• Life-Saving Moments: Courage and Compassion at Barcelona Airport

  • Jul 23 2024
  • Length: 20 mins
  • Podcast

Life-Saving Moments: Courage and Compassion at Barcelona Airport  By  cover art

Life-Saving Moments: Courage and Compassion at Barcelona Airport

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Catalan: Life-Saving Moments: Courage and Compassion at Barcelona Airport Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/life-saving-moments-courage-and-compassion-at-barcelona-airport Story Transcript:Ca: L’estiu era abrasador, i l'interior de l'aeroport internacional de Barcelona era un formiguer de gent movent-se d’un lloc a l’altre.En: The summer was scorching, and the interior of Barcelona's international airport was a beehive of people moving from one place to another.Ca: Els terres brillants reflectien la llum del sol que entrava pels grans finestrals.En: The shiny floors reflected the sunlight coming through the large windows.Ca: Mireia, una infermera d'uns trenta anys, esperava amb impaciència el seu vol a Ginebra.En: Mireia, a nurse in her thirties, was impatiently waiting for her flight to Geneva.Ca: La seva destinació era una conferència mèdica, però el seu sentit del deure sempre estava present.En: Her destination was a medical conference, but her sense of duty was always present.Ca: Enric, un home de negocis de gairebé cinquanta anys, intentava oblidar l'estrès i concentrar-se en els documents de la seva maleta.En: Enric, a businessman nearing fifty, was trying to forget the stress and concentrate on the documents in his briefcase.Ca: El seu vol era gairebé a punt per embarcar.En: His flight was almost ready for boarding.Ca: Mentrestant, Joan, un jove viatger, mirava el seu mòbil emocionat, planejant la seva propera aventura.En: Meanwhile, Joan, a young traveler, was looking at his phone excitedly, planning his next adventure.Ca: De sobte, un crit va trencar l'ambient monòton de la sala d'espera.En: Suddenly, a shout broke the monotonous atmosphere of the waiting room.Ca: Enric s'havia desplomat a terra, amb la mà al pit.En: Enric had collapsed to the ground, clutching his chest.Ca: Mireia va reaccionar immediatament, corrent cap a ell.En: Mireia immediately reacted, running towards him.Ca: “Sóc infermera, apartin-se, si us plau!”, va cridar amb autoritat.En: “I'm a nurse, please step aside!” she shouted authoritatively.Ca: Joan va aixecar la vista del seu mòbil, fascinant-se per la situació.En: Joan looked up from his phone, fascinated by the situation.Ca: Va començar a gravar amb la càmera del seu telèfon.En: He started recording with his phone's camera.Ca: Mireia, agenollada al costat d'Enric, va començar a prendre mesures d'urgència.En: Mireia, kneeling beside Enric, began to take urgent measures.Ca: “Necessito ajuda!” va dir, mirant als voltants.En: “I need help!” she said, looking around.Ca: Però ningú s'hi apropava.En: But no one approached.Ca: Una lluita interna va passar per la ment de Joan.En: An internal struggle passed through Joan's mind.Ca: Continuar gravant o ajudar?En: Continue recording or help?Ca: Finalment, va abaixar el telèfon i es va agenollar al costat de Mireia.En: Finally, he put down his phone and knelt beside Mireia.Ca: “Què necessites que faci?” va preguntar, mirant-la als ulls.En: “What do you need me to do?” he asked, looking her in the eyes.Ca: “Busca un desfibril·lador,” va respondre ella, “i avisa el personal de l’aeroport.”En: “Find a defibrillator,” she responded, “and alert the airport staff.”Ca: Joan va saltar a l'acció, mentre Mireia realitzava maniobres de reanimació cardiopulmonar a Enric.En: Joan sprang into action while Mireia performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation on Enric.Ca: El temps semblava alentir-se i Mireia sentia la pressió de cada segon que passava.En: Time seemed to slow down, and Mireia felt the pressure of every passing second.Ca: Afortunadament, Joan no va trigar a tornar amb el personal de l'aeroport i el desfibril·lador.En: Fortunately, Joan quickly returned with airport staff and the defibrillator.Ca: “Bonic treball, Joan,” va dir Mireia mentre posicionava els elèctrodes al pit d'Enric.En: “Good job, Joan,” said Mireia as she positioned the electrodes on Enric's chest.Ca: Amb una descàrrega, el cos d'Enric es va sacsejar, i de cop, l’aire va tornar als seus pulmons.En: With a shock, Enric's body jolted, and suddenly, air filled his lungs again.Ca: Va esclatar a respirar amb profunditat.En: He gasped deeply.Ca: “Està bé, senyor. Li portarem a l’hospital,” va assegurar-li Mireia.En: “You’re okay, sir. We’ll get you to the hospital,” Mireia assured him.Ca: El personal de l’aeroport va carregar Enric en una llitera i se’l van endur.En: The airport staff loaded Enric onto a stretcher and took him away.Ca: “Gràcies...” va dir Enric, amb veu baixa però plena d’agraïment.En: “Thank you…” Enric said, his voice low but full of gratitude.Ca: Quan tot va acabar, Mireia va mirar el seu rellotge i va veure que havia perdut el vol.En: When it was all over, Mireia looked at her watch and saw she had missed her flight.Ca: Tot i això, no estava disgustada.En: Nevertheless, she ...
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