• #124. Learn How to Embrace Uncertainty (and Watch Your Practice Thrive)
    Oct 8 2024

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    Today on the podcast, we're talking about what it means to thrive on uncertainty. Because like it or not, that's pretty much what life as an entrepreneur is all about.

    But oh my gosh, once you can get comfortable being uncomfortable, amazing things start to happen for you... Honestly, I’ve seen it so many times.

    So, what is it that scares you right now? 🤔

    Whatever it is, I want you to know that we ALL feel fear in the beginning (yes, even those ‘successful people’ that you look up to). It’s completely normal to feel a little nervous or unsure when we’re trying something new for the first time.

    So, today I want you to think about this …

    What one thing in your business do you want to try, that you're ready to step into, but you’re hesitating to embrace?

    What is the one thing that could move you forward, if you could just push past that fear?

    In today’s episode, I’m going to walk you through the uncertainty you may be feeling right now. You’ll learn how to navigate the uncomfortable phase of growth that every entrepreneur faces before real growth and success can happen - over and over again.

    You’ll also hear:

    • How to know when (and WHERE) you’re being called to grow.
    • The one mistake that most people make when planning to grow their practice.
    • Super simple hacks to getting started (even if you’re scared to death, lol.).
    • Why imperfection is a good thing.

    So, give this one a listen, because I know there are amazing things waiting for you once you take the leap out of your comfort zone.

    And today, I’m going to help you do it!


    P.S. While you’re here, can I ask a favor?

    If you enjoyed this episode, please take 2 minutes to share a 5 star review and maybe a few words over on Apple Podcasts? Your support means more than you can imagine, and helps us get discovered by others who could use this kind of help. Thank you! 🙏

    Reflect on an area in your business where you feel hesitant to act. Write down three imperfect actions you can take this week to move forward. What's the very first thing you can do? (And baby steps count!)


    Episode 117: How to Build Visibility and Connection via Video: A Conversation with Faith Dey

    COACHING: Need a Quick Start Consult?

    Got a problem in your practice that you can’t solve? Have an idea you want to try but don't know where to start? A Quick Start Consult gives you access to high quality coaching without the expense of a full blown coaching commitment. I'm serious about your success - so we don't just talk about your business. We work on it - together. Click below for details. :)


    Support the show

    Wendy Pitts Reeves, LCSW
    Host, Ideal Practice
    Private Practice Coach and Mentor


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    25 mins
  • 123. Finding Your Wise Tribe: The Power of Peer Support in Entrepreneurship
    Oct 1 2024

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    Let’s face it.

    Running your own business can be exciting, challenging, empowering...

    and lonely.

    And if you’ve been in practice for a while, you know what I mean when I say that friends and family – unless they are entrepreneurs themselves – may have trouble understanding what it’s like to stand in your shoes.

    And yet, you need people around you who DO get it. You need peope who, like you, are on their own journey of success, who get the ups and downs that a life of entrepreneurship inevitably requires.

    You need your own wise tribe.

    You need the company of entrepreneurial peers who will challenge you when you get in your own way, support you when the doubts kick in, and celebrate like crazy when you get a win.

    So let’s explore that.

    This week on the podcast, we’re talking about the power of community, and its impact on your mental health, creativity and your overall business success.

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • Why talking with your family and friends about your business isn’t enough.
    • The harder way that some relationships may change as your business grows (and you grow, too.)
    • Tips for how to find and cultivate your own wise tribe of healthy, success oriented peers who can walk beside you along the way.

    And more.

    Because I don’t know where I’d be if I hadn’t made it a point to surround myself with success-oriented people over the years.

    And if you’re serious about building the business you dream of, you need those kind of people around you too.

    Give it a listen.


    P.S. If you’d like to just see what it’s even like to be in the same room with business owners like you - who get you in a completely different way - I’ve got a workshop coming up in December that you might want to know about. You’ll hear a little about that in the podcast too.

    Think about it! :)


    Ever wished you had a place where you could speak freely about what it’s like to run your own practice? Where you could get feedback about strategy or clarity on your most important goals?

    What if there was a way you could talk through big ideas out loud with other practice owners who get you like no one else?

    Consider joining us for OnPurpose 2025, the annual deep-dive strategic planning workshop I host each year in December.

    This year’s workshop will be on Friday, December 6, from 1-5 eastern, and it’s online so you can join us from anywhere.

    You don’t have to commit now. You can’t! It's not open yet! 😉

    But if you want to be notified when I open the doors for registration in November - so you have a choice - you should at least get your name on the waiting list, don’t you think? ;)

    Click here to do that, and I’ll make sure you get the news when it comes.

    Support the show

    Wendy Pitts Reeves, LCSW
    Host, Ideal Practice
    Private Practice Coach and Mentor


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    29 mins
  • #122. 5 Steps to Get Back On Track When Life Throws You Lemons
    Sep 17 2024

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    Today’s episode is a little different, my friends. I want to share some things with you that I don’t normally talk about here on the Podcast.

    I want us to talk about what to do when life throws you lemons, what to do when all those carefully laid plans we make don’t work.

    It happens to all of us. (Seriously - it has been a year around here…)

    So I want to share with you some of what I’ve been dealing with - AND give you a framework for how to cope when things get tough.

    Because, you know, #lifehappens. 😜

    Let’s talk through a five-step full body and business reset that I use to get myself back on track, a reset process that you can use too..

    (Make sure you stick around until the end too. I’ve got a free resource that will really help you to get to clarity with all of this).

    In this episode, you’ll hear:

    • The 5 steps I recommend for getting your business, your body, and your brain back on track when life (inevitably!) happens.
    • The ritual that you can use to get back on track, and stay there.
    • A simple way to clear blocked energy so you can move forward with purpose.
    • The key difference between reviewing and reflecting. (That’s important!)

    It’s been a challenging year here - not gonna lie - but I’m not here to complain, or to focus on the negative. I just think the Universe is telling me that there’s a season for everything. And for now, it's a season for simplifying the way I approach things.

    Well, I’m here for it - and I’ll be back in my growing season soon, you can be sure of that. 🤩

    Is it possible that the Universe has been trying to tell you something too?

    Give this one a listen. Now, when YOU need a full body and business reset - you’ll know just what to do.

    To your sanity, and success. 💞


    P.S. As you’re reading this, we’re only a few weeks out before heading into the 4th quarter. Implementing a quarterly review ritual is an important part of the process I’m sharing here. Not sure how? Download your own free copy of the process I use through the link below.


    ANOTHER FREE RESOURCE: Assess Your Progress with the

    As a coach of mine used to say, running a business is a full contact sport. There are SO many different parts of it to keep up with, manage, think about, and create - at every step of the way. How do you know what to work on first or where to focus your energy? How do you tell where your weaknesses are and where you're solid?

    Well I’ve got you covered! The IP360 Scorecard, based on the 7 Pillars of an Ideal Practice, is designed to give you a practical, actionable, big-picture review of your practice as it stands. And you can complete it in less than 10 minutes.

    Click on the link below to get your free copy today.

    The IP360 Scorecard

    Support the show

    Wendy Pitts Reeves, LCSW
    Host, Ideal Practice
    Private Practice Coach and Mentor


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    30 mins
  • #121. Are Your Thoughts Holding You Back? Let's Change That Right Now.
    Sep 10 2024

    Question or comment? 🙋‍♀️ Send me a text message!

    Today on the podcast, I want to talk about THE thing that holds most of us back.

    Our thoughts.

    It’s such an important topic y’all, because here’s the thing …

    Your sense of satisfaction, your sense of well-being, your joy, and literally your success all come down to the way you think.


    As entrepreneurs and private practice owners, we are naturally problem solvers. 🤔 That’s what we do. It’s how we’re wired, right? And that’s awesome, but it also means that our eyes are always on the future …

    …on what’s still out there. On the goals we haven’t reached yet, the accomplishments that we haven’t quite ticked off the list yet.

    And while it’s great to have big dreams, if we’re not careful, we can get caught up in a spiral of defeat and negative thoughts.

    Uh, oh …. 😬

    That state of negativity will never serve you guys, so it’s critical to watch what you think. Because at the end of the day, it’s all a mind game.

    You get what you expect.

    And here’s the cool thing about that.

    You have the power to change what you expect.

    And today on the podcast, we’re going to talk about how to use that power. 🤩

    In this episode, you’ll learn:

    • Why you’re probably not even aware of the thoughts that are holding you back (and how to change that).
    • The one thing you must do BEFORE you can change your thoughts.
    • Some super simple exercises that you can follow to shift your mindset, right now.
    • Why money literally is everywhere (once you know how to find it 😉).

    I know this might sound simplistic, but you really CAN change your life and your business, once you know how to change your thoughts.

    I myself re-discover this point over and over again.

    So, give this one a listen.

    Change your mind. Change your life.


    P.S. While you’re here, can I ask a favor? Could you leave us a review? Just click on the show itself on Apple or Spotify, scroll to the review section and follow the prompts. That would me so much to my team and I. Thank you!


    FREE RESOURCE: Assess Your Progress with the IP360 SCORECARD.

    As a coach of mine used to say, “running a business is a full contact sport”. There are SO many different parts of it to keep up with, manage, think about, and create - at every step of the way. How do you know what to work on first or where to focus your energy? How do you tell where your weaknesses are and where you're solid?

    Well I’ve got you covered! The IP360 Scorecard, based on the 7 Pillars of an Ideal Practice, is designed to give you a practical, actionable, big-picture review of your practice as it stands. And you can complete it in less than 10 minutes.

    Click on the link below to get your free copy today.

    The IP360 Scorecard

    Support the show

    Wendy Pitts Reeves, LCSW
    Host, Ideal Practice
    Private Practice Coach and Mentor


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    32 mins
  • #120. How Will AI (& Other Tech) Change Therapy? A Fascinating Conversation With Amity Cooper
    Sep 3 2024

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    Doesn’t it feel like AI is everywhere all of a sudden?

    I can be a bit of a nerd sometimes. (You know I geek out over productivity tools.🤓) And I think it could help to learn more about this - but where do you even start?

    Well, today’s guest can help. She challenges us to lean in and embrace AI and other tech - and I was struck by what she had to say.

    Meet Amity Cooper, a seasoned entrepreneur, mental health professional, and entrepreneurial coach who helps therapists learn how to embrace new, emerging technologies so they can better help the people they serve.

    In this episode, you’ll hear how AI is being used to further the field of therapy (not to take your job…) and why Amity wants therapists everywhere to jump on the bandwagon with her.

    You’ll also hear:

    • Four types of technology that could have a positive impact on your practice right now.
    • How AI can help create a frictionless experience for clients who want to work with you.
    • The one type of tech that 83% of your potential clients want you to use. 😲
    • How technology can help you to create a ‘full service’ practice.

    AI has the potential to change the game in terms of therapeutic training, new treatment methods, and new ways to run our practices.

    As Amity said: We have the power to tech up and care wide, to reach people and serve people like never before.

    Tech up and care wide … I love that. And it sounds like a terrific opportunity to me.

    Give this one a listen, and be sure to stick around to the end, where Amity shares a simple way to get started on your own journey with AI.


    P.S. “Okay - so THAT was interesting…If that’s what you're saying as you listen, would you please give us a 5 star review and a few words over on Apple Podcasts or Spotify?

    is a seasoned entrepreneur, mental health professional, and entrepreneurial coach. Today, she is focused on empowering other mental and behavioral health professionals to serve their clients without burning themselves out.

    Find her online:

    • Clinical Career Collective
    • Wayfinding Counseling
    • Facebook
    • LinkedIn

    Amity shared a TON of online resources, too many to list here, but you can find them over on my website, right here.

    The IP360 Scorecard, based on the 7 Pillars of an Ideal Practice, is designed to give you a practical, actionable, big-picture review of your practice as it stands, so you'll know where to focus as you grow. And you can complete it in less than 10 minutes.

    Click here to get your copy today.

    Support the show

    Wendy Pitts Reeves, LCSW
    Host, Ideal Practice
    Private Practice Coach and Mentor


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    1 hr and 22 mins
  • #119. Is Your Business Calling You to Grow? How to Know and What to Do Next
    Aug 27 2024

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    I have something for you to think about …

    I believe that running a business and growing your private practice is really kind of a spiritual practice.


    I say that because building a business will challenge you to grow in ways that you didn't even know you needed, and it will call you forward to be your best self in ways that nothing else can.

    But it's not always going to be easy.

    In fact, sometimes it can be really UNCOMFORTABLE. 😬

    And that’s exactly what we’re going to talk about today.

    Because here’s the thing … being in business is about growing. CONSTANTLY. And growing requires us to step up to the next level of discomfort.

    So we resist. (Don’t you? I know I sure do.)

    We play small. Some of us undercharge. Some of us stay hidden.

    I see this all the time inside my EVOLVE mastermind, and when I do - I know it means my students are on the brink of a massive breakthrough.

    I do love that part. :)

    Today I’ll share a story about a colleague who really called me out and challenged me to step out of my comfort zone and step UP into the next evolution of my business.

    She really put me in the hot seat, y’all.

    It was tough.

    It was also good for me.

    In today’s episode you’ll also hear:

    • How to spot the signs that the universe is calling you to grow.
    • Why figuring out how to grow your business is never the problem. (There’s something else you MUST do first …).
    • Why fear is a good thing! 🤨

    Today, I’m putting YOU in the hot seat. I’ll be that straight talking colleague who pushes you out of your comfort zone, and maybe makes you squirm just a little.


    I invite you to listen to this episode and see what comes up for you.

    Because here’s something else to think about …

    If you're reading this, then maybe there's something that the universe is trying to tell you.

    I don’t think you’d be here otherwise. 😉

    Much love,

    P.S. If you're enjoying the podcast as much as I really hope you are, could you help me spread the word? Who are two friends or colleagues you know who could really use a boost of encouragement each week? Who else needs this kind of teaching? Please share this episode with them - and thank you!


    COACHING: Need a Quick Start Consult?

    Got a problem in your practice that you can’t solve? Have an idea you want to try but don't know where to start? A Quick Start Consult gives you access to high quality coaching without the expense of a full blown coaching commitment. I'm serious about your success - so we don't just talk about your business. We work on it - together. Click here for details.


    Support the show

    Wendy Pitts Reeves, LCSW
    Host, Ideal Practice
    Private Practice Coach and Mentor


    Show more Show less
    27 mins
  • #118. 7 Common Marketing Mistakes (That You're Probably Making Right Now.)
    Aug 20 2024

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    One of the hardest lessons we have to learn when we start a private practice is that we actually have to market ourselves. 😬

    Now, I don't know about you, but I sure didn't take any marketing classes in grad school. And at the time, I wouldn’t have wanted to!

    But I know better now.

    And I know that this is a skill that you simply MUST master, if you want to get in front of the right people and do the kind of work that you’re really called to do.

    Marketing is a HUGE topic, and one that I spend 6 to 12 months talking about inside of my mastermind, EVOLVE. So, we sure can’t cover everything in a single podcast episode.

    But there are a handful of really common marketing mistakes that I see all the time… And goodness - it's just so easy to make those mistakes if nobody's ever told you otherwise - right?

    Of course it is.

    These are the kind of mistakes that well intended entrepreneurs make all the time … the ones that leaves their potential clients kind of scratching their heads. 🤔

    (Don’t be that person!!)

    Well today, my friends, I've got your back. I'm going to tell you seven of the most common mistakes that I see all the time as a business coach among private practice owners.

    We’re going to talk about what NOT to do when you’re marketing yourself and your practice.

    You’ll also learn:

    • The real reason no one is buying from you (even if you’re awesome at what you do).
    • The number ONE question your marketing must answer.
    • Why you should be more like McDonald’s (yes, really!).
    • The ONE thing that you need to make crystal clear, AFTER you get your ideal client’s attention.

    Now, I’m throwing a lot at you today, my friends.

    Learning how to market ourselves is no easy topic for most of us. A lot of this is a bit abstract, and it can take a while to really understand how to apply it all (and to feel good doing it).

    But I've given you a really, really good introduction today, and you can make some great progress if you just start by asking yourself the questions that I’ve asked you today.

    Give it a try, and see what comes up for you.


    P.S. While you’re here, can you help me out? If you enjoyed this episode, please take 2 minutes to share a 5 star review and maybe a few words over on Apple Podcasts? Your support means more than you can imagine, and helps us get discovered by others who could use this kind of help. Thank you! 🙏


    • Ep. #116: Finding Your Why: A Deep Dive into How Purpose Fuels Business Success
    • Ep. #117. How to Build Visibility and Connection via Video: A Conversation with Faith Dey.

    COACHING: Need a Quick Start Consult?

    Got a problem in your practice that you can’t solve? Have an idea you want to try but don't know where to start? A Quick Start Consult gives you access to high quality coaching without the expense of a full blown coaching commitment. I'm serious about your success - so we don't just talk about your business. We work on it - togeth

    Support the show

    Wendy Pitts Reeves, LCSW
    Host, Ideal Practice
    Private Practice Coach and Mentor


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    35 mins
  • #117. How to Build Visibility and Connection via Video: A Conversation with Faith Dey
    Aug 13 2024

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    OK guys, let’s talk about something that freaks you out. 😱.

    No, it's not money. Today, we're turning to that OTHER thing that freaks us all out … being on camera.

    Eeeeek!! 😰

    But seriously, as uncomfortable as this might seem, putting yourself out there is an essential part of growing your Ideal Practice. Otherwise, how will your people find you if you're not visible to them?

    Showing up on camera lets your clients establish a connection with you before they’ve even met you.

    And one of the best ways to be visible and build a real connection, is via video. In fact, in today’s digital world of Zoom calls, Instagram reels, and YouTube, showing up on video is a non-negotiable.

    I have a treat for you today, because I have a special guest who’s going to help us all with this. Faith Dey is a Video Producer and Coach, who helps businesses of all sizes to be confident, professional and visible online.

    You'll learn all kinds of cool things today because Faith spilled ALL the beans on exactly how to create your own video content. (We're talking lighting, camera angles, tech set up, and much more.)

    You'll also hear:

    • The 6 different styles of video – and how to choose the style that works for you.
    • How to share your message on video, without being on the video 🤔.
    • A simple hack for feeling comfortable in front of the camera.
    • The easiest way to create a minimum viable video that connects with your ideal clients.

    It’s a big world out there, friends, and there are a lot of people who need your help. Video can help them find you faster.

    So, I challenge you to give this episode a listen and then … Just. Do. It.

    Show up.
    Take imperfect action.
    Film a video.

    And put your real self out there, because your people are waiting for you.

    And you will look just perfect for them. 😉


    P.S. “Okay Wendy - You got me. That was interesting….! “
    If that’s what you find yourself saying as you listen, would you please share a little love with a 5-star review and a few words over on Apple Podcasts or Spotify?


    Faith Dey is a Video Producer, Coach and Founder of Live Well Video. Live Well Video is a full service partner for digital marketing campaigns, business branding and online education, helping organizations of all sizes to stay visible with video. Faith also helps leaders and business owners through virtual private and group coaching and is creator of The Video Pro Playbook, to help owners stay top of mind by self-producing pro-quality videos.

    Her Website
    Her Instagram page
    Her LinkedIn page

    Support the show

    Wendy Pitts Reeves, LCSW
    Host, Ideal Practice
    Private Practice Coach and Mentor


    Show more Show less
    1 hr and 17 mins