• How Great Managers Use Power And Authority – Fundamental Principles
    Sep 5 2024

    Managers use power and authority in so many different ways. The power and authority you gain from a position is only one type of power and I would argue, increasing ineffective - on its own - in today’s workplace.

    How managers and leaders use power and authority are a huge part of their effectiveness in their roles

    I explain how great managers use power and authority for the benefit of their team, not for themselves; including lots of practical tips for how to best use power as a manager or leader and 7 actions for how to build power as a manager.

    Power itself is not good or bad. How you use power and authority is good or bad. Managing power in leadership is one of many incredibly important leadership skills and a real test of character.

    Managers and leaders need power to enable them to do their jobs. Power and authority is part of the job description. There are many types of power, and a manager should aim to build several different types to be truly effective in their role. Some power and authority comes from their position. A key management skills in business is learning how to use this power and build others.

    Think about “What is the role of leadership?” and “How should you use power and authority in leadership?”. To build happy, motivated, trusting and high performing teams, I believe you must use as much of the power and authority you have to help the team, to help others improve and perform better.

    As a manager or leader, there are so many ways you can use your power for the good of the team (rather than yourself). I share 10 great uses of power and authority, that will gain you appreciation, respect and loyal followers, not to mention a great performing team. Using power wisely will gain you more leadership power.

    Team member happily follow leaders that use their power to help the team. These team members work hard and intelligently to support the team. Employee reluctantly, grudgingly follow leaders who use their power to help themselves. These employees do the minimum. Managers are assessed on the performance of their teams, which is why it is so important to use your power for the good of the team.

    The power of leader ship comes through all the different ways a good leader builds power and authority. I share 7 practical tried and tested ways to build different types of power in the workplace.

    Power is neither good nor bad. How you use power is critical in building high performing teams.

    If you have any questions on “How Great Managers Use Power And Authority – Fundamental Principles”, please email me at support@enhance.training and I will get back to you.

    Jess Coles

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    13 mins
  • 3 Must do’s to Build a High Performing Team
    Aug 29 2024

    The goal of every manager should be to build a high performing team or at least a higher performing team. Team performance is how managers are assessed, and it is the core purpose of a manager’s role.

    I share 3 must do’s to build a high performing team based on my experience of turning around multiple underperforming teams and winning multiple “Best Team” prizes, again with different teams.
    How to build a high performing team starts with being there for your team. Building high levels of trust is a huge part of high performing teams. Being there for your team day in day out, even when it costs you personally, is a great way to build high levels of trust with your team.

    I share 7 practical approaches to demonstrating you are there for your team which will all contribute to create a high performing team. Implementing any of these 7 approaches will have a positive impact on the performance of any team.

    The second must do to enable high performance in teams is to set really clear direction. Nearly every management book says this, yet the majority of managers send very mixed messages to their teams resulting in confusion, uncertainty and lower team performance. Most managers tell their team what they want. Very few managers align their decisions, actions and behaviours to fully reinforce those verbal and written directions and expectations.

    I give you tips on what to work in for help create a high performing teams culture with very clear direction and expectations. Setting and communicating direction and expectations without causing confusion etc is one of the key leadership skills for managers to practice.

    The third must do to build a high performing team is the celebrate the differences. Team become great because they use to the maximum the differences between team members. To build high-performing teams play to team members strengths so two plus two really can equal six rather than four.

    Recognising and celebrating the differences within your team is a key part of team performance management. I share 6 practical approaches to demonstrate to your team that you accept and appreciated the different views, approaches, backgrounds, skills etc within your team.

    Building a high performing team is possible with nearly any team. Put into practice all the leadership development tips in this video and you will significantly increase the performance of your team.

    If you have any questions on “3 Must Do’s to Build a High Performing Team”, please email me at support@enhance.training and I will get back to you.

    Jess Coles


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    11 mins
  • Promoting an Employee To Manager – Who to Choose & Why
    Aug 22 2024

    Promoting an employee to manager is a very big deal. A great manager enables and increases team performance. A poor manager reduces team performance and increases team costs. Choosing to promote the right person is a very big deal for you, the team and the business.

    Learn 7 behavioural signs to look for when thinking about who to promote to manager plus more great employee promotion best practices.

    The skills needed to be a great employee or contributor are very different from being a great manager. The employee to manager transition is not easy and many don’t make this transition successfully. Having a good employee promotion process to identify the most suitable management candidates will save you a lot of time, costs and frustration.

    Business success and the success of the teams you look after depends on the strength of your managers. People are at the heart of every business.

    Becoming a great manager is very much a personal journey as it is a professional journey. Having good manager skills is only part of the picture. Knowing how to use those skills to get the best from teams is a much more important to increase team performance.

    As part of employee promotion evaluation, I suggest you look for 7 behavioural signs your potential manager should be displaying before they are promoted. If several of these are missing, I suggest delaying promoting or not promoting at all.

    Good energy levels are also important as being a manager is a tough job and to be good needs hard work.

    I also think to be a good manager, you need good self-awareness. Without good self-awareness it is very hard to manage yourself well. Good self-management gives you an important platform to be able to manage others well.

    Another essential for potential managers to look for is their ability to self-learn. The quicker and more independently they can learn, the more likely they will build the management skills they need.

    Finally, good organisational awareness is very important to be a good manager. We all work with others, other team and departments. A manager needs to coordinate and prioritise work and support other areas of the business. Good organisational awareness enables them to be a much better job as a manager.

    Promotion at work is a big deal for anyone. Promoting an employee to manager, and getting it right is very much in everyone’s best interests, particularly yours!

    If you have any questions on “Promoting an Employee To Manager – Who to Choose & Why”, please email me at support@enhance.training and I will get back to you.

    Jess Coles


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    10 mins
  • 8 Ways to Deal With Uncertainty At Work (For You & Your Team)
    Aug 15 2024

    How well do you deal with uncertainty at work? We all have to deal with uncertainty – businesses are always changing and adapting, so we do too. Yet humans hate uncertainty. Our brains translate it into a treat and our natural reactions are often unhelpful.

    I share 8 different ways to deal with uncertainty at work – 4 for you personally and 4 to help your team through uncertainty.


    It is not easy to manage uncertainty at work, particularly when the pace of change is much faster than we are used to. Change means learning new things and adapting – all of which takes effort and work. Good reasons why many don’t like dealing with uncertainty at work.

    How to deal with uncertainty starts with accepting that change is needed and expected at work. It is part of modern life. Accepting a level of change is a good way of coping with uncertainty.

    How to deal with uncertainty at work also include not worrying about what you can’t control or influence. Worry will not change the outcomes. Not worrying will massively improve your mental state.

    Another of the good tips for dealing with uncertainty is to focus on the present. Focus on what you can do today, what the next task or activity needs to be. Don’t think too far ahead. Keep yourself busy – another good tip for how to cope with uncertainty.

    Another best way to deal with uncertainty is to create contingencies and action plans. Planning is 100% in your control. Work out what you are going to do if a certain situation happens rather than worrying about if the situation will happen.

    I also share 4 very valuable approaches for how to deal with change and uncertainty when you are leading a team. Imagine a group of individuals worry about uncertainty and the rumour mill working around the clock … how would you keep your team focused and delivering even in period of significant change. I have 4 great approaches for you, tried and tested in workplaces experiencing huge amounts of change.

    If you have any questions on “8 Ways to Deal With Uncertainty At Work”, please email me at support@enhance.training and I will get back to you.

    Jess Coles

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    9 mins
  • How To Ask For And Get A Raise - Increase Your Salary Today
    Aug 8 2024

    I know how to ask for and get a raise, yet I hate asking for a raise. Asking for a pay rise is an emotional big deal for most of us.

    Make sure you are using the best approach to absolutely get the pay rise you deserve – increase your salary today!

    Additional Resources you will find useful:

    Get more FREE example scripts for how to ask your boss for a raise here: https://enhance.training/lm-lp/salary-raise-example-conversations-ulp028/

    How to ask for a pay rise starts with know two fundamental requirements to get a pay rise. 1 you are adding more value than last year. 2 you are a good employee and team player who your boss wants to keep.

    When you are definitely doing both, when you ask for a raise, you should get it.

    The best way to ask for a raise is to do 3 vital bits of preparation first. You are much more likely to get a salary increase when you have done you job market research, can show your value and demonstrate your performance relative to your peers. Negotiating a salary raise with good research is a lot more successful and you are much more likely to get a bigger raise.

    How to ask and get a pay rise must include looking at job adverts for your job and also speaking to recruitment consultants. You get great information AND you also hint to your boss that you could leave for another job. Without realistic market information you are very much on the back foot for how to negotiate a raise.

    Another great tactic for how to ask for a raise and get it is to translate your top achievements over the last year into financial figures and compare these to your salary. The more value you can demonstrate you add to the business, the more likely asking for a raise at work will be successful.

    I have also include an asking for a raise example which walks you through what to say to your boss for how to get a salary increase.

    Lastly, I include what you should expect after you have had the pay raise conversation.

    If you have any questions on “How to ask for and get a raise - increase your salary today”, please email me at support@enhance.training and I will get back to you.

    Jess Coles

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    11 mins
  • Understanding The Purpose Of A Manager – What Should A Manager Do
    Aug 1 2024

    What should a manager do? What is the purpose of a manager? There are two fundamental outcomes a manager needs to deliver for the company that pays their salary. Deliver both well and you will have a great career in management. Don’t deliver either and you won’t last long.

    Learn what a manager needs to deliver, and I share some of the best ways to achieve each that I have learnt in my 20+ year management career in many top companies.
    Most know that both good and bad managers make decisions, organise work, manage communications and look after teams - their approach and intentions very different.

    The crucial role of a manager is to increase team performance. This is one of the fundamental reasons a manager is employed.

    The easiest, quickest and most reliable way to have a very positive impact on your team members, and increase team performance, is to help them, to support them and to serve the interests of the team.

    I share 5 of the best ways for how to increase team performance that I know. Each of these crucial manager skills will increase team performance quickly and keep it high over the long term. This also covers the very core manager functions roles and skills you must focus on every single day to be successful.

    The second vital part of what do managers do is to help increase the performance and success of a business in which they work. Business success is a key set of manager roles and responsibilities. If there is no business, no-one has a job.

    I share 4 key tips on how to put yourself in the best position to be able to increase the success of any business regardless of your exact management role.

    If you are asking yourself “As a manager what should I do?”, this video gives you a great starting blueprint for success in a management career.

    If you have any questions on “Understanding The Purpose Of A Manager – What Should A Manager Do” or how to be a manager, please email me at support@enhance.training and I will get back to you.

    Jess Coles

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    10 mins
  • How To Get More Respect As A Manager – 3 Vital Principles
    Jul 25 2024

    How to get more respect as a manager or leader from the team you lead is an awful lot easier when you follow 3 hugely important principles. You can put these into practice immediately, whether you are a new manager or have many years’ experience.

    Learn a ton of practical tips to get the respect of your team quickly

    How to get your team to respect you starts with how you as a manager make their lives at work better. If you can’t or won’t try to make their lives better - more enjoyable, more productive, more successful – then you won’t get their respect.

    It is a core human requirement – we want leaders that help the group and us. How to gain respect from your employees is about how well you deliver against this human need and how you go about it.

    Learn 6 very good ways to publicly demonstrate to your team as a whole and to each team member your ability to help them. All are great for how to gain respect as a manager. These are also great tips for how to be a good new manager.

    1. Set Really Clear Goals & Expectations

    2. Proactively Solve Problems for your Team

    3. Protect Your Team

    4. Live your Rules

    5. Communicate Progress & Provide Support

    6. Help Team Members Learn Faster

    The second principle for how to gain more respect at work as a manager or leader is to think partnership rather than boss-employee. After all, you need you team members as much as they need you. Learn 6 useful ways to foster a partnership approach that gives you and your team real tangible benefits.

    The mental transition from directly controlling your success as a worker to indirectly influencing your success as a manager or leader is a difficult shift for many. For any manager, making this shift is crucial for how to get respect at work.

    How to gain respect at workplace as a manager – improve the performance of your team. Improving team performance is the core reason to employ a manager.

    The last principle for how to make people respect you at work is to use the power of your position to help others and the company, not yourself. This is huge! It is very easy to be tempted to use power to make your own life easier at the expense of others. Do this and you quickly damage the respect others have for you.

    If you have any questions on “How To Get More Respect As A Manager – 3 Vital Principles”, please email me at support@enhance.training and I will get back to you.

    Jess Coles


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    11 mins
  • 5 Actions To Keep High Performing Staff Longer
    Jul 18 2024

    Every manager wants to keep their high performing staff longer. High performing employees deliver a lot more value for relatively little more in pay. Keep enough high performers in your team, manage them well and you are nearly guaranteed at least good team performance.

    I share 5 actions to keep high performing staff longer


    How to keep high performers starts with your approach and attitude towards them. Treating your high performing staff as partners will

    1. Make them feel more valued and appreciated

    2. You will utilise more of their talents

    3. The right mindset will create more development opportunities for them

    4. They will get more autonomy and responsibility from a partnership approach

    Plus you and they get a ton more benefits. You want to get the most you can from your best staff so cultivate a great partnership mindset from the start.

    Next, proactively create good development opportunities for your high performers at work. This is easy to say yet quite a bit harder to do in practice. I share the 5 best ways I have come across for getting the most high-value development to your high performers in the workplace.

    Third, provides lots of honest and structure feedback to your high performance individuals. High performers want to know what they are not doing well probably more than what they are doing well. Learn tips on giving corrective feedback without offending and how much positive feedback is needed to keep high performing employees happy.

    Another massive motivator for high performing staff is minimising distractions and pain points which reduce their output and annoy them. This is an essential priority to create high performing teams. Learn about how to mitigate 4 common problems that always come up in nearly every company that such time and motivation from team members and particularly the high performing staff.

    Lastly, pay your high performing staff well. There are common barriers to paying enough salary in practice to make moving more difficult for high performers. Learn how to overcome these issues without causing problems in the rest of the team.

    The actions to keep high performing staff for longer must not annoy or upset the rest of the team. Getting the right balance is really important. Learn how to do this.

    If you have any questions on “5 Actions To Keep High Performing Staff Longer”, please email me at support@enhance.training and I will get back to you.

    Jess Coles


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    12 mins