• Episode #23: The Dangers of Excitotoxins in Our Food Protecting Brain Health
    Jun 21 2024
    About the Guest(s):

    Dr. Kristin Hieshetter is a highly respected figure in the realm of functional health, demonstrated extensively through her dedication to educating others about the significance of comprehensive healthcare. Although her full professional history is not discussed, it is clear from the transcript that she is passionate about helping people understand their health better. Dr. Hieshetter appears to be knowledgeable about topics like excitotoxins and their impact on the human body, advocating for natural and preventative approaches to health.

    Episode Summary:

    In the latest enlightening episode of Functional Health Radio, Dr. Kristin Hieshetter dives deep into the startling downward trend of life expectancy in the United States and the rising chronic diseases among children. Initiating the conversation with disturbing healthcare statistics, she pivots to discuss the overlooked dangers of excitotoxins in our diet, linking them to neurodegenerative diseases. The episode is rich with alarming yet vital information, balancing medical insights with actionable health tips.

    Dr. Hieshetter references the worrying trend of decreasing life expectancy in the U.S. and contrasts it with the exorbitant healthcare spending, posing the question of what can be done differently. She introduces Dr. Russell Blaylock's research on excitotoxins, pulling lessons from historical examples such as the Chamorro Indians of Guam to underscore the dangers of dietary neurotoxins like glutamate and aspartate. The episode artfully blends anecdotes with science to underline the proposition that current dietary habits could pose a risk to neurological health, emphasizing the importance of magnesium and antioxidants for brain protection.

    Key Takeaways:
    • U.S. life expectancy has fallen, and chronic diseases in children are at unprecedented rates, suggesting an urgent need for a healthcare paradigm shift.
    • Excitotoxins like glutamate can build up to toxic levels in the brain, with prolonged exposure leading to devastating neurological diseases.
    • Early exposure to excitotoxins has been linked to neurodegeneration, even decades later, elevating the importance of cutting these toxins from our diets.
    • Dietary antioxidants and nutrients such as vitamin C, E, glutathione, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids are emphasized as crucial for brain health and protection.
    • The role of excitotoxins in neurodegenerative conditions and the pivotal importance of dietary changes for prevention and recovery are central themes.
    Notable Quotes:
    • "We are walking around in the most amazing, intelligent, responsive, adapting, and aware system in the world, the human body."
    • "Excitotoxins can sometimes be linked to those disease processes in the body."
    • "The clinical symptoms of most neurodegenerative diseases don't show up until 80% to 90% of specific cells in the spinal cord or specific regions of the brain are dead or damaged."
    • "Magnesium is your brain's most powerful protector."
    • "Eat your fresh fruits and vegetables, they're critical for your survival."

    The resources mentioned include:

    • Dr. Russell Blaylock's book "Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills"
    • Studies cited by Dr. Kristin Hieshetter: The works of scientists George Spencer, Leonard Kerland, and more from the 1950s to 1980s on the Chamorro Indians and excitotoxins.
    • Functional Health Mastery

    For a comprehensive understanding of the ways to protect your brain from excitotoxins and the power of a natural diet, listen to the full episode. Don't forget to tune in to Functional Health Radio for more discussions that can revolutionize your approach to health and well-being.

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    34 mins
  • Episode #22: Creating Healthy Habits for Long-Term Progress and Success
    Jun 14 2024
    Episode Summary:

    Welcome to another compelling episode of Functional Health Radio, where our proficient host, Dr. Kristin Hieshetter, delves into the pressing issues surrounding America's declining health statistics despite high healthcare expenditures. The show begins with an alarming revelation: life expectancy in the USA has dropped significantly, with children now facing unprecedented rates of chronic diseases. Dr. Hieshetter passionately discusses the complexities of health behaviors and the struggles in maintaining consistent health investments.

    In this episode, Dr. Hieshetter brings to light the importance of habits in personal healthcare management. She references James Clear's "Atomic Habits" to elucidate how small, consistent changes can lead to significant health improvements. The discussion focuses on how we can leverage habit stacking to replace unproductive behaviors with beneficial routines, promoting a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle.

    Key topics include the concept of habit loops, the distinction between effective and ineffective habits, and practical strategies for habit formation. Dr. Hieshetter aptly ties the discussion to concepts of identity, motivation, and long-term behavior modification, emphasizing the importance of internal rewards and consistent action toward a healthier self.

    Key Takeaways:
    • Declining life expectancy in the US highlights the need for better health behaviors and investments in individual healthcare.
    • Habit stacking, as explained by James Clear in "Atomic Habits," can facilitate long-lasting health improvements.
    • Successful habit change involves making good habits obvious, attractive, easy, and satisfying and breaking bad habits by making them invisible, unattractive, difficult, and unsatisfying.
    • Adopting new health behaviors requires a deep change, not only in routines but also in one's identity as it relates to health and wellness.
    • The goal in personal health is not just to achieve temporary milestones but to embrace a system that supports continual progress and self-improvement.
    Notable Quotes:

    "But this is not a healthy habit. We've got to make that packaged food difficult and unattractive." "Connect with your kids instead of training on the TV. Read books. Create that vision board." "The trick is to fall in love with the process, not the product." "If you fall in love with the process, not the product, you don't have to wait to give yourself permission to be happy." "Every time you engage in the new habit and skip the old habit, give yourself a double bonus."

    • "Atomic Habits" by James Clear (available on Amazon and audiobook platforms)
    • Functional Health Mastery – A free group for doctors and healthcare providers

    Don't miss out on the valuable insights discussed in this episode of Functional Health Radio. Tune in to grasp the full spectrum of advice on habit formation and identity building for optimal health. Stay engaged with us as we continue to deliver transformative discussions on functional health and wellness.

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    34 mins
  • Episode #21: Addressing Brain Drain: The Impact of Grains on Mental Health
    Jun 7 2024
    About the Guest(s):

    Dr. Kristin Hieshetter is recognized as a forward-thinking expert in the field of functional health. In her pursuit to better understand the intricacies of human health and wellness, she has become a notable figure in healthcare, empowering individuals to realize their full potential. Although specific details about her professional history and achievements are not provided in the transcript, Dr. Hieshetter's extensive knowledge is reflected in her informative discourse on functional health, particularly concerning brain health and the effects of diet on chronic diseases.

    Episode Summary:

    In this compelling episode of Functional Health Radio, Dr. Kristin Hieshetter delivers a powerful narrative discussing the alarming decline in life expectancy in the United States, correlating it with the high prevalence of chronic illnesses in the population. She raises critical questions about the effectiveness of the current healthcare spending and explores potential strategies for enhancing vitality and wellness.

    Dr. Hieshetter emphasizes the importance of constructing a lifestyle that promotes brain health, urging listeners to consider the detrimental impact of grain consumption. She adeptly weaves scientific evidence into the narrative, making a strong case for a grain-free diet as a path toward improved cognitive functions and overall health. She supports her arguments with credible studies and statistics that are sure to captivate the audience's attention and potentially inspire life-altering dietary changes.

    Key Takeaways:
    • The life expectancy in the United States has been declining, and this is paralleled by rising rates of chronic illnesses in children and adults.
    • A considerable portion of healthcare spending is seemingly ineffective in addressing heart disease, cancer, and overall life expectancy issues.
    • Dr. Hieshetter strongly advocates for a grain-free diet to avoid 'brain drain' and chronic inflammation which she links to an array of health problems, including cognitive decline.
    • Clinical studies have demonstrated the connection between grain consumption and mental health issues such as ADHD, anxiety, depression, and even schizophrenia.
    • Proactive management of diet and nutritional supplementation, particularly omega fatty acids, can make a significant difference in brain health and development.
    Notable Quotes:
    • “We are walking around in the most amazing, intelligent, responsive, adapting, and aware system in the world, the human body.”
    • “Brain drain is also known as what I like to call grain brain.”
    • “When the gut leaks, the brain leaks.”
    • “These anti-anxiety meds…increased 45% in little girls, 37% in little boys. More than 30% of adult females are taking an anti-anxiety med.”
    • “Depressed individuals are 230% more likely to have celiac disease.”
    • David Perlmutter's book "Grain Brain"
    • William Davis's book "Undoctored"
    • Robert Lustig's book "The Hacking of the American Mind"
    • Articles referenced during the show are not linked but include works from Pediatrics, Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, Archives of Internal Medicine, and the Journal of Pain Medicine News.
    • Functional Health Mastery

    Join us for the full episode of Functional Health Radio for a deep dive with Dr. Kristin Hieshetter to unearth the complexities of our declining health spans and learn practical steps to reclaim our cognitive vitality. Don't miss out on this knowledgeable journey, and make sure to tune in for more enlightening episodes that aim to transform your understanding of functional health.

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    33 mins
  • Episode #20: Preventing Alzheimer's Disease: Optimizing DNA Potential for Better Brain Health
    May 31 2024
    Episode Summary:

    Embark on an empowering journey towards unlocking the full potential of your DNA and safeguarding your cognitive health with Dr. Kristin Hieshetter on Functional Health Radio. In an episode that bursts with actionable advice, Dr. Hieshetter delves deeply into Alzheimer's disease—a rapidly growing global health issue. This installment shines a spotlight on optimizing brain health through diet, lifestyle, and cutting-edge preventative strategies, making it an indispensable resource for anyone committed to fending off neurodegenerative diseases.

    Diving into the influential works of neurologists and nutritional experts like Dr. Dale Bredesen, Dr. David Perlmutter, and Dr. Mary Newport, Dr. Hieshetter elucidates how simple dietary changes can have profound impacts on brain health. The conversation tackles the detrimental effects of refined carbohydrates and the significant benefits of omega-3 fatty acids, highlighting the power of individual action in preventing cognitive decline. With an arresting blend of scientific insights and practical advice, this episode is a clarion call to reassess our lifestyle choices for the sake of our future selves.

    Key Takeaways:
    • Alzheimer's disease, a costly and prevalent condition, can be influenced by personal lifestyle choices, particularly dietary habits.

    • Dr. Hieshetter emphasizes the critical role that refined carbohydrates and sugars play in brain inflammation and the formation of harmful plaques linked to neurodegenerative diseases.

    • Addressing leaky gut through diet can protect the brain from harmful pathogens that may contribute to cognitive decline.

    • Implementing the Bredesen protocol, which includes dietary adjustments, supplementation, and optimizing hormone levels, can reverse Alzheimer's symptoms.

    • Environmental factors, exercise, and sleep hygiene are crucial components in maintaining brain health and reducing Alzheimer's risk.

    Notable Quotes:
    • "You don't feel your brain cells dying. Cell suicide is painless and it brings on many changes."

    • "The higher the intake of omega-3 fats, it was found to reduce plaque in the brain by between 37 and 40%."

    • "If you have that genetic defect [APOE4], you have to do the Bredesen protocol."

    • "To have a 30-year-old... with brain fog... and the volume of her brain... it was like someone who should be in their seventies or eighties."

    • "You work your whole life to enjoy your retirement... Please consider taking a few of these steps to protect yourself, protect your children, protect your loved ones."

    • Books:

      • "The End of Alzheimer's" by Dr. Dale Bredesen

      • "Grain Brain" by Dr. David Perlmutter

      • "Wheat Belly" and "Undoctored" by Dr. William Davis

      • "Alzheimer's: What If There Is a Cure?" by Dr. Mary Newport

    • Supplement Recommendations:

      • Omega-3 supplements

      • Vitamin D3

      • Multivitamin without iron and copper

      • Mito Detox III from Biospec Nutritionals

    • Diagnostic Tests:

      • C Reactive Protein (CRP)

      • Hemoglobin A1c

    • Health Protocols:

      • Bredesen Protocol

    • Sites
      • Functional Health Mastery

    Don't miss out on the full wisdom-packed episode to uncover more about how you can actively influence your brain health and ward off Alzheimer's disease. Join us on Functional Health Radio for this and more groundbreaking content that will empower you to take control of your health. Stay tuned for our next insightful episode.

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    33 mins
  • Episode #19: The Power of Metabolic Flexibility: How to Achieve Optimal Health
    May 24 2024
    Episode Summary:

    In this insightful episode of Functional Health Radio, Dr. Kristin Hieshetter takes her listeners on an intimate journey through her personal experiences with health, diet, and intermittent fasting. She provides compelling insights into how various dietary practices have affected her well-being and discusses the significant shifts in her nutritional approach over the years. From grappling with family health history to embracing a Paleo diet and metabolic flexibility, Dr. Hieshetter shares her transformative health journey, one that could inspire many to reconsider their own dietary habits.

    Dr. Hieshetter's discussion delves into the perils of modern eating habits, the importance of listening to one's body, and the power of learning from nutritional research. With an aim to demystify complex health topics such as autophagy, glycation, and metabolic flexibility, she equips listeners with the data and anecdotes necessary to understand the impacts of their food choices. Through her own story, Dr. Hieshetter emphasizes the need for a tailored approach to nutrition, addressing individual needs and health goals.

    Key Takeaways:
    • Everything consumed either immediately helps or harms the body; striving for a diet that is beneficial 80%-85% of the time can lead to positive health changes.

    • Metabolic flexibility, the body's ability to seamlessly switch between using ketones and glucose for energy, is essential for successful intermittent fasting without negative side effects.

    • Consuming the largest meal between 12:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. can help manage blood sugar levels due to lower insulin levels during these hours.

    • Avoiding grains and embracing a Paleo diet, composed mainly of vegetables, high-quality meats, and healthy fats, helped Dr. Hieshetter improve her overall health and navigate her pregnancies effectively.

    • Veganism and other dietary practices can be healthy if they are well-balanced, and supplementation is used to fill in nutritional gaps.

    Notable Quotes:
    • "Everything we take into our bodies either immediately helps us or immediately harms us. There is no neutral."

    • "So many people who attempt intermittent fasting who don't have metabolic flexibility, they feel absolutely terrible."

    • "You don't want to be glycating your tissues before bed because it will age you very, very quickly."

    • "Eat for quality, not quantity. Eat to live, don't live to eat."


    The following resources were mentioned in the episode:

    • Scott Watier and Tommy's podcast on intermittent fasting.

    • Dr. David Seaman's work on inflammation and nutrition.

    • "Eat Right for Your Blood Type" book.

    • "Grain Brain" by Dr. David Perlmutter.

    • "Wheat Belly Diet" and "Undoctored" by Dr. William Davis.

    • "Primal Body, Primal Mind" and "Primal Fat Burner" books by Nora Gedgaudas.

    • The Weston A. Price Foundation website for finding reputable food sources.

    Tune in to the full episode to dive deep into Dr. Kristin Hieshetter's personal health journey, gain an understanding of nutritional best practices, and uncover ways to implement lasting changes for a healthier lifestyle. Join us at Functional Health Radio for more compelling discussions that illuminate the path to wellness.

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    34 mins
  • Episode #18: The Benefits of Sauna for Detoxification and Health Enhancement
    May 17 2024
    Episode Summary:

    In this compelling episode of Functional Health Radio, Dr. Kristin Hieshetter dives into the world of detoxification through sauna use. Skilfully narrating personal anecdotes and backed by scientific research, Dr. Hieshetter paints a vivid picture of her early encounters with sauna culture and how it influenced her understanding of its health benefits. The episode promises insights into a practice deeply ingrained in some cultures and now reaffirmed by modern studies to enhance wellness in various aspects.

    Understanding the difference between active and passive sweating forms the core of this episode, as Dr. Hieshetter articulates the higher toxin content released during passive sweating like sauna use. This knowledge is not just informative—it's actionable. Highlighting study findings on detoxification and sauna therapy, she underscores its significance in expelling heavy metals such as arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury and offering a multitude of health benefits.

    Listeners are introduced to different types of saunas, including far and near-infrared, and are educated on the science of energy transfer within these methods. Dr. Hieshetter skillfully navigates the technical aspects while maintaining an engaging conversational tone, ensuring the information remains accessible and beneficial.

    Key Takeaways:
    • Saunas as Detox Tools: Regular sauna use promotes detoxification, releasing toxins through sweat more efficiently than through other excretory pathways.

    • Health Benefits Galore: Beyond detoxification, sauna use has been linked to improved cardiovascular health, muscle recovery, and a potentially reduced risk of Alzheimer's disease.

    • Far vs. Near Infrared: Distinct differences between far and near-infrared saunas are discussed, with near-infrared offering additional benefits for cellular health and recovery.

    • Sauna Safety: Dr. Hieshetter emphasizes the importance of proper hydration, electrolyte balance, and consulting a medical professional before starting a sauna regimen, especially for those with pre-existing health conditions.

    • Personal Insights: By sharing her personal experiences with sauna use, Dr. Hieshetter illustrates the transformative impact it can have on one's well-being, adding authenticity to her advice.

    Notable Quotes:
    • "Sweating is a low-risk method of cleansing, and according to these researchers, it deserves consideration for toxic element detoxification." - Advocating the benefits of sauna-induced sweating.

    • "Sauna bathing is a therapeutic method to increase elimination of toxic trace metals. Toxins are excreted in appreciable quantities through the skin while sparing the kidneys." - Highlighting the efficacy and safeguarding impact of sauna use.

    • "If you do four saunas a week instead of just one or two, you cut your risk of Alzheimer's upwards of 85%." - Discussing the preventative health benefits associated with regular sauna use.

    • "Near infrared helps your mitochondria become more efficient at producing energy." - Addressing the biological advantages of near-infrared saunas.

    • "I bring the white towel in because I break that first sweat, and I'll wipe on my arm because I want to see the color of what's coming out of my pores." - The significance of observing the detoxification process firsthand.

    • EWG (Environmental Working Group) for investigating local water quality: Environmental Working Group Website

    • SaunaSpace as a recommended near-infrared sauna brand: SaunaSpace Website

    We encourage our audience to listen to the full episode for a more complete understanding of how sauna use can become a vital part of your wellness routine. Stay tuned to Functional Health Radio for more informative and health-transforming con

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    30 mins
  • Episode #17: The Impact of the Pandemic on Child Brain Development
    May 10 2024
    Episode Summary:

    In this powerful and thought-provoking episode of "Functional Health Radio," Dr. Kristin Hieshetter tackles pressing concerns about the decline in life expectancy and the rise of chronic diseases among children in the United States. Dr. Hieshetter unpacks the startling statistics and makes a poignant call to action for improving healthcare outcomes and nurturing the full potential of the human body. As she weaves through the complex landscape of healthcare spending, disease management, and preventive health strategies, listeners will be guided to consider the profound impact of lifestyle choices and societal shifts on public health.

    Dr. Hieshetter's narrative shifts to a deeply personal account, sharing the struggle her young daughter faced during the pandemic-related changes in social norms and educational settings. She vividly describes how screen time and the loss of human interaction have dramatically affected children's development. With a focus on functional health, Dr. Hieshetter elaborates on the physiological and psychological repercussions of pandemic protocols, emphasizing the need for crucial interventions to foster the well-being of the youngest generation.

    Key Takeaways:
    • The United States has seen a significant decline in life expectancy post-2016, which continued to drop through 2021, accompanied by unprecedented rates of chronic diseases among children.

    • The COVID-19 pandemic led to developmental challenges in children due to increased screen time, social restrictions, and educational disruptions.

    • Emotional and psychological impacts of the pandemic on children are significant, with Dr. Hieshetter narrating the profound confusion and distress her own daughter experienced.

    • The foundations of a child's brain development are tied to touch, communication, and social interaction, all of which suffered during pandemic lockdowns and mask mandates.

    • Dr. Hieshetter calls for parents and educators to actively involve themselves in the development of children's brain health through consistent, purposeful engagement and reduction of screen time.

    Notable Quotes:
    • "We are walking around in the most amazing, intelligent, responsive, adapting, and aware system in the world, the human body."

    • "These pandemic kids, they weren't neglected, but we're seeing patterns in their brain development that is similar because they didn't receive the same type of stimulus."

    • "The more time we spend on a screen, the less likely we are to be out there running around and exercising."

    • "The pandemic was hard enough on these kids... they deserve us being on purpose, mission-driven."

    • World Economic Forum

    • CDC Vital Statistics Report

    • European Journal of Endocrinology (Gluckman & Hanson, 2006)

    • Journal of American Medical Association Pediatrics (June 30, 2021)

    After an insightful deep dive into the modern challenges of health and development, especially among children, Dr. Kristin Hieshetter leaves listeners with actionable advice and much to ponder.

    To explore the extensive knowledge that Dr. Hieshetter has shared and to learn more about how we can nurture the next generation's health, tune in to the full episode of "Functional Health Radio." Stay engaged with us for more episodes that empower you towards optimal health and well-being.

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    39 mins
  • Episode #16 : The Dangers of Brain Injuries: How to Protect Yourself
    May 8 2024
    Episode Summary:

    In this riveting episode of Functional Health Radio, Dr. Kristin Hieshetter delves deeply into an issue that she fervently advocates for—the prevention and treatment of brain injuries. The episode begins with a worrying reflection on the declining life expectancy in the United States, linking it to both a rise in chronic diseases among children and the seemingly stagnant success in healing heart disease and cancer. Dr. Hieshetter challenges the status quo by questioning the effectiveness of the current healthcare system despite its high costs.

    Dr. Hieshetter subsequently transitions into a comprehensive discussion about the widespread implications of brain injuries, specifically Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE), drawing from insightful resources which she critically examines. She emphasizes the importance of immediate and continued care post-injury, the potential for ongoing cognitive and emotional issues, and magnifies the alarming connection between brain injuries and a host of societal problems. Her clear, evidence-based approach provides both a dire warning and a beacon of hope, suggesting interventions that could change outcomes dramatically.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Dr. Kristin Hieshetter zeroes in on the serious implications of chronic traumatic encephalopathy and other brain injuries.

    • Chronic traumatic encephalopathy is linked to alarming rates of cognitive decline, behavioral issues, and increased risk of dementia.

    • Early and repetitive exposure to contact sports can advance the onset of neurobehavioral symptoms in children.

    • Specific interventions such as diet adjustments, low-level laser therapy, and certain supplements can significantly aid in brain injury recovery and prevention.

    • Dr. Hieshetter advocates for greater awareness and a proactive stance in addressing brain injuries from a functional health perspective.

    Notable Quotes:

    • “We are walking around in the most amazing, intelligent, responsive, adapting, and aware system in the world, the human body.”

    • “Every year younger that participants began to play football, it resulted in reported onset of cognitive and behavioral mood symptoms, 2.5 years.”

    • “It’s what we’re being told here in these spaces, these spaces that aren’t funded by anybody.”

    • “I believe we can do this and we have to do it together.”

    • “Let’s look at what we can do to get ahead of all of these things that are plaguing our youth and keep them as healthy as we possibly can.”


    • Book: “Truth Doesn’t Have a Side” by Dr. Bennett Omalu

    • NIH-Funded Study on Age of First Exposure to Tackle Football and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy

    • JAMA Article: Association of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury With and Without Loss of Consciousness with Dementia in US Military Veterans

    • Internet Journal of Neurology: Transcranial Low-Level Laser Therapy for Brain Injury

    Be sure to listen to the full episode of Functional Health Radio with Dr. Kristin Hieshetter for an illuminating dive into the critical issue of brain injuries and what we can do to safeguard our most precious asset. Stay tuned for more episodes that bring the truths of functional health into the light.

    Show more Show less
    31 mins