• Feeling Overwhelmed? Try My Weekly Planning Routine for Calm and Control
    Jul 18 2024

    If you're feeling overwhelmed, if you have about a thousand things to do, if your routine is all over the place, maybe you even have been eating your feelings or binge-watching Netflix to avoid doing the things you know you have to do, and you know you need to get things done to feel better, then you are not alone!

    No way I'm sacrificing my health to get things done. —JulietteIn this episode, you will be able to:
    • Master your week with effective planning to overcome overwhelm.
    • Boost your productivity with proven time management strategies.
    • Discover the benefits of a brain download.
    • Learn the art of building a balanced life starting from your calendar.
    • Take charge of your well-being by seamlessly integrating health into your daily schedule.

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    17 mins
  • Detours, Questions, and Moving Forward: Lessons from an Unexpected Loss
    Jun 5 2024

    If you're feeling lost and uncertain after a major life change, like the loss of a loved one, and struggling to find your routine, then you are not alone! It's common to feel a sense of disorientation and struggle to maintain your previous habits and plans in the face of unexpected loss.

    Trying to keep up with your old routine may feel like a forced effort, leaving you feeling even more disconnected and disheartened.

    And instead of finding stability, you may be left feeling like everything is in limbo, with no clear path forward.

    You don't need to have the answers to keep going. —Juliette
    In this episode, you will be able to:
    • Embracing Unexpected Life Changes: Discover how to navigate and thrive through unexpected life changes with resilience and positivity.
    • Manifestation Exercises: Learn how manifestation exercises can transform your mindset and attract positive experiences into your life.
    • Finding Routine After a Loss: Explore ways to establish a new routine after a loss, bringing stability and comfort to your daily life.

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    15 mins
  • Getting Started with Investing in Canada: Jessica Morgan from Canadian Budget Shares Tips and Resources
    Apr 17 2024

    Does this sound familiar? You've been told to just start investing, but you're feeling lost and unsure where to begin.

    The frustration of not knowing where to find Canadian-focused resources for investing might be holding you back.

    But imagine feeling confident and knowledgeable about investing in Canada, making informed decisions with ease. It's time to shake off that uncertainty and take control of your financial future.

    Let's explore the world of investing in Canada and boost your confidence in managing your personal finances.

    You can start small, you can start slow, but starting is the most important thing. —Jessica Morgan
    In this episode, you will be able to:
    • Discover the different ways you can start investing in Canada as a beginner.
    • Understand the impact of fees and how they can affect your investment growth.
    • Explore the significant benefits of compound interest for Canadian investors and how it can work in your favour.

    Meet Jessica Morgan

    Jessica Morgan is the founder and CEO of canadianbudget.ca. She is passionate about personal finance and helping Canadians improve their financial literacy by providing more Canadian-focused financial content. A millennial mom of one, she has a burning obsession with personal finance.

    Jessica has a BA in East Asian Studies from York University and a Masters in Business Administration from Toronto Metropolitan University. She is a career public sector employee with a Hybrid Pension and an advocate for Canadian women to improve their personal finance knowledge.

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    36 mins
  • Helping Women Build Wealth and Security: A Financial Advisor's Mission, with Doina Oncel
    Apr 10 2024

    Doina Oncel's journey through finance is one that'll grab your attention. From tough times and debt, she found her way to financial empowerment. But her story isn't just about her success—it's about helping others find their financial foundation too, especially women entrepreneurs.

    And there's a heartwarming twist to her proudest moment that you won't want to miss. Tune in to discover how she's changing lives and balancing it all as a dedicated mom.

    “It's just a matter of setting intentions and goals, knowing what you want, having a plan, and finding the right people to help you with that plan. That's the key to everything you want to succeed in life.” —Doina OncelIn this episode, you will be able to:
    • Learn about Doina's journey through adversity.
    • Unlock the power of financial literacy to take control of your financial future and make informed decisions.
    • Discover effective strategies to start reaching your financial goals.
    • Embrace an abundance mindset and attract prosperity into your life and finances through practical tips.
    • Understand the importance of getting personalized financial planning.

    Meet Doina Oncel

    Doina Oncel is a change-maker, founder, innovator, social entrepreneur, a licensed financial advisor/broker and a dedicated mom.

    Her focus is on working with business women, nonprofits, and families to establish a long-lasting financial legacy through education, with the ultimate goal of fostering wealth for a better world.

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    28 mins
  • Emergency Funds, Fees, and 10% Rules: What I Learned from Financial Gurus
    Mar 28 2024

    Want to level up your financial game and boost your money confidence? I've got the solution to help you achieve improved financial well-being.

    Let's dive into the secrets of starting an emergency fund, maximizing your savings, and navigating the world of financial literacy resources.

    Are you ready to take control of your financial future?

    What is one action you will take today to improve your financial well-being? Whatever you're doing, take that first step. It's worth it. —JulietteIn this episode, you will be able to:
    • Build Financial Security: Learn how to start an emergency fund and protect yourself from unexpected expenses.
    • Understand Different Savings Options: Discover the benefits of GICs compared to regular savings accounts.
    • Look for Trustworthy Expert Guidance: Understand the importance of financial advisor certifications and ensure you're receiving reliable advice.
    • Simplify Saving: Master the art of setting up automatic savings rules to effortlessly grow your wealth.

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    14 mins
  • Why I Stopped Saying “When I'm Rich, I'll Donate”
    Mar 13 2024

    Have you ever heard these myths about giving back: "I'll donate when I'm rich," "Money solves everything," or "I'll make a difference when I have more"?

    Stay tuned as I debunk these myths and share the truth about making an impact at any income level. Get ready to discover a game-changing strategy for giving back.

    Money is like a magnifying glass. If you're kind and generous today, you'll be even more kind and generous when you have more. But if you're stressed and busy today, guess what? You'll just be more stressed and busy with more money. —JulietteIn this episode, you will be able to:
    • Hear about my experience attending Tony Robbins' famous Unleash the Power Within (UPW) event.
    • Discover a powerful tool called "the Wheel of Life" and how it can help prioritize your growth.
    • Embrace the impact of implementing the 1% income donation rule.
    • Simplify your impact by setting up automatic savings for your charity donations.

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    9 mins
  • Chocolate: Good for You? The GOOD Chocolatier's Guide to Raw Cacao's Health Benefits
    Mar 6 2024

    Does this sound familiar?

    You've been told to prioritize your health, but the hustle and bustle of everyday life leaves you feeling drained and overwhelmed. The struggle to find balance is real, and it's taking a toll on your well-being.

    If you're tired of feeling burnt out and want to thrive both personally and professionally, keep reading to discover the surprising health benefits of raw cacao that can transform your life.

    Cacao is more like a supplement. You eat one tablespoon in the morning. You know you did something good for your heart, it's good for your digestion, and it's good for the morning concentration that you're probably looking for. —Mara MennickenIn this episode, you will be able to:
    • Uncover tips for achieving work-life balance and reclaiming your time and sanity.
    • Discover the unexpected health perks of raw cacao and its potential to enhance your well-being.
    • Learn simple ways to include cacao in your daily routine and feel its amazing effects.
    • Embrace the value of regular breaks and how they can boost your productivity and creativity.
    • Explore eco-friendly habits that support the planet and contribute to your overall success.

    Meet Mara Mennicken

    Mara Mennicken is the founder of The GOOD Chocolatier, a social enterprise dedicated to sustainable and ethical practices. With a background in community leadership and social change, Mara's journey from Germany to Canada led her to establish a business focused on creating positive impact. The GOOD Chocolatier not only offers delightful, healthy, and ethical chocolates but also integrates fair trade, organic practices, and provides employment opportunities for marginalized communities, particularly individuals on the autism spectrum. Mara's dedication to fostering social and environmental good through her business sets a remarkable example in the realm of social entrepreneurship.

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    33 mins
  • Building Better Habits: Implementing Habit-Stacking for Success
    Feb 28 2024

    Are you tired of the overwhelming advice on setting goals and improving your life in 2024?

    What if I told you there's a simple yet powerful technique that can help you effortlessly incorporate new habits into your daily routine? This might sound too good to be true, but it's not.

    Imagine achieving your goals without feeling overwhelmed or drained. It's possible, and it starts with habit stacking. This technique takes advantage of the strong habits you already have and seamlessly integrates new ones.

    But here's the kicker – it's not just about adding more to your plate. It's about creating a balanced, sustainable routine that sets you up for success.

    And the best part?

    You're probably already doing it without even realizing.

    Curious to learn more about habit stacking and how it can transform your life? Keep reading because there's so much more to discover.

    How cool would it be if you too, without even thinking about it, you are hydrated. You worked out, you took care of your body, of your mental health by journaling, for example. How cool would that be? —JulietteIn this episode, you will be able to:
    • Master personal growth and goal setting for success.
    • Achieve goals by stacking powerful habits.
    • Create specific and manageable habits for progress.
    • Use timers to effortlessly remind yourself of habits.
    • Take action to unlock your full potential.

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    8 mins