• Sunday Service | Romans 8:35-39
    Jul 28 2024

    These verses continue after Paul has convincingly argued that God is for us. If God is for us, who can be against us? He mentioned how the Holy Spirit prays for us, how God works all things for our good, and how Jesus pleads for us. With all these things happening for us, who can be against us? Who can accuse us of not being in right standing with God? Now, in Romans 8:35-39, Paul flips the question and considers what happens when bad things occur. Do we allow these bad things to make us question if God actually loves us?

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    16 mins
  • Daily Study | The Goodness of God
    Jul 26 2024

    I totally believe that God wants us to be financially prosperous. However, why would the creator of the universe care about our financial status? It seems like there would be more important things He would be concerned about. Well, I believe the answer is because of His “Goodness.”

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    5 mins
  • Daily Study | God gives wisdom to increase your money
    Jul 25 2024

    I have discovered through the Word of God that when we have a financial need, asking God for money is the wrong prayer. The reason is that God can only give us what He has. Money is a human creation, not a divine one. Therefore, we need to ask God for what He can give, which is wisdom that leads to making money.

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    6 mins
  • Daily Study | God desires for you to live in total abundance
    Jul 24 2024

    God desires for you to live in total abundance, with nothing missing and nothing broken. Whatever you need or desire, God is big enough to take care of it—and He wants to take care of it. You might think your reality doesn't match this concept. Here's the thing: just because your current reality isn't abundant doesn't change God's desire for you to live in abundance. Listen to this message to increase your faith and walk in the total abundance God desires for you.

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    7 mins
  • Daily Study | What’s the Love of Money
    Jul 23 2024

    The Bible teaches us that the love of money is the root of all evil, but what does that really mean? Does it mean we should give all our money away and live a very modest life? Does it mean we shouldn't devise plans to make money from our businesses? Well, we need to find out, because our understanding of this Bible concept affects our entire life and success in our calling. Listen to today's message and learn what really is the "love of money" sin.

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    9 mins
  • Daily Study | God will lead you through financial lack
    Jul 22 2024

    God's desire is for you to have provision upfront before you start your calling; however, while fulfilling your calling, you may experience periods of lack. When lack occurs, it's not the time to quit but a time to allow God to lead you through the financial lack and guide you to provision.

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    8 mins
  • Sunday Service | Romans 8:31-34
    Jul 21 2024

    Paul highlights several key blessings for believers: the Holy Spirit's intercession, God's orchestration of everything for our good, our inclusion in God's family, our righteous standing, and our glorification by God. Paul asks, "Who can be against us?" with the implied answer being "no one," referring specifically to Satan's opposition and accusations against us. Since God has given us His best in Jesus, He will not withhold anything good from us. This is illustrated by a father's willingness to pay a parking fee after spending a large amount on a Disney World trip for his children. Paul uses a courtroom analogy to emphasize that no charges or condemnations can stand against us because God has acquitted us, and Jesus pleads for us. Only God can bring charges, and only Jesus can condemn, but neither will. Satan is our accuser, and his accusations may influence us or others, but any conviction comes from our own heart, not God. Paul reassures us that if our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart. He aims to strengthen our faith in Jesus' finished work, distinguishing between living rightly because we are saved and trying to live rightly to be saved.

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    20 mins
  • Pastoral Chat | We are in a Season of God Exposing Pastors' Secret Sexual Sins
    Jul 20 2024

    Jesus teaches us in the New Testament that if you build your house on sand, it will fall when tested. In the case of a pastor's sexual sin, their churches and ministries are built on the sand of sexual sin, and when tested, they will fall as Jesus predicted. I am not a prophet, but God has given me the ability to discern the time we are in. Based on the patterns I see, I sense from the Holy Spirit that we are in a season of God exposing the secret sexual sins of pastors. These sins need to be exposed, even if it means the ministries they built fall. God is preparing His church to enter a new phase of glory on this earth, and we cannot do this with ministries built with unclean hands. This exposure is necessary for His church to grow. Take a few minutes to listen as I explore more about this and how we, as believers, should respond and pray in this season of exposure.

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    10 mins