
  • Feeling Grateful and...?
    Jul 12 2024

    Stacie and Eden explore the intricate balance between feeling grateful and experiencing other, seemingly contradictory emotions. Eden shares her personal journey of balancing motherhood with a newborn and a two-year-old, expressing her challenges with exhaustion and guilt. Stacie and Eden emphasize the importance of acknowledging and processing all emotions without judgment, and discuss societal pressures that often hinder this process. They advocate for intentionality in thoughts and actions, likening it to a pilot adjusting coordinates. The episode encourages listeners to embrace their emotions, practice mindfulness, and the importance to create supportive communities for holistic conversations.

    What is Discussed:

    Gratitude and Tension (00:00:00)Exploring the tension between feeling grateful and having other conflicting emotions, using personal experiences as examples.

    New Motherhood Challenges (00:02:12)Discussing the challenges and conflicting emotions of being a new mother while feeling grateful for the blessings.

    Acknowledging Negative Feelings (00:05:48)Encouraging the acknowledgment of negative feelings and the importance of giving oneself permission to feel them.

    The Impact of "Shoulding" (00:08:00)Discussing the negative impact of societal and external pressures on one's ability to listen to their own instincts and make choices.

    Permission to Feel (00:10:54)Exploring the idea of giving oneself permission to feel conflicting emotions and the importance of recognizing and addressing them.

    Reframing and Acknowledging Emotions (00:13:00)Highlighting the significance of acknowledging emotions as a prerequisite for reframing and reorienting one's perspective.

    Creating a Space for Conversations (00:16:11)Emphasizing the need for a community and space for holistic conversations about the challenges and responsibilities that affect women's lives.

    Gratitude and tiredness (00:17:18)Discussion about feeling tired and struggling to feel genuinely grateful.

    Therapy and emotions (00:18:08)The benefits of therapy in recognizing and processing emotions without judgment.

    Imagination and reframing (00:20:53Exploring the impact of imagination on emotions and the importance of reframing negative thoughts.

    Self-regulation and gratitude (00:22:10)Learning to self-regulate emotions and focusing on personal control for gratitude.

    Being present and content (00:25:27)The challenge of being present and finding contentment in the present moment.

    Practicing presence (00:33:22)The importance of practicing presence and overcoming default thinking about the past or the future.

    The importance of intentional thinking (00:34:05)The speakers discuss the importance of being intentional with thoughts and decisions to avoid drifting off course.

    The power of intention (00:34:55)The conversation emphasizes the need to be intentional in daily life, with a focus on making new choices and thoughts.

    Acknowledging and reframing feelings (00:37:23)The discussion centers around acknowledging one's true feelings and reframing them to create space for gratitude.

    The impact of intention on life's course (00:41:25)The analogy of a pilot intentionally changing coordinates is used to illustrate how small shifts in intention can significantly impact life's trajectory.

    Coping mechanisms and delaying personal work (00:44:08)The speakers discuss the tendency to delay personal growth and the importance of acknowledging one's coping mechanisms.


    Más Menos
    45 m
  • Is Marriage What You Expected? Pt. 2
    Jul 5 2024

    Stacie & Eden continue the conversation on the complexities and transformative potential of marriage. Stacie shares her personal journey, emphasizing the importance of managing expectations and finding fulfillment beyond the marital relationship. Both hosts discuss the significance of personal growth, open communication, and the balancing act of dependency within marriage. They highlight the concept of "iron sharpens iron," illustrating how partners can challenge and refine each other. Throughout, they underscore the need for a supportive community and a strong relationship with God to navigate marital challenges and growth.

    What is Discussed:

    The complexities of marriage (00:00:59) Discussion about the challenges and transformations experienced in marriage.

    The pain and struggles in the beginning of marriage (00:01:56) Exploring the difficulties and pain experienced by some wives in the early stages of marriage.

    Managing expectations in marriage (00:04:05)The speaker shares her experience of letting go of expectations and finding a new perspective on marriage.

    Marriage as a path to holiness (00:10:28)Exploring the concept of marriage as a journey towards holiness rather than just happiness.

    Challenges and growth in marriage (00:12:23)Discussion about the challenges and growth experienced in the early stages of marriage.

    Adjusting to differences in marriage (00:14:19)The speakers talk about adjusting to each other's differences and the growth it brings.

    Challenging Each Other (00:16:22)Discussion on the positive impact of being challenged in a marriage, personal growth, and emotional support.

    Iron Sharpens Iron (00:17:23)Comparison of marriage to the concept of iron sharpening iron, highlighting the role of a partner in personal growth and transformation.

    Dependency and Balance (00:22:45)Exploration of the concept of dependency in marriage, finding a balance between independence and interdependence.

    Enduring Together (00:27:54)Reflection on enduring through challenging seasons in marriage and the importance of community support and endurance.

    The Mystery of Marriage (00:31:48)Discussion on the evolving nature of marriage, personal growth, and the role of faith and intimacy in navigating challenges.

    Find Community (00:32:50)Stacie discusses the importance of finding a supportive community, using the analogy of a midwife or sherpa for guidance.

    Longevity in Marriage (00:33:55) Stacie expresses her desire to learn from long-married couples and emphasizes the importance of enduring through challenges in marriage.

    Seeking Community (00:35:04)Stacie encourages seeking community support in challenging times, highlighting the value of online resources and not giving up when facing difficulties.

    Endurance and Wisdom (00:36:06) Stacie emphasizes the value of endurance and seeking wisdom in difficult times, cautioning against making hasty decisions in relationships.

    Challenges of Marriage (00:37:10)Stacie discusses the mysterious and challenging aspects of marriage, emphasizing the need to seek guidance and stay close to God.

    Navigating Challenges (00:38:04) Stacie and Eden reflect on their own marriage challenges.

    Beauty in Marriage (00:40:42) Stacie and Eden discuss the beauty and pain in marriage, highlighting the growth and beauty that can come from enduring the challenges.

    instagram: _fromdoubttodestiny

    Más Menos
    42 m
  • Is Marriage What You Expected? Pt. 1
    Jun 28 2024

    Stacie and Eden dive into the complexities of marriage, sharing personal experiences and insights. Stacie empathizes with women facing early marital challenges and encourages open dialogue. Eden, celebrating two years of marriage, discusses societal pressures and the reality of her non-traditional journey. They emphasize the importance of commitment, communication, and understanding each other's traumas. Stacie shares her faith-driven approach to overcoming marital struggles, while Eden reflects on navigating triggers and conflict. Their candid conversation inspires listeners to reframe expectations and celebrate the ongoing commitment in marriage.

    What is Discussed:

    The mystery of marriage (00:00:24) Stacie and Eden introduce the topic of marriage as a mysterious and complex experience.

    Challenges at the beginning (00:01:57) Stacie discusses the challenges and unexpected experiences that some people face at the beginning of their marriages.

    Unmet expectations and reframing (00:05:46) Eden shares her realization about unmet expectations and reframing her ideas about marriage, including the pressure of societal norms.

    Challenging societal programming (00:14:51) Stacie and Eden discuss the need to challenge societal programming and expectations related to marriage, including the pressure for extravagant weddings and expensive engagement rings.

    Marriage Realities (00:15:58) Discussion about atypical marriage experiences and the mismatch between social media imagery and reality.

    Celebrating Commitment (00:17:48) Emphasizing the importance of commitment over grand weddings, and the possibility of celebrating commitment repeatedly over time.

    Navigating Turbulence (00:20:46) Navigating through bumpy experiences, managing expectations, and processing trauma in relationships.

    Trusting Through Imperfection (00:26:28) Understanding the need to trust in imperfect experiences and the journey of deepening faith through tumultuous times.

    Triggering Each Other (00:30:19) Recognizing and learning to manage triggering each other's trauma responses in a relationship.

    The tumultuous beginning of the relationship (00:32:20) Discussion about the condensed time and intense experiences at the start of their relationship.

    The challenges of moving in together (00:33:11) Challenges and pressures of moving in together, including interracial marriage and societal pressures.

    Rapid change and its impact (00:36:57) Eden's now husband's quick change, how it affected their relationship, and their subsequent challenges.

    The moment of realization and feeling seen (00:39:16) Discussion about when they knew they wanted to marry each other and the feeling of being truly seen and understood.

    Building a strong foundation before marriage (00:43:24) The foundational work done in their relationship before marriage and the challenges they faced, leading to a strong foundation.

    Reflection on the challenges and beauty of relationships (00:45:26) Reflection on the challenges and beauty of relationships, and the importance of working through difficulties.

    instagram: _fromdoubttodestiny

    Más Menos
    46 m
  • Unpacking Therapy
    Jun 21 2024

    Stacie and Eden delve into their personal journeys with therapy. Initially resistant due to skepticism and past negative experiences, both eventually embraced therapy, discovering its transformative power. They discuss various therapeutic approaches, including EMDR and hypnotherapy, and emphasize the importance of addressing past traumas for personal growth. Stacie and Eden highlight the empowering nature of therapy, advocating for its value in healing and self-improvement. Their candid conversation aims to destigmatize therapy and inspire listeners to consider it as a tool for unlocking their potential and achieving personal growth.

    What is Discussed:

    Initial Resistance to Therapy (00:01:07)Stacie and Eden discuss their initial resistance to therapy and the encouragement they received to seek therapy.

    Negative Childhood Experience with Therapy (00:03:38)Eden shares her negative childhood experience with therapy, including feeling othered and not being willing to seek therapy despite recognizing the need.

    Transformation through Therapy (00:07:33)Eden discusses her transformative experience with therapy, including initial resistance, discovering new emotions, and changing her mindset about therapy.

    Reframing Relationship with Therapy (00:14:12)Eden reflects on reframing her relationship with therapy, realizing the value of therapy for healing, growth, and evolving beyond past experiences.

    The need for healing (00:15:16)Discussion on the need for healing instead of seeking answers to past trauma and experiences.

    Understanding childhood programming (00:16:18)Exploring how childhood experiences and programming can lead to distorted perceptions and beliefs.

    Unpacking subconscious messaging (00:17:22)The impact of subconscious messaging and programming on beliefs, feelings, and ideologies.

    Reframing beliefs in therapy (00:18:16)The role of therapy in identifying and reframing incorrect programming and beliefs.

    Unconscious processing and mindset (00:20:43)The subconscious nature of processing and the importance of becoming consciously aware of beliefs and mindset.

    The transformative power of therapy (00:23:33)The transformative impact of therapy and the importance of self-care and self-focus during therapy sessions.

    Different types of therapy (00:24:45)Exploring traditional talk therapy, counseling, EMDR therapy, and hypnotherapy, and their unique approaches to healing and reframing beliefs.

    Empowerment through reframing (00:31:16)The empowering nature of reframing beliefs and thoughts in hypnotherapy, leading to a sense of control and healing.

    Hypnotherapy and Reframing (00:32:52)Stacie discusses the process of hypnotherapy and how it helps reframe her subconsciousness.

    Somatic Work and Yoga (00:37:02)Eden talks about the use of somatic work and yoga to address trauma stored in the body.

    Parts Integration and Subconscious Work (00:38:47)Discussion about parts integration, subconscious techniques, and the importance of addressing subconscious thoughts and feelings.

    EMDR and Seeking Therapy (00:43:20)Speaker 1 shares her curiosity about EMDR therapy and the process of seeking therapy to address underlying issues.

    Multi-Dimensional Therapy and Individualized Support (00:45:10)The conversation delves into the multi-dimensional nature of therapy, addressing trauma in the body, and the importance of individualized support for personal growth.

    Self-Care and Therapy (00:47:24)The discussion emphasizes the importance of self-care through therapy and how it contributes to serving others in a healthier...

    Más Menos
    50 m
  • Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable
    Jun 14 2024

    Stacie and Eden discuss the discomfort of personal growth and the challenges of outgrowing spaces, people, and relationships. Stacie shares her experiences of constant discomfort and compares growth to exercising a muscle, while Eden reflects on her journey of navigating new ventures and overcoming self-doubt. They discuss the importance of investing in oneself, managing evolving relationships with love and honor, and prioritizing authenticity. The episode inspires listeners to embrace discomfort as a natural part of growth and to stay true to their personal aspirations.

    What is Discussed:

    The discomfort of growth (00:00:29) Discussion about the voluntary, painful process of personal growth and the willingness to embrace discomfort.

    Accelerated growth (00:02:04) Comparing personal growth to exercising a muscle, and the experience of moving through discomfort more quickly to see results.

    Packing growth into a tight period (00:03:34) Discussion about the experience of packing multiple life changes into a short period and the resulting accelerated growth.

    Outgrowing rooms, people, places, things (00:08:00) The discomfort and realization of outgrowing current peer groups, spaces, and networks, and the need to seek new environments for growth.

    Investing in personal growth (00:11:42) The realization that personal growth may require financial investment, and the discussion about the necessity of paying to move to the next level.

    Managing relationships during growth (00:16:23) Dealing with discomfort and guilt when feeling the need to decrease communication with loved ones to make room for personal growth and execution.

    Growing Pains (00:18:04) Discussion about the natural progression of limited time and evolving relationships.

    Seasonal Relationships (00:20:31) Analogies of childhood friendships and the shifting depth of relationships as responsibilities evolve.

    Prioritizing Relationships (00:21:41) The importance of prioritizing relationships in different life stages and responsibilities.

    Uncomfortable Growth (00:24:48) Encouragement to embrace discomfort and guilt associated with personal growth and shifting relationships.

    Self-Expansion (00:25:43) Embracing personal growth and evolving identities without clinging to past versions of oneself.

    Trusting Intuition (00:29:47) Encouragement to trust personal intuition and not seek consensus before sharing thoughts and experiences.

    Embracing Personal Dreams (00:33:06) Realization of living someone else's dream and the importance of being the star of one's own dream.

    Praying for Purpose (00:34:37) Discussion about seeking purpose and the shift in perspective when asking for guidance.

    Embracing Uncomfortable Growth (00:35:33) The discomfort and challenges of personal growth, including the pivotal role of external encouragement and internal resistance.

    Making Bold Changes (00:37:24) Decisive actions leading to significant life changes, including ending relationships, quitting a job, and moving to a new city.

    Following Dreams in New York (00:39:25) The realization of a dream to live in New York City and the decision to pursue personal desires despite past constraints.

    Embracing Discomfort for Growth (00:42:15) Differentiating between discomfort from growth and discomfort from staying in an unsuitable situation, emphasizing the importance of growth discomfort.

    Encouraging Transformation (00:43:17) Acknowledging the refining process of discomfort in growth and the significance of answering prayers through growth...

    Más Menos
    44 m
  • Embracing Your Enoughness
    Jun 7 2024

    Stacie and Eden delve into the concept of "enoughness," sharing their personal stories and the role of supportive relationships in their lives. They discuss the challenges of self-acceptance, the impact of early family dynamics, and the continuous journey toward embracing their worth. Stacie and Eden's candid conversation reveals the complexities of enoughness in both men and women and the importance of choosing uplifting partners. Their message is one of hope, empowerment, and the transformative power of self-love and community support in affirming one's enoughness.

    What is Discussed:

    Enoughness (00:00:24) Stacie and Eden introduce the topic of enoughness and discuss its definition.

    Struggles with Enoughness (00:01:14) Stacie shares her evolving journey with enoughness, highlighting the internal struggle and societal influences.

    Working through Enoughness (00:04:40) Eden discusses her ongoing journey with enoughness, including her past experiences and present challenges.

    The Enoughness Challenge (00:06:31) Eden describes her 30-day "I am enough" challenge and its impact on her self-perception.

    Impact of Enoughness (00:08:45) Stacie and Eden explore how societal norms and upbringing affect women's struggle with enoughness.

    Root of Enoughness Struggle (00:11:16) Eden reflects on the impact of her parents' divorce and its influence on her perception of enoughness.

    Realization and Therapy (00:16:01) Eden shares her realization of needing therapy and seeking support after achieving her desired life goals.

    The thread of enoughness (00:17:50) Discussion about the origins of struggles with enoughness and its impact on personal experiences.

    Connecting with your journey of enoughness (00:20:00) Personal experiences and reflections on the journey of enoughness, including self-awareness, self-trust, and embracing individual strengths.

    The struggle with enoughness (00:21:45) Challenges in embracing enoughness, self-doubt, and the impact of overthinking and self-editing on personal expression and decision-making.

    Embracing individual gifts and partnership (00:25:11) The importance of embracing individual strengths and the value of partnership in complementing each other's strengths and abilities.

    Understanding enoughness in relationships (00:27:00) Exploring the impact of enoughness on relationships, the need for open conversations, and creating a supportive space for self-reflection and communication.

    Differences in enoughness among men and women? (00:28:24) Comparing how enoughness manifests in men and women, including confidence, self-awareness, and the impact of societal expectations.

    Belief in the highest version of oneself (00:31:48) The significance of having a partner who sees and believes in one's highest potential, providing support and encouragement in times of self-doubt and vulnerability.

    The antidote in partnership (00:34:43) Discussion on how chosen partners can challenge and celebrate one's struggle with enoughness.

    Finding encouragement in the village (00:36:53) Exploring the importance of a supportive community in nurturing and encouraging self-worth.

    Deposits in the enoughness tank (00:39:34) Encouraging the practice of making and receiving deposits in one's self-worth and the joy in pouring into others.

    Loving on yourself (00:41:08) Emphasizing the significance of self-appreciation and affirmations in building self-worth and enoughness.

    instagram: _fromdoubttodestiny

    Más Menos
    43 m
  • Are You Driven or Dragged by Your Life?
    May 31 2024

    Stacie and Eden explore the profound question: "Are you driven or dragged by the things in your life?" They share their personal experiences and the transformative journey of identifying elements that either weigh them down or propel them forward. Stacie discusses the liberating feeling of adding more “driven” aspects to her life, defining her success by the joy these elements bring. Eden reflects on giving herself permission to release the “drags” and focus on her passions, like coaching and this podcast. Together, they encourage listeners to embrace support, let go of guilt, and pursue a life aligned with their true passions, ultimately leading from a place of doubt to a destiny filled with fulfillment and success.

    What is Discussed:

    Driven or Dragged (00:00:24) Discussion on the concept of feeling driven or dragged by different aspects of life.

    Defining Drags and Driven (00:02:27) Stacie explains the feelings associated with being dragged or driven in various activities.

    Analyzing Drags and Drivens (00:04:43) Exploring the impact of feeling dragged or driven on overall well-being and the possibility of balancing them.

    Self-Assessment of Drags (00:06:22) Eden shares personal reflections on focusing more on the driven and realizing the need to assess and release drags.

    Seeking Help and Releasing Drags (00:08:35) The importance of seeking help and releasing tasks that feel like drags, leading to a discussion on reframing procrastination.

    Releasing Drags for Creativity (00:14:40) Eden’s experience of releasing drags to free up time and energy for more creative pursuits.

    Permission to Define Roles (00:16:53) Encouragement to define roles and responsibilities based on personal desires rather than societal expectations.

    Adding More Who's (00:16:58) Discussion about adding more people into life and the impact of resources on adding support. (Reference: “Who Not How” by Dan Sullivan & Dr. Benjamin Hardy)

    Unlocking Resources (00:17:23) Exploring the resources in life and the importance of opening up to receive help and support.

    Permission to Seek Help (00:18:52) The significance of seeking help and support in various aspects of life, such as parenting and personal growth.

    Finding Purpose (00:19:42) The impact of seeking help and support on personal growth and finding purpose in life.

    Defining Success (00:26:40) Defining success as minimizing tasks that are not enjoyable and focusing on things that bring joy and purpose.

    Reframing Life (00:27:17) Reflecting on the balance of tasks that drive and drag, and the importance of redefining success and incorporating joy into life.

    Doubt to Destiny Developmental Path (00:32:47) Personal journey of self-discovery and finding purpose beyond traditional roles of wife and mother.

    The Discovery Process (00:33:32) Exploring new interests and passions, leading to self-discovery and redefining life goals.

    The Discernment process (00:34:31) Evaluating personal desires and aspirations, leading to a shift in career and entrepreneurial pursuits.

    Daring to Dream (00:35:23) Acknowledging inner aspirations and overcoming self-doubt to pursue life coaching and personal development.

    The Journey as the Destination (00:38:22) Embracing the process of doing and realizing that the journey itself is the destination, leading to present-moment appreciation.

    Reflecting on the Doubt to Destiny Development Path (00:42:02) Recognizing pivotal moments and choices that led to personal and professional growth,...

    Más Menos
    45 m
  • Boundaries…Saying “Yes” to Everything is Exhausting
    May 24 2024

    Stacie and Eden dive into the transformative journey of setting healthy boundaries. They candidly share experiences of the profound impact of clear communication in both their personal and professional lives. Stacie discusses boundary-setting at work, which led to a more balanced professional life, while Eden reflects on her marriage, highlighting the importance of individual therapy and the benefits of community support. Their conversation underscores the value of self-awareness, trust, and the courage to say "no" for authentic relationships. Listeners are inspired to embrace boundary-setting as an act of self-care and a pathway to deeper connections.

    What is Discussed:

    Introduction (00:00:00)Stacie and Eden introduce the podcast and themselves, setting the stage for the discussion on boundaries.

    Defining Boundaries (00:01:11)Stacie and Eden discuss the definition of boundaries and the importance of having them in relationships.

    Challenges with Boundaries (00:02:52)The conversation shifts to the challenges of setting boundaries, particularly related to people-pleasing and fear of offending others.

    Impact of Boundaries (00:05:10)The impact of setting boundaries on oneself and others, and the potential responses when communicating boundaries to others.

    Setting Boundaries with Love (00:07:24)Quotes are shared about the importance of setting boundaries and the courage required to love oneself while risking disappointing others.

    Communication of Boundaries (00:10:36)The importance of effectively communicating boundaries and the consequences of not addressing issues in a timely manner.

    Practicing Boundaries (00:13:20)Discussion on practicing and articulating boundaries, including seeking external perspectives and finding the courage to express oneself.

    Setting Boundaries in Relationships (00:15:57)Stacie emphasizes the importance of not withdrawing from relationships but rather setting healthy and communicated boundaries for a beneficial relationship.

    Finding Your Voice (00:16:15)Discussing the need to communicate boundaries and express oneself in relationships.

    Understanding Different Responses (00:18:23)Exploring how trauma responses can impact communication and the importance of understanding each other's communication styles.

    Practicing Boundaries (00:21:30)Discussing the importance of practicing setting boundaries and seeking feedback for effective communication.

    Exercising Boundaries (00:23:48)Analogizing the process of setting boundaries to exercising and strengthening one's ability to articulate needs.

    Setting Healthy Boundaries (00:27:34)Emphasizing the importance of healthy boundaries in relationships and the potential positive impact on personal growth.

    Recognizing Support Systems (00:30:25)Reflecting on the role of supportive individuals and divine encounters in recognizing the worth of maintaining healthy boundaries.

    The importance of receiving divine occurrences (00:32:50)Discussing the significance of being present to receive divine occurrences and having the courage to speak up.

    Self-awareness and recognizing internalization (00:34:27)Understanding the importance of self-awareness, recognizing internalized emotions, and the impact on communication.

    The significance of self-awareness in relationships (00:36:36)Emphasizing the importance of self-awareness in relationships, knowing oneself, and the value of slowing down and dating oneself.

    Boundaries in marriage and the need for self-reflection (00:37:31)Exploring the complexities of boundaries in marriage, self-reflection, and the...

    Más Menos
    48 m