
  • Vad är sköldkörtelrubbning? Om sköldkörteln inte fungerar som den ska kan det orsaka en mängd olika hälsoproblem såsom trötthet, viktökning eller viktminskning mm med naturläkare Zarah Öberg
    Mar 1 2024

    Zarah är expert på Kurera och skriver för ett stort antal av Sveriges Magasin. Hon arbetar som naturläkare, näringsterapeut, örtterapeut, hälsopedagog, kostrådgivare och är utbildad medicin- och hälsojournalist. Zarah driver en funktionsmedicinsk klinik och tar även emot för rådgivning via telefon eller videosamtal. Du kan bo var du vill i världen, och om du önskar provtagning så skickas prover hem till dig och tas hemma enligt anvisning. Våra labb är de bästa i världen, och vi använder endast labb som är seriösa och med hög tillförlitlighet. Vi har även avtal med ett stort antal provtagningscentraler och kan på så vis erbjuda mätning i blodprov av vanligt förekommande markörer.

    ”Jag tar emot alla som önskar hjälp, så länge det följer de lagar som finns i Sverige. Jag hjälper även barn över 8 år samt ungdomar med ADHD, ADD eller andra besvär som hör ihop med signalsubstanser. Mina specialistområden är hormoner och signalsubstanser, men jag har utbildning och erfarenhet inom de flesta medicinska och naturmedicinska områden och brinner för att hjälpa och förändra. Jag arbetar alltid utifrån helheten, för att på så vis få ett mer långsiktigt resultat. Jag älskar att lära mig av mina patienter, så hos mig är det inte jag som är expert, utan vi är experter tillsammans och löser problemet ihop”.

    Bakgrund: Zarah är utbildad hälsopedagog, näringsterapeut, kostrådgivare, fytoterapeut, NLP Trainer, ICC coach, kommunikatör, journalist och har mångårig skolmedicinsk utbildning. Zarah brinner extra mycket för barnhälsa och var en av de som tidigt arbetade med förändrad syn på barnkost och obalanser hos barn. Hon har arbetat förebyggande inom barn- och familjehälsa i samarbete med olika landsting, har drivit flertalet träningscenter och flera andra rörelsekoncept för barn. Hon har även skrivit böcker och arbetat inom olika hälsorelaterade tv-koncept. Zarah är uppskattad föreläsare, journalist och utbildare inom medicin- och näringsfrågor.

    Vill du boka tid hos Zarah?

    Skicka iväg ett mail till henne och beskriv ditt ärende kort, så återkommer hon med förslag på tid för en första konsultation.


    Más Menos
    47 m
  • How to create happy wealth and attract limitless money into your life with Ken Honda Japan's best selling millionaire
    Feb 10 2024

    The story of happy money
    Ken was 29 when he first “retired” to welcome his newborn daughter in the world. At the time, he thought he was “done” with work. He had owned a successful consultant and accounting business, so successful it had allowed him to close up shop and spend his days with the apple of his eye. Little did he realize his “second” career, impacting millions by helping them heal their relationship with money, was about to begin.
    That career started innocently enough on a beautiful, sunny day. Ken took his daughter to the park to play. While there, he witnessed a mother and her young daughter, who was about the same age as Ken’s daughter, fighting.

    The mother was upset and in a hurry. She yelled, “Your mom has to go to work! So, let’s go home.” But her daughter kept saying, “We just got here. I want to play more. Please?”

    After a few minutes of battle, the reluctant girl was dragged home.

    Ken felt so terrible for the little girl and her mother for having to choose her job over an afternoon playing with her child, he decided he needed to do something. Not just for that mother but for all the parents and people struggling to make ends meet. He wanted to take away everyone’s pain and frustration and stress around money.

    So, that day, after he finished playing with his daughter in the park, he sat down and wrote an essay about all the wisdom he gained over the years about making money and becoming prosperous.

    That essay was the start of what would become Happy Money, the book you see here now.


    Ken’s story
    Even as a child, Ken was noticing the difference between happy money and unhappy money.

    When he was eight, he worked in his father’s successful accounting practice. His job was to serve the clients tea, which allowed him to get to know his father’s clients.

    He saw how some of them were always irritated, rushed and hurried, and others were relaxed and peaceful. He also noticed how over time, some of the clients became more wealthy whereas others went the other way.

    In college, he also witnessed this dichotomy in wealthy people–happy and unhappy. This continued until the day he met a woman at a party who described the money in his wallet as “happy money.”

    Ah ha!

    Money is energy. It can be happy or unhappy.

    When you adjust your perspective on money you can see it as positive and negative flows based on the energy you have when receiving and spending your money.

    When you receive and spend well you generally have a happy life. Conversely, if you are always feeling tension or fear around spending and receiving, chances are you are holding that energy through most situations.

    Happy Money is your invitation to let the unhappy money go and begin bringing in happy money and a sense of freedom.

    Ken has impacted millions with his message, selling over 8 million books worldwide.

    Recently, Ken has joined the #Givefluencer Network. Started by John David Snyder and Niki Shadrow Snyder, in collaboration with Emmy Award Winning producer Gary Reeves. The #Givefluencer Network redefines what it means to be an influencer by putting the focus on giving back to your community. You can learn more at www.projectpopdrop.org.


    Más Menos
    51 m
    Feb 9 2024

    Dr. Nicole Avena 
    Dr. Nicole Avena is a research neuroscientist and a pioneer in the field of food addiction.
    Her seminal research work jump-started a new field of exploration in medicine and nutrition.
    She is an expert in diet during pregnancy and baby, toddler and childhood nutrition.

    She is also the author of the book Sugarless
    Many people blame sugar cravings on a lack of willpower rather than acknowledge that the substance is highly addictive - even more so than cocaine, nicotine, and alcohol.

    And the problem isn’t only dessert; sugar is everywhere - approximately 80 percent of products in supermarkets contain sugar. No wonder eliminating it feels impossible: the more added sugar a person eats, even unknowingly, the more likely they are to crave it.

    In Sugarless, Dr. Nicole Avena teaches you how you can completely change your mindset around what you eat. You will no longer use food to soothe or reward yourself or be a victim of the addiction machine that our modern food environment has created. She will show you how to break away and to use food for what it is intended to be: fuel for your body.
    Dr. Nicole Avena teaches you how you can completely change your mindset around what you eat. You will no longer use food to soothe or reward yourself or be a victim of the addiction machine that our modern food environment has created. She will show you how to break away and use food for what it is intended to be: fuel for your body.

    1. Admit you’re addicted
    2. Take stock of your sugar intake
    3. Identify your triggers
    4. Begin with your beverages
    5. Break down your breakfast
    6. De-sugar your dinner
    7. Keep lunch and snacks super-simple
    The stories of suffering and success that people have shared with me have inspired me, and I want to help. I want to help you break free from your sugar addiction.
    ~ Dr. Nicole Avena


    Más Menos
    51 m
  • Autoimmuna sjukdomar, histamintolerans, sömnproblem och sköldkörtelproblem med Zarah Öberg
    Feb 6 2024

    Zarah är expert på Kurera och skriver för ett stort antal av Sveriges Magasin. Hon arbetar som naturläkare, näringsterapeut, örtterapeut, hälsopedagog, kostrådgivare och är utbildad medicin- och hälsojournalist. Zarah driver en funktionsmedicinsk klinik och tar även emot för rådgivning via telefon eller videosamtal. Du kan bo var du vill i världen, och om du önskar provtagning så skickas prover hem till dig och tas hemma enligt anvisning. Våra labb är de bästa i världen, och vi använder endast labb som är seriösa och med hög tillförlitlighet. Vi har även avtal med ett stort antal provtagningscentraler och kan på så vis erbjuda mätning i blodprov av vanligt förekommande markörer.

    ”Jag tar emot alla som önskar hjälp, så länge det följer de lagar som finns i Sverige. Jag hjälper även barn över 8 år samt ungdomar med ADHD, ADD eller andra besvär som hör ihop med signalsubstanser. Mina specialistområden är hormoner och signalsubstanser, men jag har utbildning och erfarenhet inom de flesta medicinska och naturmedicinska områden och brinner för att hjälpa och förändra. Jag arbetar alltid utifrån helheten, för att på så vis få ett mer långsiktigt resultat. Jag älskar att lära mig av mina patienter, så hos mig är det inte jag som är expert, utan vi är experter tillsammans och löser problemet ihop”. 

    Bakgrund: Zarah är utbildad hälsopedagog, näringsterapeut, kostrådgivare, fytoterapeut, NLP Trainer, ICC coach, kommunikatör, journalist och har mångårig skolmedicinsk utbildning. Zarah brinner extra mycket för barnhälsa och var en av de som tidigt arbetade med förändrad syn på barnkost och obalanser hos barn. Hon har arbetat förebyggande inom barn- och familjehälsa i samarbete med olika landsting, har drivit flertalet träningscenter och flera andra rörelsekoncept för barn. Hon har även skrivit böcker och arbetat inom olika hälsorelaterade tv-koncept. Zarah är uppskattad föreläsare, journalist och utbildare inom medicin- och näringsfrågor.  



    Vill du boka tid hos Zarah?

    Skicka iväg ett mail till henne och beskriv ditt ärende kort, så återkommer hon med förslag på tid för en första konsultation: tidsbokning@zarahssida.se

    Más Menos
    49 m
  • How to become awesome and thrive in life with Peter DeBenedittis
    Jan 12 2024

    How to become awesome and thrive?

    Becoming Awesome is for people ready to actively move towards their Ascension. Humanity is undergoing a transformational uplift into a Golden Age. Listen in if you’re looking for more in your life. Together, let's you may be embrace the new energies of Benevolence. A native of Colorado, DeBenedittis earned a doctorate in speech and communication from Pennsylvania State University in 1992. After spending time working in Guam and Maryland, DeBenedittis settled in New Mexico in 1995, where he worked for the New Mexico Media Literacy Project on projects intended to help reduce rates of alcohol and substance abuse. In 1999, DeBenedittis founded Peter D. & Company, now known as the Alcohol Literacy Challenge, an organization which promotes DeBenedittis' advertising-based approach to limiting alcohol abuse.



    Más Menos
    46 m
  • What is going on on our Mother Earth, why are we having so much suffering right now? Is there a war between good and bad energies? YES - How can we raise our awareness? with Sharon Sanada
    Dec 29 2023
    What are E.T's are they real?  AND does life exist after our life here on Earth?  In 1980 we were 4 billions people on the planet and now 2023 we are over 8 billions of people. How does that make an impact on mother earth, our lives, the environemnt and our overall well-being? Are we human beings close to collapsing our survival existence with climate change? What does our soul SAY to us in terms of balance and happniess? Why do we have so many addictions? Here is a different viewpoing from Sharon Shanda. Let  me please introduce Sharon: 'll share a little about how I came to where I am Now. As a child I was able to see beyond the veil, seeing people and other beings whom I didn't realize others could not see. I was also able to see some future events. I realized later on in life that I was also able to feel other peoples emotions and hear their thoughts. I didn't fully understand any of this at the time, so as I grew older, and realized that the people around me didn't share what I was experiencing, it began to scare me terribly. ​ Being brought up in a traditional religious background, there really wasn't anyone I could talk to openly about what was happening with me. So, after awhile, I just began shutting all these gifts down, trying to fit in. However, I didn't fit in, so I became very withdrawn and extremely shy. And a withdrawn, shy child can become extremely vulnerable to predators. I was saved more times than I can count by other-wordly beings during many situations where I should have died. I realize now that I chose these situations for my personal evolution.  And see now that because of these experiences, I grew to become a strong, compassionate, empathic adult. Then my life changed again in 1998 when my stepfather passed away.  This was my first physical loss of a person close to me.  My dad and I were very close.  The night he passed, I clearly saw him walking toward me looking much healthier and without his oxygyn tank.  I blinked and he was gone. I was soon to learn after this experience that Dad's journey home also became the beginning of a very intense journey for me back to discovering my gifts.  With dad's passing, I needed to find out for my own peace of mind, what happens when we die.  I needed to know that Dad still existed.  That he still saw us, and that he knew that we missed and loved him.  But mostly, I needed to know that he still lived on, existing and learning and living.  I needed to know more than I was taught in Sunday school.  To try and alleviate my grief, I  began reading extensively about life after death.  It was during this same time that I began experiencing spontaneous out of body experiences, followed by what is called sleep paralysis.  These frequent experiences frightened me, but also intrigued me, because I wanted to know what was happening with me.  One day, I came upon a website that talked about OOBE's (out of body experiences) and sleep paralysis, and how the two are thought to be connected.  The website talked about controlling your oobe's can lead to conscious inner dimensional travel and connecting with guides and deceased loved ones, and more.  That's all I needed, I realized that OOBE's might be the perfect way for me to contact my dad.  I made the decision to take control of my OOBE's.   I read everything I could get my hands on about OOBE's, and did all the exercises every night.  I thought of almost nothing else.  And with obsessed persistence I eventually began leaving my body in a controlled manner.   I focused my mind and became very dedicated with my intentions.  Soon after reaching the controlled out of body state, I was able to find my dad and communicate with him.    Not long after in 2001, I was involved in a bizarre accident, experiencing an NDE (near death experience).  After experiencing this NDE, I immediately remembered experiencing another NDE when I was 9 years old.  I share my 2001 NDE in my blog.  My 2001 NDE helped intensify what my guides call my quickening process.  I share my experiences, not trying to prove anything to anyone, but just to share.  And perhaps there's someone who can relate to any of what I experienced.  My experiences are personal for my own growth and understanding, and are in no way meant for anyone to believe or dis-believe.  I would ask that you read them with an open mind and think of them simply as short stories that I hope you will find interesting.  I share them because I love to journal and also because they are very profound for me.  And also, perhaps they might help someone who can relate and understand they're own experiences easier.  For these people, I would like to tell you now that you are not alone, and I'm finding there are more people out there every day that are experiencing 'strange' and 'unbelievable' things.  In closing I would like to say, I hope you enjoy my site, and always know that you are definitely not alone, and that you are dearly loved...
    Más Menos
    1 h y 9 m
  • We all have an insecure attachment in love and what are triggers with Susan Anderson
    Dec 20 2023

    In this episode we are talking about "Insecure attachment" and how we human beings are all affected by this feeling weather you had a great childhood or not. None of us can escape feelings of insecurity in realationships and why do we all suffer jealousy more or less. What is the root?

    I am Susan Anderson, psychotherapist and founder of Abandonment Recovery.  Trying to overcome abandonment trauma, shame and anxiety can seem overwhelming, but the program treats the source of the problem to help you find greater life and love than before.

    As a clinician, I developed the special tools of Abandonment Recovery while recovering from my own adult abandonment trauma.  There is a way to redirect the energy within abandonment’s wrenching pain toward empowering the deepest possible recovery and growth: Akēru.

    I’m making these life-changing tools available to you through a series of videos you can download where I guide you step by step through a program of Abandonment Recovery,  or you can access this Program through my books or workshops. 

    The program has been helping thousands of people all over the world resolve their abandonment wounds past and present, and it will help you, too. 

    Más Menos
    54 m
  • Become 226% smarter by SMELLING essential oils and how to prevent Alzheimers disease and dementia with Dr. and Professor Micheal Leon
    Dec 18 2023

    Can using aromatherapy oils every night help improve memory?

    Being regularly exposed to multiple scents—or olfactory enrichment—has shown promise in enhancing cognitive abilities in older adults.
    A new study found that using aromatherapy essential oils such as lavender and rose nightly boosted word recall by 226% and improved the functioning of a key brain pathway that plays a role in learning and memory.
    These findings suggest that olfactory enrichment may be a low cost approach to reduce neurological impairment in older adults.
    In the United States, cognitive decline, which is characterized by confusion or memory loss, is estimated to affect 11.1% Trusted Source of the population, or one in nine adults.

    Previous research has shown that cognitive decline is accompanied or even preceded by loss of sense of smell in various neurological disorders, including Alzheimer’s diseaseTrusted Source, dementia, and Parkinson’s diseaseTrusted Source.

    Some research indicates that regular exposure to multiple scents or odorants — a practice known as olfactory enrichment — can have beneficial effects on cognitive abilities in older adults.
    In a new clinical study, researchers at the University of California, Irvine, examined if a nightly aromatherapy regimen for six months could improve cognitive skills in older adults.
    They observed significant improvements in word list recall as well as improved functioning in the part of the brain known as the left uncinate fasciculus after olfactory enrichment with aromatherapy oils.

    7 different aromatherapy scents

    For the study, the researchers recruited 43 participants, ages 60–85 years, who were in good general health with healthy cognition.
    The participants were randomly assigned to two groups. The experimental group, made up of 20 individuals, was exposed to essential oils nightly. Meanwhile, the control group, made up of 23 participants, was exposed to trace amounts.

    For six months, the participants were exposed to either a higher or lower concentration of essential oils nightly for two hours as they were going to sleep, using a nebulizing fragrance diffuser.

    The diffuser rotated through seven different scents from The Essential Oil Company (Portland, Oregon), one for each day of the week: rose, orange, eucalyptus, lemon, peppermint, rosemary, and lavender.

    Más Menos
    44 m