
  • Ode to Richard Simons & Dr. Ruth: Pioneers of Health
    Jul 17 2024

    Ode to Richard Simons and Dr. Ruth, who were Icons and Pioneers in the modalities of health and passed away this last following weekend and will never be forgotten for their tributes to health and well-being.

    Dr. Ruth really was well above her time starting with her radio show called "Sexually Speaking", but also importantly her own televison show "The Dr. Ruth Show". Let's face it, this was above and beyond most peoples time and many were tuning in to her divrersity of sexual heath and most importantly womans health and well-being that helped changed our communities that wil never be forgotten.

    Richard Simons was not out to prove anything crazy in the world of health when it came to exercise and nutrtion. He never had that college education in health or exercise, but learned it first hand and did it right by showing himself how eating properly with simple basic dietary portions that individuals needed and most importantly, moving that body daily was what it took to reach goals for losing weight and feeling great. Yes, Richard Simons showed the world that he knew what it took to make a healthy lifesyle and started up his own Health Clubs "Slimmons". Great Intergrity came from this man as he created "Sweating to the Odies" and his "Deal-a-Meal" Program, so he could really connect with people that were dealing of what he went through as being obese. Richard Simmons was a Pioneer of Health and Fitness, but most importantly, He Listend...

    Beautiful picuter of both Dr. Ruth and Richard Simons sitting together in an interview.


    Dr. Chris



    Más Menos
    11 m
  • Healthy Sauces & Marinades for Simple Cooking
    Jul 17 2024

    Healthy Sauces and Marinades are right at your finger tips with many other dressings or condiements that can make healthy foods go to the the next level with simple cooking.

    Eating healthy today, does not need to taste like dirt or card board, but with so many great cooking modalities that we can cook with, we must pay attention to some key factors when it comes to sugar, salt and fat.

    Listen to this simple introduction on using Sauces and Marinades, that helps you focus on low sugar, low salt and low fat to excite your cooking.

    Products Will Be Featured Weekly...

    Thank you,

    Dr. Chris



    Más Menos
    8 m
  • Going to the Pow-Wow Baby!
    Jul 15 2024

    I feel so blessed as I have dance across the nation as a Non-Native American Men's Feather Fancy Dancer and this will always be with me and nothing can ever take that away.

    I thank my Family and Dear Friends of the Native American community that I have learned from at such a young age, but still love learning the life of others.

    If you can learning anything from this, I ask you to Please ask you to Learn About Other Cultures for Understandng and Diversity.

    I have danced across the United States and at so many Pow-Wows and have connected with so many and it's so Powerful.

    I hope you can have some of these great expeierences as well with the Native American communities or any Amazing Culture.

    I want to hear about it... I Hope You Enjoy My Dance Regalia...



    Más Menos
    7 m
  • American Indian Taco: Treat Day
    Jul 15 2024

    My Treat Day or Going to the Fair, is going to the Pow-Wow for an American Indian Taco or Native American Taco, while watching amazing Men and Women Dance with so many styles and categories.

    I was a Non-Native American Men's Feather Fancy Dancer and love the expeirences and education that I have gained as a young man Supporting Our First People.

    So, Here I Go: Indulging and Loving Every Minute of It...

    Always Loving the Indian Taco: This is the best I have ever had. Back to training for health...

    Más Menos
    6 m
  • Basic Core Stability & Endurance Strength Programming 4 U!
    Jul 9 2024

    Basic Core Stability to Endurance Strength Training right at your finger tips workining through-out the planes of motion. This is a Great idea of how many of my clients start that have not exercised really ever or in the longest time. Starting with this makes advancement in health easier from one phase to the next, with programming being specific to you,

    Starting with:

    Day l: Core Stability w/ Chest, Legs, Shoulders

    Planks or Modifiend Holding 4-15 Seconds-Going into Planked or Modified Push-Ups for 6-15 Reps: Complete 2-3 Sets

    DB Ball Squats to DB Lateral Raises (Holding 3-5lb DBs) at the Side: Squat to or as close to 90 degree, as you extend back up, lateral raise, parellel with the shoulders w/ slight bend in the elbow. Complete 2-3 Sets w/ 12-15 Reps

    Day ll: Core Stability/Balance, Back

    Seated Spinal Ball Balance w/ seated on ball, back straight, core tight & shoulders back, lifting on leg up to balance for 4+ seconds and alternate repeating 2-3 times and increasing duration of leg elevated in the air.

    Seated on Ball w/ Resistance Band around upright and full extended out. Row Reistance Band Handles right up to the front of the body & release & repeat.

    Lastly, stand on Bosu Ball or Small Balance Dome & lift one leg up holding for a few seconds and alternate for 12-15 reps.

    These are some basics for you to get you thinking about Core Stability and Endurance Strength. It's important to start with these few basic concepts and adhereing with more advancement over time, completing physical activity you never thought you could do.

    Always complete Cardiorespiratory Exercise for at least 2-30 minutes per day as great modality in Weight Loss and Cardiovascular Health.

    It's Time For A New Act!

    Dr. Chris



    Más Menos
    12 m
  • Simple-N-Basic: Grilling Chicken!
    Jul 9 2024

    Grilling Chicken is simple and easy that is a great protein source that can have so many different flavor variables for you to enjoy for the week, There are a just a few simple concepts to always keep in mind.

    Cook Chicken to 165 degrees F or a little more is okay, such as 170 F. Always flip 60-90 seconds for smaller, medium pieces and 90 seconds to 2 minutes with flipping 4-6 times. Remember, if under cooked, you can always put it back on the grill or oven for a bit. It becomes easier as you go/

    Get a good sear and lather with Low Fat and Low Sugar BBQ Sauce or just seared from a Marinade.

    Chicken tenders or Breast are always recommended, but Chicken Thighs, Hind Quarters even with skin on is fine. Skin is ok for a few bites and that is it, but also help with flavor, along with bone in.

    Enjoy the Summer and Stay Tuned for more Grilling and Learning about Smokers to Dress Up Your Healthy Eats...

    Dr. Chris



    Más Menos
    8 m
  • Core Stability: Proportional Endurance Strength Exercises
    Jul 7 2024

    Core Stability should always be used in everyday functional and balance training, along with cardiorespiratory exercise which are the first steps in inginition of the human body in becoming healthier. As weeks move forward and hopefully you see advancement, it's time to start thinking of working on muscular endurance resistance training that is such a transistiion from core stability exercises and utilizing body resistance to some very simple modalities, such as, resistance bands to light dumbbells that are very affordable that will help you work throughout the Kinetic Chain of the body and Planes of Motion for effciency of exercise.

    Simple Basics: Start Right Here, Right Now...

    Dr. Chris



    Más Menos
    10 m
  • Affordable Eat$
    Jul 7 2024

    Prices are always on the rise when it comes to grocery shopping and especially for healthy nutrition. Looking at so many healthy options between grocery and convenience stores, the prices have doubled over the last two years and we need to start paying a close a attention for better afforable eating for ourselvesl and families.

    Here are some stats and mind concepts that you and your family need to start paying attention to for saving money and eating a healthier diet. This package of Turkey is low cost and makes two meals. Figure it out...

    Dr, Chris



    Más Menos
    13 m