
  • #111: Honest vs "Realistic" Self-expectations
    Jul 11 2024

    Where do the expectations you set for "what you should be able to do" in a day or week or month come from?

    I bring news!

    If you've:

    • Been overscheduling yourself lately
    • Or crossing off 1/10th of your To Do List every day for the past year
    • Or find yourself constantly disappointed in today's performance because "back in the day" you could do things faster
    • ...Or worse: Sheryl over there is coping just fine, so why are you struggling?...

    You might be suffering from "Realistic Expectation Syndrome," which is a condition I just made up but is completely real.

    Too often, we idealize our capacity and capability to the point that our plans (and To Do Lists) would only be achievable by 6-armed superhumans who don't require sleep.

    Be honest: How many times have you looked at tomorrow's jam-packed schedule and said, "Well, if I focused enough or had the right energy, I should realistically be able to do all this"...?

    That right there is why today, we're differentiating "realistic" from HONEST.

    In the episode, I explain why adopting the latter perspective will not, as you fear, doom you to utter failure and ruin — and why it is, in fact, the KEY to being able to ramp up your productivity and focus when you need to!


    • NEW! Decision Mastery Week is coming! Are you in?
    • What's your DECISION STYLE? Take the Quiz!
    • Need to say NO? Here's your 11-minute Crash Course on Saying NO Guilt-Free.
    • Want to work together? Book your free consultation!
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    18 mins
  • #110: The Decision to Have FUN
    Jul 4 2024

    It seems like the more adulting we do, the harder it gets for FUN to be an effortless part of everyday life.

    But when you think about "fun" being a choice available to you - kind of all the time - that can change.

    Especially when "fun" doesn't have to mean what it might have for the past few years. (What comes to mind? Vacations? Day trips? Isolated periods of time that are separate from "regular life"?)

    Today I invite you to consider the kind of person you want to be and the kind of life you want to have.

    Where does FUN fit into that?

    With your answer, you'll learn how to make the decision to have fun more often - even in boring meetings! - and you'll understand the value and impact that will have on the life you create!


    • NEW! Decision Mastery Week is coming! Are you in?
    • What's your DECISION STYLE? Take the Quiz!
    • Need to say NO? Here's your 11-minute Crash Course on Saying NO Guilt-Free.
    • Want to work together? Book your free consultation!
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    15 mins
  • #109: Do Your Standards Match Your Season?
    Jun 27 2024

    Today, we're solving an issue I see costing a lot of people unnecessary time, energy and ANGST.

    You're going to assess if the standards and expectations you're setting for today are current...

    Or if they are, in fact, holdovers from a previous season.

    For many high-achievers who've done amazing, very hard things in life and work, it's super common to almost "cement" those times as permanent reference points for "how I should be" and "what I should be able to do."

    So if you lived in hustle-mode for years building your business, or survived on 4 hours sleep in grad school, or produced amazing reports at the last-minute in your 30's...guess what. Your brain remembers.

    And part of you might be trying to hold yourself to those same standards today!

    This isn't just about getting older, though. MOST people experience "season changes" throughout the year - and things that worked well and felt easy in April suddenly don't in August.

    If you're making this a big, personal problem - this episode is for you.

    Because you may just need to recognize that you're not a robot who's supposed to reach a certain level of productivity / efficiency / happiness / energy / etc...and "stay that way."

    Let's update your standards and make everything easier, shall we?


    • NEW! Decision Mastery Week is coming! Are you in?
    • What's your DECISION STYLE? Take the Quiz!
    • Need to say NO? Here's your 11-minute Crash Course on Saying NO Guilt-Free.
    • Want to work together? Book your free consultation!
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    14 mins
  • #108: What's the Worst that Could Happen?
    Jun 20 2024
    Ok before you gear up for 20 minutes about "worst case scenarios," lemme stop you right there. Today's episode (inspired by my recent experience in Budapest - I explain inside) will teach you how to use this question to get out of your head, take faster action and feel more in charge of your choices. I actually found myself asking this all the time walking around Hungary - and it helped me have MORE experiences (like getting a manicure in a foreign country for the first time, and riding an air balloon solo 😅) and not feel like I "missed out" just because I didn't feel like asking, trying or exploring things. When you know how and when to use this question to your advantage, you'll see yourself speaking up more at work, taking up more space in your life, and feeling like a bigger, more authentic version of yourself! YES PLEASE. Enjoy! ANNOUNCEMENT! Decision Masters Week is coming 🙌 Grab your spot and the BONUS now! LINKS! What's your DECISION STYLE? Take the free Quiz!Need to say NO? Here's your 11-minute Crash Course on Saying NO Guilt-Free.Want to work together? Book your free consultation!Podcast episodes on FEAR: #16: The 4 FEAR Questions to Guarantee a Powerful, Authentic Choice - Includes FREE DOWNLOADABLE exercise #48: How to Stop Living in Fear of Regret #67: How is FOPO (fear of people’s opinions) costing you your agency? #68: How to make authentic choices when you have FOPO #69: When you’re afraid how someone will react (What’s REALLY going on) #90 - How to Cut Decision Time in Half When You’re Confused (an Intro to Fear Fluency) #91 - Fear in decision-making: The Don’ts #92 - Fear in decision-making: The Do’s Client Conversations w/Ariell #18: Leaving the "Carved Path" & Learning to Talk to Fear w/Ariell Ilunga - Apple / YouTube#19: When you think "Something terrible has to happen to balance the scales" with Ariell Ilunga - Apple / YouTube
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    23 mins
  • #107: Mini Mid-Year Decision Audit
    Jun 13 2024

    In today's summer-themed episode, we’re doing a mini mid-year decision check-in.😎

    I ask you questions just like we were in a coaching session, like:

    • What do you want to have achieved or experienced or changed 6-12 months from now?
    • What would be disappointing if it weren’t done or different a year from now?

    With your answers, you'll be able to identify small (SUPER impactful) actions you can take this month to make sure you end up where you want to be by Christmas!


    • Download the FREE Mid-Year Reflect & Reset Exercise here
    • Get on the waitlist for the next Decision Masters Program
    • NEW! Join the Alignment and Accountability Club for month-to-month support focusing on a single goal or priority.
    • What's your DECISION STYLE? Take the Quiz!
    • Need to say NO? Here's your 11-minute Crash Course on Saying NO Guilt-Free.
    • Want to work together? Book your free consultation!
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    18 mins
  • #106: Detox Your Decision Process
    Jun 6 2024

    Ever wish you could just detox the crap that makes decisions difficult outta your system?

    Well, ok, you may not have ever thought about it like that - but I bet it sounds pretty good all the same.

    This week, I introduce a Decision Mastery Fundamental: Decision Detox.

    We look at three specific behaviors that derail the decision process, spike your stress, and basically make it impossible to land on a choice you trust in any kind of efficient or clear-headed way.

    And we look at the pattern interrupts you're going to start using to DETOX these behaviors out of your decision-making system.

    If you struggle with Spinning, Shaming or Snowball Thinking - this episode is for you!


    • Decision Masters Podcast Ep #21: Expert Interview! How We "Type A" Women can Thrive in Our Marriages w/Coach Maggie Reyes
    • Maggie Reyes' The Marriage Life Coach Podcast Ep #97 – Making Powerful Decisions in your Marriage with Kirsten Parker and Ep #38: Advanced Emotional Weightloss
    • Get on the waitlist for the next Decision Masters Program now
    • NEW! Join the Alignment and Accountability Club for month-to-month support focusing on a single goal or priority.
    • What's your DECISION STYLE? Take the Quiz!
    • Need to say NO? Here's your 11-minute Crash Course on Saying NO Guilt-Free.
    • Want to work together? Book your free consultation!
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    19 mins
  • #105: "Yes, and" - The Improv Tool for Making Good Decisions
    May 30 2024

    If you've ever seen improvisational theatre that works, you've seen "yes, and" in action.

    It's the concept that helps scenes keep going (and growing) without anyone having a script or knowing what their fellow actors will do next.

    It ALSO happens to be an excellent decision-making tool.

    In today's episode, you get a behind-the-scenes look at the Decision Masters Course, as I walk you all the way through the "Yes, and" lesson all my clients get!

    You'll learn how to use this tool in your everyday life to better:

    1. Bring conscious awareness to your thoughts and feelings
    2. Accept the reality in which you find yourself
    3. Positively adapt to it in a self-honoring way

    And we look at specific examples, using "Yes, and" to respond to thoughts, feelings and circumstances!

    Listen good. This'll change your life.


    • Get on the waitlist for the next Decision Masters Program now
    • NEW! Join the Alignment and Accountability Club for month-to-month support focusing on a single goal or priority.
    • What's your DECISION STYLE? Take the Quiz!
    • Need to say NO? Here's your 11-minute Crash Course on Saying NO Guilt-Free.
    • Want to work together? Book your free consultation!
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    21 mins
  • #104: Self-Compassion in Everyday Decisions
    May 23 2024

    Episodes 101-103 broke down what self-compassion is (and isn't), and how it can change the direction and quality of your entire life.


    So...what does it look like in real life?

    In this episode, I share specific, everyday examples from my own life and (a version of*) my clients' lives to demonstrate how self-compassion can show up in any choice you make.

    Including everyday decisions like:

    • How to set up your day or put together a game plan
    • What to do when you had a plan but a "fire" comes up
    • What to do next when you're totally spent
    • What to do when you find yourself "totally spent" at the end of pretty much EVERY day
    • How to respond when you realize you've made a silly mistake
    • When you've made a more public mistake (or put yourself out there in some vulnerable way)
    • How to approach your next career move (in a decision you're making today)
    • How to deal with family or friends who have expectations of you


    • NEW! Join the Alignment and Accountability Club for month-to-month support focusing on a single goal or priority.
    • What's your DECISION STYLE? Take the Quiz!
    • Need to say NO? Here's your 11-minute Crash Course on Saying NO Guilt-Free.
    • Want to work together? Book your free consultation!
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    23 mins