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FluentFiction - Estonian

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Estonian listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Estonian, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Estonian and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Tallinn, Tartu, or Pärnu? Maybe you want to speak Estonian with your grandparents from Narva?

    Our podcast provides a rich blend of cultural and linguistic insights to thoroughly engage you in the authentic Estonian experience, primarily found within the picturesque borders of Estonia. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Estonian listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Paranda oma kuulmisarusaamist meie Eesti lugudega täna!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Team Triumph: How Collaboration Saved the Big Presentation
    Jul 25 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Team Triumph: How Collaboration Saved the Big Presentation Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/team-triumph-how-collaboration-saved-the-big-presentation Story Transcript:Et: Maarja kummardus üle oma sülearvuti klaviatuuri, ekraanilt vastu peegelduvad andmed helkisid tema prilliklaasidel.En: Maarja leaned over her laptop keyboard, the data reflected on the screen glinting off her glasses.Et: Korporatiivkontor oli täis elu - inimesed sebisid ringi, arutelud käisid ja kliimaseade sumises taustal.En: The corporate office was bustling with life – people were scurrying around, discussions were ongoing, and the air conditioner hummed in the background.Et: Suvepäike paistis läbi suurte klaasakende, täites ruumi sooja valgusega.En: The summer sun shone through the large glass windows, filling the room with warm light.Et: Pingeline ettevalmistus oli käimas.En: A tense preparation was underway.Et: Tanel istus nurgas, tundes end rahulikult, kuigi mõtted olid juba eelseisval telkimisreisil.En: Tanel sat in the corner, feeling calm even though his thoughts were already on the upcoming camping trip.Et: Karin, projektijuht, käis närviliselt edasi-tagasi, kontrollides iga detaili.En: Karin, the project manager, was pacing nervously, checking every detail.Et: Ülemustele mulje avaldamine oli tema jaoks äärmiselt oluline.En: Impressing the bosses was extremely important to her.Et: Maarja unistus oli teha muljetavaldav esitlus.En: Maarja dreamed of giving an impressive presentation.Et: See oli tema suur võimalus edutatud saada, et oma perele paremat elu pakkuda.En: This was her big chance to get promoted and provide a better life for her family.Et: Ta teadis, et selleks peab kõik minema laitmatult.En: She knew that everything had to go flawlessly.Et: Nad olid meeskonnana valmistunud juba nädalaid.En: They had been preparing as a team for weeks.Et: Kõik sujus kenasti, kuni järsku juhtus midagi ootamatut.En: Everything was going smoothly until something unexpected happened.Et: Maarja ekraanile ilmus punane tõrketeade.En: A red error message appeared on Maarja's screen.Et: "Oi ei!"En: "Oh no!"Et: hüüdis ta ahastunult.En: she exclaimed in distress.Et: "Meie esitlusfaile ei avane!"En: "Our presentation files won't open!"Et: Tanel seisis ja vaatas kahetsusega doonasaknal peegelduvat rohelist parkmetsa.En: Tanel stood up and looked wistfully at the green park forest reflected in the window.Et: "Ma pean selle korda saama," ütles ta rahulikult, kuigi igatses kiiresti asju lõpetada ja ära minna.En: "I have to fix this," he said calmly, though he longed to wrap things up quickly and leave.Et: Karin heitis pilgu kellale ja nägi, et aeg hakkas otsa saama.En: Karin glanced at the clock and saw that time was running out.Et: "Maarja, kas sa suudad selle ise korda teha?"En: "Maarja, can you fix this yourself?"Et: küsis ta murelikult.En: she asked worriedly.Et: Maarja hingas sügavalt sisse.En: Maarja took a deep breath.Et: Ta teadis, et peaks otsustama ise proovida viga parandada või ülesandeid meeskonnale jagada.En: She knew she had to decide whether to try to fix the error herself or delegate tasks to the team.Et: Aega oli vähe.En: Time was short.Et: "Tanel, palun vaata süsteemi üle.En: "Tanel, please check the system.Et: Karin, kas sa saad esitluse alguse valmis panna, kui Tanel tegeleb tehnikaga?"En: Karin, can you prepare the start of the presentation while Tanel handles the technical issues?"Et: küsis Maarja otsustavalt.En: Maarja asked decisively.Et: Kõik nõustusid.En: Everyone agreed.Et: Koos hakkasid nad tööle jaotsalt.En: Together they began working diligently.Et: Pingeline töö ühendas neid, kuigi kell pidevalt edasi tiksus.En: The intense work brought them together, even as the clock kept ticking.Et: Maarja järgis iga etapi edenemist tähelepanelikult.En: Maarja closely monitored the progress of each stage.Et: Viimaks, kui nad tiivalehtede õige järjekorra taastanud ja esitluse valmis saanud, tundus, nagu oleks nad suuri vererõhke lasknud.En: Finally, when they had restored the correct order of the slides and completed the presentation, it felt like they had released a great pressure.Et: Kõik ohkasid kergendatult.En: Everyone sighed in relief.Et: Juhid tulid sisse ja istusid maha.En: The bosses came in and sat down.Et: Maarja alustas esitlust.En: Maarja began the presentation.Et: Kõik läks sujuvalt.En: Everything went smoothly.Et: Nad nägid, kuidas juhid muudkui noogutasid ja vahel märkmeid tegid.En: They watched as the bosses nodded continuously and occasionally took notes.Et: Pärast esitlust puhkes Karin rõõmsaks naeratuseks.En: After the presentation, Karin broke into a joyful smile.Et: Tanel high-five'das Maarjat.En: Tanel high-fived Maarja.Et: Maarja tundis lõpliku kergenduse ja uhkuse segu.En: Maarja felt a mixture of ultimate relief and pride.Et: Ta oli teinud selle koos oma meeskonnaga.En: She had ...
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    18 mins
  • Hidden Garden Nights: Finding Joy in Tallinn’s Quiet Corners
    Jul 24 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Hidden Garden Nights: Finding Joy in Tallinn’s Quiet Corners Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/hidden-garden-nights-finding-joy-in-tallinns-quiet-corners Story Transcript:Et: Kõik muutus suve öödel ühes rahulikus, turvalises kogukonnas Tallinnas.En: Everything changed during the summer nights in a quiet, safe community in Tallinn.Et: Andres, 35-aastane turvamees, seisis värava juures.En: Andres, a 35-year-old security guard, stood at the gate.Et: Töö oli rahulik, isegi igav.En: The work was peaceful, even boring.Et: Valged lambid valgustasid pikki varje.En: White lights cast long shadows.Et: Andres vaatas vaikset ööd ja tundis sees rahutust.En: Andres looked at the silent night and felt a restlessness inside.Et: Ta igatses midagi enamat, midagi põnevat.En: He longed for something more, something exciting.Et: Ühel ööl otsustas Andres teha midagi teistsugust.En: One night, Andres decided to do something different.Et: Ta kõndis aeglaselt väravast kaugemale, piirkonnas, kuhu ta polnud varem läinud.En: He slowly walked away from the gate, to an area he had never gone before.Et: Ta lootis leida midagi huvitavat, midagi, mis murdaks monotoonsuse.En: He hoped to find something interesting, something that would break the monotony.Et: Kõndides nägi ta eemal midagi imelist – peidetud aed.En: As he walked, he saw something wonderful in the distance – a hidden garden.Et: Peidetud aed oli lummav.En: The hidden garden was enchanting.Et: Õitsevad suvelilled ja krõbisevad ritsikad lõid maagilise õhkkonna.En: Blooming summer flowers and the chirping of crickets created a magical atmosphere.Et: Lilletolmule lõhnaga õhk oli värske ja täis elu.En: The air, scented with flower pollen, was fresh and full of life.Et: Andres jäi seisma ja vaatas ümbrust.En: Andres stood and looked around.Et: Ta kuulis kergeid samme ja nägi Leenat – naist, kes hoolitses öösiti aia eest.En: He heard soft footsteps and saw Leena – a woman who cared for the garden at night.Et: "Kes sa oled?"En: "Who are you?"Et: küsis Andres huviga.En: Andres asked with interest.Et: "Minu nimi on Leena," vastas naine naeratades.En: "My name is Leena," she replied, smiling.Et: "Mulle meeldib aias töötada öösel, sest mul on unetus."En: "I like to work in the garden at night because I have insomnia."Et: Andres ja Leena hakkasid rääkima.En: Andres and Leena started talking.Et: Nad jagasid lugusid ja mõtteid.En: They shared stories and thoughts.Et: Andres tundis, kuidas tema rahutus asendus rahuloluga.En: Andres felt his restlessness being replaced by contentment.Et: Iga öö külastas ta aeda, kohtus Leenaga ja neil õpetasid teineteisele palju uut.En: Every night he visited the garden, met with Leena, and they taught each other many new things.Et: Peagi ootas Andres öiseid vahetusi.En: Soon, Andres looked forward to his night shifts.Et: Need polnud enam igavad ja tüütud.En: They were no longer boring and tedious.Et: Iga öine jalutuskäik aeda tõi midagi uut ja põnevat.En: Every nightly walk to the garden brought something new and exciting.Et: Andres leidis tähenduse ja rahu.En: Andres found meaning and peace.Et: Ta mõistis, et mõnikord leidub õnn lihtsates, ootamatutes kohtumistes.En: He realized that sometimes happiness is found in simple, unexpected encounters.Et: Andres ei tundnud end enam rahulolematuna.En: Andres no longer felt dissatisfied.Et: Tema töö oli muutunud nauditavaks ja täis uusi avastusi.En: His work had become enjoyable and full of new discoveries.Et: Peidetud aed ja Leena olid muutnud tema ööd maagiliseks ja täis elu.En: The hidden garden and Leena had made his nights magical and full of life.Et: Igal suveööl ootas Andres uut rõõmsat avastust ja tähenduslikku vestlust.En: Every summer night, Andres awaited a new joyful discovery and meaningful conversation. Vocabulary Words:changed: muutusquiet: rahuliksecurity guard: turvameesboring: igavshadows: varjerestlessness: rahutusexciting: põnevdecided: otsustasdifferent: teistsugustmonotony: monotoonsushidden: peidetudgarden: aedenchanting: lummavblooming: õitsevadchirping: krõbisevadmagical: maagiliseatmosphere: õhkkonnapollen: lilletolmulefootsteps: sammuinsomnia: unetuscontentment: rahulolugatedious: tüütudpeace: rahuhappiness: õnnencounters: kohtumistesdissatisfied: rahulolematunaenjoyable: nauditavaksdiscoveries: avastusijoyful: rõõmsatmeaningful: tähenduslikku
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    14 mins
  • Airport Encounter: Lost & Found That Saved the Day
    Jul 23 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Estonian: Airport Encounter: Lost & Found That Saved the Day Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/airport-encounter-lost-found-that-saved-the-day Story Transcript:Et: Tallinna lennujaam oli täis suveaja reisisuminat.En: Tallinn Airport was abuzz with the hum of summer travel.Et: Suured klaasseinad lasid päikesekiirtel valgustada elavat terminali.En: Large glass windows let the sun's rays illuminate the lively terminal.Et: Kohvrite rataste rullimise ja jutu hääled täitsid õhku.En: The sounds of rolling suitcase wheels and chatter filled the air.Et: Värskelt valmistatud kohvi lõhn segunes jaheda konditsioneeritud õhuga.En: The scent of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the cool conditioned air.Et: Maarja sammus kiiresti üle terminali, tema silmad otsisid midagi kindlalt.En: Maarja walked quickly through the terminal, her eyes searching intently for something.Et: “Kus on mu portfell?En: "Where is my briefcase?"Et: ” mõtles ta ärevalt.En: she thought anxiously.Et: Maarja oli ärinaine.En: Maarja was a businesswoman.Et: Ta oli väga täpne ja ei sallinud vigu.En: She was very precise and did not tolerate mistakes.Et: Tal oli varsti kohtumine teises linnas ja selles portfellis oli tähtsad dokumendid.En: She had a meeting soon in another city, and important documents were in that briefcase.Et: Maarja vaatas ringi kuid ei leidnud midagi.En: Maarja looked around but found nothing.Et: Lõpuks otsustas ta paluda abi.En: Finally, she decided to ask for help.Et: Just siis märkas ta Taavit.En: Just then, she noticed Taavi.Et: Taavi oli reisija.En: Taavi was a traveler.Et: Ta oli rahulik ja lõõgastunud, aga tal oli haruldane oskus märgata pisiasju, mida teised ei näe.En: He was calm and relaxed, but he had a rare skill of noticing small details others missed.Et: Taavi vaatas üht lennujaama tablood ja märkas midagi valesti.En: Taavi was looking at one of the airport screens and noticed something was amiss.Et: Maarja märkas seda ja otsustas teda küsida.En: Maarja saw this and decided to ask him.Et: "Vabandust, kas sa nägid siia jäetud musta portfelli?En: "Excuse me, did you see a black briefcase left here?"Et: " küsis ta.En: she asked.Et: Taavi vaatas hoolikalt Maarjat.En: Taavi looked at Maarja carefully.Et: "Ei, aga ma võin aidata," vastas ta sõbralikult.En: "No, but I can help," he answered kindly.Et: "Mis see portfell teistmoodi teeb?En: "What makes this briefcase different?"Et: ""See on must nahast portfell.En: "It's a black leather briefcase.Et: Mul on vaja seda enne, kui lähen järgmisele lennule," selgitas Maarja.En: I need it before I catch my next flight," Maarja explained.Et: "Olgu, lähme vaatame," vastas Taavi ja nad hakkasid koos terminali läbi käima.En: "Okay, let's go take a look," replied Taavi, and they began to walk through the terminal together.Et: Maarja oli mures, iga minut oli tähtis.En: Maarja was worried, every minute mattered.Et: Taavi pani tähele lennujaama töötajat, kes pani asju valesse kohta.En: Taavi noticed an airport employee placing things in the wrong spot.Et: "Oota, ma arvan, et see võib olla seotud," ütles Taavi ja lähenes töötajale.En: "Wait, I think this might be related," said Taavi and approached the employee.Et: "Kas nägite musta portfelli?En: "Did you see a black briefcase?Et: Nägin, et tõstsite just midagi.En: I saw you just moved something."Et: "Töötaja vaatas nende poole ja mõtles.En: The employee looked their way and thought.Et: "Ah, jah.En: "Oh, yes.Et: Panin selle ära.En: I put it away.Et: See oli vale koha peal.En: It was in the wrong spot.Et: Oodake hetk.En: Just a moment."Et: "Mõne hetke pärast tuli töötaja tagasi portfelliga.En: A few moments later, the employee returned with the briefcase.Et: Maarja hingas kergendatult.En: Maarja breathed a sigh of relief.Et: "Aitäh!En: "Thank you!"Et: " ütles ta Taavile.En: she said to Taavi.Et: "Sa päästsid mu päeva.En: "You saved my day."Et: ""Näe, väiksed asjad teevad vahet," vastas Taavi naeratades.En: "See, it's the little things that make a difference," Taavi replied with a smile.Et: "Mul on nüüd oma lennule kiire.En: "I need to rush to my flight now."Et: ""Edu," ütles Maarja ja nad lahkusid valikuga.En: "Good luck," said Maarja, and they parted ways.Et: Maarja õnnelikult leidis, et abi vastuvõtmine ja pisiasjade märkamine võivad palju muuta.En: Maarja happily realized that accepting help and noticing small details can make a big difference.Et: Taavi mõistis, et tema oskus võib suuremaks kasuks olla.En: Taavi understood that his skill could be of great benefit.Et: Nad lahkusid, hinge soojendus ja vastastikune austus nende südames.En: They left with warm hearts and mutual respect. Vocabulary Words:hummers: sumindadilluminate: valgustadaterminal: terminalichatter: jutubrewed: valmistatudintently: kindlaltanxiously: ärevaltbriefcase: portfellprecise: täpnedocuments: dokumendiddecided: ...
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    16 mins

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