• #110. My Favorite Tools to Power Up Your Productivity
    Jun 25 2024

    Can you believe it folks? We are HALFWAY through the year already! 😱

    So how are things tracking for you?

    How are you doing with the goals you set back at the beginning of the year? Have you accomplished some of them? All of them? None of them?

    Or - maybe some of those goals don’t quite fit anymore, because things have changed. No worries. It happens.

    And - that’s why this is the perfect time for a little midyear review.

    Fall season will be busy - so now is an ideal time to think about getting organized and giving your systems an update. And one of the best ways to do this is by finding the right tools.

    Today I’m sharing my favorites with you. After countless hours of research and road testing, these invaluable tools save me time and money, prevent stress, and keep my business humming along beautifully.

    You might want to take notes, 😎 because in this episode, you’ll learn …

    • The exact tools that I use to run my practice, AND precisely how I use them.
    • The tool I use to create a frictionless experience for my clients.
    • A free tool that lets you work and collaborate with anybody.
    • The one tool that automates 90% of my work around course creation and group coaching (and a cheaper, simpler alternative if you’re not ready for all the bells and whistles).
    • My favorite tool for project management (and why it’s not for everybody).
    • Why I have one space for working, and another for storing critical files.

    And more!

    But wait a minute … what if you’re less technical and more old school? What if you’re more analog than digital? 🤔

    Fear not, my friend! I’ve got you covered too …

    I’m also sharing some of my favorite notebooks, along with the processes that I use to brainstorm, mind map, capture my thoughts, and organize my lists.

    Because, as much as I love tech tools, sometimes you really need to write it down.

    (#Fact: our brains absorb and retain information differently when we physically put pen to paper).

    So, let’s get you organized.

    If you’re not quite sure where to start, take a look at my IP 360 Scorecard. This free assessment tool will take about 10 minutes of your time and give you a complete overview of your business, including where you’re winning and where you might need some help.

    And if you have any questions at all for me like, ʺhow do I do this?", or ʺwhich tool can help me with that?", hit me up on Facebook, y’all. I’m always happy to help.

    Now, for your first task: give this one a listen!


    P.S. If you're enjoying the podcast as much as I hope you are, could you help me spread the word? Do you have 2 friends or colleagues who could really use a boost of encouragement each week? Please share this episode with them - and thank you!


    Episode 83. Cleaning Your Digital House: How to Get Your Office in Order for a Fresh Start in the New Year

    Episode 105. Can Astrology Actually Help You Build Your Ideal Practice? A Conversation with Taylor Shuler

    Support the Show.

    Wendy Pitts Reeves, LCSW
    Host, Ideal Practice
    Private Practice Coach and Mentor


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    45 mins
  • #109. 7 Stages of a Client’s Journey (& Why You Need a System for Each)
    Jun 18 2024

    If you’ve followed me for a while, you’ll know that I talk often about the 7 Pillars of an Ideal Practice©, that is, what it takes to build a thriving, healthy private practice …

    Purpose, People, Product, Process, Payment, Promotion, and Perspective.

    Well, today I want to talk about the one Pillar that a surprising number of you struggle with: your processes.

    That is: the habits, systems and boundaries that you have in place to help your business run more smoothly (and - hopefully - with a little less involvement from you!).

    More specifically, we’re talking about the process around your client’s journey. Because guess what? Better processes, better systems, mean better service for your clients AND less stress for you.

    You may think your relationship with clients starts the moment they’re ready to hire you - right?

    Well, actually …. No.

    As it turns out, there are actually 7 stages in the life cycle of your client’s journey. (So many 7’s today! 🤭).

    And get this: 2 of those happen before you even MEET.

    Today, I’m going to walk you through each stage, and we’ll talk about why you need a system for each one.

    We’ll also cover:

    • How to take yourself out of the process.
    • The stage where you’re most likely to drop the ball (and how to avoid this).
    • What it means to deliver “service after the sale”.
    • Key steps to keeping your clients engaged.
    • The stage that will bring you repeat business.

    As one of my favorite coaches used to say this all the time:

    Wherever there is stress, there is a lack of habits, systems, or boundaries.

    And she was right - so let’s take a look at that.

    Where are the stress points in your practice? Where are the balls getting dropped? What’s really annoying you, and where do you find yourself doing the same thing over and over?

    Then ask yourself:

    • What could be automated?
    • What could be turned into a template?
    • What could be delegated to somebody else like a VA?
    • In fact, what could be eliminated altogether?

    (Gasp!! 😲 Just imagine the freedom of never having to do that thing again!).

    Friends - my point is this … you will waste less time, spend less energy, make fewer mistakes, miss fewer opportunities, and make more money by better serving your clients when you have systems in place for each and every phase of your relationship with your peeps.

    Sound good?
    Yeah - I thought so too.

    Give it a listen. 🥰


    While you’re here, can I ask a favor?
    If you enjoyed this episode, please share a 5 star review and maybe a few words over on Apple Podcasts? Your support means more than you can imagine. Thank you! 🙏


    Episode 10. How To Become a Networking Ninja (Even if You’re an Introvert)

    Episode 83. Cleaning Your Digital House: How to Get Your Office in Order for a Fresh Start in the New Year

    Support the Show.

    Wendy Pitts Reeves, LCSW
    Host, Ideal Practice
    Private Practice Coach and Mentor


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    30 mins
  • #108. Why Authentic Marketing is Your Superpower: A Conversation with Mika Ross.
    Jun 11 2024

    If there’s one topic that makes us all break out in hives at the thought of it, it’s marketing. 😵‍

    Marketing is such an essential part of any successful practice, but for a LOT of you, I know the concept itself just brings up images of used car salesmen out to run a scam.

    Yeah ….yuk!! 😬

    BUT - my friends, I want you to think about it this way.

    Marketing is just a conversation with those who you can help, about how deeply you understand them, and how you know you can help them.

    Today’s guest, Mika Ross is a wildly successful licensed psychotherapist, relationship coach, speaker, and private practice owner who has spent the past 18 years providing live workshops, retreats, and comprehensive online programs.

    And she sets an example we can all learn from.

    After booking out her one-to-one therapy sessions, Mika realized that she could have far more impact by providing courses and homework-style videos to her clients. She also realized that if she wanted to reach a wider audience, she was going to have to up her marketing game.

    But instead of following a generic route, she embraced a more authentic, genuine, and not-so-perfect style of putting herself out there.

    I’m not trying to be perfect; I'm just trying to be…me! — Mika Ross

    Mika discovered that her own experience with unhealthy belief patterns was actually one of her superpowers. So in this episode, we had a really interesting conversation about how much of yourself to share in your marketing.

    In particular, we talked about the difference between sharing from the place of a scar, versus sharing from the place of a wound.

    (This was SO enlightening! I really think you’ll love it.)

    You’ll also hear:

    • Why people need to see themselves in your marketing.
    • Why your marketing doesn’t have to be perfect (and why, in fact, it can have more impact when it’s not).
    • Mika's genius shortcut to building trust with her patients.
    • Why being effective is more important than being consistent.

    Here’s the thing, people are overwhelmed.

    If they knew what to do, they would do it already.

    So make it simple for them.

    Let them know who you are. Tell them how you can help them. And tell them how to find you. It's really that simple.

    And be yourself while you’re doing that.

    Because everyone’s Ideal Practice(c) is different, and what resonates with your ideal patients will be completely different from what resonates with someone else’s.
    As Mika says:

    The people I am a good fit for figure that out way before they sit down on my couch.

    And THAT is the power of showing up as yourself.

    Give it a listen!


    P.S. If you enjoy this episode, would you mind giving it a quick review on your podcast app???? 🙏💞



    Mika Ross is a licensed therapist, relationship coach, speaker, and mom to 3 who has dragged thousands of couples and individuals into better relationships, communication, and well being through he

    Support the Show.

    Wendy Pitts Reeves, LCSW
    Host, Ideal Practice
    Private Practice Coach and Mentor


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    1 hr and 17 mins
  • #107. The Harder Side of Owning a Private Practice (and How to Handle It)
    Jun 4 2024

    In this week's episode, we'll take a look at the hard side of owning a business.

    As you'll hear in the passage I share from one of my favorite books, "The Soul Sourced Entrepreneur" by Christine Kane, business is hard - but not because of all the strategies you have to learn or the sales you have to make.

    Business is hard because of the way it forces you to grow - internally, personally, and often in ways you didn't even know you needed to grow.

    So let's talk about that.

    Give it a listen. :)


    Support the Show.

    Wendy Pitts Reeves, LCSW
    Host, Ideal Practice
    Private Practice Coach and Mentor


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    24 mins
  • #106. The One Thing We All Struggle With - and a Surprisingly Simple Fix
    May 28 2024

    I want to get real for a moment folks.

    I want to talk about one aspect of growing a private practice that we all struggle with at one point or another.

    It’s so exciting in the beginning, when you first get out from under the thumb of your employer and start your very own practice.

    There you are - running your own practice - and finally, you’re the one calling the shots! 🎉

    But here’s the thing. You’re also the ONLY one calling the shots, and sometimes that can feel scary, overwhelming, and…isolating. 🥹

    If you’ve come from a hospital, agency or perhaps even another group practice, you were part of a team, a collection of professionals with different experience, skills, and perspectives.

    Anytime you weren’t sure how to handle something, odds are there were plenty of people around to ask for advice.

    But when you’re in private practice you ARE the team.

    Because you’re the CEO of your own show now, and it’s all on you.

    Growing a successful private practice can be many things … exciting, challenging, rewarding … but it’s not always roses and rainbows.

    Clients can be difficult. Providers can let you down. Toilets can get blocked

    (Yeah - that may be yours to handle, too. 😬).

    You might make strategic mistakes that could cost you money - or even your reputation.

    And all of that is so much harder when you’re trying to deal with them in isolation.

    So, what’s a saavy CEO to do??

    The antidote to isolation is connection.

    There are lots of different ways to find this and in this episode, I’ll share some of my favorites.

    In fact, in my own private practice, I recently launched a group for accomplished, professional women - the kind of people who don’t really think they need help. Total badasses - every one of them.

    And yet I see them light up when they experience this sense of connection and recognition inside the group … I see you, I get you, and oh my gosh, you get me too!!

    It’s so powerful it gives me goosebumps. ⚡And I want YOU to experience this for yourself.

    That's what connection does for all of us - and that’s why I’m launching a summer workshop series that kicks off next week on June 3.

    I’ll be teaching a series of three live and interactive workshops where you’ll be able to experience just how cool it is to be in the (virtual) room with others who are in alignment with you. And the best part? It’s 100% free to attend.

    (But hey - I do need you to register so that I can give you access. This won’t be open to the public!)

    You’ll find all of the details below.

    Get your name on my list, and mark your calendars.

    Because life (and business) is so much easier when you don’t have to go it alone.

    In the meantime, give this one a listen.

    Here’s to finding your tribe!


    P.S. What would it be like to talk to others who are facing the same challenges, have similar goals, and totally get you??? Join me and I’ll show you. 😎

    Support the Show.

    Wendy Pitts Reeves, LCSW
    Host, Ideal Practice
    Private Practice Coach and Mentor


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    38 mins
  • #105. Can Astrology Actually Help You Build Your Ideal Practice? A Conversation With Taylor Shuler
    May 21 2024

    Today we're going to talk about something a little different … Astrology.

    I know some of you will roll your eyes at this. 🙄 And some of you will absolutely lean in (Hello there, Pices!). 🤩 But I encourage ALL of you to listen because there is so much more to this topic than checking a horoscope in the newspaper.

    Today I’m talking to Taylor Shuler, a Certified Professional Astrologer. Taylor helps entrepreneurs find and fulfill their purpose by using a range of tools, including astrology.

    In her own words, Taylor wants to help you ….

    Find, validate, and fulfill your soul’s purpose, to give you the clarity to really feel good about what you’re doing and the direction that you’re following.

    Well, that sure sounds like something we should all do!

    Taylor explains that astrology is a language that can help us to understand ourselves and the events around us.

    For example, why are some people ‘big picture thinkers’ while others revel in the details?

    The answer probably lies in our birth charts.

    And think about this …

    Why does it feel so hard to make progress sometimes? Despite how hard we work or how much we want to achieve something, We. Just. Feel. Stuck.

    Well, astrology says that maybe it’s just not the right time. Maybe you’re right where you’re meant to be, but now is a time for resting and planning, BEFORE the time comes to launch and grow. 🌱

    It's an interesting perspective…🤔

    In this episode, you’ll also learn:

    1. The different gifts, talents, tendencies, and energy that each star sign has.
    2. Why we are drawn to certain professions.
    3. How to work with the ebb and flow of energy – for yourself AND your business.
    4. Why some signs work well together - and others, not so much!
    5. Why one business model might suit you better than others.

    There are many different tools and techniques that we can use to better understand ourselves and how we behave (for example, the Enneagram, which we discussed back in Episode 33). And, far from being just a trivial, ‘woo woo’ topic, astrology can also be a valuable addition to your toolbox.

    This can help you to better understand your strengths, your weaknesses, and even your ideal timing to act (or not!).

    Armed with this knowledge, it can also help you to design a business that is genuinely exciting, fulfilling, and in perfect alignment with who YOU are.

    And isn’t that the very definition of an Ideal Practice?! 🥰

    Worth thinking about. :)




    Taylor Shuler is your new regenerative business baddie BFF. Taylor coaches new, aspiring, and established entrepreneurs to find and fulfill their purpose and build their businesses by leveraging all the best tools from AI to their Zodiac sign.

    She is a Certified Professional Astrologer and regenerative designer who helps her clients discern their path forward via astrological readings, horoscopes, and consultations. Taylor helps her clients to thrive – making the world a better, more beautiful place.

    Check out her website here.

    Support the Show.

    Wendy Pitts Reeves, LCSW
    Host, Ideal Practice
    Private Practice Coach and Mentor


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    1 hr and 23 mins
  • #104. The True Cost of a Non-Ideal Client: What You Need to Know
    May 14 2024

    You have a big heart, and I know you feel like you could help almost anyone in your private practice.

    But that idea, as lofty as it is, just isn’t true.

    The truth? There is a cost to working with those who aren’t a good fit for you. And in this episode, we’re talking directly about what that cost actually is.

    You’ll learn about 4 areas where you may experience a disconnection with your clients, and what that means for you AND for them.

    But we’ll also talk about how to remedy each situation.

    Sometimes, there are steps you can take in your practice to turn things around, or maybe, even to prevent those disconnections altogether.

    Being careful to cultivate a caseload of clients you are truly suited to serve is one of the keys to a successful, sustainable private practice.

    Give this a listen.


    P.S. And hey - I have news! Check out the announcement below!

    >>>>>>CHECK THIS OUT!!<<<<<<

    Have you heard about this?

    The Ideal Practice Summer Workshop Series starts on June 3!

    How to Overcome Overwhelm and Finally Create the Profitable, Sustainable, and Enjoyable Private Practice You Wanted All Along - But Never Thought You Could Have.

    In this 3 part LIVE workshop series I’ll be working with you around some of the most foundational aspects of a successful private practice.

    You’ll learn what it means to be “Profit Centered, People Forward” through healthy pricing and solid payment systems.

    I’ll walk you through 5 key ingredients to marketing that will help your message sing so that you really do connect with - and attract - the clients you love working with the most.

    And on top of all that, we’ll dig deep into what it means to be the CEO, including into how to prevent some of the problems and pitfalls that come with being your own boss.

    The best part? The whole thing is free, and designed to fit with your busy schedule.

    WHEN: JUNE 3, 5 and 6
    WHAT TIME: 11:30 - 1 ET, 8:30 - 10 PT
    WHERE: You're hanging out with me on Zoom of course!

    And how? Just click on the link below to get your name on the list. I'll send out all the details soon, but I have to have your name first! So what do you say? Shall we hang out?


    Support the Show.

    Wendy Pitts Reeves, LCSW
    Host, Ideal Practice
    Private Practice Coach and Mentor


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    44 mins
  • #102. Pay Attention to Your Money - and Watch It Grow: A Conversation with Jacquette M. Timmons
    Apr 30 2024

    We’ve talked a lot about money stories here on the Ideal Practice© podcast. But today, I want you to dive a little deeper into your own money story. I want you to think about how your money makes you feel.

    For example: Do you feel energized when you think about your finances? 🤩

    OR…do you feel stressed, heavy, and anxious about your financial situation? 😵‍💫

    Your answer says something about your relationship with money.

    Is it healthy, or toxic?

    Today, you'll hear a fascinating conversation with Jacquette M. Timmons, a speaker, author, and financial behaviorist. Jacquette works with smart, driven, and curious high-earners to help them take back their money story and create their future financial success.

    How cool is that?

    And if there’s one thing Jacquette wants you to know, it’s this;

    Financial success doesn't start in your wallet. Because there are a whole bunch of choices that you need to make before you even go there.

    Jacquette talks about the importance of paying attention to your behavior with money, which really means paying attention to the emotions that you bring to that.

    She wants us to start with our feelings around money, and what our relationship with money looks like. Because, just like in any relationship, how you behave determines everything.

    Healthy relationships – financial relationships included – don’t happen all by themselves.

    So in this episode, we’re going to explore:

    • How you can build a healthy relationship with your money.
    • The 3 key ways to build wealth.
    • How to know when you’re wealthy. (What???)
    • The difference between being rich and being wealthy.
    • How to identify your blind spots around money.

    Here’s the thing, folks …

    You are allowed to make money. It's okay. You are allowed to have nice things, and you are allowed to experience luxury, however you define that.

    Isn’t it time to change your money story and start earning what you deserve?

    I think so.

    Here’s to writing a new script!


    P.S. Have you left a review for us yet? If not, could I get you to hop over to Apple Podcasts or Spotify for a moment to add your 2 cents? Thank you!


    Jacquette M. Timmons is a speaker, author, and financial behaviorist who has been advancing the culture of financial well-being for over three decades.

    She is a frequent blogger, creator, and trademark holder of Pricing Made Human®, and host of the podcast, “More Than Money.”

    Her clients include Fortune 100 companies, AM Law 200 firms, nationally known non-profits, and conferences . She has been on programs like “Good Morning America,” CNN, NPR, Black Enterprise, Reuters.com, and the Wall Street Journal.

    Her Website
    Her Instagram Page
    Her LinkedIn Profile

    Her Book: Financial Intimacy: How to Create a Healthy Relationship with Your Money and Your Mate

    Support the Show.

    Wendy Pitts Reeves, LCSW
    Host, Ideal Practice
    Private Practice Coach and Mentor


    Show more Show less
    1 hr and 18 mins