• Awareness Itself | July 25/26, 2024 “Meditation Q & A With Wendy Nash” #23
    Jul 22 2024
    In this twenty-third installment of the ongoing live series with Wendy Nash inquiring into meditation practice on and off the cushion we explore awareness itself, particularly in light of just having audited a retreat on it. Retreat Notes Disclaimers: Insights: Types of practices (that occurred to me): Questions: (Somewhat) Related: From https://integratingpresence.com/2022/06/12/podcast-jhanic-factors-and-formless-realms-contemplation-meditation: ‘It’s not aContinue reading "Awareness Itself | July 25/26, 2024 “Meditation Q & A With Wendy Nash” #23"
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  • “Six Sense Spheres” Chapter 2 From Buddhadhamma: The Laws Of Nature And Their Benefits To Life
    Jul 14 2024
    This is the second chapter “Six Sense Spheres” in/from the book: The Laws of Nature and Their Benefits to Lifeby Bhikkhu P. A. Payutto (Somdet Phra Buddhaghosacariya) Published by Buddhadhamma FoundationCopyright © Buddhadhamma Foundation 2021Translated by Robin Philip Moore Editor: Bhikkhu Kovilo, typesetting: Bhikkhu Gambhīro Download this e-book in PDF, EPUB and MOBI formats at the followingContinue reading "“Six Sense Spheres” Chapter 2 From Buddhadhamma: The Laws Of Nature And Their Benefits To Life"
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  • Proper Power With Nate Zeleznick
    Jul 12 2024
    On June 9, 2024 Integrated Ascension Method creator Nate Zeleznick joins me to talk energy, frequency, vibration, consciousness, martial arts, the ancient royal Indonesian method Marpati Puti, discernment in spiritual communities or lack thereof, root causes of war, greed, lack of interconnectivity and unity, creating change, power, eternalism, masculinity, reality, phasing of subatomic particles, surrenderingContinue reading "Proper Power With Nate Zeleznick"
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  • Spaceful, Spirited Speaking With Alan Carroll
    Jul 5 2024
    On April 19, 2024 master space oil wizard and orator Alan Carroll and I could have very well approached nearly all the things about talking. Who knows? Likely not though. However, it was beyond fascinating to dive pretty deep into the particulars of deftly wielding the spoken English language. While Alan doesn’t directly address aContinue reading "Spaceful, Spirited Speaking With Alan Carroll"
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  • “Five Aggregates: The Five Constituents Of Life” Chapter 1 From Buddhadhamma: The Laws Of Nature And Their Benefits To Life
    Jul 4 2024
    This is the first chapter “Five Aggregates: The Five Constituents of Life” in/from the book: The Laws of Nature and Their Benefits to Lifeby Bhikkhu P. A. Payutto (Somdet Phra Buddhaghosacariya) Published by Buddhadhamma FoundationCopyright © Buddhadhamma Foundation 2021Translated by Robin Philip Moore Editor: Bhikkhu Kovilo, typesetting: Bhikkhu Gambhīro Download this e-book in PDF, EPUB and MOBIContinue reading "“Five Aggregates: The Five Constituents Of Life” Chapter 1 From Buddhadhamma: The Laws Of Nature And Their Benefits To Life"
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  • Relational Practice | June 27/28, 2024 “Meditation Q & A With Wendy Nash” #22
    Jun 23 2024
    In this twenty-second installment of the ongoing live series with Wendy Nash inquiring into meditation practice on and off the cushion we explore relational practice in its many modes and expressions like how we relate in various societal, cultural, national, institutional, academic and interrelational contexts; and in more formal contemplative containers like insight dialog, andContinue reading "Relational Practice | June 27/28, 2024 “Meditation Q & A With Wendy Nash” #22"
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  • Podcasting Production Insights
    Jun 13 2024
    Since I was asked, here’s some thoughts and insights on doing a podcast. I read the request at the beginning and also read most of this post: https://integratingpresence.com/2023/04/23/grandiose-thought-experiments-to-show-up-like-never-before/ so I recently got this following email hey Josh I hope you’re a phenomenal my friend just a note to say how much I enjoy connecting withContinue reading "Podcasting Production Insights"
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  • The Most Superior Kind Of Offering (Rejoicement Talk to Donors, Organizers and Helpers) (Knowing & Seeing–Talk 9 by Pa-Auk Sayadaw)
    Jun 11 2024
    This is the ninth and final talk from the book Knowing and Seeing by the most Venerable Pa-Auk Tawya Sayadaw read by me and is a gift not for sale / to be sold. It is from the Fifth Revised Edition via https://static.sariputta.com/pdf/tipitaka/1221/1pas-01-knowing-and-seeing-5th-rev-ed-pamc-032019pdf.pdf https://www.paaukforestmonastery.org https://www.paaukforestmonastery.org/ebooks
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