• Crazy Thing about Stress (and How to Beat It)
    Jul 6 2020

    Want to hear something crazy? All that stress, overwhelm and anxiety we regularly experience – is self-inflicted. That’s right. We do it to ourselves. And we keep it up constantly, without even realizing it. Right now I am frustrated for two main reasons. I am SICK of seeing hard-working people only feeling serene during vacation […]

    The post Crazy Thing about Stress (and How to Beat It) appeared first on RYNSKI + the COSMOS.

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    6 mins
  • Signs You’re Suffering from Mental and Emotional ‘Corona Fatigue’
    Jun 8 2020

    You know when you have an underlying headache and it makes you highly annoyed at everyone and everything around you? Well, there’s a worldwide headache that’s been going on for a few months now. It’s the Coronavirus situation. As the COVID-19 situation drags on and on and on…you may be suffering from a mental and […]

    The post Signs You’re Suffering from Mental and Emotional ‘Corona Fatigue’ appeared first on RYNSKI + the COSMOS.

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    4 mins
  • 50 Random Things I Learned by Age 50
    May 25 2020

    Turning 40 freaked me the heck out. But turning 50 feels just fine. I’ll officially hit the half-century mark five days after I’m writing this, so you may want to ask me again when the birthday is actually here – but at the moment I feel much more excitement than dread. The 40 mark can […]

    The post 50 Random Things I Learned by Age 50 appeared first on RYNSKI + the COSMOS.

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    4 mins
  • Healthy Boundaries: Do You Have Them?
    May 18 2020

    We’re all way too familiar with boundaries lately, thanks to the social distancing stuff that tells us to Stay Back 6 Feet. But those aren’t the only boundaries going on in our lives. We also have personal boundaries we need to set – and maintain – if we want to remain centered, balanced and at […]

    The post Healthy Boundaries: Do You Have Them? appeared first on RYNSKI + the COSMOS.

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    4 mins
  • We’re Magically Connected
    May 11 2020

    How many times have you thought of a friend, only to get a phone call from them later that day? Or had a song run through your head, only to hear it two minutes later on a random playlist? Or wished you took more time to get back to writing poetry – only to get […]

    The post We’re Magically Connected appeared first on RYNSKI + the COSMOS.

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    2 mins
  • Things Too Serious? Let This Little Angel Help
    May 4 2020

    Complicated and serious. That seems to be the trend of life lately. Keep up such a severe stress level and this kind of intense thinking, and you’re going to get a headache. Or worse. There’s a good chance your head could actually explode. OK, maybe not literally. But it can sure feel like it is. […]

    The post Things Too Serious? Let This Little Angel Help appeared first on RYNSKI + the COSMOS.

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    3 mins
  • Coronavirus Self-Care: Snap Out of a Bad Mood, Fast
    Apr 27 2020

    Mood swings are not uncommon in the best of times, and they can be even more prevalent when we’re out of our normal routine. Like right about now. One moment the world is a beautiful sunshiny place in your magical backyard, but the next minute an annoying email can send you into an angry tizzy. […]

    The post Coronavirus Self-Care: Snap Out of a Bad Mood, Fast appeared first on RYNSKI + the COSMOS.

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    3 mins
  • When There's Nowhere Left to Run
    Apr 20 2020

    Forgetting my toothbrush was the least of my worries. But then again, I wasn’t really worried about anything. I was too annoyed to be worried. Too fed up to be worried. Too angry at the world to be worried. My favorite comeback to anything for as long as I could remember was: “I never asked […]

    The post Diary of a Teenage Runaway: The Greyhound Bus appeared first on RYNSKI + the COSMOS.

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    3 mins