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Fluent Fiction - Catalan

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Catalan listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Catalan, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Catalan and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Catalonia, Valencia, or the Balearic Islands? Maybe you want to speak Catalan with your grandparents from Girona?

    Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse in the Catalan speaking country. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Catalan listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Milloreu la vostra comprensió auditiva amb les nostres històries en català avui!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Unity in the Heat: A Day of Change and Compromise in Girona
    Jul 27 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Unity in the Heat: A Day of Change and Compromise in Girona Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/unity-in-the-heat-a-day-of-change-and-compromise-in-girona Story Transcript:Ca: El sol d’estiu brillava intensament sobre Girona.En: The summer sun shone intensely over Girona.Ca: La calor era intensa, però no podia refredar l'emoció que es respirava a la ciutat.En: The heat was scorching, but it couldn't cool the excitement that filled the city.Ca: El centre de votació es trobava a una escola amb un gimnàs gran, ple de cartells de campanya.En: The polling station was located in a school with a large gymnasium, full of campaign posters.Ca: Oriol i Gemma es preparaven per una jornada important.En: Oriol and Gemma were getting ready for an important day.Ca: Oriol, de vint-i-vuit anys, era un activista apassionat.En: Oriol, twenty-eight years old, was a passionate activist.Ca: Volia canvis per al seu barri.En: He wanted changes for his neighborhood.Ca: Creia que les polítiques actuals eren antiquades.En: He believed the current policies were outdated.Ca: Per això, s'havia implicat molt en la campanya.En: That's why he had gotten deeply involved in the campaign.Ca: Voluntari al centre de votació, s'assegurava que el seu candidat tingués el suport necessari.En: As a volunteer at the polling station, he made sure his candidate had the necessary support.Ca: Gemma, de trenta-dos anys, era tranquil·la i metòdica.En: Gemma, thirty-two years old, was calm and methodical.Ca: Li agradava l'estabilitat i no confiava en els canvis radicals.En: She liked stability and did not trust radical changes.Ca: El veia necessari però poc segur canviar l’administració.En: She saw it as necessary but not safe to change the administration.Ca: També havia decidit ser voluntària, per garantir un procés just i equilibrat.En: She had also decided to volunteer to ensure a fair and balanced process.Ca: Des del principi del dia, Oriol i Gemma van acabar treballant junts.En: Since the beginning of the day, Oriol and Gemma ended up working together.Ca: La tensió es podia tallar.En: The tension was palpable.Ca: Els votants entraven i sortien, i l’aire era carregat d’anticipació.En: Voters were coming and going, and the air was thick with anticipation.Ca: Alguns votants deien que aquest era l'esdeveniment més important en anys.En: Some voters said this was the most important event in years.Ca: "Hola, Gemma," va saludar Oriol, esforçant-se per mantenir un to cordial.En: "Hi, Gemma," greeted Oriol, striving to keep a cordial tone.Ca: "Hola, Oriol," va respondre Gemma amb un somriure tens.En: "Hi, Oriol," replied Gemma with a tense smile.Ca: Tot semblava anar bé fins a migdia.En: Everything seemed to be going well until noon.Ca: Llavors, una discussió va escalfar l’ambient.En: Then, a discussion heated up the atmosphere.Ca: Diversos votants van començar a cridar, defensant els seus punts de vista amb gran passió.En: Several voters began yelling, passionately defending their points of view.Ca: La situació es va posar perillosa.En: The situation became dangerous.Ca: Oriol i Gemma es van mirar.En: Oriol and Gemma looked at each other.Ca: Els seus ulls es trobaven plens de determinació.En: Their eyes were full of determination.Ca: Sabien que havien de fer alguna cosa.En: They knew they needed to do something.Ca: "Gemma, hem de calmar-los," va dir Oriol.En: "Gemma, we need to calm them down," said Oriol.Ca: "Sí, tens raó," va respondre ella.En: "Yes, you're right," she responded.Ca: Van actuar ràpidament.En: They acted quickly.Ca: Oriol va pujar a una cadira.En: Oriol climbed onto a chair.Ca: "Si us plau, escolteu!En: "Please, listen!Ca: Necessitem calma i respectar el procés!En: We need to stay calm and respect the process!"Ca: "Gemma va afegir, "Tots volem el millor per la nostra comunitat.En: Gemma added, "We all want the best for our community.Ca: Hem de respectar-nos!En: We need to respect each other!"Ca: "Poc a poc, la multitud es va calmar.En: Slowly, the crowd calmed down.Ca: Els votants van començar a escoltar més i discutir menys.En: Voters began to listen more and argue less.Ca: Oriol i Gemma van poder controlar la situació.En: Oriol and Gemma managed to control the situation.Ca: Els dos se sentien cansats però alleujats.En: Both felt tired but relieved.Ca: Havien passat una prova dura.En: They had passed a tough test.Ca: Havien après que, malgrat les seves diferències, volien el mateix: un procés pacífic i just pel bé de tots.En: They had learned that, despite their differences, they wanted the same thing: a peaceful and fair process for everyone's sake.Ca: "Gràcies, Gemma," va dir Oriol un cop la calma va tornar.En: "Thank you, Gemma," said Oriol once calm had returned.Ca: "Gràcies, Oriol," va respondre ella.En: "Thank you, Oriol," she replied.Ca: "Crec que hem après alguna cosa important avui.En: "I think we learned ...
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    20 mins
  • High-Stakes Write-Off: A Night of Debt, Dreams, and Destiny
    Jul 26 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Catalan: High-Stakes Write-Off: A Night of Debt, Dreams, and Destiny Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/high-stakes-write-off-a-night-of-debt-dreams-and-destiny Story Transcript:Ca: La llum tènue il·luminava amb prou feines el vell tauler de fusta.En: The dim light barely illuminated the old wooden table.Ca: El fum de les cigarretes feia que l'aire fos dens i difícil de respirar.En: The cigarette smoke made the air thick and difficult to breathe.Ca: Era una nit d'estiu, i Laia i Pau estaven asseguts a una taula en una taverna antiga de Barcelona.En: It was a summer night, and Laia and Pau were sitting at a table in an old tavern in Barcelona.Ca: Els dos eren escriptors lluitant per la seva última oportunitat.En: They were both writers fighting for their last chance.Ca: Necessitaven guanyar aquell joc de pòquer.En: They needed to win that poker game.Ca: Laia, amb els seus ulls foscos i determinats, observava cada moviment dels altres jugadors.En: Laia, with her dark and determined eyes, watched every move of the other players.Ca: Estava amagant un gran deute que amenaçava amb esborrar-la del mapa.En: She was hiding a large debt that threatened to wipe her off the map.Ca: Pau, confiat però ple de dubtes interns, mirava fixament les cartes.En: Pau, confident but full of internal doubts, stared intently at the cards.Ca: Havia estat rebutjat per tants editors que això era el seu últim intent de publicar la seva novel·la.En: He had been rejected by so many publishers that this was his last attempt to publish his novel.Ca: Els altres jugadors eren veterans, amb rictus rígids i somriures cínics.En: The other players were veterans, with rigid expressions and cynical smiles.Ca: Sabien com manejar les cartes i llegir els rostres dels seus adversaris.En: They knew how to handle the cards and read their opponents' faces.Ca: Laia sabia que estaria en perill si no guanyava.En: Laia knew that she would be in danger if she didn’t win.Ca: Pau sabia que era ara o mai.En: Pau knew it was now or never.Ca: Laia va decidir fer una aposta petita al principi, observant com reaccionaven els altres.En: Laia decided to place a small bet at the beginning, observing how the others reacted.Ca: Pau va seguir una estratègia similar, dubtant a l'hora de jugar les seves cartes fortes.En: Pau followed a similar strategy, hesitating when playing his strong cards.Ca: El temps passava, i la tensió augmentava.En: Time passed, and the tension increased.Ca: Els jugadors caien un a un fins que només quedaven Laia i Pau.En: The players dropped out one by one until only Laia and Pau remained.Ca: Amb el cor bategant fort, Laia va veure en Pau una decisió crucial.En: With her heart pounding, Laia saw that Pau had come to a crucial decision.Ca: Pau es va adonar també que no hi havia marxa enrere.En: Pau also realized there was no turning back.Ca: Laia va respirar profundament i va decidir que era el moment de bluffar.En: Laia took a deep breath and decided it was time to bluff.Ca: Va apostar tot el que tenia.En: She bet everything she had.Ca: Pau, sense més remei, va fer el mateix.En: Pau, with no other choice, did the same.Ca: Les cartes van ser destapades.En: The cards were revealed.Ca: La tensió era insuportable.En: The tension was unbearable.Ca: En aquell moment, compartiren una mirada.En: At that moment, they shared a glance.Ca: Pau va parlar primer.En: Pau spoke first.Ca: “Necessito publicar el meu llibre,” va dir, la veu tremolosa.En: “I need to publish my book,” he said, his voice trembling.Ca: Laia, amb els ulls plens de llàgrimes, va admetre: “Ho necessito per pagar els meus deutes.”En: Laia, with tears in her eyes, admitted, “I need this to pay off my debts.”Ca: Finalment, Laia va guanyar la mà.En: Finally, Laia won the hand.Ca: Pau va sentir un pes al cor, però ho va acceptar.En: Pau felt a weight in his heart, but he accepted it.Ca: Sabia que la Laia ho necessitava tant com ell.En: He knew Laia needed it as much as he did.Ca: Es van aixecar i es van abraçar en silenci.En: They stood up and hugged in silence.Ca: La victòria era agredolça.En: The victory was bittersweet.Ca: Van sortir de la taverna, sabent que encara tenien molt per lluitar.En: They left the tavern, knowing they still had much to fight for.Ca: Però van decidir que no ho farien sols.En: But they decided they wouldn’t do it alone.Ca: Amb el cor més lleuger i una nova determinació, es van prometre recolzar-se mútuament.En: With lighter hearts and a new determination, they promised to support each other.Ca: Tot i que la nit havia estat dura, sabien que la vida d’escritor continuava, i ara ho farien plegats.En: Though the night had been tough, they knew that the life of a writer continued, and now they would face it together.Ca: A la fi, ambdós van aprendre que les veritables victòries es guanyen amb suport i amistat, i que els seus somnis, tot i difícils, no ...
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    17 mins
  • Surprise Party: When a Mistaken Meeting Turns into Office Fun
    Jul 25 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Surprise Party: When a Mistaken Meeting Turns into Office Fun Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/surprise-party-when-a-mistaken-meeting-turns-into-office-fun Story Transcript:Ca: El sol de l'estiu entrava per les grans finestres de l'oficina, il·luminant les taules i les pantalles d'ordinador.En: The summer sun poured through the large office windows, illuminating the desks and computer screens.Ca: Martí, amb el seu vestit impecable, estava assegut a la seva taula esperant l'arribada del gran dia.En: Martí, with his impeccable suit, sat at his desk awaiting the arrival of the big day.Ca: "Avui és el dia", deia a tothom.En: "Today is the day," he told everyone.Ca: L'oficina estava en ebullició.En: The office was in a state of excitement.Ca: Laia, la jove interna, corria d'una banda a l'altra amb un munt de papers.En: Laia, the young intern, was running back and forth with a pile of papers.Ca: "Hem d'assegurar-nos que tot estigui perfectament preparat", deia Martí.En: "We have to make sure everything is perfectly ready," said Martí.Ca: Laia, nerviosa, assentia amb el cap.En: Laia, nervous, nodded her head.Ca: Martí era molt detallista i volia que tot anés com una seda.En: Martí was very detail-oriented and wanted everything to go smoothly.Ca: D'un cop, Berta, la veterana executiva amb una mirada escèptica, es va apropar a Martí.En: Suddenly, Berta, the veteran executive with a skeptical look, approached Martí.Ca: "Estàs segur que avui és el dia?", va preguntar-li amb un somriure maliciós.En: "Are you sure today is the day?" she asked with a malicious smile.Ca: Martí, sense dubtar-ho, va respondre: "Sí, els clients importants arriben a les tres. Tot ha de ser perfecte."En: Martí, without hesitation, replied, "Yes, the important clients arrive at three. Everything has to be perfect."Ca: A l'hora de dinar, Laia va entrar a la sala de conferències amb una expressió d'angoixa.En: At lunchtime, Laia entered the conference room with a distressed expression.Ca: "Martí, hi ha un problema", va murmurar.En: "Martí, there's a problem," she murmured.Ca: Martí, ocupat amb preparatius, no va parar atenció.En: Martí, busy with preparations, didn't pay attention.Ca: Laia va insistir: "Crec que he comès un error enviant la invitació. No hi ha cap reunió programada amb aquests clients."En: Laia insisted, "I think I made a mistake sending the invitation. There is no meeting scheduled with those clients."Ca: Martí es va aturar i va quedar lívid.En: Martí stopped and turned pale.Ca: "Com que no hi ha reunió?", va replicar amb incredulitat.En: "What do you mean there's no meeting?" he replied in disbelief.Ca: La precaució de Laia per a corregir el seu error havia arribat massa tard.En: Laia's caution to correct her mistake had come too late.Ca: L'oficina estava ja en ple bullici de preparacions.En: The office was already in full swing with preparations.Ca: Uns instants després, Berta va entrar rient a la sala de conferències.En: Moments later, Berta entered the conference room laughing.Ca: "Això és fantàstic!", va exclamar.En: "This is fantastic!" she exclaimed.Ca: "Hem preparat tot això per a ningú?"En: "Did we prepare all this for no one?"Ca: Martí, gens divertit, va contestar: "Això no té cap gràcia, Berta!"En: Martí, not amused, responded, "This is not funny, Berta!"Ca: Amb les tres de la tarda acostant-se ràpidament, Laia, tremolant, va reunir tot el coratge per confessar l’error davant tots.En: With three o'clock quickly approaching, Laia, trembling, gathered all her courage to confess the mistake to everyone.Ca: "Senyor Martí i companys, ha estat un malentès; no hi ha reunió amb el client."En: "Mr. Martí and colleagues, it was a misunderstanding; there’s no meeting with the client."Ca: Tota l’oficina es va quedar en silenci per un moment, però poc després esclataren en rialles.En: The entire office fell silent for a moment, but shortly after, they burst into laughter.Ca: Berta, sempre la primera en trobar humor en les situacions, va suggerir: "Per què no fem una festa amb tot això? Ja que tenim tot preparat, aprofitem-ho!"En: Berta, always the first to find humor in situations, suggested, "Why don't we throw a party with all this? Since everything is prepared, let's take advantage of it!"Ca: Martí, inicialment contrari, va mirar les cares somrients dels seus companys i va decidir relaxar-se.En: Martí, initially opposed, looked at the smiling faces of his colleagues and decided to relax.Ca: "Llavors, d'acord", va dir Martí amb un sospir, "fem una festa."En: "Alright then," said Martí with a sigh, "let's have a party."Ca: La gent va començar a disfrutar les begudes i els aperitius que havien preparat per als clients inexistents.En: People began to enjoy the drinks and appetizers that had been prepared for nonexistent clients.Ca: Al final, Martí va riure amb els altres, adonant-se que no ...
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    18 mins

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