Fluent Fiction - Japanese

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Japanese listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you.

    Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Japanese, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Japanese and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.

    But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    And our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who want to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Japan? Maybe you want to speak Japanese with your friends from Tokyo? Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse in Japanese.

    Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Japanese listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself.

    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Facing Fears: A Harrowing Experience at Tokyo Skytree
    Oct 4 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Japanese: Facing Fears: A Harrowing Experience at Tokyo Skytree Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/facing-fears-a-harrowing-experience-at-tokyo-skytree Story Transcript:Ja: 東京スカイツリーの展望台は、東京の景色を一望する絶好の場所です。En: The Tokyo Skytree observation deck is an excellent place to get a panoramic view of Tokyo.Ja: 秋の澄んだ空気の中で、街の風景は色とりどりの紅葉に包まれています。En: In the clear autumn air, the city's landscape is enveloped in a variety of colorful autumn leaves.Ja: その日、ハルキ、アイコ、そしてレンは、スカイツリーの頂上にいました。En: On that day, Haruki, Aiko, and Ren were at the top of the Skytree.Ja: ハルキは内に秘めた不安を押し隠し、友達と楽しい時間を過ごしたいと思っていました。En: Haruki was trying to conceal his inward anxiety and wanted to spend a fun time with his friends.Ja: 「すごい景色だね!」アイコが感嘆します。En: "What an amazing view!" Aiko exclaimed.Ja: レンも遠くを指差しながら、「あそこに見えるのは富士山じゃない?」と興奮気味に話します。En: Ren, also excited, pointed into the distance and said, "Isn't that Mount Fuji over there?"Ja: しかし、ハルキは表面上は微笑んでいましたが、心の中では胸の重苦しさを感じ始めていました。En: However, although Haruki was smiling on the surface, he started feeling a heaviness in his chest.Ja: 実は、彼は慢性的な喘息を持っており、このことを友達には言っていませんでした。En: In reality, he had chronic asthma, which he hadn't told his friends about.Ja: 「大丈夫かい?」レンが突然、ハルキに質問します。En: "Are you okay?" Ren suddenly asked Haruki.Ja: ハルキは「うん、大丈夫」と軽く答えますが、その時、息苦しさがさらに増してきました。En: Haruki casually replied, "Yeah, I'm fine," but at that moment, his breathlessness increased.Ja: 気づかれまいと必死で呼吸を整えようとしますが、状況は悪化する一方。En: Desperately trying to regulate his breathing to avoid being noticed, the situation only worsened.Ja: 彼の心は不安でいっぱいになりました。しかし、誰かに助けを求めることもできずにいました。En: His heart was filled with anxiety, but he couldn't bring himself to ask for help.Ja: 数分後、ハルキの額には汗がにじみ、視界もぼやけてきました。En: A few minutes later, sweat was beading on Haruki's forehead, and his vision began to blur.Ja: その様子を見たアイコは心配そうに彼に近寄ります。En: Seeing this, Aiko approached him with concern.Ja: 「ハルキ、大丈夫じゃないよね?」アイコのやさしい声に、ハルキは目を見開きました。En: "Haruki, you're not okay, are you?" Aiko's gentle voice made Haruki open his eyes wide.Ja: 彼はもう我慢の限界でした。En: He had reached his limit.Ja: 「助けて…」と低い声でようやく伝えると、両手を膝につき、肩を振るわせました。En: In a low voice, he finally said, "Help me..." and rested his hands on his knees, his shoulders shaking.Ja: アイコはすぐに彼を支え、近くにいたスタッフを呼びます。En: Aiko immediately supported him and called for a nearby staff member.Ja: レンも慌ててやってきて、「何かできることは?」と尋ねます。En: Ren hurried over and asked, "Is there anything I can do?"Ja: スタッフが迅速に応急処置をして、ハルキの症状は少しずつ和らいでいきました。En: The staff quickly administered first aid, and Haruki's symptoms gradually eased.Ja: 後で、地面に戻ったハルキは静かに言いました。「ありがとう、アイコ、レン。En: Later, back on the ground, Haruki said quietly, "Thank you, Aiko, Ren.Ja: 僕、いつも強がってばかりだった。En: I was always trying to be strong.Ja: だけど、本当に助けてもらって、うれしかった。」En: But I'm really glad you helped me."Ja: アイコは微笑み、「友達はそういう存在だよ」と優しく言いました。En: Aiko smiled gently and said, "That's what friends are for."Ja: レンも大きく頷きました。En: Ren nodded vigorously.Ja: 「次からは、何でも話してね。」En: "Next time, talk to us about anything."Ja: ハルキは心から二人に感謝しました。En: Haruki was genuinely grateful to the two of them.Ja: 彼は初めて、自分の弱さを受け入れ、それを打ち明けることで、もっと絆が深まると感じました。En: For the first time, he accepted his own weakness and realized that sharing it could deepen their bond.Ja: スカイツリーのてっぺんで泣き...
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    16 mins
  • Typhoon Triumph: Unity and Memories at the Cultural Festival
    Oct 3 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Japanese: Typhoon Triumph: Unity and Memories at the Cultural Festival Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/typhoon-triumph-unity-and-memories-at-the-cultural-festival Story Transcript:Ja: 秋のある日、空は灰色の雲で覆われ、風は強く吹いていました。En: One autumn day, the sky was covered with gray clouds, and the wind was blowing strongly.Ja: 日本の高校では、年に一度の文化祭の準備が進んでいました。En: At a Nihon high school, preparations for the annual cultural festival were underway.Ja: 教室や廊下は色とりどりの装飾で飾られ、生徒たちのわくわくした声が響いていました。En: Classrooms and hallways were decorated with colorful decorations, and the excited voices of the students echoed.Ja: しかし外では、台風が近づいていました。En: However, outside, a typhoon was approaching.Ja: ヒロシは文化祭の準備委員のリーダーでした。En: Hiroshi was the leader of the cultural festival preparation committee.Ja: 彼は文化祭が彼の高校生活最後の楽しい思い出になることを願っていました。En: He hoped that the festival would become his last enjoyable memory of his high school life.Ja: しかし、台風の接近により、祭りの中止が検討されていました。En: However, due to the approaching typhoon, the possibility of canceling the festival was being considered.Ja: 彼の親友アイコは、不安ながらもヒロシを応援していました。En: His close friend Aiko was anxious but supported Hiroshi.Ja: 「なんとかこの祭りを成功させたい」とヒロシは決意して言いました。En: "I want to somehow make this festival a success," Hiroshi said with determination.Ja: しかし、学生会長のリョウは中止を支持していました。En: However, the student council president, Ryo, supported the cancellation.Ja: 「安全が一番だ」とリョウは言い、多くの生徒も彼に同意していました。En: "Safety comes first," said Ryo, and many students agreed with him.Ja: しかし、ヒロシはあきらめませんでした。En: Nevertheless, Hiroshi did not give up.Ja: 彼は生徒と先生を集め、提案しました。「行事を屋内で安全に開催しよう。En: He gathered students and teachers and proposed, "Let's hold the event safely indoors.Ja: 協力し合えばできるはずだよ」と。彼の熱意ある言葉は、多くの心を動かしました。En: If we cooperate, we should be able to do it." His passionate words moved many hearts.Ja: ヒロシの情熱に触発され、生徒たちは教室を片付け、机や椅子をうまく配置し直しました。En: Inspired by Hiroshi's enthusiasm, the students cleaned the classrooms and skillfully rearranged desks and chairs.Ja: 先生たちも協力して配置換えを手伝いました。En: The teachers also cooperated and helped with the reorganization.Ja: 学校はチームワークで明るく活気づきました。En: The school was brightened and energized through teamwork.Ja: 文化祭当日、風雨は強まっていましたが、校舎の中は明るく、音楽と笑い声で満ちていました。En: On the day of the cultural festival, the wind and rain had intensified, but inside the school building, it was bright and filled with music and laughter.Ja: ヒロシのスピーチは感動的で、みんなの心を一つにしました。En: Hiroshi's speech was moving and united everyone's hearts.Ja: 「この日のために準備した時間と労力は、大切な思い出となります」と彼は言い、みんなの拍手を浴びました。En: "The time and effort spent preparing for this day will become precious memories," he said, receiving applause from everyone.Ja: 祭りは無事に屋内で開催され、成功を収めました。En: The festival was successfully held indoors and was a success.Ja: 外は強い雨が降りしきる中、校舎の中では生徒たちが楽しみ、交流を深めました。En: Outside, it rained heavily, but inside the building, students enjoyed themselves and deepened their interactions.Ja: この経験を通して、ヒロシはリーダーシップの自信をつけ、共同の力の大切さを学びました。En: Through this experience, Hiroshi gained confidence in his leadership and learned the importance of collective effort.Ja: 文化祭は、雨の音をバックに終了しました。En: The cultural festival concluded with the sound of the rain in the background.Ja: その日のことは、生徒たちの心に強く刻まれ、彼らの友情と団結の証となりました。En: The events of that day were firmly imprinted in the students' hearts, serving as a testament to their friendship and unity.Ja: ヒロシ、アイコ、リョウもその一員であり、この経験を一緒に喜...
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    15 mins
  • Unlocking Kyoto's Hidden Flora: A Botanist's Secret Discovery
    Oct 2 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Japanese: Unlocking Kyoto's Hidden Flora: A Botanist's Secret Discovery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/unlocking-kyotos-hidden-flora-a-botanists-secret-discovery Story Transcript:Ja: 秋の京都植物園では、色とりどりの紅葉が庭を彩り、冷たい空気がそこにいる人々に新鮮な変化を感じさせています。En: In the Kyoto Botanical Garden during autumn, the multicolored autumn leaves decorate the grounds, and the chilly air gives the people there a refreshing sense of change.Ja: 庭の奥には隠された秘密の研究室がありました。その中は珍しい植物と最先端の機器でいっぱいです。En: Deep in the garden, there was a hidden secret laboratory filled with rare plants and cutting-edge equipment.Ja: ある日、植物学者のハルカは、修行中の同僚ケンジと庭師のユキとともに、新しく発見された不思議な植物に出会いました。En: One day, the botanist Haruka encountered a newly discovered mysterious plant along with her trainee colleague Kenji and the gardener Yuki.Ja: この植物は特別な特性を持っているようです。しかし、詳細はまだわかりませんでした。En: This plant seemed to have special properties, but its details were still unknown.Ja: ハルカはこの植物に夢中になり、その秘密を解き明かしたいと強く願いました。En: Haruka became obsessed with this plant and strongly wished to unravel its secrets.Ja: 「これは、きっと何かすごい発見につながるかもしれない!」とハルカは言いました。En: "This might lead to an incredible discovery!" Haruka said.Ja: しかし、ケンジは慎重でした。En: However, Kenji was cautious.Ja: 「証拠がないうちは、何も確実に言えないよ」と彼は反対意見を述べました。En: "We can't say anything for certain without evidence," he expressed his opposing opinion.Ja: 一方、ユキは警告しました。「この植物には危険があるかもしれない。気をつけて。」En: Meanwhile, Yuki warned, "There might be dangers with this plant. Be careful."Ja: ハルカは決断しました。En: Haruka made a decision.Ja: 彼女は夜遅くまで研究室にこもり、秘密裏にこの植物を研究し続けました。En: She secluded herself in the lab late into the night, continuing her secret research on this plant.Ja: 昼間は普通に働き、夜になると研究を続けました。En: During the day, she worked as usual, and at night, she continued her research.Ja: そしてある晩、彼女は信じられないことを発見しました。En: Then one night, she discovered something unbelievable.Ja: この植物は周囲の感情を変えることができる力を持っていたのです。En: This plant had the power to change the emotions of those around it.Ja: しかし、その効果には危険もありました。En: However, its effects also posed dangers.Ja: 感情が不安定になり、植物に触れると精神が乱れることがあったのです。En: Emotions became unstable, and those who touched the plant could experience mental disturbances.Ja: これにより、ハルカは植物の可能性と危険性を同時に悟りました。En: Through this, Haruka realized both the potential and the dangers of the plant.Ja: 「正しい使い方が求められる。」とハルカは思いました。En: "It requires proper use," Haruka thought.Ja: その後、ハルカは植物学者の集会で自分の発見を発表しました。En: After that, Haruka presented her discovery at a gathering of botanists.Ja: 彼女は慎重さの重要性を強調しました。En: She emphasized the importance of caution.Ja: 「これは貴重な発見ですが、私たちはその力に注意する必要があります。」と。En: "This is a valuable discovery, but we need to be careful with its power," she said.Ja: ケンジは最初 skeptics(懐疑的)でしたが、ハルカの情熱と調査に感動し、彼女を支持しました。En: Though initially skeptical, Kenji was moved by Haruka's passion and research and supported her.Ja: ユキも、植物を安全に管理するための手助けを申し出ました。En: Yuki also offered to help manage the plant safely.Ja: これにより、ハルカは異なる視点や協力の価値を学びました。En: Through this, Haruka learned the value of different perspectives and cooperation.Ja: 彼女は単なる野心以上に、バランスと慎重さが重要であることに気付きました。En: She realized that more than mere ambition, balance and caution are important.Ja: こうして、ハルカは新しい一歩を踏み出し、植物と人々のために安全で有効な利用方法を模索し続けました。En: Thus, Haruka took a new step forward, continuing to search for safe ...
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    16 mins

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