
  • The Collaborative Breakthrough: How Trust Transformed an Office
    Jul 25 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: The Collaborative Breakthrough: How Trust Transformed an Office Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/the-collaborative-breakthrough-how-trust-transformed-an-office Story Transcript:Sk: Leto sa rozprúdilo v plnom prúde a slnko cez okná osvetľovalo modernú kanceláriu.En: The summer was in full swing, and the sun streamed through the windows, illuminating the modern office.Sk: Jana sedela pri svojom stole, jej tvár napätá a oči fixované na časomieru.En: Jana was sitting at her desk, her face tense and her eyes fixed on the clock.Sk: „Nemáme veľa času,“ povedala, keď miesila rukami.En: "We don't have much time," she said, wringing her hands.Sk: Martin, ktorého stôl bol zavalenejší papiermi a ceruzkami, si povzdychol.En: Martin, whose desk was cluttered with papers and pencils, sighed.Sk: „Vieme o tom, ale nestíham, ak nemám viac voľnosti,“ odpovedal Martin, ktorý kreslil nové grafické návrhy pre projekt.En: "We know that, but I can't keep up if I don't have more freedom," replied Martin, who was sketching new graphic designs for the project.Sk: Jana vstala a pristúpila k nemu.En: Jana stood up and approached him.Sk: „Musíme to zvládnuť, Martin. Ak to nedokončíme včas, môžem zabudnúť na tú vytúženú povýšenie.“En: "We have to make it, Martin. If we don't finish on time, I can forget about that coveted promotion."Sk: Martin sa uprene pozrel na Janu.En: Martin looked at Jana intently.Sk: „A ja chcem byť konečne ocenený. Pracujem tu rok a nikto si ma nevšíma.“En: "And I want to finally be appreciated. I've been working here for a year and no one notices me."Sk: „Chápem, ale musíme teraz spolupracovať,“ povedala Jana s miernym úzkostným pohľadom.En: "I understand, but we need to work together now," said Jana with a slightly anxious look.Sk: Deň prebehol rýchlo, miestnosť prekypovala energiou a úsilím.En: The day passed quickly, the room buzzing with energy and effort.Sk: Každý pracoval, ako keby bol na pretekoch.En: Everyone was working as if they were in a race.Sk: Jana sa často nakláňala k Martinovi a kontrolovala jeho prácu.En: Jana often leaned over to check Martin's work.Sk: Martin stále bojoval s nedostatkom slobody v tvorbe.En: Martin kept wrestling with the lack of creative freedom.Sk: Náhle sa však stalo niečo, čo ani jeden z nich nečakal.En: Suddenly, something unexpected happened.Sk: Jana zistila veľkú chybu v projekte.En: Jana discovered a significant mistake in the project.Sk: Dokumenty boli zle označené a matrice nesprávne nastavené.En: Documents were mislabeled, and the templates were incorrectly set up.Sk: „Máme problém,“ povedala so zúfalstvom v hlase.En: "We have a problem," she said with despair in her voice.Sk: Martin vstal a pristúpil bližšie.En: Martin stood up and moved closer.Sk: Spoločne sa pozreli na chybu.En: Together, they looked at the mistake.Sk: „Nie je všetko stratené,“ povedal Martin, hoci vo vnútri cítil tlak.En: "Not everything is lost," said Martin, though he felt the pressure inside.Sk: „Musíme nájsť riešenie. Čo navrhuješ?“ Jana ticho šepkala.En: "We need to find a solution. What do you suggest?" Jana whispered quietly.Sk: Martin chytil ceruzku a začal prekladať návrhy.En: Martin grabbed a pencil and began reworking the designs.Sk: „Povieme to takto: ty ma necháš kreatívne voľne, a ja sa postarám o to, aby sme tú chybu opravili.“En: "Let's say this: you let me work creatively, and I'll make sure we fix this mistake."Sk: Jana kývla.En: Jana nodded.Sk: „Dobre. Urob to po svojom.“En: "Okay. Do it your way."Sk: Pracovali rýchlo, každý s novým elánom.En: They worked quickly, each with renewed enthusiasm.Sk: Jana sa sústredila na koordináciu tímu a delegovanie úloh, zatiaľ čo Martin vkladal svoju kreativitu do celého projektu.En: Jana focused on coordinating the team and delegating tasks, while Martin infused his creativity into the entire project.Sk: Atmosféra sa zmenila, stala sa súdržnejšou a menej napätou.En: The atmosphere changed, becoming more cohesive and less tense.Sk: K večeru bolo všetko hotové.En: By evening, everything was finished.Sk: Jana a Martin si vymenili pohľady.En: Jana and Martin exchanged glances.Sk: „Ďakujem ti, Martin,“ povedala Jana s úprimným úsmevom.En: "Thank you, Martin," said Jana with a sincere smile.Sk: „Tvoja práca je výnimočná.“En: "Your work is exceptional."Sk: „A ty si skvelá líderka, keď nám dôveruješ,“ odpovedal Martin.En: "And you’re a great leader when you trust us," replied Martin.Sk: Vedeli, že ich čaká úspech, pretože pracovali spolu a nie proti sebe.En: They knew they were headed for success because they worked together rather than against each other.Sk: Od toho dňa Jana viac dôverovala svojmu tímu a menej sa bála delegovať.En: From that day on, Jana trusted her team ...
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    17 mins
  • Scaling Trust: A Family's Journey in the Tatra Mountains
    Jul 24 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Scaling Trust: A Family's Journey in the Tatra Mountains Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/scaling-trust-a-familys-journey-in-the-tatra-mountains Story Transcript:Sk: Tatry sú nádherné v lete.En: The Tatra Mountains are beautiful in the summer.Sk: Obloha je modrá a stromy sú zelené.En: The sky is blue, and the trees are green.Sk: Hory majú svoje tajomstvá.En: The mountains hold their secrets.Sk: Marek, Jana a Ľudovít sa stretajú na rodinný výlet.En: Marek, Jana, and Ľudovít are meeting for a family trip.Sk: Marek je mladý a dobrodružný.En: Marek is young and adventurous.Sk: Urobil veľa chýb.En: He has made many mistakes.Sk: Chce však ukázať, že je zodpovedný.En: However, he wants to show that he is responsible.Sk: "Poďme hore," hovorí Marek. "Ja povediem cestu."En: "Let's go up," says Marek. "I'll lead the way."Sk: Jana a Ľudovít si vymenia pohľady.En: Jana and Ľudovít exchange looks.Sk: Jana je starostlivá sestra, pragmatická a láskavá.En: Jana is a caring sister, pragmatic and kind.Sk: Ľudovít je starší brat, ochranný ale prísny.En: Ľudovít is an older brother, protective but strict.Sk: "Dobre, Marek," vraví Jana. "Verím ti."En: "Alright, Marek," says Jana. "I trust you."Sk: Ľudovít je skeptický. "Buď opatrný," varuje.En: Ľudovít is skeptical. "Be careful," he warns.Sk: Stúpajú po chodníku.En: They climb up the path.Sk: Marek vedie.En: Marek leads.Sk: Cesta je kamenistá.En: The path is rocky.Sk: Dýchajú čerstvý horský vzduch.En: They breathe in the fresh mountain air.Sk: Zrazu sa počasie mení.En: Suddenly, the weather changes.Sk: Obloha je tmavšia.En: The sky is darker.Sk: Vzduch je chladnejší.En: The air is colder.Sk: "Marek, sme na správnej ceste?" pýta sa Jana.En: "Marek, are we on the right path?" asks Jana.Sk: "Áno, správne," odpovedá Marek s istotou.En: "Yes, we are," answers Marek confidently.Sk: Po niekoľkých hodinách prídu na nebezpečnú časť chodníka.En: After a few hours, they come to a dangerous part of the path.Sk: Cesta je úzka.En: The trail is narrow.Sk: Jeden nesprávny krok môže byť fatálny.En: One wrong step could be fatal.Sk: "Marek, čo teraz?" pýta sa Ľudovít nervózne.En: "Marek, what now?" asks Ľudovít nervously.Sk: Marek sa zastaví.En: Marek stops.Sk: Myslí.En: He thinks.Sk: "Musíme ísť pomaly. Držte sa pri sebe."En: "We need to go slowly. Stay close together."Sk: Jana a Ľudovít sa na Mareka pozrú.En: Jana and Ľudovít look at Marek.Sk: Vidia jeho odhodlanie.En: They see his determination.Sk: Dôverujú mu.En: They trust him.Sk: Pomaly prechádzajú náročnú časť.En: Slowly, they pass the challenging section.Sk: "Správne, Marek," oslavuje Jana. "Dokázal si to."En: "Well done, Marek," cheers Jana. "You did it."Sk: Marek sa usmieva.En: Marek smiles.Sk: Cítia sa silní.En: They feel strong.Sk: Pokračujú v chôdzi.En: They continue walking.Sk: Obloha je opäť modrá, vzduch je teplý.En: The sky is blue again, the air warm.Sk: Pred nimi je vrchol.En: The peak is ahead of them.Sk: "Toto je úžasné," hovorí Ľudovít. "Marek, urobil si správne rozhodnutie."En: "This is amazing," says Ľudovít. "Marek, you made the right decision."Sk: Marek cíti novú silu.En: Marek feels a new strength.Sk: Jana ho objíme.En: Jana hugs him.Sk: Ľudovít potľapká po rameni.En: Ľudovít pats him on the shoulder.Sk: Spolu dosiahnu vrchol hory.En: Together, they reach the top of the mountain.Sk: Ľudovít sa učí veriť Marekovi.En: Ľudovít learns to trust Marek.Sk: Jana vidí Marekove silné stránky.En: Jana sees Marek's strengths.Sk: Marek získava dôveru a zodpovednosť.En: Marek gains confidence and responsibility.Sk: Rodina oslavuje úspešný výlet.En: They celebrate a successful trip.Sk: Tatry ich učia novým lekciám.En: The Tatra Mountains teach them new lessons.Sk: Hory, nebo a vzduch sú ich spolucestujúcimi.En: The mountains, the sky, and the air are their companions.Sk: Spolu sa vracajú domov.En: Together they return home.Sk: Spolu ako silnejšia rodina.En: Together as a stronger family. Vocabulary Words:secrets: tajomstváadventurous: dobrodružnýresponsible: zodpovednýexchange: vymeniacaring: starostlivápragmatic: pragmatickáprotective: ochrannýstrict: prísnyskeptical: skeptickýrocky: kamenistáfresh: čerstvýsuddenly: zrazudangerous: nebezpečnúnarrow: úzkafatal: fatálnydetermination: odhodlaniechallenging: náročnápeek: vrcholdecision: rozhodnutieconfidence: dôverulessons: lekciámcompanions: spolucestujúcimireturn: vracajútogether: spolustronger: silnejšiafamily: rodinatrip: výletmistakes: chybyweather: počasietrust: dôverujú
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    16 mins
  • Airport Heroics: A Lifesaving Moment Amidst the Chaos
    Jul 23 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Airport Heroics: A Lifesaving Moment Amidst the Chaos Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/airport-heroics-a-lifesaving-moment-amidst-the-chaos Story Transcript:Sk: Na letisku v Bratislave bolo rušno.En: The airport in Bratislava was bustling.Sk: Letnú atmosféru plnili slnečné lúče prenikajúce cez veľké okná a cestujúci sa ponáhľali všade naokolo.En: The summer atmosphere was filled with sunlight streaming through large windows, and travelers were hurrying everywhere.Sk: Marek a jeho dcéra Petra kráčali smerom k svojej bráne.En: Marek and his daughter Petra were walking toward their gate.Sk: Marek bol pokojný, zvyknutý na stres z obchodných ciest.En: Marek was calm, used to the stress of business trips.Sk: Petra bola vzrušená, prvýkrát cestovala s otcom.En: Petra was excited; it was her first time traveling with her father.Sk: Zuzana, zamestnankyňa letiska s lekárskym vzdelaním, sledovala okolí z terminálu.En: Zuzana, an airport employee with medical training, was observing her surroundings from the terminal.Sk: Cítila sa nedocenená, no stále bola pripravená pomôcť, ak by to bolo potrebné.En: She felt underappreciated but was always ready to help if needed.Sk: Jej oči sa náhle zastavili na Marekovi a Petre.En: Her eyes suddenly stopped on Marek and Petra.Sk: Všimla si niečo zvláštne - Petra sa začala škrabať na krku a tvár jej sčervenala.En: She noticed something unusual—Petra began scratching her neck, and her face turned red.Sk: "Petra, si v poriadku?En: "Petra, are you okay?"Sk: " spýtal sa Marek so znepokojením.En: Marek asked with concern.Sk: Petra ťažko dýchala.En: Petra was struggling to breathe.Sk: Marekovi stúpala panika.En: Panic began to rise in Marek.Sk: Nebol istý, čo robiť.En: He wasn’t sure what to do.Sk: V tej chvíli pribehol ku Zuzane.En: At that moment, he ran over to Zuzana.Sk: "Prepáčte, moja dcéra má záchvat, prosím, pomôžte nám," vyzval ju s nádejou v očiach.En: "Excuse me, my daughter is having an attack; please help us," he called out to her, hope in his eyes.Sk: Zuzana rýchlo prebrala kontrolu.En: Zuzana quickly took control.Sk: "Má vaša dcéra alergiu?En: "Does your daughter have an allergy?"Sk: " spýtala sa s profesionálnym tónom.En: she asked in a professional tone.Sk: "Áno, na orechy," odpovedal Marek, hneď pochopiac závažnosť situácie.En: "Yes, to nuts," Marek replied, immediately understanding the seriousness of the situation.Sk: Zuzana zavolala kolegov a okamžite zobrala z lekárskej tašky EpiPen.En: Zuzana called over her colleagues and quickly took an EpiPen from her medical bag.Sk: "Rýchlo, musíme jej to podať," povedala Marekovi.En: "Quickly, we need to administer this," she told Marek.Sk: Marek, vystrašený ale odhodlaný, pomohol Zuzane dať Petre adrenalínovú injekciu.En: Marek, terrified but determined, helped Zuzana give Petra the adrenaline injection.Sk: Petra začala postupne lepšie dýchať.En: Petra gradually began to breathe more easily.Sk: Situácia sa znova stabilizovala.En: The situation stabilized once more.Sk: "Marek, spravili ste dobre, že ste prišli ku mne," povzbudzovala Zuzana, zatiaľ čo zavolala letiskovú záchrannú službu pre ďalšie ošetrenie.En: "Marek, you did the right thing by coming to me," Zuzana reassured him while calling the airport rescue service for further treatment.Sk: Petra bola prevezená do nemocnice, kde sa plne zotavila.En: Petra was taken to the hospital, where she fully recovered.Sk: Marek a Petra nakoniec zmeškali svoj pôvodný let, ale boli preložený na ďalší s prioritným miestom.En: Marek and Petra eventually missed their original flight but were transferred to the next one with priority seating.Sk: Marek bol vďačný a v hlave premýšľal o tom, ako dôležité je spoľahnúť sa na ostatných v kríze.En: Marek was grateful and pondered how important it is to rely on others in a crisis.Sk: Zuzana sa zase cítila ocenená, konečne ju niekto uznal za jej schopnosti a rýchlu reakciu.En: Zuzana, on the other hand, finally felt appreciated, recognized for her skills and quick response.Sk: "Ďakujem, Zuzana," povedal úprimne Marek.En: "Thank you, Zuzana," Marek said sincerely.Sk: "Nič to, je to moja práca," odpovedala Zuzana s úsmevom.En: "It's nothing, it's my job," Zuzana replied with a smile.Sk: Ostali v kontaktoch a Marek sľúbil, že napíše pochvalné slová na jej prácu.En: They remained in contact, and Marek promised to write commendations for her work.Sk: Ako sa slnko klesalo k obzoru, letisko v Bratislave zostalo rovnako rušné, ale jeden príbeh o hrdinstve a spolupráci bol nezabudnuteľne zapísaný do pamäti všetkých zúčastnených.En: As the sun dipped toward the horizon, the airport in Bratislava remained just as busy, but one story of heroism and cooperation was indelibly written into the memories of all involved. ...
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    16 mins
  • Unlocking Secrets of Alexandria: A Summer Adventure of Discovery
    Jul 22 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Unlocking Secrets of Alexandria: A Summer Adventure of Discovery Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/unlocking-secrets-of-alexandria-a-summer-adventure-of-discovery Story Transcript:Sk: Knihy v Aleksandrijskej knižnici boli staré a vzácne.En: The books in the Library of Alexandria were old and precious.Sk: Vzduch voňal po prachu a pergamene.En: The air smelled of dust and parchment.Sk: Obrovské police sa tiahli do výšky stropu.En: Enormous shelves stretched up to the ceiling.Sk: Toto kúzelné miesto lákalo troch študentov: Vieru, Mareka a Jozefa.En: This magical place attracted three students: Viera, Marek, and Jozef.Sk: Potrebovali urobiť významný projekt na hodinu dejepisu.En: They needed to complete a significant project for their history class.Sk: Bola horúca letná sezóna, ale vo vnútri knižnice bol príjemný chlad.En: It was a hot summer season, but inside the library, it was pleasantly cool.Sk: Viera prezrela police s akýmsi nadšením v očiach.En: Viera scanned the shelves with a certain excitement in her eyes.Sk: “Musíme nájsť niečo unikátne, Marek.En: “We need to find something unique, Marek.Sk: Profesor od nás veľa očakáva,” povedala.En: The professor expects a lot from us,” she said.Sk: Viera vždy túžila získať uznanie od prísneho profesora.En: Viera always longed to earn recognition from the strict professor.Sk: Marek sa snažil maskovať svoje city k Viere.En: Marek tried to mask his feelings for Viera.Sk: “Pokúsim sa nejakým spôsobom pomôcť, ale pamätaj, nie som najlepší v dejepise,” usmial sa.En: “I’ll try to help in some way, but remember, I’m not the best at history,” he smiled.Sk: Bol zábavný a verný kamarát.En: He was a funny and loyal friend.Sk: A potom tu bol Jozef.En: And then there was Jozef.Sk: Tichý, ale veľmi pozorný.En: Quiet, but very observant.Sk: “Viera, ja môžem niečo nájsť.En: “Viera, I can find something.Sk: Mám nos na skryté veci,” povedal sebavedome.En: I have a knack for hidden things,” he said confidently.Sk: Profesor bol neústupný.En: The professor was relentless.Sk: Chcel, aby študenti objavili niečo, čo ešte nebolo známe.En: He wanted the students to discover something that was not yet known.Sk: To bola obrovská výzva.En: It was a huge challenge.Sk: Viera vedela, že musí nájsť tajomný starý zvitok, o ktorom sa hovorilo v legendách.En: Viera knew she had to find the mysterious old scroll mentioned in legends.Sk: “Ten zvitok tu niekde musí byť,” myslí si Viera.En: “That scroll must be here somewhere,” Viera thought.Sk: Marek nakoniec presvedčil Jozefa, aby využil svoje pozorovacie schopnosti.En: Marek eventually convinced Jozef to use his observation skills.Sk: “Vieš čo?En: “You know what?Sk: Skúsme nájsť ten zvitok spoločne.En: Let's try to find that scroll together.Sk: Možno práve ty ho objavíš,” navrhol Marek.En: Maybe you’ll be the one to discover it,” Marek suggested.Sk: Jozef súhlasil a začali prehľadávať knižnicu.En: Jozef agreed, and they began to scour the library.Sk: Po hodinách hľadania našli skrytý kút, o ktorom nikto nevedel.En: After hours of searching, they found a hidden corner that no one knew about.Sk: “Je tu!” zvolal Jozef.En: “It’s here!” Jozef exclaimed.Sk: Rozpradli stlačili jedno staré drevo a objavil sa úzky priechod.En: They carefully pressed an old piece of wood, revealing a narrow passage.Sk: Tam bol starodávny zvitok, ktorý vyzeral, že nebol otvorený storočiami.En: There lay an ancient scroll that seemed unopened for centuries.Sk: Keď sa vrátili s nálezom, knihovník ich zastavil.En: When they returned with the find, the librarian stopped them.Sk: “Tento zvitok je veľmi cenný.En: “This scroll is very valuable.Sk: Nemôžeš si ho len tak vziať,” povedal prísne.En: You can’t just take it,” he said sternly.Sk: Nastala napätá chvíľa.En: Tension rose.Sk: Viera sa pokúsila vysvetliť ich projekt a dôležitosť objavu.En: Viera tried to explain their project and the importance of the discovery.Sk: Knihovník videl ich odhodlanie a nakoniec im umožnil prečítať zvitok na mieste.En: The librarian saw their determination and finally allowed them to read the scroll on the spot.Sk: Informácie v zvitku boli ohromujúce.En: The information in the scroll was astonishing.Sk: Pomohli im vytvoriť projekt, ktorý prekonal všetky očakávania.En: It helped them create a project that exceeded all expectations.Sk: Profesor bol nadšený.En: The professor was thrilled.Sk: “Fantastické!En: “Fantastic!Sk: Toto je presne to, čo som od vás chcel,” pochválil ich.En: This is exactly what I wanted from you,” he praised them.Sk: Viera získala vytúžené štipendium.En: Viera earned the coveted scholarship.Sk: Po úspešnej prezentácii našiel Marek odvahu priznať svoje city.En: After the ...
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    20 mins
  • A Summer Triumph: Jakub’s Journey to Confidence in Bratislava
    Jul 21 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: A Summer Triumph: Jakub’s Journey to Confidence in Bratislava Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/a-summer-triumph-jakubs-journey-to-confidence-in-bratislava Story Transcript:Sk: Letné slnko pretekalo cez okná a osvetľovalo kaviareň Freelancer’s Home v Bratislave.En: The summer sun streamed through the windows, illuminating the Freelancer’s Home café in Bratislava.Sk: Kaviareň bola naplnená študentmi.En: The café was filled with students.Sk: Vzduch hučal vzrušením.En: The air buzzed with excitement.Sk: Všetci pracovali na svojich prácach a projektoch.En: Everyone was working on their assignments and projects.Sk: Jakub sedel pri stole pri okne.En: Jakub sat at a table by the window.Sk: Pred sebou mal notebook.En: He had a laptop in front of him.Sk: Sústredene pozeral na obrazovku.En: He stared intently at the screen.Sk: Vedľa neho sedela Anna.En: Next to him sat Anna.Sk: Bola plná energie a radostí, no Jakub bol nervózny.En: She was full of energy and joy, but Jakub was nervous.Sk: Dnes je ten deň, pomyslel si Jakub.En: Today is the day, Jakub thought.Sk: Musím urobiť dojem.En: I need to make an impression.Sk: Hlavne na Annu.En: Especially on Anna.Sk: Jakub bol starší študent strednej školy.En: Jakub was an older high school student.Sk: Bol vášnivý pre technológie, ale často mu chýbalo sebavedomie.En: He was passionate about technology, but he often lacked confidence.Sk: Chcel získať štipendium za svoj technologický projekt.En: He wanted to win a scholarship for his technology project.Sk: A sprevádzala ho jeho spolužiačka Anna.En: And his classmate Anna was accompanying him.Sk: Anna bola príjemná a priateľská.En: Anna was pleasant and friendly.Sk: Jakuba fascinovala jej odvaha a sebadôvera.En: Jakub was fascinated by her courage and confidence.Sk: Dúfal, že ju jeho projekt zaujme.En: He hoped his project would interest her.Sk: Jakub, potrebuješ niečo pomôcť? spýtala sa Anna milo.En: Jakub, do you need any help? Anna asked kindly.Sk: Nie, ďakujem, odpovedal Jakub.En: No, thank you, Jakub replied.Sk: Jeho hrdosť mu nedovolila prijať pomoc.En: His pride wouldn't allow him to accept help.Sk: Projekt sa volal “Inteligentný Domáci Asistent”.En: The project was called “Smart Home Assistant.”Sk: Jakub dlho pracoval na tomto projekte.En: Jakub had worked on this project for a long time.Sk: Bol presvedčený, že má šancu vyhrať štipendium.En: He was convinced that he had a chance to win the scholarship.Sk: Ale keď sa blížila prezentácia, všetko sa zdalo ísť proti nemu.En: But as the presentation approached, everything seemed to go against him.Sk: Jakubove ruky sa triasli.En: Jakub's hands trembled.Sk: Vstal a zamieril k prednej časti kaviarne.En: He stood up and headed to the front of the café.Sk: Všetci študenti a sudcovia sledovali.En: All the students and judges were watching.Sk: Spustil prezentáciu na veľkej obrazovke.En: He started the presentation on a large screen.Sk: A potom to prišlo.En: And then it happened.Sk: Technická porucha.En: A technical glitch.Sk: Obrazovka zamrzla.En: The screen froze.Sk: Všetci stíchli.En: Everyone fell silent.Sk: Nie, nie teraz, pomyslel si Jakub.En: No, not now, Jakub thought.Sk: Pokoj, musíš to vyriešiť.En: Stay calm, you must resolve this.Sk: Ale jeho myseľ bola prázdna.En: But his mind was blank.Sk: Nevedel, čo robiť.En: He didn’t know what to do.Sk: Vtedy k nemu prišla Anna.En: Then Anna approached him.Sk: Jej oči boli plné porozumenia a odhodlania.En: Her eyes were full of understanding and determination.Sk: Jakub, dovoľ mi pomôcť, povedala tichým hlasom.En: Jakub, let me help you, she said softly.Sk: Spolu to zvládneme.En: We can do this together.Sk: Jakub zhlboka vydýchol.En: Jakub took a deep breath.Sk: Otočil sa k nej.En: He turned to her.Sk: Prijatie jej pomoci bolo pre neho ťažké.En: Accepting her help was difficult for him.Sk: Ale vedel, že bez nej to nepôjde.En: But he knew he couldn’t do it without her.Sk: Ďakujem, Anna, povedal.En: Thank you, Anna, he said.Sk: Potrebujem tvoju pomoc.En: I need your help.Sk: Anna rýchlo prešla k notebooku.En: Anna quickly went to the laptop.Sk: Pár klikov a problém bol vyriešený.En: A few clicks and the problem was solved.Sk: Jakub pokračoval v prezentácii.En: Jakub continued with the presentation.Sk: Tentoraz kľudnejšie a sebaisté.En: This time more calmly and confidently.Sk: Sudcovia a spolužiaci hviezdili Jakuba pozornosťou.En: The judges and classmates watched Jakub attentively.Sk: Anna pri ňom stála a podporovala ho.En: Anna stood by him and supported him.Sk: Keď prezentácia skončila, celý priestor zaplnil potlesk.En: When the presentation ended, the entire room erupted in applause.Sk: Jakubovi spadol kameň zo srdca.En: Jakub felt a weight lift off his shoulders.Sk: Prezentácia bola úspešná.En: The presentation was...
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    19 mins
  • Tradition vs. Innovation: Summer at Bratislava’s Art Museum
    Jul 20 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Tradition vs. Innovation: Summer at Bratislava’s Art Museum Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/tradition-vs-innovation-summer-at-bratislavas-art-museum Story Transcript:Sk: V Bratislave, v nádhernom letnom dni, sa slnečné lúče prelievali cez obrovské okná Art Musea.En: In Bratislava, on a beautiful summer day, the sun's rays poured through the large windows of the Art Museum.Sk: V múzeu vládlo rušno.En: The museum was bustling.Sk: Pripravovala sa nová výstava.En: A new exhibition was being prepared.Sk: Miroslav, mladý kurátor, postával pred veľkou sochou a premýšľal.En: Miroslav, a young curator, stood in front of a big statue and pondered.Sk: Pred ním stál náročný úkol.En: A challenging task lay before him.Sk: Chcel dokázať, že je schopný.En: He wanted to prove that he was capable.Sk: Túžil po trvalej pozícii.En: He longed for a permanent position.Sk: Vedel, že musí uspieť.En: He knew he had to succeed.Sk: Jana, skúsená historička umenia, prechádzala halou.En: Jana, an experienced art historian, walked through the hall.Sk: Sleduje prácu Miroslava.En: She observed Miroslav's work.Sk: Vždy bola precízna a záležalo jej na historickej presnosti.En: She was always precise and cared about historical accuracy.Sk: Miroslava to trochu znervózňovalo.En: This made Miroslav a bit nervous.Sk: Vedel, že musí nájsť spôsob, ako spojiť tradíciu s modernou.En: He knew he had to find a way to merge tradition with modernity.Sk: Štefan, mladý umelec, prišiel do múzea s novými obrazmi.En: Štefan, a young artist, arrived at the museum with new paintings.Sk: Jeho diela boli ústredným bodom novej výstavy.En: His works were the centerpiece of the new exhibition.Sk: Štefan však bojoval so sebou.En: However, Štefan was struggling with himself.Sk: Neprekonateľný tlak a sebapochybnosti mu komplikovali život.En: Overwhelming pressure and self-doubt complicated his life.Sk: Chcel, aby jeho umenie bolo uznávané, ale aj pravdivé k jeho vízii.En: He wanted his art to be recognized, but also true to his vision.Sk: Miroslavovi napadla odvážna myšlienka.En: An audacious idea occurred to Miroslav.Sk: Rozhodol sa skombinovať moderné prvky s tradičnými.En: He decided to combine modern elements with traditional ones.Sk: Vedel, že môže čeliť nesúhlasu Jany.En: He knew he might face Jana’s disapproval.Sk: Ale veriť svojmu úsudku bolo dôležité.En: But believing in his judgment was important.Sk: "Umenie je o inovácii," pomyslel si Miroslav.En: "Art is about innovation," Miroslav thought.Sk: Jana si všimla Miroslavove zmeny.En: Jana noticed Miroslav's changes.Sk: Videla, ako chce spojiť staré s novým.En: She saw how he wanted to blend the old with the new.Sk: Začala zvažovať, či by mala trochu povoliť a umožniť kreatívnu slobodu.En: She began to consider whether she should ease up a bit and allow creative freedom.Sk: Rozhodla sa dať Miroslavovi šancu.En: She decided to give Miroslav a chance.Sk: Štefan vedel, že má len dve možnosti.En: Štefan knew he had only two options.Sk: Buď prispôsobí svoje diela očakávaniam, alebo zostane verný svojej vízii.En: Either adapt his works to expectations or stay true to his vision.Sk: Nakoniec sa rozhodol držať sa svojho štýlu.En: Ultimately, he decided to stick to his style.Sk: Bolo to riskantné, ale vedel, že je to správne.En: It was risky, but he knew it was the right thing to do.Sk: Prišiel deň otvorenia výstavy.En: The day of the exhibition opening arrived.Sk: Návštevníci sa zhromaždili v hale Art Musea.En: Visitors gathered in the hall of the Art Museum.Sk: Slnečné lúče osvetľovali miestnosť a nábytok sa leskli.En: Sunlight illuminated the room, and the furniture gleamed.Sk: Miroslav, Jana a Štefan napäto čakali na prvé reakcie.En: Miroslav, Jana, and Štefan anxiously awaited the first reactions.Sk: Reakcie boli zmiešané.En: The responses were mixed.Sk: Ale výstava okamžite vyvolala diskusie.En: But the exhibition immediately sparked discussions.Sk: Niektorí ocenili inovatívne prvky.En: Some appreciated the innovative elements.Sk: Iní mali výhrady.En: Others had reservations.Sk: Napriek tomu sa výstava stala obľúbenou témou rozhovorov v meste.En: Nonetheless, the exhibition became a popular topic of conversation in the city.Sk: Miroslav získal trvalú pozíciu.En: Miroslav secured a permanent position.Sk: Ukázal, že jeho nápady sú hodnotné.En: He showed that his ideas were valuable.Sk: Jana si uvedomila, že inovácie môžu mať svoj význam.En: Jana realized that innovation could have its significance.Sk: Štefan získal väčšiu sebadôveru vo svoje umenie.En: Štefan gained greater confidence in his art.Sk: Výstava síce nebola bez kritik, ale bola úspešná.En: Though the exhibition was not without criticism, it was successful.Sk: Miroslav, Jana a Štefan zistili, že ...
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    18 mins
  • Siblings Find Harmony: Love, Loss, Legacy at Bratislava Castle
    Jul 19 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: Siblings Find Harmony: Love, Loss, Legacy at Bratislava Castle Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/siblings-find-harmony-love-loss-legacy-at-bratislava-castle Story Transcript:Sk: V lete, keď slnko zalieva Bratislavský hrad zlatým teplom a Duna plynulo tečie pod jeho majestátnymi múrmi, sa Marek a Eva stretli na rodinnom stretnutí.En: In the summer, when the sun bathes Bratislava Castle in golden warmth and the Danube flows smoothly beneath its majestic walls, Marek and Eva met at a family gathering.Sk: Cítiť vôňu starých kvetín, ktoré rastú v hradnej záhrade, a zvuky mesta v diaľke.En: The scent of old flowers growing in the castle garden could be felt, and the sounds of the city could be heard in the distance.Sk: Marek, ambiciózny právnik, stál na nádvorí a díval sa na súrodencov, ktorí prichádzali.En: Marek, an ambitious lawyer, stood in the courtyard watching the arriving relatives.Sk: Eva, súcitná učiteľka, vyšla za ním a postavila sa vedľa neho.En: Eva, a compassionate teacher, stepped out to join him and stood by his side.Sk: Obaja nesú ťažobu čerstvého smútku, stratili totižto svoju mamu len nedávno.En: Both bore the weight of fresh sorrow, having recently lost their mother.Sk: „Eva, musíme hovoriť o dome,“ začal Marek.En: “Eva, we need to talk about the house,” Marek began.Sk: Eva vedela, že príde tento rozhovor.En: Eva knew this conversation was coming.Sk: „Chcem, aby sme ho predali. Môžeme získať dobré peniaze a využiť ich rozumne.“En: “I want us to sell it. We can get good money and use it wisely.”Sk: Eva pozrela na brata smutnými očami.En: Eva looked at her brother with sad eyes.Sk: „Ale Marek, to bol mamin dom. Má to pre mňa veľký význam. Nemôžeme ho predať.“En: “But Marek, it was mom’s house. It means a lot to me. We can't sell it.”Sk: Marek si povzdychol.En: Marek sighed.Sk: „Rozumiem, že tam máme spomienky, ale musíme byť praktickí. Potrebujeme peniaze na svoje životy.“En: “I understand we have memories there, but we need to be practical. We need money for our lives.”Sk: Eva však nepustila jeho pohľad.En: Eva, however, didn’t break his gaze.Sk: „Peniaze nie sú všetko. Mama by chcela, aby sme si uchovali niečo po nej.“En: “Money isn’t everything. Mom would want us to keep something of hers.”Sk: Chodili po záhrade ticho, každý premýšľal o svojom.En: They walked through the garden in silence, each lost in thought.Sk: Marek sa zastavil pri ružovom kríku.En: Marek stopped by a rose bush.Sk: „Eva, viem, že to ťa bolí. Ale možno môžeme nájsť spôsob, ktorý je spravodlivý pre oboch.“En: “Eva, I know this hurts you. But maybe we can find a way that’s fair to both of us.”Sk: Eva sa zamyslela.En: Eva pondered.Sk: Chytať tieto ruže jej pripomenuli máminu záhradu.En: Holding these roses reminded her of their mom’s garden.Sk: „Čo keby sme dom renovovali?En: “What if we renovated the house?Sk: Mohli by sme ho potom prenajímať a tie peniaze použiť.En: We could rent it out and use that money.Sk: Budeme mať aj spomienky, aj finančnú pomoc.“En: We would keep the memories and get financial help too.”Sk: Marek naklonil hlavu k jednej strane.En: Marek tilted his head to one side.Sk: „Možno to je rozumné. Môžeme ponechať časť domu pre nás a prenajať zvyšok.“En: “Maybe that’s reasonable. We could keep part of the house for ourselves and rent out the rest.”Sk: Eva sa usmiala.En: Eva smiled.Sk: „Vidíš, Marek? Môžeme spolupracovať.“En: “See, Marek? We can work together.”Sk: V tú chvíľu medzi nimi zavládol mier.En: In that moment, peace settled between them.Sk: Rozhodli sa, že dom zrenovujú, aby ho mohli využiť ako spomienku na mamu aj ako finančnú pomoc.En: They decided to renovate the house so that it could serve as a memory of their mom and a financial aid.Sk: Ich cesta bola síce plná emócií a rozdielnych názorov, ale našli strednú cestu.En: Despite their journey being full of emotions and differing opinions, they found a middle ground.Sk: Marek sa učil byť viac empatický a Eva viac praktická.En: Marek learned to be more empathetic, and Eva more practical.Sk: Bratislavský hrad, majestátny symbol histórie, bol tichým svedkom ich zmierenia.En: Bratislava Castle, a majestic symbol of history, was a silent witness to their reconciliation.Sk: Pod letným slnkom, ktoré osvetľovalo starobylé múry, sa súrodenci dohodli, že budú čeliť budúcnosti spolu, s úctou k minulosti a praktickosťou v srdci.En: Under the summer sun, which illuminated the ancient walls, the siblings agreed to face the future together, with respect for the past and practicality in their hearts. Vocabulary Words:majestic: majestátnycompassionate: súcitnýcourtyard: nádvoriememories: spomienkyrenovated: zrenovovaťpracticality: ...
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    16 mins
  • When School Ends, The Real Test Begins: Marek's Path to Hope
    Jul 18 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Slovak: When School Ends, The Real Test Begins: Marek's Path to Hope Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/when-school-ends-the-real-test-begins-mareks-path-to-hope Story Transcript:Sk: Slnečné lúče prenikali cez okná malej školy v mestečku Lieskovec.En: The sun's rays filtered through the windows of the small school in the town of Lieskovec.Sk: Vo vzduchu bolo cítiť začiatok leta – a koniec školského roka.En: The air carried the scent of the beginning of summer—and the end of the school year.Sk: Pre Marka bol tento čas nesmierne dôležitý.En: For Marek, this time was incredibly important.Sk: Finalné skúšky rozhodnú o jeho budúcnosti.En: The final exams would determine his future.Sk: Marek stál pred učebňou.En: Marek stood in front of the classroom.Sk: V ruke zvieral zoznam úloh, zatiaľ čo sa mu hlava motala od starostí.En: He clutched a list of tasks in his hand, while his head spun with worries.Sk: Jeho otec a mama sa neustále hádali.En: His mom and dad were constantly arguing.Sk: Každý deň bol plný kriku a slz.En: Every day was filled with shouting and tears.Sk: „Ako mám toto zvládnuť?En: "How am I supposed to handle this?"Sk: “ pomyslel si Marek.En: Marek thought.Sk: Zrazu ho okolo pliec objala Jana.En: Suddenly, Jana wrapped her arm around his shoulders.Sk: „Neboj sa, Marek.En: "Don't worry, Marek.Sk: Spolu to zvládneme,“ povedala.En: We'll get through this together," she said.Sk: Marekova najlepšia priateľka.En: Marek's best friend.Sk: Jana bola vždy vedľa neho.En: Jana was always by his side.Sk: Pomáhala mu študovať na skúšky.En: She helped him study for exams.Sk: Často zostával u nej doma, aby sa mohol v pokoji učiť.En: He often stayed at her house to study in peace.Sk: „Ďakujem, Jana,“ povedal Marek s úľavou.En: "Thank you, Jana," Marek said with relief.Sk: Jana mala ale tajomstvo.En: But Jana had a secret.Sk: Už dlho mala pre Marka city.En: She had been harboring feelings for Marek for a long time.Sk: Vedela však, že teraz nie je správny čas na to, aby mu to povedala.En: However, she knew this was not the right time to tell him.Sk: Marekove myšlienky boli plne zaujaté skúškami a problémami doma.En: Marek's thoughts were entirely preoccupied with exams and problems at home.Sk: Domov nebol práve miestom kľudu.En: Home was anything but a place of peace.Sk: Marekova mladšia sestra Klára sa často správala vzdorovito.En: Marek's younger sister Klára often behaved defiantly.Sk: „Prečo musím robiť úlohy?En: "Why do I have to do homework?Sk: Mama a otec sa stále len hádajú!En: Mom and Dad are always fighting!"Sk: “ kričala.En: she screamed.Sk: Jedného večera bolo doma opäť neznesiteľne.En: One evening, it became unbearable at home again.Sk: Rodičia sa hádali, Klára a Marek sedeli v izbe.En: Their parents were arguing, and Klára and Marek sat in their room.Sk: „Už to nevydržím!En: "I can't take this anymore!"Sk: “ skríkla Klára a utiekla z domu.En: screamed Klára and ran away from home.Sk: Marek vystrašene hľadal po celom dome, ale jej nikde nebolo.En: Marek fearfully searched the whole house, but she was nowhere to be found.Sk: Nasledujúce ráno mal Marek najdôležitejšiu skúšku.En: The next morning, Marek had his most important exam.Sk: „Mám hľadať Kláru, alebo ísť na skúšku?En: "Should I look for Klára, or go to the exam?"Sk: “ rozmýšľal.En: he thought.Sk: Nakoniec sa rozhodol.En: In the end, he made a decision.Sk: Klára bola jeho sestra, nemohol ju nechať samú.En: Klára was his sister, he couldn't leave her alone.Sk: Utekal po ulici a volal jej meno.En: He ran down the street, calling her name.Sk: Našťastie, našiel ju v parku.En: Fortunately, he found her in the park.Sk: Sedela na lavičke a plakala.En: She was sitting on a bench, crying.Sk: „Klára, prosím, poď domov,“ povedal Marek sufalým hlasom.En: "Klára, please, come home," Marek said in a desperate voice.Sk: Klára súhlasila a išli spolu domov.En: Klára agreed, and they went home together.Sk: Marek dorazil do školy neskoro.En: Marek arrived at school late.Sk: Dvere do učebne boli zatvorené.En: The classroom door was closed.Sk: Zaklopal a učiteľ otvoril.En: He knocked, and the teacher opened it.Sk: „Prečo si neskoro?En: "Why are you late?"Sk: “ spýtal sa učiteľ prísne.En: the teacher asked sternly.Sk: Marek mu vysvetlil všetko, čo sa stalo.En: Marek explained everything that had happened.Sk: Učiteľ chápavo prikývol.En: The teacher nodded understandingly.Sk: „Dobre, Marek.En: "Alright, Marek.Sk: Môžeš si urobiť náhradnú skúšku.En: You can retake the exam.Sk: Ale musíš sa sústrediť.En: But you have to focus."Sk: “Marek prežil skúšku úspešne.En: Marek successfully passed the make-up exam.Sk: Učitelia pochopili jeho situáciu a dali mu druhú šancu.En: The teachers understood his situation ...
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    19 mins