• Navigating the mental change curve
    Jun 25 2024
    Navigating the Change Curve - your own and the one of your team membersIn this episode, Ulrike sits down with Roland Wulz to explore the varying interpretations of change among employees across different cultures and organizational types. They discuss how to navigate the emotional journey of change, the importance of transparent communication, and the necessity of adapting leadership styles to meet the diverse needs of team members.Understanding the Change Curve: Change is a process that typically follows a change curve: shock, anger/frustration, denial, depression, and acceptance. Leaders often move through this curve faster due to early access to information, which can create a disconnect with team members still processing initial reactionsIndividual Variation in Change ResponseEach person's journey through the change curve varies, and leaders must recognize these differences to support their teams effectively.Meeting team members where they are in their change journey is crucial for fostering a positive transition.The Role of Communication and TransparencyEffective communication involves transparency about the change process, including admitting personal challenges and mistakes.Incorporating the individual needs of team members can help them understand and adapt to change more quickly.Cultural Considerations in Change ManagementCultural differences affect how feedback and communication are perceived. For example, direct feedback may be well-received in Germany but might be offensive in cultures with more indirect communication styles, such as some Asian cultures.Leaders must be mindful of these cultural differences to manage change effectively in international teams.Proactive Change PreparationRather than waiting for change to happen, organizations should prepare in advance by involving employees in the planning process.This involvement helps create a sense of ownership and understanding among team members, making the transition smoother.Strategic Planning and Soft SkillsChange management should be integrated into the organization's strategy and business plan, considering external factors (e.g., market changes, regulations) and internal dynamics.Investing in communication and soft skills is crucial, as they steer people more effectively than quantitative targets like deadlines or budgets.People as Enablers of ChangeEmployees are not obstacles to change; they are enablers. Recognizing their role in co-creating and implementing change can transform the organizational culture and improve outcomes.Key TakeawaysLeaders must navigate their own change curve while being empathetic to where their team members are in the process.Transparent and honest communication builds trust and facilitates smoother transitions.Cultural awareness is essential in managing change within diverse teams.The proactive involvement of employees in change planning fosters a positive and collaborative environment.Soft skills and strategic communication are vital tools in effective change management.In this insightful episode, Ulrike and Roland explore the complexities of change management across cultures and organizational types. By understanding the emotional journey of change, fostering transparent communication, and recognizing the unique contributions of each team member, leaders can navigate change more effectively and create a positive, collaborative environment.Tune in next time for more insights on leadership and organizational dynamics. If you want to improve you own skills on leading change or communicating more effectively check out Ulrike’s online live courses for individuals here.Thanks for tuning into 'Leading Change Conversations'! We hope you found our discussion inspiring and informative. If you enjoyed it, remember to subscribe, rate, and leave a review. Plus, sign up for our Newsletter to access our practical transformation roadmaps on a regular basis. Until next time, keep leading, keep learning, and making a difference!About Roland WulzRoland has more than 30 years of experience in financial services. He is an experienced program manager with cross-cultural social competencies and a successful track record in shaping and implementing strategic international projects. He is an accredited specialist managing global trading areas with responsibilities over several leadership hierarchies and has led teams of up to 300 employees across regions.https://www.linkedin.com/in/roland-wulz/ About Ulrike SeminatiUlrike is a globally operating coach, trainer, and consultant who brings a wealth of experience as a former C-level executive to her expertise in authentic leadership and impactful communication. By blending the latest self-development methodologies with her extensive practical experience in leading across all levels of hierarchy, she enables leaders to establish trust and lead change through effective communication. Ulrike's clients benefit from her pragmatic and user-friendly tools that enable them to make ...
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    29 mins
  • Applying start-up agility principles to your corporate environment
    Jun 11 2024
    In this episode, Ulrike and her guest, Poorya Amini, delve into the complexities of managing a start-up's agility and how these insights can be applied to handling change and instability in your organization. Tune in to hear Ulrike and Poorya's full conversation and learn how to apply start-up agility principles to your corporate environment.Key Insights:Flexibility Over Rigidity:Keeping the initial idea in mind is important, but sticking to it at all costs won't yield the best results.Stay flexible and be willing to pivot to bring more promising ideas to life.Embracing Trial and Error:Expect pushback on your proposals; it’s a normal part of developing or delivering the best product or work.Mentally prepare yourself and your team to understand that pushback is not a personal attack.Redefining Success:In a volatile environment, demands change regularly. Thus, success should be redefined.Understand that success is the journey itself; learning from errors is a form of success.Valuing Negative Feedback:Treat negative feedback as a valuable asset.Use the perspectives and experiences shared by others to grow yourself and improve your product.Adaptive Communication:Tailor your communication to fit the personalities of your team members.Recognize who needs more background information or data to feel secure enough to embrace change.Small Team Dynamics in Larger Organizations:Even if you lead a large team, focus on your direct reports as if they were a small team.Communicate openly, frequently, and authentically with them to leverage their multiplier effect.Encouraging Open Dialogue:Admit when you are wrong and encourage your team to speak up and challenge your ideas.Value the input of critical minds to arrive at the best solutions together.Permanent Exchange and Active Listening:Engage in constant exchange, listen carefully, and encourage others to voice their opinions.Even with limited time, this practice helps avoid unnecessary work and potential mistakes.One of the most significant lessons for any leader from managing a start-up is to foster a culture of permanent exchange and active listening. By incorporating these principles, leaders can navigate and lead change more effectively within larger organizations.Join us next time as we continue to explore strategies for effective leadership and personal growth. Remember, it's okay not to have all the answers. Embracing uncertainty is the first step towards authentic leadership.Tune in next time for more insights on leadership and organizational dynamics. If you want to improve your own skills in leading change or communicating more effectively, check out Ulrike’s online live courses for individuals here.Thanks for tuning into 'Leading Change Conversations'! We hope you found our discussion inspiring and informative. Remember to subscribe, rate, and leave a review if you enjoyed it. Plus, sign up for our Newsletter to access our practical transformation roadmaps regularly. Until next time, keep leading, keep learning, and making a difference!About Poorya AminiPoorya obtained a master’s degree in veterinary medicine before pursuing a PhD in immunology, where his research focused on investigating pharmacological candidates in the pre-clinical stage. Following this, he pursued a Diploma of Advanced Studies in Clinical Trial Practice and Management. For over seven years, Poorya served as a trial project manager at a clinical research organization. During this time, he noticed significant issues with how clinical trial protocols were developed, prompting him to explore solutions. In 2019, Poorya founded Risklick, dedicating himself to creating the first AI-driven solution aimed at streamlining clinical trial protocol development.https://www.linkedin.com/in/poorya-amini-028951106/ About Ulrike SeminatiUlrike is a globally operating coach, trainer, and consultant who brings a wealth of experience as a former C-level executive to her expertise in authentic leadership and impactful communication. By blending the latest self-development methodologies with her extensive practical experience in leading across all levels of hierarchy, she enables leaders to establish trust and lead change through effective communication. Ulrike's clients benefit from her pragmatic and user-friendly tools that enable them to make lasting improvements.Connect with Ulrike!Website: https://ulrikeseminati.com LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ulrikeseminati/Email: contact@ulrikeseminati.com
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    30 mins
  • When you have to lay off 90% of your team ...
    May 28 2024

    In this episode, Ulrike and her guest, Sally Jones, dive into the challenging and emotionally taxing experience of managing a massive layoff. Sally, had to oversee the reduction of her team from 36 to just 2 or 3 members. She shares her insights and tips on handling such a difficult situation professionally and effectively.

    Key Insights and Tips:

    1. Maintain Professionalism and Objectivity

    Detach from personal emotions and focus on the task at hand. Understand and accept that the lay-off, although tough, was necessary and beneficial for the organization.

    2. Adopt a Positive Mindset

    View challenges as opportunities for growth and valuable experiences. Avoid falling into pessimism and take control of the situation.

    3. Stay Open-Minded

    Be flexible with the outcome, recognizing that the final result may differ from initial expectations.

    4. Prepare for Team Questions

    Anticipate questions from team members and contribute to the overall Q&A. Clarify your emotions and positions to provide informed answers.

    5. Act Quickly to Manage Rumors

    Address the situation promptly to prevent rumors from worsening the team's morale. Understand that people often imagine worse scenarios than reality!

    6. Be Available for Your Team

    After the official announcement, remain accessible for questions and support. Organize one-on-one meetings to offer both organizational and emotional support.

    7. Acknowledge Survivor's Guilt

    Recognize the emotional impact on those who remain after the lay-off. Address feelings of guilt and ensure continuous support for these team members.

    Handling a significant layoff requires a balance of professionalism, empathy, and strategic communication. Sally's experience highlights the importance of staying objective, supporting your team, and managing the emotional aftermath of such a transition. Tune in to learn how to navigate these challenging situations effectively and listen to the full episode for more detailed insights and personal experiences shared by Sally.

    Join us next time as we continue to explore strategies for effective leadership and personal growth. Remember, it's okay not to have all the answers. Embracing uncertainty is the first step towards authentic leadership.

    If you want to improve your own skills in leading change or communicating more effectively, check out Ulrike’s online live courses for individuals here.

    Thanks for tuning into 'Leading Change Conversations'! We hope you found our discussion inspiring and informative. Remember to subscribe, rate, and leave a review if you enjoyed it. Plus, sign up for our Newsletter to access our practical transformation roadmaps regularly.

    Until next time, keep leading, keep learning, and making a difference!

    About Sally Jones

    Sally Jones, originally from the UK, now living in Switzerland, has 30 years finance experience, including the last 7 years as a C-suite executive. She has worked in practise, financial services and aviation services industries, public and privately owned companies.

    Sally has experienced a number of transformation exercises in her career, M&A, Financing, reporting, audit and ESG.


    About Ulrike Seminati

    Ulrike is a globally operating coach, trainer, and consultant who brings a wealth of experience as a former C-level executive to her expertise in authentic leadership and impactful communication. By blending the latest self-development methodologies with her extensive practical experience in leading across all levels of hierarchy, she enables leaders to establish trust and lead change through effective communication. Ulrike's clients benefit from her pragmatic and user-friendly tools that enable them to make lasting improvements.

    Connect with Ulrike!

    Website: https://ulrikeseminati.com

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ulrikeseminati/

    Email: contact@ulrikeseminati.com

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    28 mins
  • Fearless Leadership: Embracing not knowing
    May 14 2024
    In this episode, Ulrike and her guest Erika Darmstaedter explore the challenge of managing the fear of not having all the answers as leaders and how admitting uncertainty can foster authenticity and trust within teams. Leaders, especially in higher positions, often feel compelled to have all the answers. This pressure can lead them to provide responses even when they're unsure, fearing that admitting ignorance might undermine their credibility. But actually, the opposite is true. Pretending to know when unsure can erode trust and credibility over time. It can lead to resistance when discrepancies arise between stated knowledge and reality.Our best picks on how to shift from the fear of not knowing to a constructive approach:Letting Go of Old Ideas: In today's world, leadership isn't solely about possessing knowledge but also about knowing where to find information. Leaders must overcome the ingrained notion that their value is solely determined by their knowledge.Learning to Admit in a Safe Space: Creating a safe environment to admit uncertainty is crucial. Leaders should practice acknowledging their lack of knowledge in a trusted setting before applying it in real-life situations.Creating a Learning Environment: Being open about uncertainties in meetings sets a positive example and encourages others to do the same. This fosters a culture of learning and collaboration.Repositioning Not Knowing as Valuable: Rather than viewing uncertainty as a weakness, leaders should see it as an opportunity to enhance understanding and prevent misunderstandings. Asking questions adds value to projects by providing clarity and detail.Maintaining a North Star: While embracing uncertainty, it's essential for leaders to maintain a clear long-term goal or purpose. This acts as a guiding principle while remaining flexible in execution, fostering consistency and credibility throughout the process.Relearning that perfection isn't necessary takes time and self-awareness. However, embracing authenticity and admitting uncertainty can ultimately lead to increased trust and support from those around you.Join us next time as we continue to explore strategies for effective leadership and personal growth. Remember, it's okay not to have all the answers. Embracing uncertainty is the first step towards authentic leadership.Tune in next time for more insights on leadership and organizational dynamics. If you want to improve your own skills in leading change or communicating more effectively, check out Ulrike’s online live courses for individuals here.Thanks for tuning into 'Leading Change Conversations'! We hope you found our discussion inspiring and informative. Remember to subscribe, rate, and leave a review if you enjoyed it. Plus, sign up for our Newsletter to access our practical transformation roadmaps regularly. Until next time, keep leading, keep learning, and making a difference!About Erika DarmstaedterErika is a global business leader with 30+ years in the creative industry, including 20+ years in CEO- and C-Suite and Board roles. She is Co-founder of Collective 63, a business-transformation advisory, Non-Executive Chairperson of the Avantgarde Brand Experience network, and Advisor to various tech-startups. She holds mentorship roles at The Founder Institute, the University of St. Gallen and INSEAD Alumni. Her expertise is directed at transforming companies into resilient entities poised for future challenges while championing gender equality and addressing ageism in the evolving business landscapes.https://www.linkedin.com/in/erikadarmstaedter/ About Ulrike SeminatiUlrike is a globally operating coach, trainer, and consultant who brings a wealth of experience as a former C-level executive to her expertise in authentic leadership and impactful communication. By blending the latest self-development methodologies with her extensive practical experience in leading across all levels of hierarchy, she enables leaders to establish trust and lead change through effective communication. Ulrike's clients benefit from her pragmatic and user-friendly tools that enable them to make lasting improvements.Connect with Ulrike!Website: https://ulrikeseminati.com LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ulrikeseminati/Email: contact@ulrikeseminati.com
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    32 mins
  • Managing personal anxiety amidst change
    Apr 23 2024

    In this episode, Ulrike and her guest Jennifer K. Hill explore practical strategies for leaders to manage their anxiety during change and empower themselves to guide their teams effectively.

    As leaders, it's crucial to begin by working on ourselves. Even if we never verbalize our feelings, our team can sense our emotions, leading to their discomfort and distress. Thus, the first step is for leaders to foster a deeper connection with themselves. We share here a few concrete techniques:

    1. Practice deep listening, starting with ourselves and extending to our team members. Recognize that everyone has unique motivations, and by understanding and speaking to these motivations, we can cultivate psychological safety, productivity, and effectiveness.

    2. During times of change, reflecting on what truly matters to us is essential. Jennifer refers to this as the "golden triangle" of connection to ourselves, others, and our purpose. Everything else falls into place when our actions align with a greater mission. Effective leaders embody these principles and engage in daily reflection.

    3. Before bed, consider three questions: How could I have improved today? What am I proud of? What are three things I appreciated about my day?

    4. When anxious, practice regulating the nervous system through deep breathing techniques, focusing on the heart center.

    5. Physical posture also influences our mindset. We can access new perspectives and behaviors by consciously altering our body position. Inner child work is another valuable technique discussed in the episode.

    Addressing our psycho-spiritual and emotional needs prevents reactive behavior and avoids burdening others with our emotional baggage. We create a healthier environment for ourselves and our teams by attending to our emotional well-being.

    Tune in next time for more insights on leadership and organizational dynamics. If you want to improve your own skills in leading change or communicating more effectively, check out Ulrike’s online live courses for individuals here.

    Thanks for tuning into 'Leading Change Conversations'! We hope you found our discussion inspiring and informative. If you enjoyed it, remember to subscribe, rate, and leave a review. Plus, sign up for our Newsletter to access our practical transformation roadmaps regularly.

    Until next time, keep leading, keep learning, and making a difference!

    About Jennifer Hill

    Jennifer K. Hill is an Evolutionary Leader, entrepreneur, author, speaker, podcaster and TV host. She has hosted popular shows with Dr. Deepak Chopra, Bruce Lipton, and many other leaders from around the world on her Regarding Consciousness podcast. After exiting her first company in 2018, she recently co-founded a new company in the technology space, OptiMatch (om.app) that utilizes their proprietary algorithm and built in AI to match people in business.


    About Ulrike Seminati

    Ulrike is a globally operating coach, trainer, and consultant who brings a wealth of experience as a former C-level executive to her expertise in authentic leadership and impactful communication. By blending the latest self-development methodologies with her extensive practical experience in leading across all levels of hierarchy, she enables leaders to establish trust and lead change through effective communication. Ulrike's clients benefit from her pragmatic and user-friendly tools that enable them to make lasting improvements.

    Connect with Ulrike!

    Website: https://ulrikeseminati.com

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ulrikeseminati/

    Email: contact@ulrikeseminati.com

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    29 mins
  • CEO insights: Maintaining productivity in times of change
    Apr 9 2024

    CEO Diego Pesciatini and Ulrike Seminati share strategies to improve productivity and create buy-in for ambitious change projects in this episode.

    Main Discussion Points:

    Obligation to Dissent:

    • Encouraging a culture of dissent fosters critical thinking and empowers team members to voice their perspectives.
    • Leader actively solicits opposing viewpoints from team members before making decisions, instilling confidence in the team's ability to contribute constructively.

    Understand Your Own Motivations First:

    • Effective leadership needs setting aside personal ego and identifying motivating factors to align team efforts towards shared goals.
    • Leaders must discern individual and collective motivators to inspire team commitment and drive success.

    Learn to Pass the Message:

    • Tailored communication approaches to resonate emotionally with diverse team members enhance message reception and alignment.
    • Flexibility in communication styles, ranging from directness to diplomacy, ensures effective conveyance of expectations and objectives.

    Help Your People Grow:

    • Prioritize nurturing the growth and development of ambitious team members over protecting personal status.
    • True leadership is exemplified by facilitating the growth of others, fostering a culture of collective advancement and success.

    Find the Right Balance Between Showing Strength and Vulnerability:

    • Embracing vulnerability and acknowledging limitations without hesitation instills trust and authenticity within the team.
    • Demonstrating strength in decision-making while acknowledging inherent uncertainties fosters confidence and a culture of decisive action.


    Maintaining productivity amidst change needs inclusive engagement and personalized support for team members. Leaders can effectively navigate transitions by nurturing individual growth and fostering a culture of open communication and mutual respect while maximizing team productivity and cohesion.

    Tune in next time for more insights on leadership and organizational dynamics. If you want to improve your own skills in leading change or communicating more effectively, check out Ulrike’s online live courses for individuals here.

    Thanks for tuning into 'Leading Change Conversations'! We hope you found our discussion inspiring and informative. Remember to subscribe, rate, and leave a review if you enjoyed it. Plus, sign up for our Newsletter to access our practical transformation roadmaps regularly.

    Until next time, keep leading, keep learning, and making a difference!

    About Diego Pesciatino

    Diego is the CEO of Amicorp Management Services, a global player in the financial services industry. After his law studies in Italy, he started his career as legal and business advisor in the MENA region where he advised prominent families, including Royal family members expanding their businesses globally. He moved to Zurich 10 years ago and he’s now leading a global team of professionals providing financial and administration services to Institutional, corporate and private clients.


    About Ulrike Seminati

    Ulrike is a globally operating coach, trainer, and consultant who brings a wealth of experience as a former C-level executive to her expertise in authentic leadership and impactful communication. By blending the latest self-development methodologies with her extensive practical experience in leading across all levels of hierarchy, she enables leaders to establish trust and lead change through effective communication. Ulrike's clients benefit from her pragmatic and user-friendly tools that enable them to make lasting improvements.

    Connect with Ulrike!

    Website: https://ulrikeseminati.com

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ulrikeseminati/

    Email: contact@ulrikeseminati.com

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    27 mins
  • CEO Insights: Driving change from the Top
    Mar 19 2024

    In this episode, Ulrike explores with seasoned CEO Martin Brettenthaler strategies employed by CEOs to navigate organizational change effectively. From transitioning from a focus on efficiency to prioritizing customer-centric approaches, to merging agile mindsets with risk-averse behaviors, we uncover key insights on driving change from the top.

    Main Discussion Points:

    1. Engaging with the Organization:

    Go out as a CEO and engage with employees across all levels of the organization to gauge perceptions and sentiments about the company. By understanding the collective perspective, CEOs can shape a compelling change narrative that fits to wide parts of the organization.

    2. Crafting the Change Story:

    Utilizing metaphors that resonate universally, CEOs can craft a change story that mobilizes emotions and support. A crucial tip: If the narrative could be applied to another company it is most likely not unique enough and may struggle to inspire.

    3. Balancing Confidence and Vulnerability:

    Effective communication from CEOs strikes a balance between confidence in the project's direction and personal vulnerability. While factual information is important, emotional aspects are equally crucial in fostering understanding and trust.

    4. Introducing a Proactive Mindset:

    CEOs can implement the Player/Learner model to instill a proactive mindset within the organization. This approach encourages employees to make a mindset shift and actively engage in learning and adapting to change.

    5. Tracking Success and Feedback:

    Continuous follow-up and feedback mechanisms are essential for tracking the success of change initiatives. Understanding what has been comprehended, what needs improvement, and addressing any misunderstandings are integral to driving sustained change.

    By incorporating these strategies, CEOs can navigate change with confidence, fostering a culture of adaptability and growth within their organization.

    Tune in next time for more insights on leadership and organizational dynamics. If you want to improve your own skills in leading change or communicating more effectively check out Ulrike’s online live courses for individuals here.

    Thanks for tuning into 'Leading Change Conversations'! We hope you found our discussion inspiring and informative. If you enjoyed it, remember to subscribe, rate, and leave a review. Plus, sign up for our Newsletter to access our practical transformation roadmaps on a regular basis.

    Until next time, keep leading, keep learning, and making a difference!

    About Martin Brettenthaler

    Martin started his career 25 years ago in process industries, building materials and wood. He was a member of the executive committee of HIAG Group at the age of 30; then made a management buy-out together with partners of Pavatex, a wood-fibre insulation producer, which they sold successfully in 2015; After that, Martin became CEO of SWISS KRONO Group, a world-leading producer of wood-based panels for furniture industry and flooring with production sites in Switzerland, Poland, Germany, France, Hungary, Ukraine, Russia and the US, a turnover of CHF 2 bn and 5000 employees. He left on January 31, 2024, to look out for new challenges.


    About Ulrike Seminati

    Ulrike is a globally operating coach, trainer, and consultant who brings a wealth of experience as a former C-level executive to her expertise in authentic leadership and impactful communication. By blending the latest self-development methodologies with her extensive practical experience in leading across all levels of hierarchy, she enables leaders to establish trust and lead change through effective communication. Ulrike's clients benefit from her pragmatic and user-friendly tools that enable them to make lasting improvements.

    Connect with Ulrike!

    Website: https://ulrikeseminati.com

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ulrikeseminati/

    Email: contact@ulrikeseminati.com

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    31 mins
  • Leading Generation Z through change
    Mar 5 2024
    In today's episode, Ulrike and her guest Brian Cooklin, a seasoned professional with a proven track record of success as a teacher, a leader at all levels and a Principal, explore the intricacies of leading Generation Z individuals through periods of change. With their unique perspectives and preferences, understanding how to navigate change effectively becomes paramount for building age-diverse teams and thus organizational success.1. Acknowledging Generational Differences:Younger staff members often prioritize specific issues, contrasting with older generations who may adopt a more generalized approach to various aspects like politics and economics.It's essential to recognize the significance of these issues to Generation Z and avoid dismissing them as insignificant.2. Communication and Respect:Highlighting the interdependence within the organization fosters a culture of respect, which is fundamental for addressing issues such as equality, diversity, and inclusion.Effective communication is key, as misunderstandings can lead to significant business mistakes.3. Managing Expectations:While younger generations may seek quick decisions and responses, it's crucial not to promise what cannot be delivered consistently.Security remains a primary concern for most individuals, and not all changes need to be implemented rapidly.4. Embracing Open-mindedness:Encouraging open-mindedness among all generations enables a conducive environment for learning and collaboration.Recognizing multiple perspectives and understanding that there's no singular reality fosters better mutual understanding and respect within the organization.Conclusion:Successfully leading Generation Z through change requires a nuanced approach that acknowledges their unique perspectives while fostering open communication, respect, and a willingness to embrace diverse viewpoints. By understanding and addressing these dynamics, organizations can navigate change more effectively and foster a culture of inclusivity and innovation.Tune in next time for more insights on leadership and organizational dynamics. If you want to improve your own skills in leading change or communicating more effectively check out Ulrike’s online live courses for individuals here.Thanks for tuning into 'Leading Change Conversations'! We hope you found our discussion inspiring and informative. If you enjoyed it, remember to subscribe, rate, and leave a review. Plus, sign up for our Newsletter to access our practical transformation roadmaps on a regular basis. Until next time, keep leading, keep learning, and making a difference!About Brian CooklinBrian was previously the Founding Principal of the Nord Anglia International School in Hong Kong, he has also been the Principal of a British International school in Mexico City and a school in his home country of Scotland. Since August 2022, he has been Regional Managing Director for the European region of Nord Anglia Education Group. Brian is a popular conference speaker and workshop trainer as well as the author of many articles for Education journals and publications. A keen public speaker and debater, his other claim to fame was appearing as a contestant on BBC’s Mastermind quiz programme.https://www.linkedin.com/in/brian-cooklin-5770a2b4/ About Ulrike SeminatiUlrike is a globally operating coach, trainer, and consultant who brings a wealth of experience as a former C-level executive to her expertise in authentic leadership and impactful communication. By blending the latest self-development methodologies with her extensive practical experience in leading across all levels of hierarchy, she enables leaders to establish trust and lead change through effective communication. Ulrike's clients benefit from her pragmatic and user-friendly tools that enable them to make lasting improvements.Connect with Ulrike!Website: https://ulrikeseminati.com LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ulrikeseminati/Email: contact@ulrikeseminati.com
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    30 mins