• Vaccine Management in Pediatric DPC
    Jul 19 2024

    In this episode, Dr. Phil Boucher and Dr. Marina Capella discuss one of the most pressing concerns for pediatricians considering DPC: managing vaccines. They explore the challenges and solutions surrounding vaccine procurement and administration in a DPC model and offer practical advice on how to navigate this critical aspect of pediatric care without feeling overwhelmed. Whether you’re a seasoned DPC practitioner or just contemplating the switch, this episode is packed with valuable insights to help you ensure your practice can effectively handle vaccinations.

    Key Highlights:

    * Dr. Phil shares his experience with VaxCare, a service that simplifies vaccine management by handling procurement, billing, and inventory tracking.

    * Dr. Marina discusses alternative solutions for states without VaxCare, such as partnerships with local pharmacies and other practices to provide vaccines.

    * Examination of the financial implications of stocking vaccines and how to manage costs effectively, including strategies like adjusting membership fees.

    * Exploration of using services like ClaimMD to submit vaccine-related claims and potentially recoup some costs from insurance.

    * Discussion on the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program, its benefits, and the administrative workload it entails.

    * Emphasis on the importance of not letting vaccine logistics deters pediatricians from transitioning to the DPC model, as there are multiple viable solutions.

    Don’t let the challenge of managing vaccines keep you from pursuing a Direct Primary Care model if it aligns with your vision for pediatric practice. There are numerous ways to navigate this hurdle, and the flexibility of DPC allows for creative and effective solutions. Stay tuned for more episodes that tackle the real-world challenges and triumphs of DPC pediatricians.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit dpcpediatricians.substack.com
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    16 mins
  • Does DPC Attract More High-Needs Children?
    May 16 2024

    Welcome back to "DPC Pediatrician." In today’s episode, Dr. Phil Boucher and Dr. Marina Capella address a concern that many pediatricians face when contemplating a Direct Primary Care (DPC) model: managing high-needs parents and special needs children. They explore how the DPC setting changes the dynamics of these relationships, allowing for more personalized care and ultimately reducing the stress associated with high-demand patients. Join us as they share personal experiences and effective strategies for fostering patient relationships that are nurturing and sustainable.

    Key Highlights

    * Discussion on the realities of dealing with high-needs parents, emphasizing that while some parents may initially seem demanding, their anxieties often lessen with time and trust built through consistent, quality care.

    * Insight into managing special needs children in a DPC setting, where extended visit times and personalized attention can lead to more comprehensive and satisfying care for both patient and provider.

    * Dr. Marina and Dr. Phil reflect on the transformative impact of having the flexibility to address complex cases more thoroughly, which was often challenging in traditional practice settings due to time constraints.

    * Examples of how DPC has allowed for better management of chronic conditions and complex medical needs through a more involved and proactive approach.

    * Discussion on the benefits of modern communication tools like texting for maintaining continuity of care and providing quick updates, which enhances patient satisfaction and care outcomes.

    More questions or want more help?Learn more at www.dpcpediatrician.com

    This episode highlights the unique advantages of Direct Primary Care in managing high-needs patients, offering hope and practical solutions to pediatricians who may feel overwhelmed by the demands of their practice. By embracing DPC, providers can rediscover the joy of pediatrics through meaningful interactions and improved patient care.

    Share this podcast with your colleagues who might be considering a leap into DPC or anyone passionate about innovative healthcare solutions.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit dpcpediatricians.substack.com
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    21 mins
  • Can I Serve Low Income Families?
    May 16 2024

    In this episode, Dr. Phil Boucher and Dr. Marina Capella explore the nuanced question: Can Direct Primary Care (DPC) serve low-income families effectively? This discussion delves into their personal experiences and innovative strategies for incorporating diverse economic backgrounds into their practices. The episode provides a heartfelt examination of the challenges and solutions involved in making DPC accessible to all, regardless of financial standing.

    Key Highlights

    * Dr. Marina discusses her commitment to serving underserved communities and her strategic approaches to integrate low-income families into her practice.

    * Dr. Phil shares insights on the common misconceptions about DPC being only for the wealthy and discusses the demographic reality of his patient panel which includes a diverse economic range.

    * Introduction of sliding scale fees as a practical solution to offer quality care to those who might not otherwise afford it, including a discussion on how these are managed within their practices to maintain sustainability.

    * The importance of community engagement and flexibility in service offerings to accommodate the financial and healthcare needs of various families, especially those who are low-income or uninsured.

    * Real-life examples of community support initiatives like formula banks and partnerships with local agencies to provide necessary care and support during community crises like the COVID-19 pandemic and formula shortages.

    More questions or want more help?Learn more at www.dpcpediatrician.com

    This episode underscores the potential of Direct Primary Care to adapt and serve a wide economic demographic, challenging the notion that personalized care is only for the affluent. By being creative and community-focused, DPC practices can play a pivotal role in broadening access to quality healthcare.

    Share this podcast with your colleagues who might be considering a leap into DPC or anyone passionate about innovative healthcare solutions.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit dpcpediatricians.substack.com
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    26 mins
  • How Do I Choose My Practice Name?
    May 16 2024

    In this episode, Dr. Phil Boucher and Dr. Marina Capella dive into the nuances of naming a Direct Primary Care (DPC) practice. They explore the strategic and personal considerations that influence the choice of a practice name, reflecting on their experiences and the broader implications of this decision. This discussion illuminates the process of establishing an identity for a medical practice that aligns with personal values and professional aspirations, offering listeners practical advice for making this important decision.

    Key Highlights

    * The importance of choosing a practice name that embodies the brand and unique identity of the pediatrician, going beyond just a generic title.

    * Considerations around using personal surnames in practice names and the potential for future growth or partnership, which might influence the choice to opt for a more generic or inclusive name.

    * Tips on ensuring the chosen name is not already in use or too similar to existing practices nearby, including a recommended Google search to check for any overlaps.

    * The significance of the practice name in everyday operations, such as answering phone calls or promoting the practice online, and how it becomes a part of the practice's identity.

    * Discussion on long-term considerations, including how the choice of name might affect future business transitions, such as selling the practice or expanding.

    More questions or want more help?Learn more at www.dpcpediatrician.com

    Naming your practice is a significant step in shaping its identity and how it's perceived in the community. It's more than just a label—it's a reflection of your medical philosophy, your community's culture, and your personal brand. Whether you're about to name your practice or reconsidering the name of an existing one, consider what your choice will communicate to your patients and colleagues.

    Share this podcast with your colleagues who might be considering a leap into DPC or anyone passionate about innovative healthcare solutions.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit dpcpediatricians.substack.com
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    13 mins
  • Can You Focus On Behavioral Health In Pediatric DPC?
    May 16 2024

    Join Dr. Phil Boucher and Dr. Marina Capella as they explore the critical topic of behavioral health in pediatric care within the Direct Primary Care (DPC) model. This episode dives deep into the evolving role of pediatricians from dealing primarily with acute medical conditions to addressing the growing needs around behavioral health. Dr. Marina shares her innovative approaches, including clinical hypnosis and integrative modalities, that are reshaping how pediatricians provide comprehensive care.

    Key Highlights

    * Discussion on the historical shift in pediatric care responsibilities and the increasing focus on behavioral health due to a decrease in acute, life-threatening conditions.

    * Insights into the limitations of traditional fee-for-service models in addressing behavioral health needs, particularly the constraints on time and the impact on quality care.

    * Dr. Marina's personal journey from feeling constrained in a community health setting to embracing the freedom DPC offers, allowing her to implement effective therapeutic interventions.

    * Introduction to clinical hypnosis and other therapeutic techniques used in DPC settings to empower children and families dealing with anxiety, ADHD, and other behavioral health issues.

    * Real-world examples of how extended consultations in DPC facilitate deeper engagement with patients, leading to more personalized and effective care.

    * Exploration of various modalities, including myofascial release and cognitive behavioral therapy, to address complex behavioral health needs.

    More questions or want more help?Learn more at www.dpcpediatrician.com

    This episode underscores the unique opportunities that DPC offers pediatricians to innovate in the field of behavioral health. By stepping away from the rapid pace of traditional models and moving towards more patient-centered care, DPC practitioners are setting new standards for comprehensive pediatric healthcare.

    Share this podcast with your colleagues who might be considering a leap into DPC or anyone passionate about innovative healthcare solutions.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit dpcpediatricians.substack.com
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    23 mins
  • How Do I Prepare To Leave My FFS Practice For DPC?
    May 16 2024

    Join Dr. Phil Boucher and Dr. Marina Capella as they delve into the practical steps and legal considerations involved in transitioning from a fee-for-service practice to opening your own pediatric Direct Primary Care (DPC). Drawing from Dr. Phil’s firsthand experience, this episode provides valuable insights on navigating contracts, understanding non-compete clauses, and strategically planning your exit to ensure a smooth transition to DPC without jeopardizing future endeavors.

    Key Highlights

    * Discussion on the initial steps to consider when planning to leave a fee-for-service practice, emphasizing the importance of thoroughly reviewing your employment contract.

    * Insightful tips on how to obtain a copy of your contract without raising suspicions, including practical advice for approaching your employer.

    * Exploring key contract elements such as notice period requirements and non-compete clauses, with a focus on understanding their implications for your career.

    * Advice on engaging a lawyer to decipher the legalese of your contract, ensuring you fully comprehend your obligations and rights.

    * Strategies for maintaining a professional relationship during your transition, managing the departure process gracefully, and preparing for potential challenges from former partners or employers.

    * Tips on how to communicate your new practice details to your patients while adhering to contractual limitations, ensuring they can continue to access your services.

    More questions or want more help?Learn more at www.dpcpediatrician.com

    If you’re contemplating a move to Direct Primary Care, this episode is a must-listen, packed with actionable advice to navigate the complexities of such a significant career shift. Remember, careful planning and legal guidance are crucial in making a successful transition that aligns with your professional goals and legal obligations.

    Share this podcast with your colleagues who might be considering a leap into DPC or anyone passionate about innovative healthcare solutions.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit dpcpediatricians.substack.com
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    21 mins
  • Do I Have To Be On Call 24/7?
    May 16 2024

    In this episode, Dr. Phil Boucher and Dr. Marina Capella tackle a common concern among pediatricians considering a transition to Direct Pediatric Care (DPC): the fear of being on call 24/7. They share insights on how to manage after-hours patient communications effectively without compromising personal time or sleep. The doctors discuss practical strategies for setting boundaries and automating responses to ensure both prompt patient care and personal well-being.

    Key Highlights

    * Introduction to the concerns about 24/7 availability in DPC and how it impacts work-life balance.

    * Dr. Phil explains the systems and boundaries he has set up to manage patient expectations and after-hours communication.

    * Discussion on how automated messages and scheduling tools can help manage patient interactions outside of normal office hours.

    * Strategies for handling urgent late-night inquiries without disrupting the physician’s personal life, including how to use technology to triage patient needs effectively.

    * Dr. Marina shares her approach to ensuring that her sleep and personal time are respected, while still providing high-quality care to her patients.

    * Both doctors discuss the benefits of DPC in reducing the volume of after-hours emergencies, thanks to more accessible and personalized care during the day.

    More questions or want more help?Learn more at www.dpcpediatrician.com

    Understanding how to manage patient expectations and communications in a DPC model can significantly alleviate the stress of being on call. By setting clear boundaries and utilizing technology, DPC pediatricians can provide excellent care without sacrificing their well-being. Tune in for more episodes where we dive into the practical aspects of running a successful and balanced DPC practice.

    Share this podcast with your colleagues who might be considering a leap into DPC or anyone passionate about innovative healthcare solutions.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit dpcpediatricians.substack.com
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    19 mins
  • Can I Do Home Visits In Pediatric DPC?
    May 16 2024

    Dive into the world of home visits with Dr. Phil Boucher and Dr. Marina Capella in this enlightening episode of "DPC Pediatrician." Discover the joys and logistics of providing pediatric care directly in patients' homes, a service that has become a cornerstone of their Direct Pediatric Care (DPC) practices. The doctors share their personal experiences, the benefits for families, and how they've tailored their services to meet the unique needs of newborns, children with special requirements, and even families who prefer more privacy due to their public status.

    Key Highlights

    * Introduction to home visits in pediatric DPC, exploring the personal touch and convenience they offer to families.

    * Discussion on the specific types of cases where home visits are most beneficial, such as for newborns and children with special needs or high-profile family backgrounds.

    * Technical insights on adapting medical tools and practices for the home setting, like portable equipment for measuring height and conducting examinations.

    * Operational strategies for integrating home visits into a pediatric practice, including scheduling, geographical considerations, and managing patient expectations.

    * A look at the challenges and rewards of home visits, with personal anecdotes from both doctors illustrating the profound impact on patient care and satisfaction.

    * Practical advice for other pediatricians considering home visits, including malpractice insurance considerations and how to balance travel with clinic responsibilities.

    More questions or want more help?Learn more at www.dpcpediatrician.com

    Home visits represent a unique aspect of pediatric care that blends traditional medicine with modern convenience and personalization. If you're intrigued by the possibility of adding this service to your practice or are simply interested in hearing about innovative healthcare delivery methods, this episode is a must-listen. Join us next time on "DPC Pediatrician" for more insights into transforming pediatric care.

    Share this podcast with your colleagues who might be considering a leap into DPC or anyone passionate about innovative healthcare solutions.

    This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit dpcpediatricians.substack.com
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    12 mins