From Doubt to Destiny  By  cover art

From Doubt to Destiny

By: Stacie Trott and Eden Rider
  • Summary

  • Take control of your destiny! Join Stacie Trott and Eden Rider in authentic conversations about the challenges women face. We'll discuss how to overcome doubt, dream big, and claim our destinies. We are dedicated to supporting women and challenging societal norms that hold us back. Break free from decades of conditioning and embrace your leadership qualities. You can achieve your dreams while discovering the queen within you. Together, we will embark on a journey of self-discovery, pursuing excellence, and embracing harmony. Hit the follow button and get ready to unlock your Queen and unleash her Dreams! instagram: _fromdoubttodestiny
    Copyright 2024 Stacie Trott and Eden Rider
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  • Is Marriage What You Expected? Pt. 1
    Jun 28 2024

    Stacie and Eden dive into the complexities of marriage, sharing personal experiences and insights. Stacie empathizes with women facing early marital challenges and encourages open dialogue. Eden, celebrating two years of marriage, discusses societal pressures and the reality of her non-traditional journey. They emphasize the importance of commitment, communication, and understanding each other's traumas. Stacie shares her faith-driven approach to overcoming marital struggles, while Eden reflects on navigating triggers and conflict. Their candid conversation inspires listeners to reframe expectations and celebrate the ongoing commitment in marriage.

    What is Discussed:

    The mystery of marriage (00:00:24) Stacie and Eden introduce the topic of marriage as a mysterious and complex experience.

    Challenges at the beginning (00:01:57) Stacie discusses the challenges and unexpected experiences that some people face at the beginning of their marriages.

    Unmet expectations and reframing (00:05:46) Eden shares her realization about unmet expectations and reframing her ideas about marriage, including the pressure of societal norms.

    Challenging societal programming (00:14:51) Stacie and Eden discuss the need to challenge societal programming and expectations related to marriage, including the pressure for extravagant weddings and expensive engagement rings.

    Marriage Realities (00:15:58) Discussion about atypical marriage experiences and the mismatch between social media imagery and reality.

    Celebrating Commitment (00:17:48) Emphasizing the importance of commitment over grand weddings, and the possibility of celebrating commitment repeatedly over time.

    Navigating Turbulence (00:20:46) Navigating through bumpy experiences, managing expectations, and processing trauma in relationships.

    Trusting Through Imperfection (00:26:28) Understanding the need to trust in imperfect experiences and the journey of deepening faith through tumultuous times.

    Triggering Each Other (00:30:19) Recognizing and learning to manage triggering each other's trauma responses in a relationship.

    The tumultuous beginning of the relationship (00:32:20) Discussion about the condensed time and intense experiences at the start of their relationship.

    The challenges of moving in together (00:33:11) Challenges and pressures of moving in together, including interracial marriage and societal pressures.

    Rapid change and its impact (00:36:57) Eden's now husband's quick change, how it affected their relationship, and their subsequent challenges.

    The moment of realization and feeling seen (00:39:16) Discussion about when they knew they wanted to marry each other and the feeling of being truly seen and understood.

    Building a strong foundation before marriage (00:43:24) The foundational work done in their relationship before marriage and the challenges they faced, leading to a strong foundation.

    Reflection on the challenges and beauty of relationships (00:45:26) Reflection on the challenges and beauty of relationships, and the importance of working through difficulties.

    instagram: _fromdoubttodestiny

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    46 mins
  • Unpacking Therapy
    Jun 21 2024

    Stacie and Eden delve into their personal journeys with therapy. Initially resistant due to skepticism and past negative experiences, both eventually embraced therapy, discovering its transformative power. They discuss various therapeutic approaches, including EMDR and hypnotherapy, and emphasize the importance of addressing past traumas for personal growth. Stacie and Eden highlight the empowering nature of therapy, advocating for its value in healing and self-improvement. Their candid conversation aims to destigmatize therapy and inspire listeners to consider it as a tool for unlocking their potential and achieving personal growth.

    What is Discussed:

    Initial Resistance to Therapy (00:01:07)Stacie and Eden discuss their initial resistance to therapy and the encouragement they received to seek therapy.

    Negative Childhood Experience with Therapy (00:03:38)Eden shares her negative childhood experience with therapy, including feeling othered and not being willing to seek therapy despite recognizing the need.

    Transformation through Therapy (00:07:33)Eden discusses her transformative experience with therapy, including initial resistance, discovering new emotions, and changing her mindset about therapy.

    Reframing Relationship with Therapy (00:14:12)Eden reflects on reframing her relationship with therapy, realizing the value of therapy for healing, growth, and evolving beyond past experiences.

    The need for healing (00:15:16)Discussion on the need for healing instead of seeking answers to past trauma and experiences.

    Understanding childhood programming (00:16:18)Exploring how childhood experiences and programming can lead to distorted perceptions and beliefs.

    Unpacking subconscious messaging (00:17:22)The impact of subconscious messaging and programming on beliefs, feelings, and ideologies.

    Reframing beliefs in therapy (00:18:16)The role of therapy in identifying and reframing incorrect programming and beliefs.

    Unconscious processing and mindset (00:20:43)The subconscious nature of processing and the importance of becoming consciously aware of beliefs and mindset.

    The transformative power of therapy (00:23:33)The transformative impact of therapy and the importance of self-care and self-focus during therapy sessions.

    Different types of therapy (00:24:45)Exploring traditional talk therapy, counseling, EMDR therapy, and hypnotherapy, and their unique approaches to healing and reframing beliefs.

    Empowerment through reframing (00:31:16)The empowering nature of reframing beliefs and thoughts in hypnotherapy, leading to a sense of control and healing.

    Hypnotherapy and Reframing (00:32:52)Stacie discusses the process of hypnotherapy and how it helps reframe her subconsciousness.

    Somatic Work and Yoga (00:37:02)Eden talks about the use of somatic work and yoga to address trauma stored in the body.

    Parts Integration and Subconscious Work (00:38:47)Discussion about parts integration, subconscious techniques, and the importance of addressing subconscious thoughts and feelings.

    EMDR and Seeking Therapy (00:43:20)Speaker 1 shares her curiosity about EMDR therapy and the process of seeking therapy to address underlying issues.

    Multi-Dimensional Therapy and Individualized Support (00:45:10)The conversation delves into the multi-dimensional nature of therapy, addressing trauma in the body, and the importance of individualized support for personal growth.

    Self-Care and Therapy (00:47:24)The discussion emphasizes the importance of self-care through therapy and how it contributes to serving others in a healthier...

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    50 mins
  • Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable
    Jun 14 2024

    Stacie and Eden discuss the discomfort of personal growth and the challenges of outgrowing spaces, people, and relationships. Stacie shares her experiences of constant discomfort and compares growth to exercising a muscle, while Eden reflects on her journey of navigating new ventures and overcoming self-doubt. They discuss the importance of investing in oneself, managing evolving relationships with love and honor, and prioritizing authenticity. The episode inspires listeners to embrace discomfort as a natural part of growth and to stay true to their personal aspirations.

    What is Discussed:

    The discomfort of growth (00:00:29) Discussion about the voluntary, painful process of personal growth and the willingness to embrace discomfort.

    Accelerated growth (00:02:04) Comparing personal growth to exercising a muscle, and the experience of moving through discomfort more quickly to see results.

    Packing growth into a tight period (00:03:34) Discussion about the experience of packing multiple life changes into a short period and the resulting accelerated growth.

    Outgrowing rooms, people, places, things (00:08:00) The discomfort and realization of outgrowing current peer groups, spaces, and networks, and the need to seek new environments for growth.

    Investing in personal growth (00:11:42) The realization that personal growth may require financial investment, and the discussion about the necessity of paying to move to the next level.

    Managing relationships during growth (00:16:23) Dealing with discomfort and guilt when feeling the need to decrease communication with loved ones to make room for personal growth and execution.

    Growing Pains (00:18:04) Discussion about the natural progression of limited time and evolving relationships.

    Seasonal Relationships (00:20:31) Analogies of childhood friendships and the shifting depth of relationships as responsibilities evolve.

    Prioritizing Relationships (00:21:41) The importance of prioritizing relationships in different life stages and responsibilities.

    Uncomfortable Growth (00:24:48) Encouragement to embrace discomfort and guilt associated with personal growth and shifting relationships.

    Self-Expansion (00:25:43) Embracing personal growth and evolving identities without clinging to past versions of oneself.

    Trusting Intuition (00:29:47) Encouragement to trust personal intuition and not seek consensus before sharing thoughts and experiences.

    Embracing Personal Dreams (00:33:06) Realization of living someone else's dream and the importance of being the star of one's own dream.

    Praying for Purpose (00:34:37) Discussion about seeking purpose and the shift in perspective when asking for guidance.

    Embracing Uncomfortable Growth (00:35:33) The discomfort and challenges of personal growth, including the pivotal role of external encouragement and internal resistance.

    Making Bold Changes (00:37:24) Decisive actions leading to significant life changes, including ending relationships, quitting a job, and moving to a new city.

    Following Dreams in New York (00:39:25) The realization of a dream to live in New York City and the decision to pursue personal desires despite past constraints.

    Embracing Discomfort for Growth (00:42:15) Differentiating between discomfort from growth and discomfort from staying in an unsuitable situation, emphasizing the importance of growth discomfort.

    Encouraging Transformation (00:43:17) Acknowledging the refining process of discomfort in growth and the significance of answering prayers through growth...

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    44 mins

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