• From Call Center to Creative Harmony: Alys & Rhys's Journey

  • Aug 25 2024
  • Length: 17 mins
  • Podcast

From Call Center to Creative Harmony: Alys & Rhys's Journey

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Welsh: From Call Center to Creative Harmony: Alys & Rhys's Journey Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/from-call-center-to-creative-harmony-alys-rhyss-journey Story Transcript:Cy: Ym mis Awst, pan oedd y haul yn tywynnu dros strydoedd Caerdydd, dechreuodd y stori rhwng dau gyd-weithiwr arbennig.En: In August, when the sun was shining over the streets of Cardiff, a story began between two remarkable co-workers.Cy: Roedd Alys a Rhys ill dau yn gweithio yn yr un ganolfan alwadau, yn sgubo geiriau heibio mewn sŵn y ceirw y ffonau.En: Alys and Rhys both worked at the same call centre, hurling words past the noise of ringing phones.Cy: Roedd awyrgylch yr ystafell yn egnïol, gyda chwtiau lliwgar a siarad cyson yn pla ar yr aer.En: The atmosphere in the room was energetic, with colorful cubicles and constant chatter filling the air.Cy: Roedd Alys newydd gyrraedd o Lundain.En: Alys had just arrived from London.Cy: Treuliodd lawer o amser yn cuddio ei ego tu ôl i'r harp roedd wrth ei bodd yn chwarae.En: She spent a lot of time hiding her ego behind the harp she loved to play.Cy: Ei nod oedd adeiladu cysylltiadau gwirioneddol, er ei bod yn swil ac ofn deimlo gwaredig eto.En: Her goal was to build genuine connections, even though she was shy and afraid of feeling exposed again.Cy: Ar y llaw arall, roedd Rhys yn gyfforddus yn y ddinas.En: On the other hand, Rhys was comfortable in the city.Cy: Roedd yn ŵr cyfeillgar ac yn gwybod sut i ddal stori da.En: He was a friendly man and knew how to hold a good story.Cy: Fodd bynnag, teimlai fod ei ddiddordeb yn ffotograffiaeth yn cael ei esgeuluso dan bwysau’r gwaith.En: However, he felt his interest in photography was being neglected under the pressure of work.Cy: Dewisolodd Alys eistedd drws nesaf i Rhys yn y gwaith, oherwydd roedd e’n edrych yn hawdd siarad ag ef.En: Alys chose to sit next to Rhys at work because he seemed easy to talk to.Cy: Roeddent yn cyfnewid helo byr ar y dechrau, ond dros y nosweithiau hir, dechreuodd eu sgwrs syml droi’n rhywbeth arbennig.En: They exchanged brief hellos at first, but over the long evenings, their simple conversations began to turn into something special.Cy: Oedden nhw'n rhannu straeon am hudoliaeth cerddoriaeth i Alys a photensial delweddau a gweld Rhys oedd yn ei hoffi drwy lens.En: They shared stories about the enchantment of music for Alys and the potential of images and Rhys's view of the world through a lens.Cy: Un noson, wrth iddyn nhw gymryd eu hoe, gododd Alys amarch i wahodd Rhys i ddigwyddiad cerddoriaeth lleol.En: One evening, during their break, Alys mustered the courage to invite Rhys to a local music event.Cy: Dyma oedd ei naid o ffydd.En: It was her leap of faith.Cy: Wrth iddo dderbyn, agorodd Rhys y drws i’w hoff faniau ffotograffiaeth, gan gynnig i ddangos i Alys nazsbawn hardd Caerdydd.En: When he accepted, Rhys opened the door to his favorite photography spots, offering to show Alys the beautiful hidden corners of Cardiff.Cy: Wrth nos, wrth iddynt sefyll yng ngoleuni mymryn y seren yng Ngŵyl Haf Caerdydd, roedd sgwrs ddifrifol rhwng Alys a Rhys yn datblygu.En: At night, as they stood under the slight starlight at Cardiff’s Summer Festival, a serious conversation between Alys and Rhys unfolded.Cy: Siaradodd Rhys am ei ofnau am gael ei ddal mewn gyrfa nad oedd yn ei ateb.En: Rhys spoke about his fears of being stuck in a career that didn't answer his calling.Cy: Alys rhannodd ei hofn am ymddiriedaeth a gwneud ffrindiau newydd.En: Alys shared her fear of trusting and making new friends.Cy: Ond gyda’i gilydd sylweddolon nhw, roedd cymaint o gyffredin rhyngddynt.En: But together, they realized they had so much in common.Cy: Roedd y festival yn gyfle perffaith.En: The festival was the perfect opportunity.Cy: Siaradodd am yr hwyl a'r freuddwydio cerddorol.En: They talked about the fun and the musical dreaming.Cy: Awgrymai y gallen nhw ymuno i ganu gyda'i gilydd.En: It suggested that they could join together to make music.Cy: A chyda hynny, penderfynon nhw fynd ar antur newydd – i ddechrau band.En: And with that, they decided to embark on a new adventure – to start a band.Cy: Gyda ddisgwyliadau syth ar gyfer yr hyn a fyddai’n dod, aeth Alys a Rhys ymlaen yn hyderus, gan gymysgu eu cariad at gerddoriaeth â’u creadigrwydd.En: With straight expectations for what was to come, Alys and Rhys moved forward confidently, blending their love for music with their creativity.Cy: Roedd eu perthynas newydd yn gwneud i Alys deimlo’n fwy hyderus, yn barod i herio’r dynes a oedd wedi gadael Llundain.En: Their new relationship made Alys feel more confident, ready to challenge the woman who had left London.Cy: Yn yr un modd, roedd Rhys yn teimlo'r nerth yr oedd ei angen i ddilyn ei angerdd ffotograffiaeth o ddifrif.En: Similarly, Rhys felt the strength he needed to seriously pursue his passion for photography.Cy: Cyfeillgarwch naturiol a ffurfiwyd ...
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