• Dream Chasers: Love & Ambition in Johannesburg
    Jul 25 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Dream Chasers: Love & Ambition in Johannesburg Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/dream-chasers-love-ambition-in-johannesburg Story Transcript:Af: Die ysige Johannesburg-wind waai deur die strate.En: The icy Johannesburg wind blows through the streets.Af: Uit die lug getuig donkertjies van 'n naderende storm.En: Tiny dark clouds in the sky foreshadow an approaching storm.Af: In 'n hoë gebou skuif Elize haar bril op.En: In a high-rise building, Elize adjusts her glasses.Af: Sy is nou 'n maand in Johannesburg.En: She has now been in Johannesburg for a month.Af: Elize is 'n ywerige projekbestuurder wat onlangs van Kaapstad af verhuis het.En: Elize is a diligent project manager who recently moved from Cape Town.Af: Sy mis haar ou stad, maar het groot drome vir haar nuwe posisie.En: She misses her old city but has big dreams for her new position.Af: Thabo sit stil in sy klein kantoor op dieselfde vloer.En: Thabo sits quietly in his small office on the same floor.Af: Hy is 'n IT-spesialis.En: He is an IT specialist.Af: Stil en fokus.En: Quiet and focused.Af: Tog droom hy stilletjies van sy eie tegnologie-maatskappy.En: Yet, he secretly dreams of his own technology company.Af: Die lewe in die korporatiewe omgewing is besig en dikwels onpersoonlik.En: Life in the corporate environment is busy and often impersonal.Af: Dae word langer, werkure verminder nie, en die druk bly hardnekkig.En: Days become longer, work hours do not decrease, and the pressure remains relentless.Af: “Ek het hierdie behoefte om meer mense te leer ken,” dink Elize.En: “I have this need to meet more people,” Elize thinks.Af: Sy het gehoor van ‘n stapklub by die kantoor.En: She heard about a hiking club at the office.Af: “Ek het nie baie tyd nie, maar dalk is dit die moeite werd.”En: “I don’t have much time, but maybe it’s worth it.”Af: Thabo, aan die ander kant, wil eers nie deelneem nie.En: Thabo, on the other hand, is reluctant to participate at first.Af: Dis sy vriend wat hom die laaste skop gee.En: It’s his friend who gives him the final push.Af: “Kom, Thabo, jy kan nie altyd in jou kantoor sit nie.En: “Come on, Thabo, you can’t always sit in your office.Af: Dit sal goed wees vir jou.”En: It’ll be good for you.”Af: Op 'n koue Saterdagoggend ontmoet hulle vir die eerste keer by die staproete.En: On a cold Saturday morning, they meet for the first time at the hiking trail.Af: Die natuurreservaat is pragtig.En: The nature reserve is beautiful.Af: Die wind voer die geur van dennebome.En: The wind carries the scent of pine trees.Af: Die koue wind knaag aan hul gesigte.En: The cold wind nips at their faces.Af: Elize stoei met haar gedagtes.En: Elize wrestles with her thoughts.Af: Sy wil ekselleer, maar die eensameskap begin haar weeg.En: She wants to excel, but the loneliness is beginning to weigh on her.Af: Terselfdertyd kyk Thabo na die grond, onseker oor hoe om selfvertroue te vind om sy drome te volg.En: At the same time, Thabo looks at the ground, unsure of how to find the confidence to pursue his dreams.Af: Die groep beweeg saam deur die bome, maar skielik begin donderweer rommel.En: The group moves together through the trees, but suddenly thunder starts to rumble.Af: Reën begin stort en hulle hardloop na 'n klein houtkajuit.En: Rain begins to pour, and they run to a small wooden cabin.Af: Deurweek en koud vind Elize en Thabo hulself alleen in die kajuit.En: Soaked and cold, Elize and Thabo find themselves alone in the cabin.Af: Die stilte is aanvanklik ongemaklik, maar uiteindelik begin hulle gesels.En: The silence is initially awkward, but eventually, they start talking.Af: “Waarom het jy Johannesburg toe gekom?” vra Thabo.En: “Why did you come to Johannesburg?” asks Thabo.Af: Elize glimlag flou.En: Elize smiles faintly.Af: “Nuwe begin.En: “A new beginning.Af: Nuwe geleenthede.En: New opportunities.Af: Dit is moeilik om weer van vooraf te begin.”En: It’s hard to start over.”Af: Thabo knik.En: Thabo nods.Af: “Ek verstaan.En: “I understand.Af: Ek het groot drome, maar ek weet nie of ek dapper genoeg is om dit na te jaag nie.”En: I have big dreams too, but I don’t know if I’m brave enough to chase them.”Af: Hulle gesels vir ure, deel hul vrese en aspiraties.En: They talk for hours, sharing their fears and aspirations.Af: Die storm raas buite, maar binne voel die warmte van 'n nuwe vriendskap.En: The storm rages outside, but inside, they feel the warmth of a new friendship.Af: Met elke woord word die ys tussen hulle minder.En: With every word, the ice between them melts.Af: Uiteindelik breek die storm.En: Eventually, the storm breaks.Af: Die son breek deur en hulle stap terug na die groep, maar iets het verander.En: The sun peeks through, and they walk back to the group, but something has changed.Af: Hulle weet nou, hulle is nie alleen in hul stryd nie.En: They now know they are not alone in their ...
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    19 mins
  • Winter Blossoms: A Tale of Perseverance and Innovation
    Jul 24 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Winter Blossoms: A Tale of Perseverance and Innovation Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/winter-blossoms-a-tale-of-perseverance-and-innovation Story Transcript:Af: Die son het lastig oor die heuwels van Kaapstad opgestyg.En: The sun rose lazily over the hills of Cape Town.Af: Luan was reeds aan die werk in die luukse omheinde gemeenskap.En: Luan was already at work in the luxurious gated community.Af: Die kille winterlug kon hom nie van sy doel afgehou nie.En: The chilly winter air could not deter him from his goal.Af: Hy wou indruk maak op die gemeenskapsbestuurder en meer kontrakte wen.En: He wanted to impress the community manager and win more contracts.Af: Dit sou hom help om sy eie tuinmaakbesigheid te begin.En: This would help him start his own gardening business.Af: Elke dag het Luan vroeg begin.En: Every day, Luan began early.Af: Hy het struike gesnoei, blomme geplant en gras gesny.En: He pruned shrubs, planted flowers, and mowed lawns.Af: Die gemeenskap se tuine was pragtig, danksy sy harde werk.En: The community's gardens were beautiful, thanks to his hard work.Af: Maar dit was winter, en die werk het minder geword.En: But it was winter, and the work had become less.Af: Minder mense wou hul tuine in die koue laat werk.En: Fewer people wanted their gardens tended to in the cold.Af: Dit was 'n groot uitdag vir Luan.En: This was a significant challenge for Luan.Af: Op 'n dag het 'n nuwe tuinier, Hendrik, opgedaag.En: One day, a new gardener, Hendrik, arrived.Af: Hendrik het ook kontrakte gesoek.En: Hendrik was also seeking contracts.Af: Hy was Luan se nuwe mededinger.En: He became Luan’s new competitor.Af: Hendrik was goed in sy werk.En: Hendrik was good at his job.Af: Hy het Luan se werk voorheen gesien en was vasbeslote om beter te wees.En: He had seen Luan's work before and was determined to be better.Af: Luan het besluit om ekstra ure te werk.En: Luan decided to work extra hours.Af: Hy het vroeg begin en laat geëindig.En: He started early and finished late.Af: Hy het nuwe idees vir winter-weerstandige plante nagevors.En: He researched new ideas for winter-resistant plants.Af: Hy het dit aangeplant en aan die gemeenskapsbestuurder gewys.En: He planted them and showed them to the community manager.Af: "Kyk hoe mooi hierdie winterblomme is," het hy gesê.En: "Look how beautiful these winter flowers are," he said.Af: Die gemeenskapsbestuurder was beïndruk.En: The community manager was impressed.Af: Maar Hendrik het nie teruggestaan nie.En: But Hendrik did not hold back.Af: Hy het ook goeie werk gedoen en die bestuurder probeer oorreed.En: He also did good work and tried to persuade the manager.Af: Dit was 'n koue oggend toe hulle albei by die gemeenskapsbestuurder se kantoor opgedaag het om die laaste kontrak te kry.En: It was a cold morning when they both turned up at the community manager’s office to get the final contract.Af: "Ek het innoverende plante ingetrek," het Luan verduidelik.En: "I have introduced innovative plants," Luan explained.Af: "Hulle floreer in die winter.En: "They thrive in the winter."Af: "Hendrik het probeer oortuig met sy ervare argumente.En: Hendrik tried to convince with his experienced arguments.Af: Maar Luan se harde werk en nuwe idees het die verskil gemaak.En: But Luan’s hard work and new ideas made the difference.Af: Die gemeenskapsbestuurder het gesê, "Luan, jy het ons gemeenskap pragtig gemaak, selfs in die winter.En: The community manager said, "Luan, you have made our community beautiful, even in winter.Af: Jy het die laaste kontrak gewen.En: You have won the final contract."Af: "Luan was oorstelp van vreugde.En: Luan was overjoyed.Af: Hy het nie net die kontrak gewen nie, maar ook die respek van die gemeenskap gekry.En: He had not only won the contract but also gained the respect of the community.Af: Hy het geglo in sy vaardighede en sy drome.En: He believed in his skills and dreams.Af: Met die ekstra geld het hy begin spaar vir sy eie besigheid.En: With the extra money, he began saving for his own business.Af: Die huisies in die omheinde gemeenskap het steeds mooi gelyk, selfs in die winter.En: The houses in the gated community continued to look beautiful, even in winter.Af: Luan het met meer vertroue gewerk en beplan om binnekort sy eie tuinmaakonderneming te begin.En: Luan worked with more confidence and planned to start his own gardening business soon.Af: Hy het geweet dat harde werk en toewyding altyd beloon word.En: He knew that hard work and dedication are always rewarded. Vocabulary Words:rose: opgestyghills: heuwelschilly: killedeter: afgehougated: omheindecommunity: gemeenskapluxurious: luuksepruned: gesnoeishrubs: struikeplanted: geplantmowed: gesnygardens: tuinechallenge: uitdagcompetitor: mededingerextra: ekstraresearch: nagevorswinter-resistant: winter-weerstandigeflowers: blommeinnovative: innoverendethrive: floreerarguments: argumenteimpressed: beïndrukcontracts...
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    15 mins
  • Mistaken Bags at Cape Town: Unexpected Connections
    Jul 23 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Mistaken Bags at Cape Town: Unexpected Connections Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/mistaken-bags-at-cape-town-unexpected-connections Story Transcript:Af: Die vertrekbord by Kaapstad Internasionale Lughawe het helder verligte letters vertoon.En: The departure board at Cape Town International Airport displayed brightly lit letters.Af: Passasiers het heen en weer gestap, besig en geïrriteerd.En: Passengers paced back and forth, busy and irritated.Af: Dit was winter, en koue winde het by die oop deure ingekom en die stasie verder onrustig gemaak.En: It was winter, and cold winds gusted through the open doors, making the terminal more restless.Af: Hendrik het weer na sy horlosie gekyk.En: Hendrik looked at his watch again.Af: Hy was 'n jong, effens afwesige argitek, op pad na 'n belangrike vergadering.En: He was a young, slightly absent-minded architect, on his way to an important meeting.Af: Sy gedagtes was vol planne en modelle.En: His thoughts were filled with plans and models.Af: Annelie, aan die ander kant van die lughawe, was 'n georganiseerde reisskrywer.En: Annelie, on the other side of the airport, was an organized travel writer.Af: Sy het 'n werkwinkel gehad wat belangrik was vir haar loopbaan.En: She had a workshop that was important for her career.Af: Haar dagboeke en notas was onmisbaar.En: Her diaries and notes were indispensable.Af: Sy het vinnig geloop, vasbeslote om haar vlug sonder probleme te haal.En: She walked quickly, determined to catch her flight without any issues.Af: Hendrik het haastig sy tas van die vervoerband afgeneem en na die uitgang gesnel.En: Hendrik hastily took his bag from the conveyor belt and rushed to the exit.Af: Hy het nie gesien hoe soortgelyk sy tas aan iemand anders s'n was nie.En: He didn’t notice how similar his bag looked to someone else’s.Af: Annelie het haar tas opgepik, net om uit te vind dit was nie haarne nie.En: Annelie picked up her bag, only to discover that it wasn’t hers.Af: Sy het 'n vreemde gevoel in haar maag gekry.En: She had a strange feeling in her stomach.Af: Wat as daardie argitek nou met haar tas vol persoonlike aantekeninge weggeloop het?En: What if that architect had walked away with her bag full of personal notes?Af: Hendrik het by die vergaderkantore aangekom.En: Hendrik arrived at the meeting offices.Af: Toe hy sy tas oopmaak, was daar net boeke en dagboeke.En: When he opened his bag, there were only books and diaries inside.Af: Sy hart het 'n slag gemis.En: His heart skipped a beat.Af: "Dit is nie my tas nie!En: "This is not my bag!"Af: " het hy benoud gesê.En: he said anxiously.Af: Intussen het Annelie haar weg na 'n stil hoek van die lughawe gemaak.En: Meanwhile, Annelie made her way to a quiet corner of the airport.Af: Sy het 'n plastiekmodel van 'n gebou uit die tas gehaal.En: She pulled a plastic model of a building out of the bag.Af: Sy kon net lag.En: She could only laugh.Af: Sy het dieselfde gedink, "Dit is nie my tas nie!En: She thought the same thing, "This is not my bag!Af: Wat doen ek nou?En: What do I do now?"Af: "Beide Hendrik en Annelie het na die afgelope kantoor van Verloren en Gevind gegaan.En: Both Hendrik and Annelie went to the Lost and Found office.Af: Toe hulle mekaar sien, was daar 'n oomblik van erkenning, gevolg deur humor.En: When they saw each other, there was a moment of recognition, followed by humor.Af: Hendrik het sy hand uitgesteek, "Ek dink ek het jou tas.En: Hendrik extended his hand, "I think I have your bag."Af: "Annelie het geglimlag en geantwoord, "Ek dink ek het joune.En: Annelie smiled and replied, "I think I have yours."Af: " Hulle het die tasse geruil, en elk het 'n rukkie gevat om deur die inhoud van hul eie tasse te blaai.En: They exchanged bags and each took a moment to browse through the contents of their own bags.Af: "Jy is 'n argitek, nè?En: "You're an architect, right?"Af: " het Annelie gebieg.En: Annelie admitted.Af: "Ja," het Hendrik gesê, "en jy ‘n reisskrywer, nè?En: "Yes," Hendrik said, "and you're a travel writer, right?"Af: "Hulle het kort daarna 'n koffieplek in die lughawe gesoek en oor hul avonture begin skerts.En: Shortly thereafter, they looked for a coffee shop in the airport and started chatting about their adventures.Af: Hulle het gelag oor die vreemdheid van hul situasie en hoe dit hulle lewe een oomblik laat stilstaan het.En: They laughed at the oddity of their situation and how it had momentarily paused their lives.Af: Aan die einde het Hendrik bietjie meer aandag aan detail bestee, terwyl Annelie geleer het om dinge met 'n bietjie meer gemak in haar lewe te neem.En: In the end, Hendrik paid a bit more attention to detail, while Annelie learned to take things a bit more easily in her life.Af: Die lughawe het aangehou lewe, mense het aanhou aankom en vertrek, en binne-in die klein koffiewinkel het Hendrik en Annelie 'n nuwe vriendskap begin vorm—danksy 'n snaakse tas-uitruiling op ...
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    16 mins
  • Unearthing Secrets: An Adventure in Carthage's Timeless Ruins
    Jul 22 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Unearthing Secrets: An Adventure in Carthage's Timeless Ruins Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/unearthing-secrets-an-adventure-in-carthages-timeless-ruins Story Transcript:Af: Onder 'n koel, helder winterhemel het die ruïnes van Kartago in stilte lê.En: Under a cool, clear winter sky, the ruins of Carthage lay in silence.Af: Die vars lug het oor die gebreekte kolomme en verweerde standbeelde gewaai.En: The fresh air blew over the broken columns and weathered statues.Af: Alles rondom het die ryk van 'n lang vervloë era gesinnebeeld.En: Everything around symbolized the realm of a long-gone era.Af: Karel en Adri het stadig oor die terrein gestap, hul asem sigbaar in die koue lug.En: Karel and Adri walked slowly across the site, their breath visible in the cold air.Af: Karel, 'n entoesiastiese geskiedenisprofessor, het met blink oë na die strukture gekyk.En: Karel, an enthusiastic history professor, looked at the structures with gleaming eyes.Af: "Hierdie plek is ongelooflik," het hy gefluister.En: "This place is incredible," he whispered.Af: "Ons kan dalk iets besonders vind.En: "We might find something special."Af: "Adri, 'n talentvolle fotograaf, het stilweg die antieke ryke se verbygaan oorweeg.En: Adri, a talented photographer, quietly contemplated the passing of ancient empires.Af: Sy kamera was gereed vir enige oomblik, maar haar gedagtes was elders.En: Her camera was ready for any moment, but her thoughts were elsewhere.Af: Sy het hierdie reis nodig gehad, 'n manier om haar seer hart genees te kry.En: She needed this trip as a way to heal her aching heart.Af: "Hou jy daarvan, Adri?En: "Do you like it, Adri?"Af: " het Karel gevra, sy oë blinkend met opwinding.En: Karel asked, his eyes shining with excitement.Af: "Dis mooi," het sy geantwoord, maar daar was 'n skeptiese trek om haar mond.En: "It's beautiful," she replied, but there was a skeptical curl to her mouth.Af: "Maar ek dink nie ons gaan iets meer as ruïnes hier kry nie.En: "But I don't think we'll find anything more than ruins here."Af: "Karel het geweet van haar twyfel.En: Karel knew about her doubts.Af: Hy het egter ook 'n geheim gedra.En: However, he also held a secret.Af: Hy het gehoor van 'n artefak wat wysheid kon bring aan die een wat dit vind.En: He had heard of an artifact that could bring wisdom to the one who finds it.Af: Hy het besluit om dit te vind, maak nie saak wat nie.En: He had decided to find it, no matter what.Af: "Sien daardie bord daar?En: "See that sign over there?"Af: " het Karel gevra en na 'n verweerde kaart op 'n muur gewys.En: Karel asked, pointing to a weathered map on a wall.Af: "Dit lyk soos 'n geheime kamer.En: "It looks like a secret chamber.Af: Kom, volg my.En: Come, follow me."Af: "Adri het huiwerig gekyk na die donker, smal tonnel wat voor hulle gestrek het.En: Adri looked hesitantly at the dark, narrow tunnel stretching out before them.Af: "Is jy seker?En: "Are you sure?Af: Dit lyk gevaarlik.En: It looks dangerous."Af: ""Ons moet probeer," het Karel gesê.En: "We have to try," Karel said.Af: Sy vasberadenheid het haar getrek, al het sy innerlik gestry.En: His determination drew her in, even though she struggled inwardly.Af: Sy het hom gevolg, haar kamera in haar hande vasgeklem.En: She followed him, clutching her camera in her hands.Af: Die tonnel was donker en klam.En: The tunnel was dark and damp.Af: Die mure het geskud asof die hele plek op enige oomblik sou ineenstort.En: The walls shook as if the whole place might collapse at any moment.Af: Karel het ongesteurd voortgegaan, diep vasgevang in sy eie drome van glorie.En: Karel continued undeterred, deeply caught up in his own dreams of glory.Af: Adri het haarself belowe om net een paar foto's te neem en dan terug te draai.En: Adri promised herself to take just a few photos and then turn back.Af: Sy kon voel hoe die tonnel al nouer raak.En: She could feel the tunnel growing narrower.Af: Na 'n paar minute het hulle 'n geheime kamer gevind, bedek met ou beelde en inskripsies.En: After a few minutes, they found a secret chamber, covered with old statues and inscriptions.Af: Karel het met 'n opgewonde kreun nader gestap.En: Karel approached with an excited groan.Af: "Dit moet dit wees!En: "This must be it!"Af: " het hy uitgeroep.En: he exclaimed.Af: "Die artefak!En: "The artifact!"Af: ""Oorlog nie," het Adri gesê, haar waaksaamheid steeds hoog.En: "Be careful," Adri said, her vigilance still high.Af: Sy het rondom die kamer gekyk en pragtige, verwerende beelde met haar kamera afgeneem.En: She looked around the room and captured beautiful, weathered images with her camera.Af: Skielik het die hele kamer geskud en 'n stuk van die plafon het weggeval, wat die uitgang geblokkeer het.En: Suddenly, the whole room shook and a piece of the ceiling fell, blocking the exit.Af: "Karel!En: "Karel!"Af: " het Adri benoud geskreeu.En: Adri cried anxiously.Af: "Ons is vasgevang!En: "We're ...
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    21 mins
  • Breaking the Ice: Freelance Connections in Cape Town's Winter
    Jul 21 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Breaking the Ice: Freelance Connections in Cape Town's Winter Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/breaking-the-ice-freelance-connections-in-cape-towns-winter Story Transcript:Af: In die gesellige stad Kaapstad, was die winter in volle swang.En: In the sociable city of Cape Town, winter was in full swing.Af: Die koue wind buite was fel, maar binne in die moderne mede-werkspasie was dit warm en vriendelik.En: The cold wind outside was fierce, but inside the modern co-working space, it was warm and friendly.Af: 'n Vuur het knetterend in die kaggel gebrand, en die geur van vars koffie het die lug gevul.En: A fire crackled in the fireplace, and the aroma of fresh coffee filled the air.Af: Sagte jazz-musiek het rustig in die agtergrond gespeel.En: Soft jazz music played calmly in the background.Af: Johan, 'n vryskut-grafiese ontwerper in sy middel-dertigs, het ongemaklik by die deur gestaan.En: Johan, a freelance graphic designer in his mid-thirties, stood awkwardly by the door.Af: Hy het 'n vrystaande lewe gelei, maar die isolasie het hom begin raak.En: He led a solitary life, but the isolation was starting to affect him.Af: Hy het gehoop dat hierdie netwerkgeleentheid vir vryskutters nuwe moontlikhede sou bring.En: He hoped that this networking event for freelancers would bring new opportunities.Af: Vandag, op Mandela-dag, het hy besluit om sy sosiale angs te oorwin.En: Today, on Mandela Day, he decided to overcome his social anxiety.Af: Johan het na die mense om hom gekyk.En: Johan looked at the people around him.Af: Allemaal het vrolik gesels.En: Everyone was cheerfully chatting.Af: Hy wou aansluit en belangrike konneksies maak, maar die vrees vir verwerping het sy moed geknou.En: He wanted to join in and make important connections, but the fear of rejection shook his courage.Af: Toe sien hy Claire.En: Then he saw Claire.Af: Sy was 'n suksesvolle vryskutskrywer en haar naam was in die bedryf bekend.En: She was a successful freelance writer, well-known in the industry.Af: Sy het met 'n paar ander gepraat en gelag.En: She was talking and laughing with a few others.Af: "Dit is nou of nooit," het Johan vir homself gesê.En: "It's now or never," Johan told himself.Af: Hy het diep asemgehaal en sy pad na Claire gevolg.En: He took a deep breath and made his way toward Claire.Af: "Hallo," het hy gesê, terwyl hy sy hand uitsteek.En: "Hello," he said, extending his hand.Af: "Ek is Johan.En: "I'm Johan."Af: ""Hallo Johan," het Claire vriendelik geglimlag en sy hand geskud.En: "Hello Johan," Claire smiled warmly and shook his hand.Af: "Ek is Claire.En: "I'm Claire.Af: Waarmee hou jy jou besig?En: What do you do?"Af: ""Ek is 'n grafiese ontwerper.En: "I'm a graphic designer.Af: Ek werk tans aan 'n paar projekte, maar ek soek na nuwe samewerkings," het Johan geantwoord.En: I'm currently working on a few projects, but I'm looking for new collaborations," Johan responded.Af: Claire se glimlag het sy vrees verminder.En: Claire's smile eased his fear.Af: "Dit is wonderlik!En: "That's wonderful!Af: Ek werk aan 'n nuwe projek wat jou ontwerpvaardighede kan gebruik," het Claire gesê.En: I'm working on a new project that could use your design skills," Claire said.Af: Johan se hart het vinniger begin klop.En: Johan's heart began to race.Af: Kon dit wees dat sy groot kans voor hom staan?En: Could this be the big chance he was waiting for?Af: Hulle het begin gesels oor die projek, wat gesondheidsbewustheid in moeilike gemeenskappe bevorder het.En: They started talking about the project, which promoted health awareness in underprivileged communities.Af: Dit was 'n onderwerp wat vir beide na aan die hart gelê het.En: It was a topic close to both their hearts.Af: Die gesprek het vlot verloop en Johan het eerste keer in 'n lang tyd ontspanne gevoel.En: The conversation flowed smoothly, and for the first time in a long while, Johan felt relaxed.Af: "Hoe lyk dit as ons mekaar volgende week ontmoet om besonderhede te bespreek?En: "How about we meet next week to discuss the details?"Af: " het Claire voorgestel.En: Claire suggested.Af: "Ek sal dit baie geniet," het Johan geantwoord, en kon die glimlag op sy gesig nie keer nie.En: "I would really enjoy that," Johan replied, unable to hide the smile on his face.Af: Toe Johan die geleentheid verlaat, het hy meer hoopvol gevoel.En: As Johan left the event, he felt more hopeful.Af: Hy het besef dat dit soms nodig is om uit jou gemaksone te stap.En: He realized that sometimes it's necessary to step out of your comfort zone.Af: Die isolasie van sy vryskut-lewe het nie meer so oorweldigend gevoel nie, en hy het nou 'n opwindende nuwe projek om na uit te sien.En: The isolation of his freelance life no longer felt so overwhelming, and he now had an exciting new project to look forward to.Af: In daardie koue winteraand het Johan 'n waardevolle les geleer: om verbinding te maak, verg moed.En: On that cold winter's night, Johan...
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    16 mins
  • Finding Her Frame: Mariska's Journey to Artistic Courage
    Jul 20 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Finding Her Frame: Mariska's Journey to Artistic Courage Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/finding-her-frame-mariskas-journey-to-artistic-courage Story Transcript:Af: Die winterwind waai sag oor Johannesburg.En: The winter wind blows gently over Johannesburg.Af: Binne die Johannesburgse Kunsmuseum, is dit warm en helder.En: Inside the Johannesburg Art Museum, it is warm and bright.Af: Die groot vensters laat die sonlig in, wat oor die skilderye en beeldhouwerke val.En: The large windows let the sunlight in, which falls over the paintings and sculptures.Af: Op hierdie spesiale Mandela-dag, kyk besoekers na die werk van plaaslike kunstenaars.En: On this special Mandela Day, visitors admire the work of local artists.Af: Mariska staan tussen hulle, haar hande in haar sakke.En: Mariska stands among them, her hands in her pockets.Af: Mariska is 'n kunstudent.En: Mariska is an art student.Af: Sy is mal oor kuns en wil haar eie stem in die kunswêreld vind.En: She loves art and wants to find her own voice in the art world.Af: Maar vandag voel sy klein tussen die talentvolle kunstenaars.En: But today, she feels small among the talented artists.Af: Sy kyk na 'n reuse-skildery, en wonder of haar eie werk ooit so impakvol sal wees.En: She looks at a huge painting and wonders if her own work will ever have such an impact.Af: Sy voel onseker en twyfel aan haarself.En: She feels uncertain and doubts herself.Af: Sy het drome, groot drome, maar die vrees vir mislukking hou haar terug.En: She has dreams, big dreams, but the fear of failure holds her back.Af: Sy het nooit haar werk aan ander gewys nie.En: She has never shown her work to others.Af: Die museum is propvol mense.En: The museum is packed with people.Af: Daar is ligte gesprekke en die klink van glase.En: There are light conversations and the clinking of glasses.Af: Mariska ruik die geur van verkope uit die kafeteria.En: Mariska smells the aroma of food coming from the cafeteria.Af: Sy wil deel wees van hierdie wêreld, maar sy is bang dat sy nie goed genoeg is nie.En: She wants to be part of this world, but she is afraid that she is not good enough.Af: Skielik, sien sy haar gunsteling kunstenaar.En: Suddenly, she sees her favorite artist.Af: Dit is Flip, bekend vir sy moderne skilderye.En: It is Flip, known for his modern paintings.Af: Sy voel haar hart vinniger klop.En: She feels her heart beat faster.Af: Flip stap nader, sy oë vol vriendelikheid.En: Flip approaches, his eyes full of kindness.Af: "Wat dink jy van die uitstalling?En: "What do you think of the exhibition?"Af: " vra hy, na Mariska kyk.En: he asks, looking at Mariska.Af: Mariska stamel effens.En: Mariska stammers slightly.Af: "Dis wonderlik.En: "It's wonderful.Af: Ek hou baie van jou werk.En: I really like your work."Af: "Flip glimlag.En: Flip smiles.Af: "Dankie.En: "Thank you.Af: Jy klink soos 'n kunstenaar.En: You sound like an artist.Af: Vertel my van jou werk.En: Tell me about your work."Af: "Mariska voel haar wange rooi word.En: Mariska feels her cheeks turning red.Af: "Ek, wel, ek is nog besig om my styl te vind.En: "I, well, I'm still trying to find my style.Af: Ek weet nie of ek goed genoeg is nie.En: I don't know if I'm good enough."Af: "Flip kyk haar ernstig aan.En: Flip looks at her seriously.Af: "Elke kunstenaar begin iewers.En: "Every artist starts somewhere.Af: Jy moet jou werk wys en hou moed.En: You need to show your work and stay courageous.Af: Ons het almal onseker begin.En: We all started uncertain."Af: "Sy woorde troos Mariska.En: His words comfort Mariska.Af: Sy voel 'n warm gloed van inspirasie.En: She feels a warm glow of inspiration.Af: Misselnare het haar moed gegee, en nou is die besluit makliker.En: His encouragement gave her courage, and now the decision is easier.Af: Sy loop na die uittente met haar nuwe selfvertroue.En: She walks to the exit with her new confidence.Af: Twee weke later, stuur sy haar werk vir die volgende uitstalling in.En: Two weeks later, she submits her work for the next exhibition.Af: Die hele tyd, onthou sy Flip se woorde.En: The whole time, she remembers Flip's words.Af: En toe, die groot dag.En: And then, the big day.Af: Haar werk is aan die muur, tussen die ander groot skilderye.En: Her work is on the wall, among the other grand paintings.Af: Dit is nie die einde nie, maar 'n nuwe begin.En: It is not the end, but a new beginning.Af: Mariska weet nou, haar stem is uniek en haar pad is net haar eie.En: Mariska now knows that her voice is unique and her path is her own. Vocabulary Words:gently: sagadmire: kykhuge: reuseimpact: impakvoluncertain: onsekerdoubts: twyfelfailure: mislukkingpacked: propvolclinking: klinkcafeteria: kafeteriaapproaches: stap naderstammers: stamelslightly: effensencouragement: moedcheeks: wangecomfort: trooskindness: vriendelikheidconfidence: selfvertrouecourageous: moedunique: uniekexhibition: uitstallingbright: helderaroma: geurmodern: ...
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    15 mins
  • Love in Lift: An Unplanned Rooftop Romance in Johannesburg
    Jul 19 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: Love in Lift: An Unplanned Rooftop Romance in Johannesburg Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/love-in-lift-an-unplanned-rooftop-romance-in-johannesburg Story Transcript:Af: Die son sak stadig agter die wolkekrabbers van Johannesburg.En: The sun was slowly setting behind the skyscrapers of Johannesburg.Af: Pieter het 'n spesiale plan vir die aand.En: Pieter had a special plan for the evening.Af: Hy wil Anja beïndruk met 'n pragtige piekniek op die dak van 'n luukse wolkekrabber.En: He wanted to impress Anja with a beautiful picnic on the rooftop of a luxurious skyscraper.Af: Al die voorbereidings is getref.En: All the preparations had been made.Af: Pieter het elke detail beplan, van die kos tot die dekens.En: Pieter had planned every detail, from the food to the blankets.Af: Hulle staan in die foyer van die gebou.En: They stood in the building's foyer.Af: Anja, met haar lewendige glimlag, dra die pikniekmandjie.En: Anja, with her lively smile, carried the picnic basket.Af: Pieter, effens gespanne, druk die liftknoppie.En: Pieter, slightly nervous, pressed the elevator button.Af: Die liftdeure glip oop en hulle stap in.En: The elevator doors slid open, and they stepped in.Af: “Ek hoop jy gaan hiervan hou,” sê Pieter versigtig, kyk na Anja.En: “I hope you’re going to like this,” said Pieter cautiously, looking at Anja.Af: “Ek weet ek sal,” antwoord Anja, haar oë glinsterend van entoesiasme.En: “I know I will,” replied Anja, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm.Af: Die lift begin na bo beweeg.En: The elevator began to ascend.Af: Maar skielik, met 'n skerp ruk, stop dit.En: But suddenly, with a sharp jolt, it stopped.Af: Die ligte flikker.En: The lights flickered.Af: “Wat gebeur nou?” vra Pieter, paniekerig.En: “What’s happening now?” Pieter asked, panicked.Af: “Lyk soos 'n tegniese probleem,” sê Anja, kalm soos altyd.En: “Looks like a technical problem,” said Anja, calm as always.Af: “Kom ons wag en kyk.”En: “Let’s wait and see.”Af: Pieter se hart klop vinnig.En: Pieter's heart was racing.Af: Sy perfekte plan val uitmekaar.En: His perfect plan was falling apart.Af: Hy haal diep asem en probeer die noodknoppie, maar daar is geen reaksie nie.En: He took a deep breath and tried the emergency button, but there was no response.Af: “Dit gaan regkom, Pieter.”En: “It’s going to be alright, Pieter.”Af: Anja sit langs hom op die vloer en haak die pikniekmandjie oop.En: Anja sat next to him on the floor and opened the picnic basket.Af: “Ons kan steeds 'n lekker tyd hê.”En: “We can still have a nice time.”Af: Pieter kyk na haar.En: Pieter looked at her.Af: In die dowwe lig van die lift, lyk haar gesig nog mooier.En: In the dim light of the elevator, her face looked even more beautiful.Af: Hy draai sy gesig weg, effens skaam.En: He turned his face away, slightly shy.Af: “Trek asseblief die dekens uit,” sê Anja.En: “Please pull out the blankets,” said Anja.Af: “Kom ons maak hierdie plek gesellig.”En: “Let’s make this place cozy.”Af: Pieter glimlag senuweeagtig, maar volg haar raad.En: Pieter smiled nervously but followed her advice.Af: Hulle sit die dekens uit, pak die kos uit, en begin eet.En: They spread out the blankets, unpacked the food, and started eating.Af: Hulle lag en gesels.En: They laughed and chatted.Af: Vir 'n oomblik vergeet Pieter van sy noukeurige planne.En: For a moment, Pieter forgot about his meticulous plans.Af: Die lift word hul klein, romantiese hoekie.En: The elevator became their little, romantic corner.Af: Uiteindelik, na 'n ruk, beweeg die lift weer.En: Eventually, after a while, the elevator started moving again.Af: Die deure gaan oop en hulle storm na die dak.En: The doors opened, and they rushed to the rooftop.Af: Net betyds vir die finale lig van die sonsondergang.En: Just in time for the final light of the sunset.Af: Die lug is 'n mengsel van oranje en pienk.En: The sky was a mix of orange and pink.Af: “Dit is pragtig,” sê Anja, haar hand styf om Pieter se arm.En: “It’s beautiful,” said Anja, her hand tightly around Pieter's arm.Af: “Ja,” stem Pieter saam, sy hart kalmter as tevore.En: “Yes,” Pieter agreed, his heart calmer than before.Af: Hy kyk na Anja en besef, soms is dit goed om dinge net te laat gebeur en die lewe te geniet.En: He looked at Anja and realized that sometimes it’s good to just let things happen and enjoy life.Af: Die son verdwyn agter die horison.En: The sun disappeared behind the horizon.Af: Hulle staan daar, steeds hand-aan-hand, en waardeer die oomblik.En: They stood there, still hand-in-hand, appreciating the moment.Af: Pieter het iets belangriks geleer.En: Pieter learned something important.Af: Nie alles hoef beplan te word nie.En: Not everything needs to be planned.Af: Dit is die spontane oomblikke wat soms die mooiste herinneringe maak.En: It's the spontaneous moments that sometimes ...
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    16 mins
  • When Opposites Collide: A Tale of Innovation and Friendship
    Jul 18 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Afrikaans: When Opposites Collide: A Tale of Innovation and Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/when-opposites-collide-a-tale-of-innovation-and-friendship Story Transcript:Af: Die nuwe kwartaal het begin in die middel van die winter by Hoërskool in Kaapstad.En: The new term started in the middle of winter at High School in Cape Town.Af: Die koue wind waai deur die gange terwyl die leerders haastig na hul klasse toe loop.En: The cold wind blows through the halls as the students hurry to their classes.Af: Dit is 'n besige tyd, met die jaar-eind projekte wat nou begin.En: It's a busy time, with the year-end projects now beginning.Af: Pieter, 'n stil, skaars sigbare seun, sit in die biblioteek en werk aan sy eweknie toewysing.En: Pieter, a quiet, barely noticeable boy, sits in the library working on his peer assignment.Af: Pieter is 'n nerd.En: Pieter is a nerd.Af: Hy hou van boek en rekenaars, maar sukkel met mense.En: He loves books and computers but struggles with people.Af: Hy het groot drome vir die toekoms en wil graag 'n beurs kry om universiteit toe te gaan.En: He has big dreams for the future and wants to get a scholarship to go to university.Af: Anika, aan die ander kant, is 'n ekspressiewe en kleurvolle persoon.En: Anika, on the other hand, is an expressive and colorful person.Af: Sy het 'n passie vir kuns en gebruik haar skeppings as 'n manier om te ontsnap van haar moeilike gesinslewe.En: She has a passion for art and uses her creations as a way to escape her difficult family life.Af: Sy soek altyd na betekenis in haar werk en wil graag iets betekenisvols skep.En: She is always looking for meaning in her work and wants to create something meaningful.Af: Op 'n koue Maandag word Pieter en Anika as spanmaats gekies vir die jaar-eind projek.En: On a cold Monday, Pieter and Anika are chosen as team mates for the year-end project.Af: Hulle moet 'n vraagstuk in die gemeenskap oplos ter ere van Mandela Dag.En: They have to solve a community issue in honor of Mandela Day.Af: Pieter se eerste gedagte is om 'n perfekte skyfievertoning te maak, terwyl Anika daarteenoor 'n video met artistieke elemente wil skep.En: Pieter's first thought is to create a perfect slideshow, while Anika wants to produce a video with artistic elements.Af: Hulle argumenteer tot laat in die middag.En: They argue until late in the afternoon.Af: Pieter wil sy logiese benadering gebruik.En: Pieter wants to use his logical approach.Af: Anika wil die projek iets moois maak.En: Anika wants to make the project something beautiful.Af: "Ons moet 'n oplossing vind," sê Pieter.En: "We need to find a solution," says Pieter.Af: "Ek wil nie misluk nie.En: "I don't want to fail."Af: "Anika kyk hom diep in die oë.En: Anika looks him deep in the eyes.Af: “Laat ons dit kombineer,” sê sy.En: "Let's combine it," she says.Af: “Ek kan jou wys hoe om kuns te gebruik om ons boodskap uit te druk, en jy kan my leer hoe om 'n gestruktureerde plan te maak.En: "I can show you how to use art to express our message, and you can teach me how to make a structured plan."Af: ”Hulle werk saam en begin om mekaar se metodes te verstaan.En: They work together and begin to understand each other's methods.Af: Pieter gee toe en begin te leer van Anika se kreatiewe idees.En: Pieter concedes and starts to learn from Anika's creative ideas.Af: Hy vind dit stimulerend, en vir die eerste keer geniet hy iets buite sy normale roetine.En: He finds it stimulating, and for the first time, he enjoys something outside his normal routine.Af: Anika waardeer sy gedetailleerde beplanning en voel vir die eerste keer gewaardeer vir haar idees.En: Anika appreciates his detailed planning and feels valued for her ideas for the first time.Af: Op die dag van die aanbieding gebeur die ondenkbare.En: On the day of the presentation, the unthinkable happens.Af: Die rekenaar waar hulle die skyfievertoning op het, kraak.En: The computer they have the slideshow on crashes.Af: Almal kyk, en 'n ongemaklike stilte vul die saal.En: Everyone looks, and an awkward silence fills the hall.Af: Pieter voel sy wêreld inmekaar tuimel, maar Anika plaas 'n hand op sy skouer.En: Pieter feels his world collapsing, but Anika places a hand on his shoulder.Af: "Ons kan dit doen," sê sy met 'n glimlag.En: "We can do this," she says with a smile.Af: Hulle improviseer met die nodige materiale en hul eie woorde.En: They improvise with the necessary materials and their own words.Af: Hulle vertel die storie met passie en noukeurig geplande detail.En: They tell the story with passion and carefully planned detail.Af: Die projek kry 'n staande ovasie.En: The project receives a standing ovation.Af: Hulle ontvang lof van die onderwysers en hulle klasmaats, en wen die eerste prys.En: They receive praise from the teachers and their classmates, and win first prize.Af: Die beloning is nie net die prys nie, maar die besef dat hul verskille hulle ...
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    17 mins