• Your Body Knows
    Jul 15 2024

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    Just as your car has many separate systems that must work properly both separately and together, your body also has energy systems to maintain for optimal wellness.

    Click this link to get a picture of what your atlas is and the many health issues you may suffer when it is out of alignment.

    To accurately self test when you need to know if an action or food item is healthy, safe, and beneficial for you now watch this video

    Join Rev. Ali’s private club to register for the webinar and get the book What You Don’t Know You Don’t Know: How Your Brain and Mind Keep You Stuck for FREE

    Seeking guidance on your spiritual path? Click for Rev. Ali’s gift First Steps On Your Spiritual Path

    Need an interpreter to answer your spirituality questions? Join our Facebook group. NO double speak. Clear English spoken here. Https://facebook.com/groups/lgmwithalib

    Listen to or watch any episode AND easily leave a review on our show site. Find all of our episodes a click away. And leave a review to help us grow. Go to https://letsgetmetaphysicalshow.com

    Join Rev. Ali’s private club for special videos and gifts not available elsewhere

    Click Rev. Ali's link for a FREE audiobook of your choice and a 30 Day trial to explore Audible's vast adventures you will not find any place else.

    Contact Rev. Ali with very special requests

    To listen to and follow transcript go here then click on the episode(s) you desire to follow

    Discover how to communicate with the Universe, your guides and angels. Rev. Ali makes it easy.

    Ready to stop hurting - physically, emotionally, or spiritually? Contact Rev. Ali to eliminate the grief and hurt. Struggle, in ANY form, is optional. It is science!

    Need someone to talk to about your spirituality who won't think you're nutsy? Join our Facebook group

    Watch or listen to any episode and leave a review on our show site

    Some of the links may earn a small amount for Rev. Ali without adding to your costs.

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    17 mins
  • Body Whispers
    Jul 8 2024

    Send a text message to Rev. Ali.

    Do you wonder why you get hurt in a certain way, a specific part of your body? There are no accidents. The Universe wants you to know what you are missing in your life, why it keeps looking the way it does no matter how much you wish and hope things will change?

    Your body begins with whispers that, when not attended to - I mean the root cause of any injury or illness - it gets louder and louder until you can no longer ignore what you have been hiding yourself from knowing has to change.

    Rev. Ali shares your body’s infinite wisdom and clues you in on how to access your own healing - finally. This is your life and you get to choose how you feel.

    Take advantage of the special gift from Audible - a free download and 30 days to explore the site where you will find podcasts and gifts not available any other place
    Rev. Ali recommends you choose this book as your free download
    Rhonda Byrnes, The Greatest Secret

    Join Rev. Ali’s private club for special videos and gifts not available elsewhere

    Click Rev. Ali's link for a FREE audiobook of your choice and a 30 Day trial to explore Audible's vast adventures you will not find any place else.

    Contact Rev. Ali with very special requests

    To listen to and follow transcript go here then click on the episode(s) you desire to follow

    Discover how to communicate with the Universe, your guides and angels. Rev. Ali makes it easy.

    Ready to stop hurting - physically, emotionally, or spiritually? Contact Rev. Ali to eliminate the grief and hurt. Struggle, in ANY form, is optional. It is science!

    Need someone to talk to about your spirituality who won't think you're nutsy? Join our Facebook group

    Watch or listen to any episode and leave a review on our show site

    Some of the links may earn a small amount for Rev. Ali without adding to your costs.

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    13 mins
  • Heal Now
    Jul 1 2024

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    Did a healthcare practitioner ever tell you, “It took a long time for you get to this state. It will take a while to get you healthy again?" Of course they are talking about time AND with time - lots of appointments and maybe therapy or supplements to get you back on track.

    That is their paradigm. You get to choose to go with their way of looking at the situation OR live in the paradigm that has gotten me and my clients through the gamut of sometimes seemingly impossible health predicaments.

    You see, when I work with someone the healing happens in the session. Instantly. Completely.

    Take advantage of the special gift from Audible - a free download and 30 days to explore the site where you will find podcasts and gifts not available any other place
    Rev. Ali recommends you choose this book as your free download
    Rhonda Byrnes, The Greatest Secret

    Join Rev. Ali’s private club for special videos and gifts not available elsewhere

    Click Rev. Ali's link for a FREE audiobook of your choice and a 30 Day trial to explore Audible's vast adventures you will not find any place else.

    Contact Rev. Ali with very special requests

    To listen to and follow transcript go here then click on the episode(s) you desire to follow

    Discover how to communicate with the Universe, your guides and angels. Rev. Ali makes it easy.

    Ready to stop hurting - physically, emotionally, or spiritually? Contact Rev. Ali to eliminate the grief and hurt. Struggle, in ANY form, is optional. It is science!

    Need someone to talk to about your spirituality who won't think you're nutsy? Join our Facebook group

    Watch or listen to any episode and leave a review on our show site

    Some of the links may earn a small amount for Rev. Ali without adding to your costs.

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    13 mins
  • Reincarnation - What Is It?
    Jun 24 2024

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    What is reincarnation? How does it show up in your life? How many lives have you lived - that you know about? How do you know reincaration is real?

    Rev. Ali Bierman delves into this seeming esoteric topic citing examples and metaphysical teachings garnered over her own lifetime of personal and shared experiences.

    NOTE: A thunderstorm raged while recording this episode. Knowing how to protect her electronics and herself allowed the full show to be recorded and edited. You will occasionally hear rumblings that, for unknown reason, could not be removed using conventional electronics. Everything happens perfectly. Extract whatever lesson comes through for you.

    Key terms include beliefs and knowings. What are they and why does each type of life experience make a difference for you?

    With your new knowledge, share one knowing you have in your life and how you came to hold this reality in your heart.

    Seeking guidance on your spiritual path? Click for Rev. Ali’s gift First Steps On Your Spiritual Path

    Explore Rev. Ali’s private club for special videos and gifts not available elsewhere

    Take advantage of the special gift from audible - a free download and 30 days to explore the site where you will find podcasts and gifts not available any other place https://audibletrial.com/alitlc

    Join Rev. Ali’s private club for special videos and gifts not available elsewhere

    Click Rev. Ali's link for a FREE audiobook of your choice and a 30 Day trial to explore Audible's vast adventures you will not find any place else.

    Contact Rev. Ali with very special requests

    To listen to and follow transcript go here then click on the episode(s) you desire to follow

    Discover how to communicate with the Universe, your guides and angels. Rev. Ali makes it easy.

    Ready to stop hurting - physically, emotionally, or spiritually? Contact Rev. Ali to eliminate the grief and hurt. Struggle, in ANY form, is optional. It is science!

    Need someone to talk to about your spirituality who won't think you're nutsy? Join our Facebook group

    Watch or listen to any episode and leave a review on our show site

    Some of the links may earn a small amount for Rev. Ali without adding to your costs.

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    16 mins
  • Is The Secret Real?
    Jun 17 2024

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    The movie The Secret says if you focus on what you want then the Law of Attraction will Deliver it to you.

    How often does that come true/? Did it work for you?

    When it totally works, what did you do to make it real? If it sort of worked what did you do for partial success and why did you fail to manifest 100% of your desires?

    Discover what stops you from living your dreams so you can choose to act differently and increase your chances for the success you seek.

    Watch or listen to the interview with Dee Wallace here.

    Rev. Ali recommends taking advantage of your gift from Audible now. You can download Dee Wallace’s Born: Giving Birth To A New You OR Rhonda Byrnes The Greatest Secret. In fact when you join both will expand your mindset leading you to new thoughts, new actions, and new results.

    https://audibletrial.com/alitlc gives you a FREE audiobook.

    Choose The Greatest Secret by Ronda Burn OR Dee Wallace’s Born: Giving Birth To A New You for your freebie and gift yourself the other volume to truly change your world in ways you cannot yet. imagine.

    Join Rev. Ali’s private club for special videos and gifts not available elsewhere

    Click Rev. Ali's link for a FREE audiobook of your choice and a 30 Day trial to explore Audible's vast adventures you will not find any place else.

    Contact Rev. Ali with very special requests

    To listen to and follow transcript go here then click on the episode(s) you desire to follow

    Discover how to communicate with the Universe, your guides and angels. Rev. Ali makes it easy.

    Ready to stop hurting - physically, emotionally, or spiritually? Contact Rev. Ali to eliminate the grief and hurt. Struggle, in ANY form, is optional. It is science!

    Need someone to talk to about your spirituality who won't think you're nutsy? Join our Facebook group

    Watch or listen to any episode and leave a review on our show site

    Some of the links may earn a small amount for Rev. Ali without adding to your costs.

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    11 mins
  • Why Smile?
    Jun 10 2024

    Send a text message to Rev. Ali.

    A smile changes everything - physically and emotionally.

    Stop what you are doing right now and simply smile - with your whole body. Notice how you feel right now as opposed to how you felt moments ago when you were not smiling.

    Your posture changed. You lungs now expand bringing in more oxygen which is your life force.

    Consider how your world changes when you smile at someone.

    Do they smile back? Do they meet your eyes Or do they avoid your gaze, turn away and never smile back?

    Get off the treadmill keeping you stuck and unhappy. Download Step In A New Direction then open it and actually take thoe steps.

    Join Rev. Ali’s private club for special videos and gifts not available elsewhere

    Click Rev. Ali's link for a FREE audiobook of your choice and a 30 Day trial to explore Audible's vast adventures you will not find any place else.

    Contact Rev. Ali with very special requests

    To listen to and follow transcript go here then click on the episode(s) you desire to follow

    Discover how to communicate with the Universe, your guides and angels. Rev. Ali makes it easy.

    Ready to stop hurting - physically, emotionally, or spiritually? Contact Rev. Ali to eliminate the grief and hurt. Struggle, in ANY form, is optional. It is science!

    Need someone to talk to about your spirituality who won't think you're nutsy? Join our Facebook group

    Watch or listen to any episode and leave a review on our show site

    Some of the links may earn a small amount for Rev. Ali without adding to your costs.

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    14 mins
  • Your Home
    Jun 2 2024

    Send a text message to Rev. Ali.

    Do this at home for optimal impact. If you aren’t home AND you feel you can imagine being there very vividly, then continue and watch the short life-altering video now. Hey, When you become aware of what is only in your subconscious, then your life comes alive as YOUR LIFE. NOW.

    Look around your room, right now where you are. What d oyou see? Hear? Taste? Smell/ Feel? All your senses take in your environment NOT just your eyes. How do you feel, right now, in your space? Comfortable? At ease/ stressed/ disappointed?

    Using all five senses how do you feel in your space right now/

    Does it feel like your space or are you compromising to suit someone else?

    When you see the anamorphoses puzzle do you get that your own life looks different depending on your viewpoint in any given moment.

    Change your perspective to change how you feel!

    HOW can you make your home truly your home where you live your life your way?

    Audible has stuff you will not find any place else. Download an audiobook of your choice AND explore/sample the exciting adventures within the site. https://audibletrial.com/alitlc
    Rev. Ali recommends From Bacteria To Bach and Back: the Evolution of Minds by Daniel C. Dennett, https://amzn.to/4aMqahc

    Contact Rev. Ali for guidance on how to make your home yours. Remember that struggle is optional https://letsgetmetaphysicalshow.com/contact

    Ready to Step in a New Direction and bypass boredom and disappointment? Nothing changes until you do! Download Step in a New Direction https://letsgetmetaphysicalshow.com/gift

    Join Rev. Ali’s private club for special videos and gifts not available elsewhere

    Click Rev. Ali's link for a FREE audiobook of your choice and a 30 Day trial to explore Audible's vast adventures you will not find any place else.

    Contact Rev. Ali with very special requests

    To listen to and follow transcript go here then click on the episode(s) you desire to follow

    Discover how to communicate with the Universe, your guides and angels. Rev. Ali makes it easy.

    Ready to stop hurting - physically, emotionally, or spiritually? Contact Rev. Ali to eliminate the grief and hurt. Struggle, in ANY form, is optional. It is science!

    Need someone to talk to about your spirituality who won't think you're nutsy? Join our Facebook group

    Watch or listen to any episode and leave a review on our show site

    Some of the links may earn a small amount for Rev. Ali without adding to your costs.

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    8 mins
  • The Storm in Your Life
    May 20 2024

    Send a text message to Rev. Ali.

    How does that saying go? Into every life a little rain must fall?

    Sure, bad things do happen in everyone's life. At times the bad things can feel overwhelming. Sometimes you feel like you are caught in a deluge - a violent, if incomprehensible, storm.

    Does it take you out? Do you pretend it is not bothering you?

    When the storm blows into your life, what do you do? How do you handle the upset? Or do you ignore it thinking if you don't think about it then surely you will be fine and it will blow over?

    Rev. Ali shares a very real physical storm that blew into her world recently. Was it a physical ordeal? Or was it a message about life?

    Contact Rev. Ali for guidance through your dark storm. Remember that struggle is optional

    Join Rev. Ali’s private club for special videos and gifts not available elsewhere

    Click Rev. Ali's link for a FREE audiobook of your choice and a 30 Day trial to explore Audible's vast adventures you will not find any place else.

    Contact Rev. Ali with very special requests

    To listen to and follow transcript go here then click on the episode(s) you desire to follow

    Discover how to communicate with the Universe, your guides and angels. Rev. Ali makes it easy.

    Ready to stop hurting - physically, emotionally, or spiritually? Contact Rev. Ali to eliminate the grief and hurt. Struggle, in ANY form, is optional. It is science!

    Need someone to talk to about your spirituality who won't think you're nutsy? Join our Facebook group

    Watch or listen to any episode and leave a review on our show site

    Some of the links may earn a small amount for Rev. Ali without adding to your costs.

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    9 mins