Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese

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  • Are you ready to supercharge your Mandarin Chinese listening comprehension? Our podcast is the perfect tool for you.

    Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing. That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Mandarin Chinese, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Mandarin Chinese and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension.

    But we don't stop there. Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    And our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who want to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to China? Maybe you want to speak Mandarin Chinese with your friends from Beijing or Shanghai? Our podcast will give you the cultural and linguistic background to fully immerse yourself in China.

    Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics, psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Mandarin Chinese listening comprehension. Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself.

    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Finding Heartfelt Connections During a Festive Zhongqiujie
    Oct 4 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Finding Heartfelt Connections During a Festive Zhongqiujie Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/finding-heartfelt-connections-during-a-festive-zhongqiujie Story Transcript:Zh: 商场里人来人往。En: The mall was bustling with people.Zh: 五光十色的灯笼挂在天花板上,各种中秋节饰品把商场点缀得很有节日气氛。En: Brightly colored lanterns hung from the ceiling, and various Zhongqiujie decorations gave the mall a festive atmosphere.Zh: 空气中飘着新鲜月饼的香味,让人忍不住想买。En: The air was filled with the aroma of fresh yuebing, making people want to buy them.Zh: 林和梅走在忙碌的人群中,他们正在为中秋节寻找合适的礼物。En: Lin and Mei were walking through the busy crowd, looking for suitable gifts for the Zhongqiujie.Zh: 林是一个很重视家庭传统的年轻人,他特别想为奶奶找到一个能让她开心的礼物。En: Lin is a young man who values family traditions and is eager to find a gift for his grandmother that would make her happy.Zh: 他希望通过这次送礼,重新拉近与家人的关系。En: He hopes this gift-giving can bring him closer to his family.Zh: 梅是林的好朋友,总是能给他可靠的建议。En: Mei is Lin's good friend, always providing him with reliable advice.Zh: “林,你想给奶奶买什么?En: "Lin, what do you want to buy for your grandmother?"Zh: ”梅问道。En: Mei asked.Zh: “我想要一份有意义的礼物,”林回答,“但我又怕太贵。En: "I want a meaningful gift," Lin replied, "but I'm worried it might be too expensive."Zh: ”“别担心,”梅笑了笑,“我们可以找一些有纪念意义但不太贵的东西。En: "Don't worry," Mei smiled, "we can find something memorable but not too pricey."Zh: ”他们走过许多商店,看看有什么适合作为礼物。En: They walked through many stores, checking to see what might be suitable as a gift.Zh: 他们看到许多华美的饰品,还有琳琅满目的月饼,只是这些都不是林心中向往的礼物。En: They saw many beautiful ornaments and an array of yuebing, but these were not the gifts Lin had in mind.Zh: 忽然,林注意到一个小小的传统手工艺品店。En: Suddenly, Lin noticed a small traditional handicrafts store.Zh: 店里有各式各样的手工灯笼,精致又美丽。En: Inside were various handmade lanterns, exquisite and beautiful.Zh: 林的脸上露出了笑容。En: Lin’s face lit up with a smile.Zh: “我有个主意,”林说,“我们能做一个特别的灯笼送给奶奶。En: "I have an idea," Lin said, "we can make a special lantern to give to my grandmother."Zh: ”“这是个好主意!En: "That's a great idea!"Zh: ”梅赞同道,“我们还可以买一些材料,和她一起做月饼。En: Mei agreed, "We can also buy some materials and make yuebing with her."Zh: ”林点点头,他知道这会是一份特别的礼物。En: Lin nodded, knowing this would be a special gift.Zh: 他们选择了一个漂亮的灯笼,还买了一些制作月饼的材料。En: They chose a beautiful lantern and bought some materials for making yuebing.Zh: 走出商场,林和梅心情很好。En: Leaving the mall, Lin and Mei felt great.Zh: 虽然他们在人群中花了很多时间,但在最后,他们找到了完美的礼物。En: Although they spent a lot of time in the crowd, in the end, they found the perfect gift.Zh: “有时候,”林感慨道,“花心思比花钱更加重要,这样才能更加联结我们的关系。En: "Sometimes," Lin reflected, "putting thought into it means more than spending money; it helps strengthen our connections."Zh: ”梅笑着点头。En: Mei nodded with a smile.Zh: “中秋节要和家人在一起,这就是最重要的。En: "Being with family for Zhongqiujie is what's most important."Zh: ”林和梅对今年的中秋节充满期待,他们知道,这次的节日会特别又温馨。En: Lin and Mei are looking forward to this year’s Zhongqiujie, knowing it will be special and cozy. Vocabulary Words:bustling: 人来人往lanterns: 灯笼festive: 节日aroma: 香味suitable: 合适traditions: 传统eager: 特别想reliable: 可靠meaningful: 有意义expensive: 贵pricey: 贵ornaments: 饰品array: 琳琅满目noticed: 注意到handicrafts: 手工艺品exquisite: 精致special: 特别materials: 材料cozy: 温馨connections: 关系reflect: 感慨relationship: 关系strengthen: 联结decorations: 饰品buy: 买handmade: 手工idea: 主意choose: 选择spend: 花advice: 建议
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    13 m
  • Unlikely Friends Unite on the Great Wall: A Mid-Autumn Tale
    Oct 3 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Unlikely Friends Unite on the Great Wall: A Mid-Autumn Tale Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/unlikely-friends-unite-on-the-great-wall-a-mid-autumn-tale Story Transcript:Zh: 上海的秋天是美丽的季节。En: Shanghai’s autumn is a beautiful season.Zh: 清晨的阳光洒在树叶上,泛起金色的光。En: The morning sunlight shines on the leaves, casting a golden glow.Zh: 今天是上海高中一年一度的旅行日,学生们兴奋地准备去游览著名的长城。En: Today is the annual trip day for Shanghai High School, and the students are excitedly preparing to visit the famous Great Wall.Zh: 正值中秋节,空气中弥漫着甜美的月饼香气。En: It's the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the air is filled with the sweet aroma of mooncakes.Zh: 嘉仪是一个安静的学生,对历史充满热情。En: Jiayi is a quiet student with a passion for history.Zh: 她总是躲在书本后面,特别希望在这次旅行中能与丽玲有一番深入的交谈。En: She always hides behind her books, especially hoping to have an in-depth conversation with Liling on this trip.Zh: 丽玲是学校里最受欢迎的学生,充满活力,喜欢冒险。En: Liling is the most popular student in school, full of energy and fond of adventure.Zh: 然而,她也时常感到疲惫,因为她总是被朋友们围绕,无法找到一个可以倾诉心事的朋友。En: However, she often feels exhausted because she is always surrounded by friends and can’t find someone to confide in.Zh: 嘉仪决定深入研究长城的历史,以便在适当的时候说出一些有趣的故事。En: Jiayi decided to delve into the history of the Great Wall so that she could share some interesting stories at the right moment.Zh: 她希望这些故事能引起丽玲的兴趣。En: She hoped these stories would pique Liling’s interest.Zh: 丽玲在这次旅行中也暗自下定决心,要试着离开朋友们的圈子,去寻找那些渴望交流却不善表达的人。En: Liling also secretly resolved to leave her friends’ circle during this trip and find those who are eager to communicate but not good at expressing themselves.Zh: 在长城的小道上,嘉仪发现自己竟然和丽玲走在同一条山路上。En: On the paths of the Great Wall, Jiayi found herself walking on the same trail as Liling.Zh: 两人都感到有些紧张,但秋风的凉意给了她们勇气。En: Both felt a bit nervous, but the coolness of the autumn breeze gave them courage.Zh: 嘉仪首先开口,“丽玲,你知道长城最古老的部分是在什么时候建造的吗?”En: Jiayi spoke up first, “Liling, do you know when the oldest part of the Great Wall was built?”Zh: 丽玲的眼睛闪烁着好奇,她回答道:“哇,我还不知道呢!你能告诉我吗?”En: Liling’s eyes sparkled with curiosity, and she replied, “Wow, I didn’t know that! Can you tell me?”Zh: 嘉仪微笑着,开始讲述她所知道的长城历史。En: Jiayi smiled and began to recount what she knew about the Great Wall’s history.Zh: 她用简单的话语描述了秦朝的壮观,以及中秋节与嫦娥奔月的故事。En: She described the grandeur of the Qin Dynasty in simple terms, as well as the Mid-Autumn Festival and the story of Chang'e Flying to the Moon.Zh: 丽玲专注地倾听,不时赞叹,甚至分享了她小时候和家人一起过中秋的趣事。En: Liling listened intently, occasionally expressing admiration, and even shared funny stories from celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival with her family when she was young.Zh: 随着谈话的进行,她们发现双方都有许多共同点。En: As the conversation progressed, they discovered many common interests.Zh: 尽管丽玲在外人面前总是表现得很外向,但她承认自己也渴望找到一个可以深聊的朋友。En: Although Liling always appeared outgoing in front of others, she admitted that she also longed for a friend with whom she could have deep conversations.Zh: 嘉仪则发现,其实打破自己的社交障碍并不难。En: Jiayi found that breaking through her social barriers was not as difficult as she thought.Zh: 到达长城顶端的时候,阳光洒在她们的脸上,两个人都感到了一种从未有过的轻松。En: By the time they reached the top of the Great Wall, the sunlight shone on their faces, and both felt an unprecedented sense of ease.Zh: 她们交换了联系方式,约定一起合作一个关于长城历史的学校项目。En: They exchanged contact information and agreed to collaborate on a school project about the history of the Great Wall.Zh: 这次旅行对嘉仪和丽玲来说是一个新的开始。En: This trip marked a new beginning for Jiayi and Liling.Zh: 嘉仪开始相信,只要勇敢迈出第一步,就能结识到志同道合的朋友。En: Jiayi began to believe that as long as she bravely took ...
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    15 m
  • Moonlit Legends: Forbidden City's Night of Enchantment
    Oct 2 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Mandarin Chinese: Moonlit Legends: Forbidden City's Night of Enchantment Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/moonlit-legends-forbidden-citys-night-of-enchantment Story Transcript:Zh: 秋天的北京,空气中弥漫着淡淡的桂花香。En: In the fall of Beijing, the air is filled with a faint osmanthus fragrance.Zh: 中秋节让紫禁城变得格外热闹,游客们蜂拥而至。En: The Mid-Autumn Festival makes the Forbidden City especially lively, with tourists flocking in.Zh: 梅雨、晓博和丽华,是这里的导游。En: Meiyu, Xiaobo, and Li Hua are the guides here.Zh: 他们穿梭在红墙金瓦间,忙得不可开交。En: They bustle between the red walls and golden tiles, busy beyond belief.Zh: 梅雨热爱历史。En: Meiyu loves history.Zh: 她的梦想是恢复古代艺术品。En: Her dream is to restore ancient artworks.Zh: 今天,她的目标是点燃游客对历史的热情。En: Today, her goal is to ignite the visitors' passion for history.Zh: 可是,大量的游客,让她感到压力。En: However, the sheer number of tourists makes her feel pressured.Zh: 丽华是个有经验的导游。En: Li Hua is an experienced guide.Zh: 她善于安排,但即使是她,也难以控制今天的人流。En: She is good at organizing, but even for her, managing today's crowd is difficult.Zh: 晓博是一名大学生,兼职赚学费。En: Xiaobo is a university student, working part-time to earn his tuition.Zh: 他也想了解自己的文化,但今天的忙碌让他无暇思考。En: He also wants to learn about his own culture, but today's busyness leaves him no time to think.Zh: 梅雨想到了一个特别的主意。En: Meiyu came up with a special idea.Zh: 她提议,晚上举办一个特别的夜间游览,讲述紫禁城的神秘传说。En: She proposed holding a special evening tour to tell the mysterious legends of the Forbidden City.Zh: 大家都同意,因为这次活动听起来既新颖又吸引人。En: Everyone agreed, as this activity sounded both novel and appealing.Zh: 灯笼挂在紫禁城的角落,把古老的道路照得璀璨夺目。En: Lanterns were hung in the corners of the Forbidden City, illuminating the ancient paths brilliantly.Zh: 到了晚上,月亮挂在天空,显得格外圆满。En: In the evening, the moon hung in the sky, appearing particularly full.Zh: 然而,突然之间,倾盆大雨从天而降,打乱了他们的计划。En: However, all of a sudden, a torrential downpour descended, disrupting their plans.Zh: 梅雨面临艰难的选择。En: Meiyu faced a difficult choice.Zh: 她不愿让游客失望,于是迅速决定带领大家去一个有顶盖的庭院。En: Unwilling to let the tourists down, she quickly decided to lead everyone to a covered courtyard.Zh: 这里不仅避雨,而且更适合讲故事。En: Here, they could not only stay dry but it was also more suitable for storytelling.Zh: 在庭院中,梅雨用动人的声音讲述着紫禁城的历史和传说。En: In the courtyard, Meiyu narrated the history and legends of the Forbidden City with an enchanting voice.Zh: 游客们在灯笼的柔光下倾听,似乎雨声也成为了背景音乐。En: Tourists listened under the gentle glow of lanterns, as if the sound of rain had become background music.Zh: 梅雨发现,游客不仅对古老建筑感兴趣,也对这些生动的故事充满热情。En: Meiyu found that visitors were not only interested in ancient buildings but also passionate about these vivid stories.Zh: 大家都被她的讲解所吸引。En: Everyone was captivated by her explanations.Zh: 即使是下着雨,也没有人离开。En: Even in the rain, not a single person left.Zh: 这次经历让梅雨更加自信,她意识到在意外中,创造力和历史知识一样重要。En: This experience made Meiyu more confident, making her realize that in unexpected situations, creativity is as important as historical knowledge.Zh: 雨慢慢停了,游客们纷纷拍手表示感谢。En: The rain gradually stopped, and tourists applauded to express their gratitude.Zh: 晓博和丽华都感到骄傲,而梅雨感觉重拾了她的梦想——让更多的人爱上历史。En: Xiaobo and Li Hua both felt proud, while Meiyu felt she had reclaimed her dream—to make more people fall in love with history.Zh: 夜深了,紫禁城再次恢复了宁静。En: As the night deepened, the Forbidden City returned to tranquility.Zh: 只有天上的月亮见证了这不平凡的夜晚。En: Only the moon in the sky witnessed this extraordinary night.Zh: 这一次的经历,让每个人都更加坚定和从容。En: This experience made everyone more determined and composed. Vocabulary Words:osmanthus: 桂花fragrance: 香flocking: 蜂拥而至bustle: 穿梭beyond belief: 不可开交restore: 恢复ignite: 点燃sheer: 大量的pressure: 压力managing: 控制tuition: 学费novel: ...
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