed Acupuncturist in Colorado, a Minister in the State of California, and a Doctor of Oriental Medicine in New Mexico. She has been an alternative healer for over 30 years.
    Aleya graduated from Lewis and Clark University in Portland, Oregon, and earned her Master's Degree in Oriental Medicine from The Southwest Acupuncture School in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She practiced in Telluride, Colorado for 7 years before moving to Santa Barbara, California where she started delivering the Cups of Consciousness meditations worldwide in 2009, she has recorded nine sound healing albums and now lives just South of Yosemite in the Sierra Nevada foothills serving an international clientele as a spiritual guide, teacher, and sound healer.

    #higherconsciousness #spiritualmeditations #energywork #awaken #meditation #energetic #consciousness #wisdom #mastery

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    9 mins
  • 064. Reflect on How You React when Triggered and Find the Positive
    Jun 3 2024

    In this epsiode, we delve into the intricacies of emotional triggers and how to navigate them effectively. We explore the concept of being thrown off balance by unexpected events and reactions, and how to identify and utilize the positive aspects of these experiences. Additionally, we discuss the importance of setting intentions for the future and actively working towards manifesting desired qualities in our lives.

    This is a segment from Aleya's coaching sessions.
    To join her live online coaching sessions click on the link below...

    Get a free month of the Cups of Consciousness meditations at

    Main Topics Discussed:

    1.) Understanding Emotional Triggers
    2.) Identifying Responses to Being Thrown Off Balance
    3.) Harnessing Positive Aspects of Triggered States
    4.) Setting Future Intentions and Manifestation

    Detailed Breakdown:

    1.) Understanding Emotional Triggers:
    - Emotional triggers can throw us off balance unexpectedly.
    - These triggers may lead to various reactions such as feeling like a victim, self-criticism, or collapse.
    - It's essential to recognize where we go mentally and emotionally when triggered.

    2.) Identifying Responses to Being Thrown Off Balance:
    - Take a moment to reflect on your reactions when thrown off balance.
    - Explore whether you tend to fall into a hole of shame, criticism, collapse, or apathy.
    - Recognize the patterns of behavior that emerge in response to triggers.

    3.) Harnessing Positive Aspects of Triggered States:
    - Shift perspective to see the positive aspects of triggered states.
    - For example, collapsing inward can lead to a deeper connection with oneself.
    - Self-criticism can be reframed as a quest for strength and growth.
    - Apathy may signify the release of old patterns and energies.

    4.) Setting Future Intentions and Manifestation:
    - Consider what qualities you want to embody consistently in the future.
    - Use your current position to make a request for future manifestations.
    - Visualize yourself embodying these qualities one year from now.
    - Engage in conscious energy work to ripple these intentions into the past.

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    10 mins
  • 063. Body Fatigue is a Result of Releasing Old Ways of Being
    May 27 2024

    In this episode, we delve into the topic of fatigue and apathy in relation to the current planetary awakening process. We explore how individuals may be feeling weary and disconnected, and we offer insights and tools to help navigate these challenges effectively.

    This is a segment from Aleya's coaching sessions.
    To join her live online coaching sessions click on the link below...

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    Main Topics Discussed:

    1.) Understanding the origins of fatigue and apathy in the body.
    2.) Exploring the role of the body in releasing old grids during the planetary awakening.
    3.) Introducing energetic protocols to help the body transition into a more aligned role.
    4.) Empowering individuals to make requests for collective energetic clearing.
    5.) Celebrating the role of the cleanup crew in higher realms and its impact on the physical plane.

    Detailed Breakdown:

    1.) Origins of Fatigue and Apathy:
    - The body may feel weary and apathetic due to the empathic connection with billions of other bodies undergoing a release of old ways of being.
    - The current planetary awakening process involves the thinning of veils between realms, leading to the release of old discordant grids.
    - Fatigue serves as a mechanism for releasing these old grids, allowing individuals to let go of outdated energies.

    2.) Role of the Body in Releasing Old Grids:
    - The body may perceive its role as participating in the release of discordant grids, but it may not be aligned with this role.
    - Introducing an energetic protocol to help the body transition into a role more aligned with bringing in coherent harmonic grids onto the planet.
    - Encouraging the body to use its higher self and energetic fields to open doors and let in light, rather than solely focusing on clearing grids.

    3.) Empowering Collective Energetic Clearing:
    - Individuals can make requests in the physical dimension for collective energetic clearing to occur in other dimensions.
    - By making requests for others to use their higher selves and energetic fields to clear discordant grids, individuals can avoid empathically reacting to collective fatigue and apathy.

    4.) Role of the Cleanup Crew:
    - Recognizing the role of the cleanup crew in higher realms in clearing discordant grids, which reflects on the physical plane.
    - Encouraging individuals to consciously acknowledge and support the cleanup crew's efforts, thereby reducing the need for processing on the physical plane.

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    9 mins
  • 062. How to Heal Past Relationships: Releasing Burdens and Responsibilities placed upon Us by Others
    May 20 2024

    In this episode, we delve into an energetic protocol designed to assist in healing past relationships. Let's explore how our energetic connections with our parents and past relationships can influence our spiritual alignment and emotional well-being. Through this guided process, we aim to release burdens, responsibilities, and energetic ties that may be hindering our personal growth and healing.

    This is a segment from Aleya's coaching sessions.
    To join her live online coaching sessions click here

    Get a free month of the Cups of Consciousness meditations at

    Main Topics Discussed:

    1.) Understanding spiritual and vibrational alignment with parents.
    2.) Releasing burdens and responsibilities placed upon us by others.
    3.) Healing past relationships through energetic clearing.
    4.) Balancing and stabilizing our energetic fields for higher vibrational living.

    Detailed Breakdown:

    1.) Spiritual Alignment with Parents:
    - Reflect on which parent you feel more spiritually and vibrationally aligned with.
    - Acknowledge that spiritual alignment can transcend physical presence.
    - Explore how parental connections may relate to shared planetary origins.
    - Recognize any burdens or responsibilities placed upon you by spiritually aligned parents.

    2.) Releasing Burdens and Responsibilities:
    - Invite your higher self and guides to assist in referencing and returning any orientation points or responsibilities placed upon you by parents.
    - Release any grids or energetic fabric related to accessing home that may have been projected onto you.
    - Understand that it is not your responsibility to hold open the door to home for others.
    - Send appropriate energetic information and support for their journey back to their own spiritual home.

    3.) Healing Past Relationships:
    - Extend this process to past relationships that still feel unresolved.
    - Invite your higher self and energetic teams to return any reference points or responsibilities placed upon you by these relationships.
    - Release the burden of carrying others' energetic baggage and allow them to hold their own responsibilities in their own realms.
    - Lighten your energetic load and create space for personal healing and growth.

    4.) Balancing and Stabilizing Energetic Fields:
    - Update your energetic grids and reference points to align with your own connection to home.
    - Calibrate your energy to model healthy boundaries and self-responsibility to others.
    - Balance the electrical and magnetic energies within your body, particularly in the craniosacral fluid, to alleviate any discomfort associated with energetic shifts.
    - Stabilize the heart chakra and integrate these energetic updates for a higher vibrational way of being.

    🎤About Aleya:
    Aleya is a sound healer, energetic practitioner, a Licensed Acupuncturist in Colorado, a Minister in the State of California, and a Doctor of Oriental Medicine in New Mexico. She has been an alternative healer for over 30 years.

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    9 mins