
  • Take Your Gratitude to Prime Time (here's how to remember to practice gratitude the rest of the year)
    Nov 29 2022

    What's a Primer?

    In psychology, primers are defined as conscious or unconscious cues that are paired together and create a behavioral change. (Adams-Miller and Frisch, 2009) 

    Psychologists have found that as much as 80% of our day’s activity is directed by our unconscious reactions to cues in our environment.

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    10 mins
  • How and WHY to Give Yourself a GrATTITUDE Adjustment at Work
    7 mins
  • The Gratitude Visit (the gold standard in gratitude practices)
    7 mins
  • Resilient Gratitude - This is the Case for Why You Need to Thank a Stranger
    Nov 25 2022
    Gratitude is the glue that holds us together. This is the reason why you need to thank a stranger (it helps us all!). listen on for the creative gratitude gravy ways to thank someone you don't know.
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    8 mins
  • How to Start a Gratitude Gravy Chain
    7 mins
  • The Grateful Bed (the gratitude gravy practice for better sleep)
    Nov 23 2022
    Ready for some better sleep without the struggle? Try this gratitude gravy practice for better sleep!
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    5 mins
  • Gamify Your Gratitude ! (Great Ideas for Thanksgiving, Friendsgiving & Other Holidays)
    Nov 21 2022
    This Thanksgiving or Friendsgiving, I want you to gamify your gratitude. Yes, you're going to be a gratitude gamer! Another way that we can keep our gratitude practice fun and frequent (and to get our loved ones involved) is to gamify it. Not only does being a gratitude gamer help our own practice stay interesting, but it also is a great way to involve others and reap the benefits of what psychologists call, the upward spiral of positivity.
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    9 mins
  • The GRATI-KU: Love on the Little Things with a Gratitude Haiku (you'll love this, I promise)
    9 mins