
  • Changing Your Oil
    1 h
  • Do You Have Parasites?
    1 h
  • Honoring Different Realities with an Open Heart
    Dec 13 2023
    Maryann Beckman-Berman, owner of Healthy Spirals Yoga Ayurveda Meditation is on a journey to share ancient wisdom for improved health and peace of mind in modern times. Episode 11, Remaining Open-Hearted regardless of which reality you embrace is dedicated to a colleague of mine resigning due to classic elemental clashes that many of us have witnessed. Whether you speak up when you see, hear, smell or even taste something that is off or stay quiet to not disturb the peace is in your nature. Are you the one with more pitta (fire/water) speaking up with confidence offering suggestions for improvements when you see another way? Are you the one with more vata (space/air) airing your opinions propelled by your natural movement of thought. Or does your high vata hold you back afraid to rock the boat? Is your kapha (earth/water) nature why you tend to keep the peace or resist change? Tune in as Maryann shares her unique spin on the play of elements to help bring more clarity and understanding as to why people do what they do to maintain your peace of mind. Become more attuned to the elemental proportions of those around you and fine-tune your senses as you see, hear and smell those around you with an Ayurvedic perspective. You just might find yourself embracing another reality too! Speaking of realities, Maryann shares what weighs heavy on her heart, knowing she is not alone as she navigates a post-covid world. She urges you to look and listen to differing viewpoints, remain open hearted and use your own “senses” to determine what realities make the most “sense” to you. She shares a few minutes of a compilation video recording of news reports airing around the world that might make you question your reality as it did for her Uncle and Aunt. Albeit it is from a site some deem extreme, Maryann encourages you to look at different realities and decide for yourself what resonates with you. The entire video is available at https://www.bitchute.com/video/mHbfGtVCyop6/ Lastly, Maryann passes along Dr. Peter McCullough’s spike protein detox protocol for those wanting to clear them from the body and rebuild immunity. Like many other physicians, he has long sounded the alarm on the dangers of the covid injections and the huge increase in cardiac arrests and major blood clots. Visit PeterMcCulloughMD.com for more information.
    Más Menos
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  • Who is Listening?
    Dec 6 2023
    Maryann Beckman-Berman, owner of Healthy Spirals Yoga Ayurveda Meditation is on a journey to share ancient wisdom for improved health and peace of mind in modern times. “Who is Listening” she wonders as she begins her 10th show. She shares why she believes those with more vata (space/air) and kapha (water/earth) are the people most likely to LISTEN to her while those with high pitta (fire/water) are the first to change the channel. This is not unique to her and is easily explained with both Yoga and Ayurveda concepts. As an empath and an existential learner, Maryann has found much clarity and peace of mind when learning these schools of thought. She discusses how they can greatly benefit others too when questioning why people do what they do. These concepts help bring understanding and lessen the vata tendency of anxiety and doubt, the pitta tendency of anger and criticism and the kapha tendency of depression and sadness. How well do you listen in general? How is your sense of hearing? Are you naturally a good listener or a talker or it depends on the situation? If you are not listening, is it because you are moving around too quickly or doing all the talking on account of high vata. Are you sensitive to sound, to the air, to movement? Have you always been the one to follow directions and LISTEN? Do you get annoyed and irritated at those who don’t LISTEN? LISTEN now as Maryann shares the importance of controlling not just your ears, but all your senses and how this is just as much a part of yoga as the poses are emphasized in classes today. Be inspired to notice and change the sounds around you bringing more peace into your surroundings. LISTEN not only to your heart but to your higher self to trust the guidance you hear for greater clarity.
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  • Oiling Your Engine
    Nov 29 2023
    Maryann Beckman-Berman, owner of Healthy Spirals Yoga Ayurveda Meditation is on a journey to share ancient wisdom for improved health and peace of mind in modern times. In Episode 9 she talks about the importance of Oiling YOUR Engine parts. If you recognize the importance of regular oil changes for your car– even though you can buy a new one if it breaks down - do you do the same for the ultimate car you are driving? Do you regularly oil your ears, nose, feet, head, mouth and body to help lubricate, calm and nourish? Your eyes, ears, nose, mouth and body connect your inner and outer worlds and are easily affected by the elements. The ancient texts of Ayurveda called Charaka Samhita state that the body of one who uses oil massage regularly does not become affected much even if subjected to accidental injuries, or strenuous work. By using oil massage daily, a person is endowed with pleasant touch, trimmed body parts and becomes strong, charming and least affected by old age. (Vol. 1, Verses 88-89) Controlling the senses is an important concept in both Yoga and Ayurveda as consciousness resides at the city of the senses. Tune in to learn more about nourishing and lubricating YOUR senses and keep your engine’s body parts running smoothly.
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  • Mental Wellness
    Nov 22 2023
    Maryann Beckman-Berman, owner of Healthy Spirals Yoga Ayurveda Meditation is on a journey to share ancient wisdom for improved health and peace of mind in modern times. Episode 8, Mental Wellness, is inspired by her participation at a recent American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) National Survivor’s Day event. Having lost her older sister Fran to suicide in 2012, Maryann is grateful to Wanda Lee with Minds in Motion and the Kenneth Young Center in Schaumburg, IL for hosting such a heartwarming event for survivors and to all the participants sharing their love and support. Maryann pledges to host more events for survivors as she knows how profound another world-view can be to bring about hope, understanding and healing. In this episode Maryann shares concepts and terminology used in Yoga and Ayurveda to describe the mind, the mind channel, balance and imbalance regarding mental health. She wholeheartedly believes this can help open the door to a whole new level of understanding when it comes to treating mental illness. She explains how common issues such as anxiety, depression and anger are related to the elements and how people are naturally predisposed to certain tendencies. Learn more about how to recognize elemental balance and imbalance in you, your family, friends, coworkers and neighbors. Know whether it is Vata, Pitta or Kapha out of balance to address the root cause. Maryann invites you to try a Monday yoga class complimentary to experience the bliss that is a natural byproduct of your practice when bridging the body (annamaya kosha) and the mind (manomaya kosha) with the breath (pranamaya kosha). Tune in to learn more about these sheaths or koshas. Email info@healthyspirals.com for the zoom link to Monday’s class (7:30pm Central) and learn to discern these layers in yourself.
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  • Elemental Insomnia
    Nov 15 2023
    Maryann Beckman-Berman, owner of Healthy Spirals Yoga Ayurveda Meditation is on a journey to share ancient wisdom for improved health and peace of mind in modern times. In Episode 7, Elemental Insomnia, Maryann shares Ayurvedic perspectives on a common sleep disorder after experiencing a few sleepless nights recently. Maryann learned that sleep (nidra) is considered to be one of the three pillars of life, along with good healthy food (ahara) and proper use of energy (brahmacharya), and any disturbance is very serious. In honor of Veteran’s Day, Maryann pays tribute to the veterans in her life and all those who served our country. She discusses how those with more pitta or fire element are naturally drawn to serve in the military and those with more vata or air element are predisposed to anxiety and PTSD when out of balance. Maryann shares what she has learned from another world-view and what she is doing to get back in balance, and back to a good night’s sleep. She is not alone. About 1 in 3 adults has bouts of insomnia that last a few days at a time according to John Hopkins Medicine, and women are more likely to experience insomnia than men. Ayurveda views sleep disorders as primarily vata (air/space) disturbances however the root cause can be either a vata or pitta (fire/water) disturbance. Do you notice yourself experiencing restlessness, light, easily disturbed sleep brought on by excessive worry and anxiety? Is your lifestyle of cold, dry, light foods, staying up late and caffeine vitiating your vata and creating imbalance? Or do you find yourself unable to sleep because you are physically too hot because of the weather, after the consumption of hot, spicy foods, or an overly intense lifestyle? Regardless of your balance or imbalance, Ayurveda’s recommendations for regulating your daily routines can help you improve your health and well-being day by day, season by season. Tune in and learn more about which elements might be contributing to your insomnia and address the root cause.
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    1 h
  • Taking Control of What You Can
    Nov 8 2023
    Maryann Beckman-Berman, owner of Healthy Spirals Yoga Ayurveda Meditation is on a journey to share ancient wisdom for improved health and peace of mind in modern times. Taking control of what you can in your world brings about peace of mind, especially when the outside world outside seems to be spiraling out of control. Are you in control of your life on a daily basis? Yoga teaches control over your thoughts, your words and your actions and control of your breath? Ayurveda emphasizes control over your daily routines and being in control of your bowel movement. Are you in control of your bowel movement or does your daily movement control your life? Maryann explains which elements are at the root cause of constipation and loose stools and which elements are naturally more inclined to have beautiful bowel movements. Learn more about your digestive fire, or your agni in Sanskrit. Ayurveda recognizes four main types of digestive fire – high, low, variable and balanced. Tending to your “fire” is at the root of maintaining health or balance. Join Maryann as she discusses the different digestive fires and why those with more vata tend to have variable agni with alternating constipation and diarrhea, why those with more pitta tend to have a high agni with three movements in a short time and why those with a low digestive fire tend to be heavier, with more kapha in their nature. She continues to share her personal story on improving her daily routines and what she did to get back into balance when recently falling off-balance and getting sick. In Ayurveda the importance of a consistent daily routine is the foundation of health and balance. Maryann shares the elements of a balanced daily routine and where she is challenged, what she is trying to adjust, and perhaps will encourage you to rethink some of your daily habits too and areas where you can improve your health and well-being. In the last segment, Maryann encourages you to relax and test how well you can control your thoughts by focusing on your body as she guides you through a two-minute meditation. Lie on your mat on the floor, on a couch or bed or find a comfortable seated position with your back against a wall. Close your eyes and relax your body and mind by focusing on your body and your breath, taking control of what you can in your inner world and noticing what transforms in your outer world too!
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