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Fluent Fiction - Danish

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Danish listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you.

    Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Danish, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Danish and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.

    But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    And our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who want to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Denmark, or perhaps you want to speak Danish with your family from there? Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse in Danish-speaking experiences.

    Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Danish listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself.

    Forbedr din lytteforståelse i dansk med vores fortællinger i dag!

    Verbari LLC
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  • From Shadows to Spotlight: Astrid's Triumph in the Modern Office
    Jul 25 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Danish: From Shadows to Spotlight: Astrid's Triumph in the Modern Office Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/from-shadows-to-spotlight-astrids-triumph-in-the-modern-office Story Transcript:Da: Solen skinnede stærkt gennem de store vinduer i det topmoderne kontor.En: The sun shone brightly through the large windows in the ultramodern office.Da: Det var en varm sommerdag, og kontoret summede af aktivitet.En: It was a warm summer day, and the office buzzed with activity.Da: Astrid sad ved sit skrivebord.En: Astrid sat at her desk.Da: En vigtig projektpræsentation nærmede sig hurtigt, og nerverne gnavede i hende.En: An important project presentation was approaching quickly, and nerves were gnawing at her.Da: Ved siden af hende stod Margrethe, selvsikker og erfaren.En: Beside her stood Margrethe, confident and experienced.Da: "Astrid, har du forberedt graferne?"En: "Astrid, have you prepared the charts?"Da: spurgte Margrethe med et skarpt blik.En: Margrethe asked sharply.Da: Astrid nikkede hurtigt.En: Astrid nodded quickly.Da: “Ja, de er færdige.En: “Yes, they’re done.Da: Jeg har også nogle nye idéer til præsentationen,” sagde hun forsigtigt.En: I also have some new ideas for the presentation,” she said cautiously.Da: Margrethe sendte hende et professionelt smil, der ikke helt nåede øjnene.En: Margrethe gave her a professional smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes.Da: "Vi må sørge for, at alt går glat.En: “We must ensure everything runs smoothly.Da: Dette projekt er vigtigt for os begge," sagde Margrethe bestemt.En: This project is important for both of us,” Margrethe said firmly.Da: Astrid følte en knude i maven.En: Astrid felt a knot in her stomach.Da: Hun vidste, at Margrethe havde en masse erfaring, men hun ville også gerne bevise, at hun kunne selv.En: She knew Margrethe had a lot of experience, but she also wanted to prove she could succeed on her own.Da: Astrid ønskede virkelig den forfremmelse, hun havde arbejdet så hårdt for.En: Astrid really coveted the promotion she had worked so hard for.Da: Dagene fløj forbi med møder og lange arbejdsdage.En: The days flew by with meetings and long workdays.Da: Kontoret var et åbent rum med glasvægge.En: The office was an open space with glass walls.Da: Det hele så så moderne og professionelt ud, men Astrid følte sig nogle gange som en lille fisk i et stort akvarium.En: It all looked so modern and professional, but sometimes Astrid felt like a small fish in a big aquarium.Da: Hun følte sig ofte overskygget af Margrethe.En: She often felt overshadowed by Margrethe.Da: Den selvsikkerhed, Margrethe udstrålede, gjorde Astrid usikker.En: The confidence Margrethe radiated made Astrid insecure.Da: Endelig kom dagen for præsentationen.En: Finally, the day of the presentation arrived.Da: Det store mødelokale var fyldt med ledere og kolleger.En: The large meeting room was filled with managers and colleagues.Da: Astrid havde sommerfugle i maven, mens hun bar sin bærbare computer til podiet.En: Astrid had butterflies in her stomach as she carried her laptop to the podium.Da: Margrethe begyndte præsentationen med en kraftfuld stemme, der fangede alles opmærksomhed.En: Margrethe began the presentation with a powerful voice that captured everyone’s attention.Da: Da det blev Astrids tur at tale, tøvede hun et øjeblik.En: When it was Astrid’s turn to speak, she hesitated for a moment.Da: Margrethe så på hende med et fast blik.En: Margrethe looked at her with a steady gaze.Da: Astrids hjerte hamrede, men hun tog en dyb indånding og begyndte at tale.En: Astrid’s heart pounded, but she took a deep breath and began to speak.Da: Hun præsenterede sine nye idéer.En: She presented her new ideas.Da: Først føltes hendes stemme lille, men efterhånden blev den stærkere.En: At first, her voice felt small, but gradually it grew stronger.Da: Pludselig var rummet stille.En: Suddenly the room was silent.Da: Alle ledere så interesseret ud.En: All the managers looked interested.Da: Margrethe så overrasket ud.En: Margrethe looked surprised.Da: Astrid fortsatte med at forklare sine idéer, og da hun var færdig, fik hun bifald.En: Astrid continued to explain her ideas, and when she was finished, she received applause.Da: Margrethe nikkede respektfuldt mod Astrid.En: Margrethe nodded respectfully at Astrid.Da: Præsentationen blev godt modtaget, og Astrids idéer blev set som nyskabende og vigtige.En: The presentation was well received, and Astrid’s ideas were seen as innovative and important.Da: Efter mødet gik Margrethe hen til Astrid.En: After the meeting, Margrethe approached Astrid.Da: "Godt gået.En: “Well done.Da: Dine idéer gjorde en forskel.En: Your ideas made a difference.Da: Vi gjorde det sammen," sagde Margrethe med et ægte smil.En: We did it together,” Margrethe said with a genuine smile.Da: Astrid smilede tilbage, lettet og stolt.En: Astrid smiled back...
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    17 mins
  • Finding Harmony: A Tale of Creativity and Structure
    Jul 24 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Danish: Finding Harmony: A Tale of Creativity and Structure Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/finding-harmony-a-tale-of-creativity-and-structure Story Transcript:Da: I den stille gated community med manicurerede græsplæner og godt asfalterede veje boede Mikkel og Freja.En: In the quiet gated community with manicured lawns and well-paved roads lived Mikkel and Freja.Da: Det var sommer, og Midsommerfesten nærmede sig.En: It was summer, and the Midsummer Festival was approaching.Da: De skulle lave et skoleprojekt sammen, men deres forskelligheder skabte problemer.En: They were supposed to work on a school project together, but their differences created problems.Da: Mikkel var en flittig elev.En: Mikkel was a diligent student.Da: Han var introvert og led af social angst.En: He was introverted and suffered from social anxiety.Da: Han kunne godt lide struktur og orden.En: He liked structure and order.Da: Freja derimod var udadvendt og kreativ.En: Freja, on the other hand, was outgoing and creative.Da: Hun havde ofte svært ved at følge opgaverne til ende.En: She often had difficulty seeing tasks through to the end.Da: De var blevet tildelt hinanden som partnere i et stort projekt i skolen.En: They had been assigned to each other as partners for a big school project.Da: De mødtes for første gang i Mikkels hus.En: They met for the first time at Mikkel's house.Da: “Hej Freja,” sagde Mikkel nervøst.En: "Hi Freja," said Mikkel nervously.Da: “Hej Mikkel,” svarede Freja smilende.En: "Hi Mikkel," answered Freja with a smile.Da: “Lad os komme i gang med projektet.En: "Let's get started on the project."Da: ” Mikkel tog sine noter frem.En: Mikkel took out his notes.Da: “Vi skal lave en præsentation om miljøet.En: "We need to make a presentation about the environment."Da: ” Freja rullede med øjnene.En: Freja rolled her eyes.Da: “Det lyder kedeligt.En: "That sounds boring.Da: Lad os gøre det sjovt!En: Let's make it fun!"Da: ”Mikkel sukkede.En: Mikkel sighed.Da: “Det er vigtigt, at vi følger lærens vejledning.En: "It's important that we follow the teacher's guidelines."Da: ” Freja grinede.En: Freja laughed.Da: “Hvorfor ikke lave en video i stedet?En: "Why not make a video instead?Da: Noget kreativt!En: Something creative!"Da: ” De blev enige om at tænke over det til næste møde.En: They agreed to think about it until their next meeting.Da: Midsommerfesten kom snart.En: The Midsummer Festival came soon.Da: Der var musik og dans i hele området.En: There was music and dancing all around the area.Da: Alligevel skulle de arbejde på projektet.En: Nevertheless, they had to work on the project.Da: De mødtes igen i Mikkels hus.En: They met again at Mikkel's house.Da: “Vi mister værdifuld tid,” sagde Mikkel.En: "We're losing valuable time," said Mikkel.Da: “Og vi går glip af festen,” sagde Freja.En: "And we're missing the festival," said Freja.Da: “Vi må finde en løsning.En: "We need to find a solution."Da: ”Pludselig brød en skænderi ud.En: Suddenly, an argument broke out.Da: “Du forstår det ikke!En: "You don't understand!"Da: ” råbte Mikkel.En: shouted Mikkel.Da: “Du tænker ikke på karakteren!En: "You don't think about the grade!"Da: ” Freja svarede: “Og du lader ikke plads til kreativitet!En: Freja responded, "And you don't leave room for creativity!"Da: ”Midt under deres skænderi fik Freja en idé.En: In the midst of their argument, Freja got an idea.Da: “Hvad hvis vi kombinerer det?En: "What if we combine the two?"Da: ” spurgte hun.En: she asked.Da: “Hvordan?En: "How?"Da: ” Mikkel så forvirret ud.En: Mikkel looked confused.Da: “Vi kan lave en video, men med struktureret indhold!En: "We can make a video, but with structured content!"Da: ” Mikkel tænkte over det.En: Mikkel thought about it.Da: “Okay, lad os prøve.En: "Okay, let's try it."Da: ”De arbejdede hele natten.En: They worked all night.Da: De kombinerede Frejas videoidéer med Mikkels research.En: They combined Freja's video ideas with Mikkel's research.Da: Resultatet var fantastisk.En: The result was fantastic.Da: En video som forklarede miljøproblemer kreativt men struktureret.En: A video that explained environmental issues creatively but in a structured manner.Da: Mikkel opdagede, at han også kunne lide kreative løsninger.En: Mikkel discovered that he also liked creative solutions.Da: Freja opdagede vigtigheden af struktur.En: Freja realized the importance of structure.Da: Da de afleverede projektet, var de stolte.En: When they handed in the project, they were proud.Da: De fik en høj karakter og blev venner.En: They received a high grade and became friends.Da: Mikkel lærte at åbne op for kreative metoder, og Freja forstod værdien af orden.En: Mikkel learned to open up to creative methods, and Freja understood the value of order.Da: Til Midsommerfesten var de begge tilfredse og nød festen sammen.En: At ...
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    16 mins
  • Race Against Time: A Jet-Set Gift Hunt at Copenhagen Airport
    Jul 23 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Danish: Race Against Time: A Jet-Set Gift Hunt at Copenhagen Airport Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/race-against-time-a-jet-set-gift-hunt-at-copenhagen-airport Story Transcript:Da: Lufthavnen summede af aktivitet.En: The airport buzzed with activity.Da: Det var sommer, og København International Airport var fyldt med rejsende.En: It was summer, and Copenhagen International Airport was filled with travelers.Da: Jens, Mette og Klaus stod midt i en travl duty-free butik.En: Jens, Mette, and Klaus stood in the middle of a busy duty-free shop.Da: "Vi skal finde en gave hurtigt," sagde Jens.En: "We need to find a gift quickly," said Jens.Da: Han var nervøs.En: He was nervous.Da: Han havde en vigtig forretningsmøde i udlandet.En: He had an important business meeting abroad.Da: Mette, hans kone, var ved hans side.En: Mette, his wife, was at his side.Da: Hun holdt øje med tiden og passede på Jens' pas og billetter.En: She was keeping track of the time and taking care of Jens' passport and tickets.Da: Klaus, Jens' kollega, var mere afslappet.En: Klaus, Jens' colleague, was more relaxed.Da: Han snakkede og kiggede rundt.En: He chatted and looked around.Da: "Se her!" Klaus pegede på et flot ur.En: "Look here!" Klaus pointed to a beautiful watch.Da: "Dette ville være en god gave."En: "This would make a great gift."Da: "Vi har ikke tid til at kigge på alt," sagde Mette, og hun tog Jens' hånd.En: "We don't have time to look at everything," said Mette, and she took Jens' hand.Da: "Vi skal finde noget hurtigt."En: "We need to find something fast."Da: Jens kiggede på sin telefon.En: Jens looked at his phone.Da: "Vi har kun 30 minutter."En: "We only have 30 minutes."Da: De gik gennem butikken.En: They walked through the shop.Da: Hylderne var fyldt med chokolade, parfume og danske designvarer.En: The shelves were filled with chocolate, perfume, and Danish design items.Da: Jens prøvede at fokusere, men Klaus blev ved med at stoppe op.En: Jens tried to focus, but Klaus kept stopping.Da: "Prøv denne chokolade," sagde Klaus og rakte en prøve til Jens.En: "Try this chocolate," said Klaus, handing a sample to Jens.Da: "Vi har ikke tid," sagde Jens og rystede på hovedet.En: "We don't have time," said Jens, shaking his head.Da: "Vi skal finde noget nu."En: "We need to find something now."Da: Jens følte stressen tage over.En: Jens felt the stress taking over.Da: Mette lagde en hånd på hans skuldre.En: Mette placed a hand on his shoulder.Da: "Ro på, Jens," sagde hun blødt.En: "Calm down, Jens," she said softly.Da: "Vi finder noget snart."En: "We'll find something soon."Da: Til sidst fandt de en smuk dansk vase.En: Finally, they found a beautiful Danish vase.Da: Den var perfekt.En: It was perfect.Da: Jens trak et lettelsens suk.En: Jens let out a sigh of relief.Da: "Dette er det," sagde han.En: "This is it," he said.Da: "Godt valg," sagde Mette med et smil.En: "Good choice," said Mette with a smile.Da: Klaus nikkede også.En: Klaus nodded in agreement.Da: De gik til kassen, men køen var lang.En: They went to the checkout, but the line was long.Da: Tiden tikkede.En: Time was ticking.Da: "Vi har ikke tid til at vente," sagde Jens.En: "We don't have time to wait," said Jens.Da: Han begyndte at svede.En: He started to sweat.Da: "Ro på," gentog Mette.En: "Calm down," repeated Mette.Da: "Vi klarer det."En: "We'll make it."Da: Da de endelig betalte og gik ud af butikken, indså de, at de kun havde få minutter tilbage.En: When they finally paid and left the shop, they realized they only had a few minutes left.Da: "Løb!" råbte Jens.En: "Run!" shouted Jens.Da: De spurtede gennem lufthavnen.En: They sprinted through the airport.Da: Mette holdt fast i billetterne, mens Jens holdt vasen tæt til sig.En: Mette held onto the tickets while Jens clutched the vase tightly.Da: De nåede gaten lige i tide.En: They reached the gate just in time.Da: Jens pustede og hev efter vejret.En: Jens panted and gasped for breath.Da: "Vi klarede det."En: "We made it."Da: "Jeg sagde det jo," sagde Mette med et smil.En: "I told you so," said Mette with a smile.Da: Jens trak hende ind i et kram.En: Jens pulled her into a hug.Da: "Tak," sagde han stille.En: "Thank you," he said quietly.Da: "Du holdt hovedet koldt."En: "You kept a cool head."Da: De satte sig i sæderne på flyet.En: They sat down in their seats on the plane.Da: Jens følte en blanding af lettelse og beundring.En: Jens felt a mix of relief and admiration.Da: Han kiggede på Mette og vidste, at han havde meget at lære.En: He looked at Mette and knew he had a lot to learn.Da: Han skulle blive bedre til at balancere arbejde med tålmodighed og fleksibilitet.En: He needed to get better at balancing work with patience and flexibility.Da: Flyet lettede, og Jens følte sig lettere.En: The plane took off, and Jens felt lighter.Da: Han havde ikke kun fået en perfekt gave, men også en ny forståelse for sin kones styrke og ...
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    16 mins

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