• Episode #28 Sugar Part 1: Sweet Deception: Unmasking Sugar's Role in America's Health Crisis
    Jul 26 2024
    About the Guest(s):

    Dr. Kristin Hieshetter is a renowned functional health expert and the passionate host of "Functional Health Radio." With a significant background in uncovering the intricate connections between lifestyle choices and chronic diseases, Dr. Hieshetter dedicates her career to inspiring individuals to maximize their health potential. She holds an authoritative voice in health circles, driven by a mission to debunk health myths and propagate awareness, particularly focusing on the detrimental effects of sugar.

    Episode Summary:

    In this gripping episode of Functional Health Radio, Dr. Kristin Hieshetter delves into the alarming trajectories of life expectancy and chronic disease in the United States, spotlighting the pivotal role of sugar in these trends. The episode kicks off with startling statistics that underline the declining life expectancy and the rise in childhood chronic illness. Dr. Hieshetter poses essential questions about the state of healthcare and sets the stage for an eye-opening discussion on the sugar consumption epidemic.

    Transitioning into a three-part series, Dr. Hieshetter introduces her bold initiative to tackle sugar's insidious impact on health. With clear references to historical shifts in sugar consumption and its correlation with rising diseases, she draws from Gary Taubes' book, "The Case Against Sugar," to enlighten listeners. The episode intricately covers the history of diabetes, traces the staggering increase in sugar consumption, underscores the addictive nature of sugar, and unravels the manipulative tactics of the sugar industry alongside governmental endorsements. As Dr. Hieshetter lays out the foundation of this sugar epidemic, she prepares the audience for subsequent episodes that will dissect the bad science that declared sugar as health food and unfairly demonized fat.

    Key Takeaways:
    • Historical Context of Diabetes: The rarity of diabetes in the 19th century rapidly shifted to epidemic levels by the mid-20th century, driven significantly by increased sugar consumption.
    • Sugar Consumption Stats: From six pounds per year per person in the 19th century to a staggering 160 pounds by the 2020s, American sugar consumption has skyrocketed.
    • Addictive Nature of Sugar: Sugar is identified as a psychoactive toxin more addictive than cocaine, deeply intertwined with industries like tobacco to enhance addictive properties.
    • Role of World War Two: Government and military endorsements of sugar, linking it to combat effectiveness, led to a massive influx of sugary products to troops and, subsequently, civilian life post-war.
    • Implications Beyond Diabetes: The episode broadens the horizon on sugar’s detrimental health effects, linking it to obesity, fatty liver disease, dementia, Alzheimer’s, and heart disease.
    Notable Quotes:
    1. "We are walking around in the most amazing, intelligent, responsive, adapting, and aware system in the world, the human body. Let's bring it to its fullest potential."
    2. "High fructose corn syrup and sucrose are both drivers of chronic diseases that are most likely to kill us and accelerate our aging process."
    3. "Sugar is a uniquely toxic compound because it does its damage over a series of decades."
    4. "In a study in rats, sugar was more addicting than heroin and cocaine."
    5. "By the 1920s, sugar refineries were producing as much sugar in one day as it would have taken them ten years to produce in the 1820s."
    • The Case Against Sugar by Gary Taubes
    • Why We Get Fat by Gary Taubes
    • CDC Vital Statistics Report 2021
    • National Institute of Health - Fatty Liver Disease
    • Functional Health Mastery

    Join us next week as Dr. Hieshetter continues unraveling the truth behind sugar, with a focused discussion on the bad science that turned sugar into health food. Listen and stay tuned for more illuminating content from Functional Health Radio to inspire your journey towards optimal health.

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    43 mins
  • Episode #27: Revolutionizing Health: Balance, Feed, Move for Optimal Wellness
    Jul 19 2024
    About the Guest(s):

    Dr. Kristin Hieshetter is the host of Functional Health Radio. She is a passionate advocate for proactive health and wellness, providing her listeners with transformative insights into living their best lives through holistic health strategies. Her expertise spans across functional medicine, integrated health approaches, and personalized nutrition, making her podcast a top resource for those seeking to optimize their well-being.

    Mark McCoy is a seasoned wellness director currently working at a medical practice in Melbourne, Florida. With a substantial background in personal training and a certification instructor, Mark has worked with numerous clients ranging from general health seekers to world-class athletes. His expertise lies in unlocking health and longevity secrets through personalized nutrition and wellness protocols. An advocate for a holistic foundation-up approach, Mark continues to inspire others to achieve optimal health.

    Episode Summary:

    In this riveting episode of Functional Health Radio, Dr. Kristin Hieshetter welcomes Mark McCoy, a wellness director with extensive experience in personal training and health optimization. The conversation dives deep into the alarming statistics on declining life expectancy in the United States and the unprecedented rates of chronic diseases among children. Mark and Dr. Hieshetter discuss the critical need for a proactive health approach, emphasizing that the right knowledge, coupled with personalized nutrition and wellness, can significantly enhance an individual's quality of life.

    Mark McCoy explains the transformational benefits of an idlife program, emphasizing a three-phase approach: Balance, Feed, and Move. He highlights the importance of homeostasis, the fundamentals of gut health, and leveraging DNA testing for tailored nutrition. The discussion also touches on the innovative tools and strategies used at Dr. Pinsky's practice to ensure patients achieve their optimal health. By removing guesswork and utilizing cutting-edge technology, this methodology promises increased efficiency comparable to the health advantages seen in elite athletes.

    Key Takeaways:
    • Proactive Health Approach: Shifting from managing sickness to achieving holistic wellness through foundational health practices.
    • Three Phases of Health: Emphasizing the importance of balancing, feeding, and moving for optimal health.
    • DNA Testing for Personalized Nutrition: Utilization of genetic insights for tailored nutritional plans, enhancing individual health outcomes.
    • Homeostasis and Gut Health: The crucial role of gut health and homeostatic balance in achieving a youthful metabolism and enhanced immune function.
    • Innovative Tools and Resources: The availability of advanced tools like health assessments and DNA testing to customize health protocols efficiently.
    Notable Quotes:
    1. "Would you like to manage your sickness, or would you like to be well?" - Mark McCoy
    2. "Everything you eat is going to have a positive effect or a negative effect. What are you choosing?" - Dr. Kristin Hieshetter
    3. "When you're making changes, you want to absorb these new choices. Gut health is absolutely number one." - Mark McCoy
    4. "Science builds the IDLife product line. The product isn't built and then they try to find science to support it." - Mark McCoy
    5. "Every day is day one, stop saying one day and say today is day one." - Mark McCoy
    • Healthy Path 4 Life - Dr. Kristin Hieshetter's Website:
    • IDLife
    • Dr. Mark Pinsky’s practice in Melbourne, Florida
    • Podcast Series: Functional Health Radio
    • Functional Health Mastery

    Listeners are encouraged to explore these resources, take the health assessments, and consider integrating the discussed practices into their daily routines to start their journey towards optimal health. Stay tuned for more insightful episodes from Functional Health Radio that promise to empower you with transformative health strategies.

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    50 mins
  • Episode #26: Dr. Kristin Hieshetter Exposes Dangers of MSG in Popular Foods
    Jul 12 2024
    About the Guest(s):

    Dr. Kristin Hieshetter is an esteemed medical practitioner with a focus on functional health. Driven by her passion to improve public health and awareness, she combines extensive professional experience with a personal dedication to holistic wellness. Dr. Hieshetter is not only a leading voice in the field but also an advocate for incorporating nutritional and environmental considerations into healthcare. Her podcast, "Functional Health Radio," serves as a platform for educating the public on important health topics, providing practical advice, and inspiring meaningful changes in lifestyle and diet.

    Episode Summary:

    In this enlightening episode of Functional Health Radio, Dr. Kristin Hieshetter delves into the shocking decline in life expectancy in the United States, a trend that continues to affect both men and women. Coinciding with a rise in chronic illnesses among children, Dr. Hieshetter raises critical questions: Why is this happening, and how can we change it? She stresses the importance of recognizing the remarkable adaptability and intelligence of the human body and explores ways to unlock its true potential.

    Focusing on the impact of dietary choices, Dr. Hieshetter dissects the dangerous ingredients hidden in some of America's most popular packaged foods. From Cheetos and Oreos to Lays and Doritos, these products contain harmful chemicals, such as Monosodium Glutamate (MSG), that are banned in many countries due to their toxicity. Utilizing SEO-optimized keywords, Dr. Hieshetter highlights the potential damage these chemicals cause, including early onset puberty and brain cell damage, urging listeners to replace these with natural, healthier alternatives.

    Key Takeaways:
    • Decline in Life Expectancy: The life expectancy in the US has dropped for both men and women, with chronic illnesses in children on the rise, highlighting a severe public health crisis.
    • Toxic Chemicals in Food: Popular snacks are filled with harmful substances like MSG, disguised under various names, leading to severe health issues such as neurodegeneration and early puberty.
    • Impact on Children: The younger the individual, the more damaging these chemicals can be, especially since they can cause long-term physiological and neurological harm.
    • Holistic Dietary Choices: Emphasizing the importance of organic spices and natural foods, Dr. Hieshetter encourages moving away from processed snacks to protect our health and well-being.
    • Empowering Change: Listeners are challenged to make small, impactful changes in their diet and to become advocates for better health in their communities.
    Notable Quotes:
    • "We are walking around in the most amazing, intelligent, responsive, adapting, and aware system in the world, the human body."
    • "Monosodium glutamate destroys your retina. It destroys it."
    • "Your hypothalamus is like the control tower at an airport, regulating all the traffic."
    • "Humans concentrate MSG in their blood better than any animal in these studies."
    • "Let’s say no to this garbage. Let’s just do this. Enough is enough."

    While specific URLs are not mentioned in the transcript, the following references are implied for further exploration:

    • Functional Health Radio on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.
    • Books such as "Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills" by Russell Blaylock.
    • Various online resources about the health impacts of MSG and other food additives.
    • Functional Health Mastery

    Embark on this eye-opening journey with Dr. Kristin Hieshetter to discover the hidden dangers in everyday foods and learn practical tips to enhance your and your family's health. Don’t miss out on future episodes of Functional Health Radio for more transformative insights. Stay tuned!

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    35 mins
  • Episode #25: Dr. Kristin Hieshetter Explores Meat's Role in Diet and Health
    Jul 5 2024
    About the Guest(s):

    Dr. Kristin Hieshetter is the host of Functional Health Radio, a passionate advocate for functional health and wellness. With an in-depth background in chiropractic and holistic health, Dr. Hieshetter leverages her extensive knowledge to educate and empower individuals to reach their full potential through understanding and optimizing their body's intricate functions. She is known for integrating scientific research with practical steps that listeners can apply to their everyday lives.

    Episode Summary:

    In this thought-provoking episode of Functional Health Radio, Dr. Kristin Hieshetter delves into the concerning trends of declining life expectancy and rising chronic diseases among Americans. Drawing from a historical and nutritional perspective, Dr. Hieshetter challenges common misconceptions regarding meat consumption, its role in human evolution, and its nutritional significance. With compelling evidence from recent studies, she argues against the vilification of meat and emphasizes the importance of bioavailable nutrients found in animal products for optimal health.

    Dr. Hieshetter references a comprehensive study from the journal Animal Frontiers to support her arguments. She provides an insightful discourse on the evolutionary significance of meat in the human diet, the critical role of essential nutrients like vitamin B12, retinol, and omega-3 fatty acids, and addresses the often-overlooked drawbacks of micronutrient-poor diets. Highlighting the impact of these nutrients on brain health, cognitive development, and overall well-being, Dr. Hieshetter makes a case for balanced and informed meat consumption to counteract the modern health decline.

    Key Takeaways:
    • Declining Health Metrics: The US has seen a drop in life expectancy and a rise in chronic diseases among men, women, and children.
    • Nutritional Value of Meat: Meat is a significant source of essential nutrients like vitamin B12, retinol, omega-3 fatty acids, iron, and zinc, which are crucial for brain and overall health.
    • Bioavailability of Nutrients: The form in which nutrients are ingested affects their absorption and efficacy, with animal-based sources often providing more bioavailable nutrients than plant-based sources.
    • Evolutionary Diet Perspective: Humans have evolved over millions of years with a diet that includes meat, which has shaped our anatomy and nutritional needs.
    • Impact of Poor Meat Quality: The quality of meat (e.g., organic, grass-fed vs. grain-fed, hormone-injected) significantly affects its health impact, emphasizing the need for clean and sustainably sourced meat.
    Notable Quotes:
    1. "For the first time in recorded history, the life expectancy of United States fell for both men and women."
    2. "Although meat makes up a small part of global food mass and energy, it delivers most of the global vitamin B12 intake."
    3. "The survival of humanity over the last 3 million years was dependent on daily energy balance."
    4. "When strict vegetarian upbringing results in deficiencies of these nutrients, cognitive development in infants is compromised."
    5. "If you get healthy, grass-fed, organic meat, it's not harmful to you."
    • Journal Article: "The role of meat in the human diet, evolutionary aspects and nutritional value," Animal Frontiers, April 15, 2023.
    • CDC Vital Statistics Report: Data on life expectancy decline.
    • World Economic Forum: Figures on US healthcare spending.
    • Studies referenced: Virigi University in Brussels, University of Florida, UC Santa Barbara, Washington University in St. Louis.
    • Functional Health Mastery

    Discover more about the intricate relationships between diet, evolutionary biology, and modern health trends by tuning in to this enlightening episode. Stay connected with Functional Health Radio for more compelling discussions and actionable health insights.

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    41 mins
  • Episode #24: Amber Bendle: Champion's Journey in Jiu-Jitsu and Wellness
    Jun 28 2024
    1. About the Guest(s):

      Amber Bendle is an accomplished athlete, renowned for her achievements in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. She is a three-time Pan American Jiu-Jitsu champion and a world champion Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu fighter. Beyond the mats, Amber operates as a certified health coach, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu instructor, and self-defense trainer. With a diverse background including Muay Thai and kickboxing, Amber also runs her side business, Self Well Fed, providing virtual and in-person nutrition coaching in Florence, South Carolina.

      Episode Summary:

      In this engaging episode of Functional Health Radio, Dr. Kristin Hieshetter welcomes an exceptional guest, Amber Bendle, a distinguished Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu champion and dedicated health coach. Amber shares her inspiring journey from being a high school swimmer to becoming a world-class Jiu-Jitsu athlete and champion. Alongside, she highlights how martial arts transformed her life and provided profound health benefits beyond physical strength.

      Amber provides detailed insights into her rigorous daily routine, emphasizing the importance of planning and consistent self-care. The discussion reveals how her strategic nutritional and training practices played a crucial role in her rise to athletic success. With Dr. Hieshetter's expert guidance, they delve into the significance of sustainable lifestyle changes over temporary diets, and how to maintain muscle mass as women age. Amber also shares her tips on maintaining a healthy lifestyle and how to inspire others to ignite their own potential.

      Key Takeaways:
      • Consistency and Community: Regular training and a supportive community are pivotal in fostering confidence and improving self-worth.
      • Holistic Health Approach: Emphasize balanced nutrition, adequate supplementation, and tailored physical training for optimal health and performance.
      • Planning and Routine: Effective time management and planning are crucial for balancing a busy schedule and ensuring all aspects of health and fitness are addressed.
      • Mindset and Goals: Adopting a flexible yet determined mindset is key to overcoming challenges and achieving long-term goals.
      • Support Systems: Having a reliable support system is essential for personal and professional growth, providing motivation and accountability.
      Notable Quotes:
      1. "The US spends $12,530 per person per year on healthcare. What's wrong? How do we fix it? What do we expect along the way?" - Dr. Kristin Hieshetter
      2. "After that first class, I was sold. The camaraderie, the energy in the room… It's incredibly healing." - Amber Bendle
      3. "We do hard things. We have to believe it and show up for ourselves because no one else is going to do that for us." - Amber Bendle
      4. "Plan the plan and work the plan. The only way I can be successful is to work my plan." - Amber Bendle
      5. "Knowing your body is step one. Weightlifting is important… Focusing on protein… And checking on the supplements that might be good for your body." - Amber Bendle
      • Self Well Fed on Instagram: @selfwellfed
      • Gut Check Garage on Instagram: @gutcheckgarage
      • Functional Health Mastery Group

      Listen to the full episode to dive deep into Amber Bendle's incredible journey, expert tips on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and advice for inspiring self-love and connection. Stay tuned for more enlightening episodes of Functional Health Radio!

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    43 mins
  • Episode #23: The Dangers of Excitotoxins in Our Food Protecting Brain Health
    Jun 21 2024
    About the Guest(s):

    Dr. Kristin Hieshetter is a highly respected figure in the realm of functional health, demonstrated extensively through her dedication to educating others about the significance of comprehensive healthcare. Although her full professional history is not discussed, it is clear from the transcript that she is passionate about helping people understand their health better. Dr. Hieshetter appears to be knowledgeable about topics like excitotoxins and their impact on the human body, advocating for natural and preventative approaches to health.

    Episode Summary:

    In the latest enlightening episode of Functional Health Radio, Dr. Kristin Hieshetter dives deep into the startling downward trend of life expectancy in the United States and the rising chronic diseases among children. Initiating the conversation with disturbing healthcare statistics, she pivots to discuss the overlooked dangers of excitotoxins in our diet, linking them to neurodegenerative diseases. The episode is rich with alarming yet vital information, balancing medical insights with actionable health tips.

    Dr. Hieshetter references the worrying trend of decreasing life expectancy in the U.S. and contrasts it with the exorbitant healthcare spending, posing the question of what can be done differently. She introduces Dr. Russell Blaylock's research on excitotoxins, pulling lessons from historical examples such as the Chamorro Indians of Guam to underscore the dangers of dietary neurotoxins like glutamate and aspartate. The episode artfully blends anecdotes with science to underline the proposition that current dietary habits could pose a risk to neurological health, emphasizing the importance of magnesium and antioxidants for brain protection.

    Key Takeaways:
    • U.S. life expectancy has fallen, and chronic diseases in children are at unprecedented rates, suggesting an urgent need for a healthcare paradigm shift.
    • Excitotoxins like glutamate can build up to toxic levels in the brain, with prolonged exposure leading to devastating neurological diseases.
    • Early exposure to excitotoxins has been linked to neurodegeneration, even decades later, elevating the importance of cutting these toxins from our diets.
    • Dietary antioxidants and nutrients such as vitamin C, E, glutathione, magnesium, and omega-3 fatty acids are emphasized as crucial for brain health and protection.
    • The role of excitotoxins in neurodegenerative conditions and the pivotal importance of dietary changes for prevention and recovery are central themes.
    Notable Quotes:
    • "We are walking around in the most amazing, intelligent, responsive, adapting, and aware system in the world, the human body."
    • "Excitotoxins can sometimes be linked to those disease processes in the body."
    • "The clinical symptoms of most neurodegenerative diseases don't show up until 80% to 90% of specific cells in the spinal cord or specific regions of the brain are dead or damaged."
    • "Magnesium is your brain's most powerful protector."
    • "Eat your fresh fruits and vegetables, they're critical for your survival."

    The resources mentioned include:

    • Dr. Russell Blaylock's book "Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills"
    • Studies cited by Dr. Kristin Hieshetter: The works of scientists George Spencer, Leonard Kerland, and more from the 1950s to 1980s on the Chamorro Indians and excitotoxins.
    • Functional Health Mastery

    For a comprehensive understanding of the ways to protect your brain from excitotoxins and the power of a natural diet, listen to the full episode. Don't forget to tune in to Functional Health Radio for more discussions that can revolutionize your approach to health and well-being.

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    34 mins
  • Episode #22: Creating Healthy Habits for Long-Term Progress and Success
    Jun 14 2024
    Episode Summary:

    Welcome to another compelling episode of Functional Health Radio, where our proficient host, Dr. Kristin Hieshetter, delves into the pressing issues surrounding America's declining health statistics despite high healthcare expenditures. The show begins with an alarming revelation: life expectancy in the USA has dropped significantly, with children now facing unprecedented rates of chronic diseases. Dr. Hieshetter passionately discusses the complexities of health behaviors and the struggles in maintaining consistent health investments.

    In this episode, Dr. Hieshetter brings to light the importance of habits in personal healthcare management. She references James Clear's "Atomic Habits" to elucidate how small, consistent changes can lead to significant health improvements. The discussion focuses on how we can leverage habit stacking to replace unproductive behaviors with beneficial routines, promoting a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle.

    Key topics include the concept of habit loops, the distinction between effective and ineffective habits, and practical strategies for habit formation. Dr. Hieshetter aptly ties the discussion to concepts of identity, motivation, and long-term behavior modification, emphasizing the importance of internal rewards and consistent action toward a healthier self.

    Key Takeaways:
    • Declining life expectancy in the US highlights the need for better health behaviors and investments in individual healthcare.
    • Habit stacking, as explained by James Clear in "Atomic Habits," can facilitate long-lasting health improvements.
    • Successful habit change involves making good habits obvious, attractive, easy, and satisfying and breaking bad habits by making them invisible, unattractive, difficult, and unsatisfying.
    • Adopting new health behaviors requires a deep change, not only in routines but also in one's identity as it relates to health and wellness.
    • The goal in personal health is not just to achieve temporary milestones but to embrace a system that supports continual progress and self-improvement.
    Notable Quotes:

    "But this is not a healthy habit. We've got to make that packaged food difficult and unattractive." "Connect with your kids instead of training on the TV. Read books. Create that vision board." "The trick is to fall in love with the process, not the product." "If you fall in love with the process, not the product, you don't have to wait to give yourself permission to be happy." "Every time you engage in the new habit and skip the old habit, give yourself a double bonus."

    • "Atomic Habits" by James Clear (available on Amazon and audiobook platforms)
    • Functional Health Mastery – A free group for doctors and healthcare providers

    Don't miss out on the valuable insights discussed in this episode of Functional Health Radio. Tune in to grasp the full spectrum of advice on habit formation and identity building for optimal health. Stay engaged with us as we continue to deliver transformative discussions on functional health and wellness.

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    34 mins
  • Episode #21: Addressing Brain Drain: The Impact of Grains on Mental Health
    Jun 7 2024
    About the Guest(s):

    Dr. Kristin Hieshetter is recognized as a forward-thinking expert in the field of functional health. In her pursuit to better understand the intricacies of human health and wellness, she has become a notable figure in healthcare, empowering individuals to realize their full potential. Although specific details about her professional history and achievements are not provided in the transcript, Dr. Hieshetter's extensive knowledge is reflected in her informative discourse on functional health, particularly concerning brain health and the effects of diet on chronic diseases.

    Episode Summary:

    In this compelling episode of Functional Health Radio, Dr. Kristin Hieshetter delivers a powerful narrative discussing the alarming decline in life expectancy in the United States, correlating it with the high prevalence of chronic illnesses in the population. She raises critical questions about the effectiveness of the current healthcare spending and explores potential strategies for enhancing vitality and wellness.

    Dr. Hieshetter emphasizes the importance of constructing a lifestyle that promotes brain health, urging listeners to consider the detrimental impact of grain consumption. She adeptly weaves scientific evidence into the narrative, making a strong case for a grain-free diet as a path toward improved cognitive functions and overall health. She supports her arguments with credible studies and statistics that are sure to captivate the audience's attention and potentially inspire life-altering dietary changes.

    Key Takeaways:
    • The life expectancy in the United States has been declining, and this is paralleled by rising rates of chronic illnesses in children and adults.
    • A considerable portion of healthcare spending is seemingly ineffective in addressing heart disease, cancer, and overall life expectancy issues.
    • Dr. Hieshetter strongly advocates for a grain-free diet to avoid 'brain drain' and chronic inflammation which she links to an array of health problems, including cognitive decline.
    • Clinical studies have demonstrated the connection between grain consumption and mental health issues such as ADHD, anxiety, depression, and even schizophrenia.
    • Proactive management of diet and nutritional supplementation, particularly omega fatty acids, can make a significant difference in brain health and development.
    Notable Quotes:
    • “We are walking around in the most amazing, intelligent, responsive, adapting, and aware system in the world, the human body.”
    • “Brain drain is also known as what I like to call grain brain.”
    • “When the gut leaks, the brain leaks.”
    • “These anti-anxiety meds…increased 45% in little girls, 37% in little boys. More than 30% of adult females are taking an anti-anxiety med.”
    • “Depressed individuals are 230% more likely to have celiac disease.”
    • David Perlmutter's book "Grain Brain"
    • William Davis's book "Undoctored"
    • Robert Lustig's book "The Hacking of the American Mind"
    • Articles referenced during the show are not linked but include works from Pediatrics, Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology, Archives of Internal Medicine, and the Journal of Pain Medicine News.
    • Functional Health Mastery

    Join us for the full episode of Functional Health Radio for a deep dive with Dr. Kristin Hieshetter to unearth the complexities of our declining health spans and learn practical steps to reclaim our cognitive vitality. Don't miss out on this knowledgeable journey, and make sure to tune in for more enlightening episodes that aim to transform your understanding of functional health.

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    33 mins