• High Stakes at Lake Bled: Secrets and Shadows Unveiled

  • Jul 26 2024
  • Length: 18 mins
  • Podcast

High Stakes at Lake Bled: Secrets and Shadows Unveiled  By  cover art

High Stakes at Lake Bled: Secrets and Shadows Unveiled

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: High Stakes at Lake Bled: Secrets and Shadows Unveiled Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/high-stakes-at-lake-bled-secrets-and-shadows-unveiled Story Transcript:Sl: Matej je sedel za mizo v razkošnem igralnem salonu ob Blejskem jezeru.En: Matej sat at a table in the opulent gaming salon by Lake Bled.Sl: Poletna vročina je bila prijetna, vendar je napetost v zraku bila še močnejša.En: The summer heat was pleasant, but the tension in the air was even stronger.Sl: Približeval se je praznik Marijinega vnebovzetja, vendar je v mislih Mateja obstajala le ena stvar – njegov dolg.En: The feast of the Assumption was approaching, but in Matej's mind, there was only one thing—his debt.Sl: Dolgovati je moral neznancu, ki ni sprejemal zavrnitve.En: He owed money to a stranger who did not accept refusals.Sl: Če Matej ne bi zmagal danes, bi bil v resnih težavah.En: If Matej did not win today, he would be in serious trouble.Sl: Andreja je vstopila v salon z zadržanim nasmehom.En: Andreja entered the salon with a reserved smile.Sl: Bila je novinka, a njene poteze pri igri so bile spretne.En: She was a newcomer, but her moves in the game were skillful.Sl: Prišla je z globljim razlogom.En: She came with a deeper reason.Sl: Iskala je nekoga iz svoje preteklosti, nekoga, za katerega je imela občutek, da bo tu.En: She was searching for someone from her past, someone she had a feeling would be here.Sl: Skrbno je opazovala vse udeležence.En: She carefully observed all the participants.Sl: "Deset igralcev," je oznanil trgovec.En: "Ten players," the dealer announced.Sl: Matej in Andreja sta se usedla drug nasproti drugega.En: Matej and Andreja sat opposite each other.Sl: Igra se je začela mračno in počasi.En: The game started grimly and slowly.Sl: Kartice so letele po mizi, denar je krožil.En: Cards flew across the table, money circulated.Sl: Matej je čutil, kako mu srce razbija, a ohranil je mirno masko.En: Matej felt his heart pounding, but he kept a calm mask.Sl: Pogovor med igro je bil omejen, a ko so se obrestne stave povečale, so tudi obtožbe začele leteti.En: Conversation during the game was limited, but as the stakes increased, so did the accusations.Sl: Velika vsota denarja je izginila.En: A large sum of money had disappeared.Sl: "Čigav je tukaj največji vložek?En: "Whose is the biggest stake here?"Sl: " je vprašal nekdo iz publike.En: someone from the audience asked.Sl: Sumničavi pogledi so se vrteli po mizi.En: Suspicious glances revolved around the table.Sl: Mateja je skrbelo.En: Matej was worried.Sl: Moral je prepričati druge, da ni on tisti, ki denar skriva.En: He had to convince others that he wasn't the one hiding the money.Sl: Andreja je igrala tiho, a pozorno.En: Andreja played quietly but attentively.Sl: Spretno je postavljala vprašanja, medtem ko je pazila na reakcije igralcev.En: She skillfully asked questions while watching the players' reactions.Sl: Slišala je koščke informacij in hitro povezovala točke.En: She heard bits of information and quickly connected the dots.Sl: Naenkrat jo je prešinilo.En: Suddenly, it hit her.Sl: Resnica o izgubljenem denarju in osebi, ki jo je iskala, sta bili povezani.En: The truth about the lost money and the person she was searching for were connected.Sl: Prišel je čas zadnje karte.En: The time for the last card had come.Sl: V igri sta ostala samo Matej in Andreja.En: Only Matej and Andreja remained in the game.Sl: Napetost je bila neznosna.En: The tension was unbearable.Sl: Matej je vedel, da mora zmagati.En: Matej knew he had to win.Sl: Slišal je skrivni pogovor med igro in zdaj je imel informacije.En: He had overheard a secret conversation during the game and now had information.Sl: Andreja je tudi začutila trenutek resnice.En: Andreja also felt the moment of truth.Sl: Zdelo se ji je, da je blizu odgovora.En: She sensed she was close to the answer.Sl: Kartica je bila položena.En: The card was laid down.Sl: Srce Mateja je razbijalo, a obraz je ostal mrzel.En: Matej's heart was pounding, but his face remained cold.Sl: Zmagal je.En: He had won.Sl: Denar, dovolj za poplačilo dolga, je bil njegov.En: The money, enough to repay his debt, was his.Sl: Nenadoma se je dvignila Andreja.En: Suddenly, Andreja stood up.Sl: "Priznam, vse skupaj je bilo zaradi iskanja resnice," je rekla.En: "I admit, it was all in search of the truth," she said.Sl: "In zdaj sem jo našla.En: "And now I have found it."Sl: " Pokazala je na enega izmed igralcev, ki se je prebledel.En: She pointed to one of the players, who turned pale.Sl: Bil je tisti, ki ga je iskala, in obenem tudi tat.En: He was the one she had been looking for, and also the thief.Sl: Matej je začutil olajšanje, a obenem tudi težo svojih dejanj.En: Matej felt a sense of relief but also the weight of his actions.Sl: Uporabil je informacije iz skrivnega poslušanja za zmago.En: He had used information from secret listening ...
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