
  • Episode 30: 10 tips for making friends in a new city
    Sep 2 2024

    Preparing to switch jobs and cities? Just moved for college? If so, this episode is for you. We walk through several simple, practical tips to help you start meeting people and making friends in that new location.

    Want to go deeper? Sign up for Hey Friend’s new weekly email and receive links to new episodes, Scripture, and “going deeper” resources for each episode. Sign up at https://heyfriendpodcast.com/

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    24 mins
  • Episode 029: How to deal with feeling left out
    Aug 26 2024

    What should you do if you’re feeling like your friends are leaving you out? In this episode we provide some guidance for navigating the challenge of not feeling included by another friend or group of friends, touching on foundational practices like evaluating the root cause of why you’re feeling that way to simple tips like cutting back on social media scrolling to help you stay present.

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    22 mins
  • Episode 027: Why Your Pastor Might Be Feeling Lonely (feat. Randy Hahne)
    Aug 19 2024

    Did you know that your pastor probably struggles with loneliness? In this episode we interview Randy Hahne, pastor of Harvest Valley Church and talk about what he’s observed as he’s worked on their denomination’s executive board, the needs of every pastor and ministry leader to slow down and make real friends, and how you as a part of a church can be one of those real friends.

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    34 mins
  • Episode 027: Why “Just Me and God” Isn’t Enough
    Aug 12 2024

    You’ve probably heard the phrase, “All you need is Jesus.” But what if that idea is actually unbiblical? In this episode, we challenge the notion that spiritual maturity means you can go through life with just Jesus and no one else.

    We dig into:

    • The misconception that true believers don’t need friends or community.

    • How the Bible shows us that God never intended for us to be alone.

    • Why even Jesus, the most spiritually mature person ever, sought out deep friendships.

    • The powerful example of the first Christians in Acts, who were deeply connected with one another.

    • How your friendships play a crucial role in your spiritual growth and walk with God.

    We’re created in God’s image, and that means we’re made for relationships. Spiritual maturity isn’t about increasing independence but growing in connection with those around us.

    Should Jesus be your best friend? Absolutely. Should He be your only friend? Absolutely not.

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    24 mins
  • Episode 026: The Best Friend We All Need
    Aug 5 2024

    Whether you realize it or not, Jesus is the best friend you could ever have. Our goal is to give you a taste of just how good of a friend He is.

    What We Cover:

    • Many Christians live like they’re working hard to be good with God’s help, but forget that Jesus already proved His commitment by dying for us.

    • Jesus knows us better than anyone else and still hasn’t ditched us.

    • He longs to be with us, works for our good, and will never abandon us.

    • The question is: Jesus is already your best friend—will you be His?

    Key Points:

    • How can we be friends with God? Jesus became human so we could relate directly with Him.

    • Servants and friends: If we love Jesus, serving Him is a natural response.

    • Not feeling that friendship? We discuss evaluating what you believe and examining your heart.

    Final Encouragement:

    Jesus is knocking at the door, waiting to be let in. Will you admit Him?

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    24 mins
  • Episode 025: Why College Students Feel More Alone Than Ever – And How to Fix It
    Jul 29 2024

    Statistics show that college students are more alone than ever. Bryce, one of my good friends who loves the Lord and serves in college ministry with Chi Alpha, shares his story and experiences. We discuss:

    • How we were never created to be alone, as God says.

    • The importance of taking the first step in friendship.

    • Our posture in relationships and why it matters.

    • How the ultimate friendship is with Jesus.

    • Learning to listen to God and how He speaks through His Word.

    I love this dude, and here’s some of the real talk he brings to the table.

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    44 mins
  • Episode 024: 5 Reasons You’re Not Making New Friends (and How to Fix It)
    Jul 22 2024

    Let’s be real – making new friends can be tough. If you’re frustrated about how hard it is to connect with new people, this episode is for you. We dive into the common ways you might be self-sabotaging and offer practical solutions to help you build genuine friendships.

    This episode is for you if:

    • You’re annoyed by how difficult it is to make new friends.

    • You leave parties, work gatherings, or church feeling like you didn’t get to know anyone new.

    • You’re struggling to connect and suspect you might be getting in your own way.

    Four Things Stopping You from Making New Friends:

    1. Being on Your Phone:

    • Even if it’s not intended, being on your phone or having headphones in tells people, “I’m not open to interaction.”

    • Sherry Turkle, in Reclaiming Conversation, notes that even a silent phone on the table can disconnect us and lower empathy levels.

    2. Believing No One’s Interested in You:

    • If you see yourself as unlikeable, you subconsciously communicate that to others.

    • The Liking Gap shows we often underestimate how much others like us.

    3. Having Too Narrow of a Routine or Too Full of a Schedule:

    • Doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results is insanity.

    • If your current routine hasn’t led to fulfilling friendships, it’s time to change it up.

    4. Not Following Up on Enjoyable Interactions:

    • Friendships take initiative. If you’re not following up, you’re choosing not to make friends.

    • A passing interaction isn’t enough; real connection happens with follow-up.

    Practical Solutions:

    Put Down Your Phone: Look around and be open to interaction.

    Challenge Negative Beliefs: Feed yourself God’s truth and seek counseling if needed.

    Change Your Routine: Arrive early, stay late, join new activities.

    Follow Up: If you enjoyed a conversation, tell the person and ask to continue it.

    No more excuses. Start making time for the people who matter. Tune in for real talk and practical advice to make your friendships thrive. Like, share, and subscribe for more!

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    28 mins
  • Episode 023: How to get together with your friends more
    Jul 15 2024

    Let’s be real – sometimes we don’t hang out because we’re not prioritizing our friendships. In this episode, we get honest about why it’s so hard to connect with friends and what we can do to change that.

    What We Cover:

    The Struggle is Real: Ever had to plan a month in advance just to meet a friend? Yeah, we’ve been there.

    Scripture That Hits Home: Hebrews 10:23-25 reminds us that meeting up and encouraging each other is essential.

    Practical Tips to Change Your Life:

    1. Schedule It: Make a regular hangout time and stick to it.

    2. Do Life Together: Run errands, work out, or do chores with your friends.

    3. Ask for Help: Need a hand? Use it as a chance to bond.

    What to Do When You’re Together:

    1. Focus on Jesus: Pray, talk about faith, and support each other spiritually.

    2. Go Deep: Have real, heart-level conversations.

    3. Have Fun: Find joy in shared activities.

    No more excuses.

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    18 mins