• LGBTQ+ sensitivity in the refugee crisis response in Poland
    Jul 17 2024

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    What are the biggest challenges refugees and migrants from the LGBTQ+ community face in Poland, and how do locally-led organisations create networks and structures to support them?

    In this episode, we are talking about the Ukraine crisis response in Poland with a focus on strengthening the capacity of local organisations and advocacy for LGBTQ+ migrants and refugees.

    Hear the insights from Sarian Jarosz, Advocacy and Research Lead at Queer Without Borders, an informal group of activists working for the improvement of the situation of LGBTQI+ migrants and refugees in Poland. Piotr Kolodziej, our Regional Lead in Eastern Europe, shares how the partnership between the HLA and Queer Without Borders happened and what are our plans to strengthen the capacity of local organisations supporting LGBTQ+ refugees and migrants in Poland.

    Thanks for listening. Please subscribe and share with your network! For more resources for the humanitarian community, visit humanitarianleadershipacademy.org/resources

    The views and opinions expressed in our podcast are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of their organisations.

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    43 mins
  • Cambio Climático y Asistencia Humanitaria: Respuesta durante la temporada de huracanes en América Latina y el Caribe.
    Jul 9 2024

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    Este es el primer episodio en español de la serie del podcast: 'Nuevas Perspectivas Humanitarias' de HLA. En este episodio, Ana Lucía Villagran, Especialista en Soluciones de Aprendizaje en América Latina y el Caribe; obtiene ideas significativas de Mercedes García, líder de HLA para la región y Dan Stothart, Director Humanitario Regional de Save the Children en América Latina y el Caribe.

    La conversación profundiza en las experiencias de Dan y Mercedes al responder a las comunidades afectadas por huracanes y lo que se necesita para que la región mitigue los efectos del cambio climático y lidere la respuesta.

    Acerca de los ponentes

    Dan Stothart
    se incorporó a Save the Children en agosto de 2021. Ha trabajado en Naciones Unidas, Plan Internacional, Oxfam e IRC en respuesta a emergencias y reducción del riesgo de desastres en África y América Latina. Ha dirigido misiones de respuesta de las Naciones Unidas en Colombia (Hidroituango y el derrame de petróleo de Barrancabermeja en 2018), San Vicente y las Granadinas y Honduras; y estableció el componente ambiental de la respuesta R4V para ACNUR y ONU Medio Ambiente en la región, y también específicamente para Colombia y Brasil. También movilizó la respuesta de ONU Medio Ambiente a más de 25 emergencias.

    Mercedes Garcia es ingeniera civil y ambiental, becaria Fulbright, con más de 20 años de experiencia en el ámbito humanitario y de desarrollo, habiendo trabajado anteriormente con Plan International, Oxfam y el gobierno de El Salvador. Mercedes ha liderado muchas respuestas humanitarias en Centroamérica, ha gestionado programas de reducción de desastres, resiliencia y acción humanitaria, y recientemente se desempeña como consejera de desarrollo de capacidades humanitarias con Save the Children.

    Ana Lucía Villagran es Publicista de profesión y obtuvo una maestría en Comercio Internacional y Desarrollo Económico en Corea del Sur. Académicamente, Ana Lucía se desempeñó como asistente de investigación en la Universidad Kyung Hee, participando en importantes proyectos de investigación patrocinados por entidades como el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo y la CEPAL; y también se desempeñó como Profesora en la Universidad Nacional de San Carlos, donde impartió clases de Productividad y Desarrollo Económico. Se ha desempeñado como gerente de proyectos de desarroll social para Good Neighbors International; y actualmente se desempeña como gerente de proyectos y especialista en soluciones de aprendizaje en la Academia de Liderazgo Humanitario.

    Gracias por escucharnos. Por favor, suscríbase y compártalo con su red. Para más recursos para la comunidad humanitaria, visite humanitarianleadershipacademy.org/resources

    Los puntos de vista y opiniones expresados en nuestro podcast son los de los ponentes y no reflejan necesariamente los puntos de vista o posiciones de sus organizaciones.


    Climate change and Humanitarians: Responding to hurricane season in Latin America and the Caribbean

    The first Spanish episode in HLA’s Fresh Humanitarian Perspectives’ podcast series. In this episode Ana Lucia Villagran, Learning Solutions Specialist in Latin America and Caribbean gleans meaningful insights from Dan Stothart, Regional Humanitarian Director for Save the Children in Latin America and the Caribbean and Mercedes Garcia, HLA Lead for Latin America and C

    Thanks for listening. Please subscribe and share with your network! For more resources for the humanitarian community, visit humanitarianleadershipacademy.org/resources

    The views and opinions expressed in our podcast are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of their organisations.

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    47 mins
  • Building effective humanitarian learning communities
    Jun 14 2024

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    How can we harness the power of communities and networks as tools for humanitarian learning?

    In this podcast episode, Esther Grieder (the HLA's Global Communities and Partnerships Lead), leads a deep dive discussion with three seasoned community builders from Ghana, Nigeria and the UK to share and compare professional experiences.

    Tune in to hear insightful learnings and reflections from Esther and guests Ese Emerhi (Global Network Weaver for Global Fund for Community Foundations), Jon Novakovic (Executive Director for Global Inter-agency Security Forum – GISF), and Nancy Kankam Kusi (Programme Officer for West Africa Civil Society Institute – WACSI).

    Intentionality in community building work, as well as the importance of trust, emerge as key themes in this illuminating discussion.

    Note on audio: minor connectivity issues occurred during the speakers’ video call, affecting the audio quality in certain segments.

    Thanks for listening. Please subscribe and share with your network! For more resources for the humanitarian community, visit humanitarianleadershipacademy.org/resources

    The views and opinions expressed in our podcast are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of their organisations.

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    56 mins
  • Coaching and mentoring: tools to support every humanitarian
    Apr 24 2024

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    Are you curious about coaching and mentoring - but not sure if it’s right for you, or how to get started?

    Charlotte Balfour-Poole, Head of Coaching at the HLA, provides her expert overview of coaching and mentoring, and highlights how they can be used as powerful tools to support every humanitarian.

    In conversation with Ka Man Parkinson, Charlotte helps to demystify the concepts, and provides tips and advice for anyone interested in unlocking their potential through coaching and mentoring.

    To access the podcast show notes including Charlotte's recommended reading list, visit www.humanitarianleadershipacademy.org/resources

    About the speakers

    Charlotte Balfour-Poole is Head of Coaching at the HLA, responsible for developing and ensuring a coherent and comprehensive coaching offer for humanitarian staff.

    Previously Charlotte was Global Head of Humanitarian Education for Save the Children and the Director of the Humanitarian Technical Unit.

    She began her career as a Humanitarian Education Response Advisor deploying to a vast array of complex, protracted and sudden-onset humanitarian crises as part of SC’s Global Emergency response team.

    Ka Man Parkinson
    is Communications and Marketing Advisor at the HLA. In her role Ka Man creates, commissions and manages content to bring to life the HLA’s brand, learning solutions, products and services.

    Thanks for listening. Please subscribe and share with your network! For more resources for the humanitarian community, visit humanitarianleadershipacademy.org/resources

    The views and opinions expressed in our podcast are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of their organisations.

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    36 mins
  • Delivering training: Overcoming the challenges
    Apr 23 2024

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    The delivery of high quality humanitarian learning - face-to-face or online is not devoid of unique challenges.

    As crises occur, it becomes increasingly important to carefully analyse capacity strengthening experiences and then introduce simple yet innovative methods to counter challenges faced so that training can get to the people who need it most.

    In this second part podcast episode we hear again from Rose Wahome, an avid educator and now certified coach and mentor in conversation with Nwabundo Okoh, HLA Communications and Marketing Specialist.

    Rose leans in to over 18 years of experience in education, programme management and delivering face-to-face and blended humanitarian trainings including simulations as well as recent experience on the other side of the board as a student or trainee. to share how the training she delivers around the world and particularly in East and Southern Africa is shifting the power.

    This episode as a follow on to "How face-to-face training is shifting the power" provides rich insight into common challenges faced in training delivery and how they have been or can be mitigated.

    About the speakers

    Rose Wahome is currently the East Africa Education Technical Advisor at the International Rescue Committee (IRC). She is based in Kenya.

    Hosted and produced by Nwabundo Okoh, Communications and Marketing Specialist at the Humanitarian Leadership Academy. Nwando is based in the United Kingdom.

    Thanks for listening. Please subscribe and share with your network! For more resources for the humanitarian community, visit humanitarianleadershipacademy.org/resources

    The views and opinions expressed in our podcast are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of their organisations.

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    44 mins
  • Leadership and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza: in conversation with Jamie McGoldrick
    Apr 18 2024

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    Listen to Archie Law AM (Principal Leadership Advisor at the Humanitarian Leadership Academy) in conversation with Jamie McGoldrick, who has just completed a term as the Interim UN Humanitarian/Resident Coordinator in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

    Together with Archie, Jamie discusses leadership and the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, the challenges and opportunities in working with complex ecosystems in Gaza, and what might lie ahead for the humanitarian sector in the Gaza response.

    This is a recording of a conversation held in March 2024 exclusively for Fresh Humanitarian Perspectives. Note on audio: minor connectivity issues occurred during the speakers' video call, affecting the audio quality in certain segments.

    About the speakers

    Jamie McGoldrick recently completed his appointment as Interim UN Humanitarian/Resident Coordinator in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. He previously served as the UN Humanitarian Coordinator in the Occupied Palestinian Territories between 2018 and 2020 and was the UN's Humanitarian/Resident Coordinator in Yemen from 2015 to 2018. Jamie is the host of the Humanitarian Fault Lines podcast.

    Archie Law AM is the Principal Leadership Advisor at the Humanitarian Leadership Academy. His previous appointments have included Director of International Programmes at Save the Children Australia, Executive Director of ActionAid Australia and global and regional humanitarian roles with the United Nations.


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    The views and opinions expressed in our podcast are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of their organisations.

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    43 mins
  • Using our skills to make a difference: our humanitarian career journeys
    Jan 12 2024

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    What does a humanitarian career look like? How can you kickstart your own journey in this inspiring sector – and how can this evolve over time?

    In our humanitarian careers podcast series, we’re connecting with humanitarians from around the world to hear personal stories and experiences of working in the sector.

    In this episode, the HLA's Ka Man Parkinson speaks to colleagues Salma Babban from Jordan and Tom Russell from the UK.

    We hear about their transitions into the humanitarian world and how their roles have evolved over time, as well as the key skills they need to do their jobs well.

    They also share what motivates them to keep going during challenging times, and their advice for anyone who wants to follow in their footsteps into the humanitarian world.

    Whether you're an aspiring humanitarian, a seasoned professional, or simply curious about the incredible work happening in the sector, tune into this insightful conversation with Salma and Tom.

    About the speakers

    Salma Babban is Global Translation Manager at the HLA based in Amman, Jordan.

    Tom Russell is a Learning Solutions Specialist at the HLA based in Birmingham, UK.

    Hosted by Ka Man Parkinson, Communications and Marketing Advisor at the HLA based in Manchester, UK.

    Thanks for listening. Please subscribe and share with your network! For more resources for the humanitarian community, visit humanitarianleadershipacademy.org/resources

    The views and opinions expressed in our podcast are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of their organisations.

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    45 mins
  • Capacity Strengthening Initiatives in the Middle East & North Africa Region
    Dec 22 2023

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    In this episode, we discuss various learning opportunities provided by the HLA and Save the Children, which support capacity strengthening in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region.

    As countries of the MENA region face different types of crises, humanitarian actors on the ground need tailored capacity-strengthening programmes. Listen to this conversation with Bdour Ghousheh, HLA Regional Lead in the Middle East and North Africa and Abed Dbas, the Education Specialist at Save the Children Syria Response office, hosted by Oksana Dobrovolska, HLA Communications Officer, to learn more about it.

    About the speakers

    Bdour Ghousheh has more than 10 years of experience in the humanitarian sector, focusing on education, partnerships, project management and capacity strengthening in the MENAEE region. Now, Bdour provides strategic direction and leadership to the broader Humanitarian Leadership Academy’s approach across the MENAEE region and manages a team of humanitarian experts working in different areas (Leadership, Technical expertise and Civil Society Strengthening).

    Abed Dbas
    is the Education Specialist at Save the Children Syria Response office, based in Gaziantep, Türkiye. Abed manages the technical and operational aspects of the education program in Northwest Syria.

    Hosted and produced by Oksana Dobrovolska, Communications Officer at the Humanitarian Leadership Academy, based in the United Kingdom.

    Thanks for listening. Please subscribe and share with your network! For more resources for the humanitarian community, visit humanitarianleadershipacademy.org/resources

    The views and opinions expressed in our podcast are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of their organisations.

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    30 mins