
  • 24. Life as a Livestock Operator with Sequoia Williams
    Sep 2 2024

    Sequoia was born in New Zealand and raised in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada in California. She got her masters in Soil Science from UC Davis in the Gaudin Agroecology lab, and is currently a livestock operator in Petaluma, California, working with Coastal Land and Livestock, implementing targeted grazing with sheep and goats.

    We start by discussing soil, from a detailed breakdown of what soil is made up of, to a discussion about why soil is a key component of our conversations about climate change. We talk about Sequoia’s experience as a livestock operator, and how targeted grazing with various animals impacts the health of the grazed land. We also explore a paper Sequoia is currently working on about how we can think about our food systems using a framework of power, motives, values, and relationality, and what a re-envisioned food system, backed by the principles of agroecology, might look like.

    Tune in to learn more about:

    • A dive into the organic, mineral, and air components of soil compositions

    • Soil in the context of agriculture and food systems

    • Why soils end up being different colors

    • The role of microbial life in soil

    • How soil health impacts the nutritional profile the foods grown in it

    • The process of building relationships with animals that are slow to trust

    • Targeted grazing with small ruminants and why specific animals are chosen for it

    • The necessity of making sure grazing animals get the nutrients they need

    Connect with Sequoia:

    • Follow her on Instagram @sequoia.rw

    • Gaudin Agroecology Lab

    Connect with Hannah:

    • Instagram: @hannahkeitel
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    42 mins
  • 23. Finding Balance Working With the Land with Jamie Balesteri
    Aug 27 2024

    Jamie Balesteri is the Farm Production Manager at Coastal Roots Farm, managing the crop production fields, propagation house, food forest, laying hen flocks, and compost operation. Prior to joining Coastal Roots Farm in 2021, she worked with several farms and farmers markets in the Phoenix area while earning a degree in Food and Nutrition Management with a focus on Sustainability. She also has a certificate in Permaculture Design and is passionate about healing people and the planet through good food, community, and regenerative growing practices.

    In this episode, we discuss the roundabout way that Jamie came to farming, and the recommendations that she has for anyone that’s interested in pursuing their interest in food systems work. We talk about what it means to work intuitively with land, and why being able to listen is a key skill for farming success.

    Tune in to learn more about:

    • The differences between working on a for-profit farm versus a non-profit farm

    • Striking the balance between letting nature take over versus stepping in to intervene and influence the growth

    • Revisiting the importance of volunteering on farms

    • Engaging with regional and international food systems

    • How regenerative farming can be healing in surprising ways

    • The quiet way that our body shows us how in alignment we are

    • The joys of fermented foods throughout the seasons

    • How nutritional education can often lead us astray

    • … And so much more!

    Connect with Jamie:

    • Follow her on Instagram: @jbalesteri92 and @coastalrootsfarm

    • Visit the Coastal Roots Farm website: www.coastalrootsfarm.org

    Connect with Hannah:

    • Instagram: @hannahkeitel

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    37 mins
  • 22. So You Want to Get Involved in Food Systems or Farming?
    Aug 20 2024

    In today’s mini episode, we explore the question of how to get started on your path towards working in food systems. I discuss my own non-linear path to getting to where I am today, and offer advice for steps to take to getting involved in this ever-evolving landscape.

    Tune in to learn more about…

    • The many examples of non-farming jobs in the food systems sector, from activism and policy-making to education and food waste reduction

    • The importance of networking and connecting with others that are already doing what you’re interested in

    • Why you need to put yourself out there

    • How to apply seemingly irrelevant skills to the job you want to do

    • Why farming is not meant to be done alone

    • … And so much more!

    Connect with Hannah:

    • Instagram: @hannahkeitel

    • The Farm Lab in Encinitas: If you’re local, we would love to meet you! https://farmlab.eusd.net/volunteer

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    13 mins
  • 21. Taking a Chance on Farming Seaweed with Morgan-Lea Fogg
    Aug 13 2024

    Today we’re joined by Morgan-Lea Fogg, Co-Founder of Nautical Farms. Morgan set out to change the world and disrupt food systems by building a modern farm that promotes sea greens and creates sustainable food & bath goods that are just as healthy for consumers as they are for the planet. With a background in community building at Summit- a thought leadership event series, Morgan-Lea also is focused on building sustainable ocean farming networks and has her own kelp farm off the coast of Maine.

    In today’s episode, we explore what it means to do aquaculture farming in a regenerative way, and how the state of the aquaculture industry has rapidly evolved over the last decade. We also discuss the urgent need for entrepreneurs in the space to come up with novel ways to utilize our most abundant resources, from using seaweed as a replacement for single-use plastic to creating sustainable biofuels, fabrics, and even skin care products.

    Tune in to learn more about:

    • What inspired Morgan to become a seaweed farmer

    • The importance of self trust when you’re starting a new endeavor

    • How to seek out mentors in the aquaculture industry

    • Aquatic polyculture with mussels, oysters and seaweed

    • The challenges of being a woman in the industry

    • Morgan’s focus on building sustainable farming networks

    • The time sensitive nature of seaweed after it’s harvested

    • Tips for how to know if the seaweed you’re consuming is of high quality

    • Why most seaweed is imported into the US and why you should opt for local sources

    • The difference between certified organic seaweed and non-organic seaweed

    • … And so much more!

    Connect with Morgan:

    • Visit the website at www.nauticalfarms.com

    • Follow Morgan on Instagram: @nauticalfarms

    Connect with Hannah:

    • Instagram: @hannahkeitel

    Show more Show less
    39 mins
  • 20. The Most Nutrient-Dense Food on Earth with Zach Benavidez
    Aug 6 2024

    Today we’re joined by Zach Benavidez of Terra Hava, who has designed a turn-key microalgae production platform that focuses on cultivating fresh Spirulina as a nutrient rich sustainable protein for human consumption.

    In this episode, we discuss the ins and outs of spirulina, from its surprising nutritional profile to the complex logistics behind creating a high quality product. We also explore Zach’s vision of building a network of hyperlocal spirulina farms that distribute their product to their communities rather than centralized mass production in one location.

    Tune in to learn more about:

    • Algae as a tool for wastewater treatment, biofuel, bio fertilizers, bio plastics, and food

    • How our food system contributes to deforestation and why spirulina contributes to the solution

    • The difference between macro algae (ex. kelp) versus microalgae (ex. spirulina)

    • The origin of spirulina based on the available historical records

    • A look into the day to day of producing spirulina

    • The importance of maintaining the integrity of the microalgae cell structure

    • Why Zach has opted not to use the traditional pond growing method of production

    • The surprising stories from customers that use spirulina in their day to day lives

    • Spirulina as a way to decrease cravings for junk food

    • How the process of fertilization within the context of aquaculture differs from fertilizing land plants

    • Interesting ways to incorporate microalgae into your diet beyond just smoothies

    • … And so much more!

    Connect with Zach:

    • Visit the website at www.terrahava.com

    • Follow Zach on Instagram: terrahava_spirulina

    Connect with Hannah:

    • Instagram: @hannahkeitel

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    48 mins
  • 19. Volunteer on Farms
    Jul 30 2024

    In today’s mini episode, we explore why it might be worth seeking an opportunity to volunteer at a farm in your community, even if you don’t see yourself being a career farmer.

    Tune in to learn more about…

    • The importance of getting acquainted with the less glamorous side of farming

    • How far in advance farmers need to plan their crops

    • The approach of learning by doing

    • What “succession planting” is, and why we do it

    • Getting in tune with the cycles of nature

    • … And so much more!

    Resources mentioned:

    • The Farm Lab in Encinitas: If you’re local, we would love to meet you! https://farmlab.eusd.net/volunteer

    • RootSeller App: https://www.rootseller.app/

    • Episode 8: Growing a Tiny Farm with David Berning https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/08-growing-a-tiny-farm-with-david-berning/id1736850629?i=1000655537791

    Connect with Hannah:

    • Instagram: @hannahkeitel

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    8 mins
  • 18. Let's Talk GMO's
    Jul 23 2024

    In today’s mini episode, we work our way through the conflicting information floating around about GMO’s. Are they a positive or negative addition to our food system? As you’ll find out, the answer isn’t so simple.

    Tune in to learn more about…

    • The difference between conventional plant breeding and genetically modified organisms

    • How patents play a role in seed biodiversity and our food system as a whole

    • The dark side of corporate seed companies

    • The invisible way that pesticides and herbicides end up in our food

    • Food grown from RoundUp-Ready seeds, and how they impact our long term health

    • The tradition of seed saving, and why some farmers are restricted from doing so

    • How the systems are created for the betterment of themselves rather than the farmers

    • … And so much more!

    Connect with Hannah:

    • Instagram: @hannahkeitel
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    15 mins
  • 17. Be the Change You Wish to See
    Jul 16 2024

    In today’s mini episode, we explore the concept of how we relate to change. So often, I hear that people are dissatisfied with the state of our current food system - but at the same time, there’s widespread skepticism that it can change in our lifetime. Throughout this discussion, I invite you to reflect on how we can engage with building a future that reflects our values, and will ensure a thriving planet for generations to come.

    Tune in to learn more about…

    • How to contribute to the change we wish to see, and how this relates to agriculture

    • The recent major shifts that have occurred in our food systems

    • An opportunity to reevaluate what we consider to be possible

    • Questions for you to reflect on your own relationship to change

    • … And so much more!

    Connect with Hannah:

    • Instagram: @hannahkeitel⁠
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    10 mins