
    Sep 8 2024

    This week I want to talk about how your health is your wealth, as people say, because you always feel so much better if you are healthy and also then ensure yourself a more prosperous life, because if you prioritise your health, you are really investing in your future.

    It's always so easy to neglect your health, isn’t it? But let me remind you of the importance of taking care of yourself. Your body is also always your most valuable asset, so you must therefore treat it with the care and respect it deserves.

    You must always remember to listen to your body, carve out time for self-care and seek help if needed. Whether it’s eating properly, staying active, or just getting enough sleep, there are also always simple steps you can take to improve your overall health.

    And good health is not only your physical health, but also your mental and social well-being, so also acknowledge and promote your holistic well-being. By making health a priority, you are also not only investing in yourself, but setting yourself up for a bright and prosperous future.

    Here are some examples:

    - Imagine waking up every day after a good night’s sleep feeling rested, energised and ready to take on the world because you have also been taking care of your body through regular exercise and a healthy diet. You will always feel wealthy because your health is in top shape.

    - Picture yourself feeling mentally sharp, focused and emotionally balanced because you have been practicing self-care, mindfulness, or seeking professional help whenever needed. Your mental health is thriving, so you feel like the richest person in the world because of it.

    - Try to always be surrounded by supportive friends and loved ones who are always there to lift you up and be there for you in times of need. You then feel rich in relationships because you feel or know that your social well-being is flourishing.

    But not everyone has equal access to resources for good health, such as nutritious food, good healthcare, or environmental influences. Genetics or socio-economic status also plays a role in a person's health outcomes. Additionally, prioritising their health can sometimes be an unrealistic expectation that places undue pressure on people.

    So, this week, remember to take time to care for yourself and reap the rewards of good health by adopting a holistic approach to health that considers all aspects of well-being. Remember, health is always a measure of your wealth, so go on, try to have more of it!

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    2 mins
    Sep 8 2024

    This week I want to talk to you about how there's no point in you just having a theory, as you always have to first test it to out over and over again to make sure that it works and then do it until you are sure it works properly.

    A strong theory guides you only, as it has to work in tandem with experimentation for true progress. The only way to test a theory is to put it to the test over and over again, until you’re confident that it’s not just a fluke and always works in practice.

    Just having a theory or idea is never enough; you must always test it repeatedly to ensure its validity. Testing theories is crucial in many areas, not only in science, research, or product development, but even in other seemingly disparate things, such as cooking, education, or psychology.

    Remember, your theory is only ever your starting point. The real magic only happens when you put your ideas to the test. This process of experimentation and testing is always crucial, as it is only through this process that we will uncover new discoveries, advancements and ways of doing things.

    Here are some examples:

    - When cooking, there’s no point in you just following a recipe. You actually have to cook the dish and taste it first to make sure it’s delicious enough before serving it to other people and then always see if you can improve it the next time you make it.

    - With education, there's no point in you just having a teaching strategy. You have first to implement it in the classroom and assess pupils' understanding to see if it's effective in helping them to learn and then continually be prepared to tweak it for individual pupils, as everyone learns differently.

    - In personal psychology, there's no point in just having a hypothesis. You have to first conduct your own experiments and gather your own facts to always support or refute your hypothesis, leading to your better understanding of any behaviour by yourself or anyone else.

    However, whilst testing a theory is always essential to validate credibility and ensure practicality, without a clear theory to test, you may be aimlessly conducting experiments without a clear goal. Theoretical frameworks help shape questions, ultimately leading to more focused and purposeful outcomes, but also provide context for understanding results.

    So, this week, remember how theory and experimentation go hand in hand. Don’t just settle for having a theory, take practical steps to first test it practically to confirm validity. Then take time to analyse results, to refine your thinking based on evidence. This is how true progress is made!

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    2 mins
    Sep 1 2024

    This week I want to talk to you about how, as you navigate the ups and downs of life, you must always remember that, if life isn’t going as planned, it's alright to change direction, or embrace new beginnings and not be afraid to start again in a new direction.

    Sometimes, life doesn’t go as you had unconsciously initially planned it to, so you can often then find yourself in a place that’s very different from the one where you had hoped to be by now, so you are then somewhat unsure of what your next steps should be.

    Starting again is really an opportunity for growth and a fresh start. It doesn’t mean that you are giving up, or admitting defeat. It just means that you are now taking more control of life and making positive choices that align with your true desires or aspirations.

    Whether it's a relationship that didn't work out, a job that didn't go well, or a goal you didn’t achieve, it's never too late to hit the reset button. Remember, every setback you face is actually an opportunity for growth and every ending is a chance for a new beginning.

    Starting again also means you consciously learn from past mistakes and use them as stepping stones towards a better future. This can be daunting and overwhelming, but it’s also an opportunity for growth and new beginnings, as long as you embrace the unknown with courage, confidence and resilience to succeed.

    • An example of starting over could be someone who decides to end a toxic relationship and begin a new but scary journey of self-rediscovery and healing. • Another example could be a person who leaves an unsatisfying job to pursue their passion and start a new career path that brings them more joy and fulfilment. • A different example is someone who sets themselves a goal to run a ‘marathon’ of some sort, but who faces setbacks along the way. Instead of giving up, they just pick themselves up, dust themselves down and start over with a different plan and determination to achieve a new goal.

    But remember, it’s not always easy or practical to simply walk away from a toxic relationship, quit a job to pursue a passion, or to change your plans. In reality, there are often financial, emotional, logistical barriers, or family responsibilities that prevent people from making drastic changes in their life.

    So, this week, take a deep breath and embrace any fresh start with an open heart and a positive mindset. Believe in yourself and your ability to overcome obstacles in your way. You always have the power to create the life you want, so don't be afraid to start again!

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