
  • Emotional Response and Release
    Jul 17 2024

    We'll explore what it truly means to "turn the other cheek" and how we can apply this teaching to our everyday lives, especially when it comes to our emotional health.

    Special Shoutout: Big thanks to Compassion International for sponsoring this season and helping children like Paula from Colombia. Paula loves art, dancing, and learning about God. She’s been waiting for a sponsor for 368 days—could you be her answered prayer?

    3 Main Points to Kickstart Your Emotional Health Journey:

    1. Acknowledge and Process Your Emotions:

      • Emotions are natural and stuffing them down is not the answer! Start by acknowledging what you're feeling. Journaling can be a fantastic way to process those thoughts and emotions. Pour your heart out on paper—it’s therapeutic!
    2. Set Healthy Boundaries:

      • Not everyone in your life is good for your emotional well-being, and that’s okay! Learn to set healthy boundaries. Protecting your heart and mind is crucial for maintaining emotional health. It’s about self-care, not selfishness!
    3. Pray and Seek Guidance:

      • Lean on the Holy Spirit for strength and guidance. Pray for those who hurt you—yes, even the difficult ones. It’s amazing how prayer can transform your heart and help you see situations through God's eyes. And don’t hesitate to seek out Christian counseling for that extra support!
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    21 mins
  • Breaking Free from Legalism: Embracing Grace in Everyday Life
    Jul 10 2024

    In this episode of the Girl Talk Podcast, Carol, Kelly, and Tricia do a deep dive on legalism and how it affects our spiritual lives. They talk about the difference between following God's guidelines and becoming overly legalistic, in order to earn something we can only receive by grace!

    Carol, Tricia and Kelly talk about understanding the true essence of God's grace instead of checking off boxes to feel worthy. Learn to focus on your relationship with Jesus and embrace the freedom He offers!

    A big thank you to Compassion International for sponsoring this season of the Girl Talk Podcast. Learn more about their mission to release children from poverty in Jesus' name at Compassion International.

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    27 mins
  • Understanding Mental Health: Navigating Depression, Anxiety, and Finding Support
    Jul 3 2024

    Time for a check up! In this episode of the Girl Talk podcast, Carol, Tricia and Kelly dive into the importance of your mental health and how it can impact your work and home life. They talk about the need to recognize and acknowledge mental health issues, how to spot the signs, and the importance of getting the support you need from someone you can trust.

    Don’t forget to check out Compassion International and consider sponsoring a child.

    "Feelings are not our enemy. Feelings tell us something. Feelings are there to instruct us." - Tricia


    • Everyone struggles with something.
    • Understanding and validating your feelings is key to healing.
    • Counseling from a licensed Christian counselor can be extremely helpful in processing thoughts and emotions.

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    28 mins
  • Understanding Mental Health: Navigating Depression, Anxiety, and Finding Support
    Jul 3 2024

    Time for a check up! In this episode of the Girl Talk podcast, Carol, Tricia and Kelly dive into the importance of your mental health and how it can impact your work and home life. They talk about the need to recognize and acknowledge mental health issues, how to spot the signs, and the importance of getting the support you need from someone you can trust.

    Don’t forget to check out Compassion International and consider sponsoring a child.

    "Feelings are not our enemy. Feelings tell us something. Feelings are there to instruct us." - Tricia


    • Everyone struggles with something.
    • Understanding and validating your feelings is key to healing.
    • Counseling from a licensed Christian counselor can be extremely helpful in processing thoughts and emotions.

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    28 mins
  • Trust Issues and Finding Our Way Back to Trust
    Jun 26 2024

    Don’t let the fear of getting hurt keep you from experiencing the joy of relationships.

    In this episode of the Girl Talk Podcast, Carol, Kelly, and Tricia dive deep into trust issues. We know it’s a heavy topic, but it’s something we all deal with at some point. The ladies talk about how past experiences shape our ability to trust and how we can find our way back to trusting again.

    Big thanks to our friends at Compassion International for sponsoring this season. They’re doing amazing work helping kids out of poverty in Jesus' name. Check them out on our website and maybe even sponsor a child like little Marjorie from El Salvador.

    Take it with you:

    • Our past experiences can make us super cautious or flat-out mistrustful. Trust issues come from those past betrayals and they can mess with all our future relationships.
    • Remember, everyone’s flawed – we all mess up sometimes.
    • Healthy boundaries are a must. Rebuilding trust takes time.
    • We need to trust God, even when we don’t understand what He’s doing.
    • Notice your behavior patterns and thoughts that come from past hurts.
    • Approach conflicts with humility and a readiness to forgive.
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    30 mins
  • Jealous Much?
    Jun 19 2024

    BIG thanks to Compassion International for making the 2024 season of Girl Talk Podcast possible. Become part of the Girl Talk Podcast Compassion team here.

    Are you a jealous person? What about that friend who has the Pinterest perfect home, gorgeous family and goes on dream vacations what seems like every month - what do you think about her?

    Carol, Tricia and Kelly are talking about jealous thoughts and how we can overcome them by taking our thoughts captive through the power of the Holy Spirit.

    How to reframe jealous thoughts:

    • Gratitude journal - what blessings have you been given?
    • Celebrate others and what God has for their journey!
    • Pray for the Lord to remove your jealousy and to bring Scripture to your mind.
    • What are your jealous thoughts about? Are there changes you need to make in your life?

    WATCH it on YouTube

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    22 mins
  • How to Have a Healthy Summer
    Jun 12 2024

    Thanks so much to Compassion International for making Girl Talk Podcast possible in 2024! You can help release children from poverty in Jesus' Name by clicking here.

    Are you past due for a check up?! A mental health check up, that is. How can you have the healthiest summer possible? Take inventory of your time and your habits! Allow yourself to have the freedom to live in the moment with your family and friends and spend time evaluating how you'd like to change your priorities.

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    25 mins
  • Why Am I So Tired?
    Jun 5 2024

    HUGE Thanks to Compassion International for making Girl Talk Podcast possible. Help release children from poverty in Jesus' Name here.

    Is there space between your load and your limit? If you're filling up your calendar constantly, what is your motivation? When you allow yourself to have margin in your life, you can be more present to the Lord and to those around you.

    Check your heart and be honest about why you are leaving little to no margin in your life. Is it necessary? Would you and your loved ones benefit from you allowing space to rest?

    Try incorporating new (slower) rhythms into your life: rest, creativity, community and work.

    Practice Sabbath with those close to you - how can you encourage one another to spend time with God, away from work and in close community with other followers of Jesus? If you're not in a place where you can commit to an entire 24 hours, start by setting aside time for a device free meal, enjoying it with someone who with spend time talking about Jesus and His Word with you!

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    28 mins