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FluentFiction - Croatian

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Croatian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Croatian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Croatian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Dubrovnik, Plitvice Lakes National Park, or Split? Maybe you want to speak Croatian with your grandparents from Zagreb?

    Our podcast provides in-depth cultural and linguistic insights, preparing you for full immersion in the regions where Croatian is predominantly spoken, including Croatia, Bosnia, and Herzegovina. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Croatian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Poboljšajte svoje razumijevanje slušanja s našim hrvatskim pričama danas!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Ivana's Triumph: Overcoming Fear and Winning Over Management
    Jul 25 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Ivana's Triumph: Overcoming Fear and Winning Over Management Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/ivanas-triumph-overcoming-fear-and-winning-over-management Story Transcript:Hr: Ivana je sjedila za svojim stolom, osjećajući srce kako joj udara u grudima.En: Ivana sat at her desk, feeling her heart pound in her chest.Hr: Sunčeva svjetla ulazila su kroz staklene zidove zgrade, osvjetljavajući moderan ured.En: Sunlight streamed through the glass walls of the building, illuminating the modern office.Hr: Danas je bila velika prezentacija.En: Today was the big presentation.Hr: Ivana je bila posvećena voditeljica projekta, ali je imala strah od javnog nastupa.En: Ivana, a dedicated project manager, had a fear of public speaking.Hr: Luka, tehnički pametni član tima, prepun samopouzdanja, prišao je njenom stolu.En: Luka, the technically savvy team member, full of confidence, approached her desk.Hr: "Ne brini, Ivana," rekao je sa širokim osmijehom.En: "Don't worry, Ivana," he said with a broad smile.Hr: "Ja ću to riješiti.En: "I'll handle it."Hr: "Ivana je znala da Luka može pomoći, ali također je osjećala da ona mora dokazati svoju sposobnost pred Upravom.En: Ivana knew that Luka could help, but she also felt she needed to prove her ability to the Management.Hr: Marko, iskusni izvršni direktor, bio je skeptičan prema novim idejama.En: Marko, the experienced executive director, was skeptical of new ideas.Hr: Ivana je odlučila prije sastanka razgovarati s njim.En: Ivana decided to talk to him before the meeting.Hr: Koraci prema Markovom uredu bili su teški.En: The steps to Marko's office felt heavy.Hr: Kada je stigla, lagano je pokucala na vrata.En: When she arrived, she knocked lightly on the door.Hr: "Marko, možemo li razgovarati?En: "Marko, can we talk?"Hr: " upitala je.En: she asked.Hr: Marko je podigao pogled.En: Marko looked up.Hr: "Naravno, Ivana.En: "Of course, Ivana.Hr: O čemu se radi?En: What's it about?"Hr: ""Želim vam reći o našem projektu.En: "I want to tell you about our project.Hr: Znam da imate sumnje, ali vjerujem da možemo postignuti mnogo s ovom idejom," rekla je Ivana, srce joj je ubrzano tuklo.En: I know you have doubts, but I believe we can achieve a lot with this idea," Ivana said, her heart beating fast.Hr: Marko je pažljivo slušao i klimnuo glavom.En: Marko listened carefully and nodded.Hr: "Dobro, Ivana.En: "Alright, Ivana.Hr: Čut ćemo više na sastanku.En: We'll hear more at the meeting."Hr: "Došao je trenutak prezentacije.En: The moment of the presentation arrived.Hr: U prostranoj sali za sastanke sjedili su članovi Upravnog odbora.En: In the spacious meeting room, the Board members were seated.Hr: Ivana je počela govoriti, ali osjetila je kako joj glas podrhtava.En: Ivana started to speak, but she felt her voice tremble.Hr: Luka je odmah uskočio, govorio je brzo i samouvjereno.En: Luka immediately stepped in, speaking quickly and confidently.Hr: Ali, Ivana je znala da mora preuzeti odgovornost.En: But Ivana knew she had to take responsibility.Hr: Udahnula je duboko i odlučno nastavila.En: She took a deep breath and decisively continued.Hr: "Hvala, Luka.En: "Thank you, Luka.Hr: Želim objasniti zašto je ovaj projekt važan," rekla je.En: I want to explain why this project is important," she said.Hr: Obratila se direktno Marku.En: She addressed Marko directly.Hr: "Marko, ovaj projekt donosi inovaciju koja može unaprijediti naš rad.En: "Marko, this project brings innovation that can enhance our work.Hr: Trebamo vašu podršku.En: We need your support."Hr: "Marko ju je ozbiljno gledao, a zatim se nasmiješio.En: Marko looked at her seriously, then smiled.Hr: "Dobro, Ivana.En: "Alright, Ivana.Hr: Uvjerila si me.En: You've convinced me."Hr: "Članovi Upravnog odbora su se složili, a projekt je dobio financiranje.En: The Board members agreed, and the project received funding.Hr: Ivana je osjećala neopisivo olakšanje.En: Ivana felt an indescribable relief.Hr: Postigla je svoj cilj.En: She had achieved her goal.Hr: Njezina veza sa Lukom i Markom je ojačala.En: Her relationship with Luka and Marko strengthened.Hr: Kako je ljetno sunce zalazilo nad Zagrebom, Ivana je shvatila da je postala sigurnija u svoje sposobnosti.En: As the summer sun set over Zagreb, Ivana realized she had become more confident in her abilities.Hr: Vjerovala je u sebe više nego ikada prije.En: She believed in herself more than ever before. Vocabulary Words:heart-pound: udara u grudimasunlight: sunčeva svjetlaglass walls: staklene zidoveilluminating: osvjetljavajućidedicated: posvećenapublic speaking: javnog nastupatechnically savvy: tehnički pametniconfidence: samopouzdanjaskeptical: skeptičanexecutive director: izvršni direktordoubts: sumnjeachieve: postignutitremble: podrhtavadecisively: odlučnoinnovation: inovacijaenhance: unaprijeditisupport: podrškuconvinced: uvjerilaindescribable: neopisivorelief: ...
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    16 mins
  • Unity in Tradition: A Midsummer Celebration of Community Spirit
    Jul 24 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: Unity in Tradition: A Midsummer Celebration of Community Spirit Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/unity-in-tradition-a-midsummer-celebration-of-community-spirit Story Transcript:Hr: Sunce je sjalo iznad male, zatvorene zajednice.En: The sun shined above the small, close-knit community.Hr: Cvjetni vrtovi mirisali su na lavandu i ružmarin.En: Floral gardens smelled of lavender and rosemary.Hr: Staze od kamenčića vodile su do kuća pastelnih boja.En: Pebble paths led to pastel-colored houses.Hr: Ivana, puna energije, šetala je parkom.En: Ivana, full of energy, strolled through the park.Hr: Park je bio središte zajednice, mjesto gdje će se održati zborska fešta usred ljeta.En: The park was the heart of the community, the place where the midsummer choir celebration would be held.Hr: Ivana je željela organizirati najbolju proslavu koju su susjedi ikada vidjeli.En: Ivana wanted to organize the best party the neighbors had ever seen.Hr: Željela je da svi cijene njezin trud.En: She wanted everyone to appreciate her effort.Hr: Petar, umirovljeni učitelj, volio je tradicije.En: Petar, a retired teacher, loved traditions.Hr: Brinulo ga je da mlađe generacije zaboravljaju svoje korijene.En: He worried that younger generations were forgetting their roots.Hr: Luka je bio novi stanar.En: Luka was a new resident.Hr: Bio je povučen i tražio je mir.En: He was introverted and sought peace.Hr: No, sada se osjećao izdvojeno.En: However, he felt isolated.Hr: Ivana je pozvala Petra i Luku na sastanak.En: Ivana invited Petar and Luka for a meeting.Hr: Sjeli su na klupu ispod stare hrastove krošnje.En: They sat on a bench under the old oak tree's canopy.Hr: "Želim napraviti festival koji svi vole," rekla je Ivana. "Ali ne znam odakle krenuti."En: "I want to create a festival that everyone loves," Ivana said. "But I don't know where to start."Hr: Petar je klimnuo glavom. "Važno je da ne zaboravimo tradiciju. Midsummer je dio naše kulture."En: Petar nodded. “It's important we don't forget tradition. Midsummer is part of our culture.”Hr: Luka je bio tih, no prateći razgovor, odlučio je pomoći. Trebala mu je zajednica, a ovo je bila prilika za povezivanje.En: Luka was quiet but followed the conversation and decided to help. He needed the community, and this was a chance to connect.Hr: "Možemo kombinirati moderno i tradicionalno," predložila je Ivana.En: "We can combine modern and traditional," Ivana suggested.Hr: Petar se složio. "Mogu vam ispričati priče i pokazati običaje."En: Petar agreed. "I can tell you stories and show you customs."Hr: Luka je dodao: "Možemo imati tihe aktivnosti, poput čitanja poezije, tako bi svi mogli uživati."En: Luka added, "We can have quiet activities, like poetry reading, so everyone can enjoy."Hr: Svi su se složili i započeli s pripremama.En: They all agreed and started the preparations.Hr: Park su ukrasili svjetlećim lampicama i šarenim zastavicama.En: They decorated the park with string lights and colorful flags.Hr: Ivana je organizirala igre za djecu i plesove za odrasle.En: Ivana organized games for the children and dances for the adults.Hr: Petar je pripremao tradicionalna jela i pričao djeci o običajima.En: Petar prepared traditional dishes and told the children about old customs.Hr: Luka je predložio zbirku poezije pod zvijezdama.En: Luka proposed a poetry reading under the stars.Hr: Dan festivala je stigao.En: The day of the festival arrived.Hr: Sunce je sjalo, a zrak je bio topao.En: The sun shined, and the air was warm.Hr: Susjedi su se okupili u parku, nasmijani i veseli.En: Neighbors gathered in the park, smiling and cheerful.Hr: Ivana je bila ushićena.En: Ivana was thrilled.Hr: Sve se činilo savršenim, no onda su se tamni oblaci počeli skupljati.En: Everything seemed perfect, but then dark clouds started to gather.Hr: "Oluja dolazi," rekla je Ivana zabrinuta.En: "A storm is coming," Ivana said worriedly.Hr: Petar je smireno rekao: "Preselimo se unutra, u zajedničku dvoranu."En: Petar calmly said, “Let's move inside, into the community hall.”Hr: Svi su brzo pomogli.En: Everyone quickly helped.Hr: Premjestili su hranu, glazbu i ukrase.En: They moved the food, music, and decorations.Hr: Unutra, atmosfera je postala intimnija.En: Inside, the atmosphere became more intimate.Hr: Pričali su priče, zajedno pjevali i smijali se.En: They shared stories, sang together, and laughed.Hr: Ivana je osjetila zahvalnost susjeda.En: Ivana felt the neighbors’ gratitude.Hr: Petar je vidio djecu kako pažljivo slušaju o tradicijama.En: Petar saw children listening attentively to the stories about traditions.Hr: Luka je prvi put osjetio toplinu zajednice.En: Luka felt the warmth of the community for the first time.Hr: Oluja je prošla, ali nitko nije želio otići.En: The storm passed, but no one wanted to leave.Hr: Proslava je završila uz osmijehe i zajedništvo.En: The celebration ...
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    19 mins
  • When Plan B Prevails: A Day at Franjo Tuđman Airport
    Jul 23 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Croatian: When Plan B Prevails: A Day at Franjo Tuđman Airport Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/when-plan-b-prevails-a-day-at-franjo-tudman-airport Story Transcript:Hr: Sunce je visoko na nebu nad Zagrebom.En: The sun is high in the sky over Zagreb.Hr: Ljeto je u punom jeku.En: Summer is in full swing.Hr: Franjo Tuđman Međunarodna zračna luka je puna ljudi.En: Franjo Tuđman International Airport is full of people.Hr: Niko i Ivana trče kroz terminal.En: Niko and Ivana are running through the terminal.Hr: "Brže, brže!En: "Faster, faster!"Hr: " viče Niko.En: yells Niko.Hr: On je srednji menadžer.En: He is a mid-level manager.Hr: Ima važan poslovni sastanak u Parizu.En: He has an important business meeting in Paris.Hr: Ivana je njegovo smirenje.En: Ivana is his calm.Hr: Ona je iskusna putnica.En: She is an experienced traveler.Hr: "Sve će biti u redu," kaže Ivana tiho.En: "Everything will be fine," Ivana says quietly.Hr: Staju ispred sigurnosne provjere.En: They stop in front of the security check.Hr: Red je dugačak.En: The line is long.Hr: Prolazi vrijeme.En: Time passes.Hr: Niko je znojav, nervozan.En: Niko is sweaty and nervous.Hr: "Ne možemo ovo propustiti," kaže napeto.En: "We can't miss this," he says tensely.Hr: Ivana ga pokušava smiriti.En: Ivana tries to calm him.Hr: "Postoji plan B," šapće.En: "There's a plan B," she whispers.Hr: Napokon stižu do vrata, ali prekasno.En: Finally, they reach the gate, but it's too late.Hr: Avion za Pariz je već odletio.En: The plane to Paris has already taken off.Hr: Niko je očajan.En: Niko is desperate.Hr: "Što sad?En: "What now?"Hr: " pita.En: he asks.Hr: Ivana odmah reagira.En: Ivana reacts immediately.Hr: "Potraži drugi let, možda standby," predlaže.En: "Find another flight, maybe standby," she suggests.Hr: Niko daje sve od sebe.En: Niko gives it his all.Hr: Razgovara s agentima na šalteru.En: He talks to the agents at the counter.Hr: "Ima li mjesta?En: "Are there any seats?"Hr: " pita.En: he asks.Hr: Preporučuju mu alternatni let, ali mjesta su ograničena.En: They recommend an alternative flight, but the seats are limited.Hr: Spremni su.En: They are ready.Hr: Čekaju rezultate.En: They wait for the results.Hr: Iznad njih, ekran pokazuje "odgođeno".En: Above them, the screen shows "delayed."Hr: Niko udara nogom o pod.En: Niko stomps his foot on the ground.Hr: "Kako je moguće?En: "How is this possible?Hr: Sve ide krivo.En: Everything is going wrong."Hr: " Ivana ga uhvati za ruku.En: Ivana takes his hand.Hr: "Smiri se.En: "Calm down.Hr: Imam plan," kaže.En: I have a plan," she says.Hr: "Spoji se virtualno na sastanak.En: "Connect to the meeting virtually.Hr: Bolje išta nego ništa.En: Better something than nothing."Hr: "Niko je razmislio.En: Niko thought about it.Hr: Mora vjerovati Ivani.En: He must trust Ivana.Hr: Uzimaju mjesto u loungeu.En: They take a seat in the lounge.Hr: Mirno je.En: It's peaceful.Hr: Ivana postavlja laptop.En: Ivana sets up the laptop.Hr: Veza uspostavljena.En: The connection is established.Hr: Sastanak počinje.En: The meeting begins.Hr: Prisutni su svi dužnosnici.En: All the officials are present.Hr: Niko se predstavi.En: Niko introduces himself.Hr: Glas mu je stabilan.En: His voice is steady.Hr: Svi ga slušaju pažljivo.En: Everyone listens to him carefully.Hr: Sastanak završava uspješno.En: The meeting ends successfully.Hr: Niko uzdahne s olakšanjem.En: Niko sighs with relief.Hr: "Ivana, hvala," kaže.En: "Ivana, thank you," he says.Hr: Napokon shvaća.En: He finally realizes.Hr: Ponekad planovi B uspiju bolje od planova A.En: Sometimes plan B works out better than plan A.Hr: Više cijeni Ivaninu smirenost i iskustvo.En: He appreciates Ivana's calmness and experience more.Hr: Naučio je važnu lekciju.En: He learned an important lesson.Hr: "Uvijek računa na tebe," kaže s osmijehom.En: "I can always count on you," he says with a smile.Hr: Ivana mu se nasmiješi natrag.En: Ivana smiles back at him.Hr: "Uvijek ću biti ovdje," odgovara.En: "I will always be here," she replies.Hr: Zračna luka je još uvijek puna ljudi, ali sada se čini manje stresnom.En: The airport is still full of people, but now it seems less stressful.Hr: Za Niku i Ivanu, to je bio uspješan dan.En: For Niko and Ivana, it was a successful day.Hr: Završili su svoj dan uz kavu.En: They ended their day with a coffee.Hr: Sunce je i dalje sjalo nad Zagrebom, a zračna luka bila je ispunjena ljetnom energijom.En: The sun was still shining over Zagreb, and the airport was filled with summer energy.Hr: No za Niku, najvažnije je što je naučio da se može osloniti na Ivanu i na promjene planova.En: But for Niko, the most important thing was that he learned he could rely on Ivana and on changing plans.Hr: Život je pun iznenađenja, i to je dio njegove ljepote.En: Life is full of surprises, and that's part of its beauty. Vocabulary Words:high: visokosummer: ...
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    17 mins

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