FluentFiction - Welsh

By: FluentFiction.org
  • Summary

  • Are you ready to supercharge your Welsh listening comprehension?

    Our podcast is the perfect tool for you. Studies show that the key to mastering a second language is through repetition and active processing.

    That's why each episode of our podcast features a story in Welsh, followed by a sentence-by-sentence retelling that alternates between Welsh and English.

    This approach not only allows you to fully understand and absorb the vocabulary and grammar but also provides a bilingual support to aid your listening comprehension. But we don't stop there.

    Research in sociolinguistics highlights the importance of culture in language learning, which is why we provide a list of vocabulary words and a transcript of the audio to help you understand the cultural context of the story. And for your convenience, we also include a transcript of the audio to help you refer back to any parts you may have struggled with.

    Our podcast is not just for language learners, it's also for travelers or people who wants to connect with their roots. Are you planning a trip to Caernarfon Castle, Snowdonia National Park, or St. Davids Cathedral? Maybe you want to speak Welsh with your grandparents from Cardiff?

    Our podcast will provide you with the cultural and linguistic background needed to fully immerse yourself in regions where Welsh is primarily spoken, such as Wales and some parts of England. Our podcast is based on the latest research in linguistics, sociolinguistics,
    psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, and education to provide the most effective method for mastering Welsh listening comprehension.

    Don't miss this opportunity, give our podcast a try and see the results for yourself. Gwella'r gallu i wrando drwy ein straeon Cymraeg heddiw!
    Copyright FluentFiction.org
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  • Rekindling the Bond: A Snowdonia Friendship Journey
    Sep 1 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Rekindling the Bond: A Snowdonia Friendship Journey Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/rekindling-the-bond-a-snowdonia-friendship-journey Story Transcript:Cy: Ar un diwrnod crisialog o hydref yn Eryri, roedd y dail eisoes wedi newid eu lliw i amrywiaeth o arian a fflam.En: On a crisp autumn day in Snowdonia, the leaves had already changed to a variety of silver and flame.Cy: Roedd y gwynt yn ysgafn ond yn oer, yn lapio o amgylch ymwelwyr y parc cenedlaethol gyda phigau mwyaig.En: The wind was light but cold, wrapping around the national park's visitors with sharp gusts.Cy: Roedd Gareth, Eleri, a Carys ar fin ail-gwrdd am benwythnos arbennig, wedi'u drefnu gan Gareth i adfer cysylltiad eu cyfeillgarwch rhyngddynt.En: Gareth, Eleri, and Carys were about to reunite for a special weekend, organized by Gareth to rekindle the connection of their friendship.Cy: Gareth oedd y cyntaf i gyrraedd, ei galon yn taro'n gryf gyda chyffro a nerfusrwydd.En: Gareth was the first to arrive, his heart pounding with excitement and nervousness.Cy: Roedd yn hiraethu am y dyddiau pan fyddai'r tri yn treulio amser yn ddiog mewn cawod o eiriau a chwerthin.En: He longed for the days when the three of them would lazily spend time showered in words and laughter.Cy: Yna, ymddangosodd Eleri, ei chamera yn hongian wrth ei ochr, barod i ddal harddwch yr hydref.En: Then, Eleri appeared, her camera hanging at her side, ready to capture the beauty of autumn.Cy: Roedd Carys wedi cyrraedd o'r ddinas, gan adael y siwmper o brysurdeb a phrysgwydd ar ei hôl.En: Carys had arrived from the city, leaving the sweater of busyness and bustle behind her.Cy: Er ei bod hi'n brysur, roedd hi'n deall bod angen rhyddid arni.En: Although she was busy, she understood she needed freedom.Cy: Cododd y tri eu bagiau a dechrau, y llwybrau cul a threwlyd o'u blaen.En: The three picked up their bags and began, the narrow and winding paths ahead of them.Cy: Roeddyr tirlun yn dod yn fyw gyda phob cam.En: The landscape came to life with each step.Cy: Eleri'n cymryd lluniau o'r glennydd loriog ac y teren creigiog.En: Eleri captured photos of the rugged valleys and rocky terrain.Cy: Roedd Gareth yn ceisio denu ei ffrindiau i fyny'r mynydd gyda storïau a chaneuon.En: Gareth tried to entice his friends up the mountain with stories and songs.Cy: Ond wrth i'r symlrwydd ddatblygu i anhawster, dechreuodd eu taith gymhlethu.En: But as simplicity turned to challenge, their journey grew complex.Cy: Cododd cwmwl o law dros ben, y gwynt yn cryfhau wrth i raeadrau'r mynyddoedd weiddi'n llawen.En: A cloud of rain rose over them, the wind strengthening as the waterfalls of the mountains roared joyously.Cy: Yn sydyn, trodd y gwynt yn arw a daeth cawodydd trwm, gan orfodi'r tri i chwilio am loches.En: Suddenly, the wind turned harsh, and heavy showers forced the three to seek shelter.Cy: Nodwyd caban pren, hen a llwyddiannus, nid nepell o'r llwybr.En: They spotted a wooden cabin, old and sturdy, not far from the path.Cy: Wrth iddyn nhw ymgasglu yn y caban iddi'w hun, gorfu iddyn nhw edrych i mewn, nid yn unig i'r adeilad, ond hefyd i'w calonnau eu hunain.En: As they gathered inside, they were compelled to look within, not just at the building, but also into their own hearts.Cy: Yn y lloches glòs honno, pan safai'r storm y tu allan, canfu Eleri ei hun yn sôn am y lluniau a gollodd ar ei hun, a’r deimlad o anweledig yn llenwi ei bywyd chwedlonol.En: In that cozy shelter, with the storm raging outside, Eleri found herself talking about the pictures she'd lost on her own and the feeling of invisibility filling her mythical life.Cy: Carys sôn am ei rheolaeth loriog ei hun o'i galon ac am chwithdod symudol y ddinas.En: Carys spoke about her own clumsy control of her heart and the transient sadness of the city.Cy: Wrth iddyn nhw siarad, mewn sgwrs yn ysgafn, sylweddolodd Gareth pa mor bell aethant.En: As they talked, in light conversation, Gareth realized how far they'd come.Cy: Roedd ef wedi poeni am y pellter, ond yn sydyn ymddangosodd i fod yn llai pwysig wrth iddyn nhw ddechrau adnabod ei gilydd eto.En: He had worried about the distance, but suddenly it seemed less important as they began to know each other again.Cy: Eisteddasant yno nes i'r storm leddfu.En: They sat there until the storm subsided.Cy: Gadawodd yr awyr y bobl â golau newydd, a drodd y gwynt yn dyner drachefn.En: The sky left the people with a new light, and the wind turned gentle once more.Cy: Wrth adael y caban, roedd y tri o ffrindiau yn teimlo rhywbeth sydd wedi diflannu yn dychwelyd.En: Leaving the cabin, the three friends felt that something lost had returned.Cy: Ni amharodd amser nac amser ar gyfeillgarwch o werth yn eu golwg, ac ymrwymodd Gareth y byddai bob amser yn dweud rhywbeth pan nad oedd pethau'n iawn.En: Neither time nor weather could disturb a friendship of value in their view, and Gareth committed to always speaking up when ...
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    18 mins
  • Rhys' Awakening: Finding Freedom Beyond the Corporate Cycle
    Aug 31 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Rhys' Awakening: Finding Freedom Beyond the Corporate Cycle Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/rhys-awakening-finding-freedom-beyond-the-corporate-cycle Story Transcript:Cy: Ar fore haf heulog, roedd Bae Caerdydd yn brysur.En: On a sunny morning, Cardiff Bay was bustling.Cy: Plant yn rhedeg o gwmpas, teuluoedd yn mwynhau'r tywydd, a sŵn y dŵr yn lapio yn erbyn y cwch yn llenwi'r awyr.En: Children ran around, families enjoyed the weather, and the sound of water lapping against the boat filled the air.Cy: Rhys oedd yn cerdded ar hyd y llinell yr harbwr.En: Rhys was walking along the harbor line.Cy: Roedd yn ceisio cael ychydig o heddwch a lonydd mewn bywyd oedd wedi dod yn ddigalon ac yn ormod o faich.En: He was trying to find a bit of peace and tranquility in a life that had become disheartening and too burdensome.Cy: Roedd ef yn gweithio mewn swydd gorfforaethol.En: He worked in a corporate job.Cy: Bob dydd yn teimlo fel cylch cyson, heb obaith am antur na boddhad go iawn.En: Every day felt like a constant cycle, with no hope for adventure or true satisfaction.Cy: Wrth gerdded, dechreuodd deimlo poen sydyn yn ei frest.En: As he walked, he began to feel a sudden pain in his chest.Cy: Roedd hyn yn anghyfforddus ac yn ddychrynllyd.En: It was uncomfortable and frightening.Cy: Cymrodd eistedd ar fainc gerllaw, ceisio anadlu'n ddwfn.En: He took a seat on a nearby bench, trying to breathe deeply.Cy: Roedd y synnwyr o ryddid yn bell i ffwrdd wrth iddo ymladd â'r poen.En: The sense of freedom felt distant as he battled the pain.Cy: Roedd ei feddwl yn rasio - a ddylai o alw am gymorth, neu a allai o gyflawni hyn ar ben ei hun?En: His mind raced—should he call for help, or could he manage this on his own?Cy: Yn y pethau hyn, dyma Catrin yn rhedeg heibio.En: In these moments, Catrin came running by.Cy: Roedd hi'n jogwr amlwg a nyrs brofiadol hefyd.En: She was a well-known jogger and also an experienced nurse.Cy: Gwnaeth sylwi ar Rhys a stopio, unwaith gweled ei wyneb a lleddfu ei draed.En: Noticing Rhys, she stopped, seeing his face and easing her pace.Cy: "Ydych chi'n iawn?En: "Are you okay?"Cy: " gofynnodd siaradus, gweld y pryder yn ei lygaid.En: she asked, concerned, noting the worry in his eyes.Cy: Roedd Rhys yn betrusgar, ond wedyn daeth y gwirionedd i'r amlwg - roedd angen help arno.En: Rhys hesitated, but then the truth came out—he needed help.Cy: "Mae'n debyg fy mod angen rhywun i edrych ar hwn," cytunodd o'r diwedd.En: "I think I need someone to take a look at this," he finally agreed.Cy: Catrin eisteddodd gydag ef, dioddefgar a thyner.En: Catrin sat with him, patient and gentle.Cy: "Gad i ni alw ambiwlans," awgrymodd, gan ddal ei law.En: "Let's call an ambulance," she suggested, holding his hand.Cy: Wrth iddynt aros, siaradodd hi am ei bywyd ei hun, ei harferion, a'i breuddwydion i fyw bywyd boddhaol.En: As they waited, she talked about her own life, her routines, and her dreams of living a fulfilling life.Cy: Roedd y geiriau hyn fel haen newydd o ddeallusrwydd i Rhys.En: Her words were like a new layer of understanding for Rhys.Cy: Arhosodd y ddau yn dawel am sbel hir, ac roedd Catrin yn parhau i sôn am fywyd y tu allan i'w gwaith, yn chwilio am lawenydd o'r blaen.En: The two remained quiet for a long while, and Catrin continued to talk about life outside work, in search of joy from before.Cy: Ymunodd ei chroesair meddyliau â Rhys, gan gofio iddo.En: Her cross-section of thoughts connected with Rhys, reminding him.Cy: Daeth yr ambiwlans yn Gyflym.En: The ambulance arrived quickly.Cy: Codi Rhys yn ofalus, roedd yn amser iddo fynd i'r ysbyty.En: Carefully lifting Rhys, it was time for him to go to the hospital.Cy: Ond roedd y cyfarfod cyflym â Catrin wedi gadael arwydd parhaol ar ei galon.En: But the brief encounter with Catrin had left a lasting mark on his heart.Cy: Er ei fod yn ofnus o'r hyn a allai ddod, roedd y profiad wedi agor ei lygaid.En: Though he was fearful of what may come, the experience had already opened his eyes.Cy: Wrth iddyn nhw godi Rhys i mewn, edrychodd ôl ar y dŵr disglair ac addawodd iddo'i hun.En: As they lifted Rhys inside, he looked back at the sparkling water and made a promise to himself.Cy: "Pan fydd fy iechyd yn iawn, byddaf yn gwneud newidiadau," meddyliodd yn penderfynol.En: "When my health is right, I will make changes," he thought determinedly.Cy: Dyma oedd ei foment o wrandawiad - nid yn unig i'r pris apel byddai'n gofyn am gymorth, ond hefyd i siarad â'i galon.En: This was his moment of realization—not only the price of asking for help but also to speak to his heart.Cy: Roedd yn amser i chwilio am ryddid, i geisio antur yn fyw a gadael yr hen gylch orffenedig tu ôl.En: It was time to seek freedom, to look for adventure in life, and leave the old finished cycle behind.Cy: Roedd y gwersi gwerthfawr y dysgodd heddiw diolch i Catrin a'r poen na theyrangod ef, ond yn hytrach cafodd ei bwynt...
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    16 mins
  • Turning Power Outage into Opportunity: Rhys's Pitch to Eira
    Aug 30 2024
    Fluent Fiction - Welsh: Turning Power Outage into Opportunity: Rhys's Pitch to Eira Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/turning-power-outage-into-opportunity-rhyss-pitch-to-eira Story Transcript:Cy: Mae hi'n haf yn Nghanolfan Dechnoleg Caerdydd, dinas sy'n llawn cyffro a syniadau newydd.En: It's summer at the Cardiff Technology Hub, a city buzzing with excitement and new ideas.Cy: Yn nghanol adeiladau gwydr ac edau dur, mae Rhys, datblygwr meddalwedd brwd, yn paratoi am ei gyflwyniad pwysig.En: Among the glass and steel threads of buildings, Rhys, an enthusiastic software developer, is preparing for his crucial presentation.Cy: Daw'r dydd i'w ddangos i Eira, buddsoddwr craff a beirniadol.En: Today is the day to show his work to Eira, a shrewd and critical investor.Cy: Mae Rhys yn teimlo bod ei brosiect yn gam ymlaen, ac mae angen buddsoddiad Eira i'w wireddu.En: Rhys feels that his project is a step forward, and he needs Eira's investment to make it a reality.Cy: Mae'r ystafell gyflwyno'n llawn bobl, pob un â diddordeb ym mhopeth dechnoleg.En: The presentation room is full of people, all interested in everything technology.Cy: Wrth eistedd yn y blaen, mae Eira yn gwylio gydag un llygad ofalus.En: Sitting at the front, Eira watches with a keen eye.Cy: Mae popeth yn barod.En: Everything is ready.Cy: Yn sydyn, heb rybudd, mae'r ystafell yn mynd yn dywyll.En: Suddenly, without warning, the room goes dark.Cy: Mae'r trydan wedi diffodd.En: The power has gone out.Cy: Mae Rhys yn crwydro am y penelin wrth silff y cyfrifiadur, a stopio'n araf.En: Rhys gropes for the elbow of the computer shelf and slowly stops.Cy: Mae pawb yn edrych yn bryderus ymlaen.En: Everyone looks anxiously ahead.Cy: Mae rhywun yn chwarae gyda ffoniau yn helpu, ond mae'r amodau yn dal yn anodd.En: Someone fumbles with phones for lighting, but conditions remain difficult.Cy: Rhys, a oedd yn barod â'i ffeiliau PowerPoint a delweddau cyffrous, yn teimlo'n ddiamddiffyn.En: Rhys, prepared with his PowerPoint files and exciting images, feels defenseless.Cy: Ond araf yw cymorth rhag ofn Rhys.En: But help for Rhys comes slowly.Cy: Mae ganddo syniad.En: He has an idea.Cy: Yn hytrach na gohirio, mae'n sefyll o flaen y cynulleidfa yn hyderus, er ei bod yn anodd.En: Instead of postponing, he stands confidently in front of the audience, despite the difficulty.Cy: Mae'n dechrau siarad, esbonio ei brosiect heb unrhyw ffonau.En: He begins to speak, explaining his project without any visuals.Cy: Mae'n siarad am freuddwydion a dyheadau, am ba mor syml fyddai'r dyfodol gyda'i dechnoleg arloesol.En: He talks about dreams and aspirations, about how simple the future could be with his innovative technology.Cy: Yn yr ystafell dywyll, mae ei eiriau yn dod yn fyw.En: In the darkened room, his words come alive.Cy: Mae'n sôn am bots anarferol yn berffeithio tasgau, ac am sut gall Eira helpu i drosglwyddo at y dyfodol hwn.En: He mentions unusual bots perfecting tasks and how Eira can help transition to this future.Cy: Mae'r cegau'n araf agor, a phawb yn gwrando gyda diddordeb.En: Mouths slowly open, and everyone listens with interest.Cy: Wedi'i gyffroi gan ddychymyg Rhys, mae Eira yn gweld rhywbeth na welai trwy'r slhowian technoleg.En: Excited by Rhys's imagination, Eira sees something she didn't perceive through technological showcases.Cy: Dyma be oedd y gwir werth.En: This was the true value.Cy: Yn y diwedd, mae Eira yn sefyll ac yn cyhoeddi, "Rwy'n ystyried fy myd.En: In the end, Eira stands and announces, "I am reconsidering my world.Cy: Mae'n amlwg bod dychymyg ac addasu mor bwysig â thechnoleg.En: It's clear that imagination and adaptability are as vital as technology.Cy: Byddaf yn buddsoddi.En: I will invest."Cy: "Mae Rhys yn chwerthin yn ysgafn.En: Rhys chuckles lightly.Cy: Mae ef yn dysgu mai nid ei sgiliau technegol yn unig sy'n bwysig.En: He learns that it’s not just his technical skills that matter.Cy: Mae'r gallu i addasu a chynnal diddordeb hefyd yn hanfodol.En: The ability to adapt and maintain interest is also crucial.Cy: Mae cyfleoedd newydd yn aros.En: New opportunities await.Cy: Roedd yr ystafell a ddaeth yn dywyll yn lle o oleuni newydd i Rhys ac Eira.En: The room that turned dark became a place of new light for Rhys and Eira.Cy: Mae gan y Ddyfodol ddyfodol gyda'u gilydd.En: The Future has a future with them together. Vocabulary Words:buzzing: llawn cyffroenthusiastic: brwdcrucial: pwysigshrewd: craffinvestor: buddsoddwrpresentation: cyflwyniadanxiously: pryderusfumbles: chwaraedefenseless: diamddiffynpostponing: gohirioaspirations: dyheadauinnovative: arloesoltransition: trosglwyddoperceive: gweldshowcases: slhowianimagination: dychymygadaptability: addasuvital: bwysigchuckles: chwerthinmaintain: cynnalopportunities: cyfleoeddelbow: penelinkeen: ofaluslighting: goleuosuddenly: yn sydynwarning: rhagfyriadprepared: barodconceal: cuddioenthused: cyffroievident: amlwg
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    15 mins

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