• Love Unfolds at Lake Bled: Klemen & Ana’s Serendipitous Meet

  • Jul 21 2024
  • Length: 15 mins
  • Podcast

Love Unfolds at Lake Bled: Klemen & Ana’s Serendipitous Meet  By  cover art

Love Unfolds at Lake Bled: Klemen & Ana’s Serendipitous Meet

  • Summary

  • Fluent Fiction - Slovenian: Love Unfolds at Lake Bled: Klemen & Ana’s Serendipitous Meet Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/love-unfolds-at-lake-bled-klemen-anas-serendipitous-meet Story Transcript:Sl: Sončni žarki nežno pobožajo gladino Blejskega jezera.En: The sun's rays gently caress the surface of Lake Bled.Sl: Voda je kristalno jasna in spokojna.En: The water is crystal clear and tranquil.Sl: Dani se poletje.En: Summer is dawning.Sl: Radi bi vas povabil na izlet, kjer se bosta srečala dva srca – Klemen in Ana.En: We would like to invite you on a trip where two hearts will meet – Klemen and Ana.Sl: Klemen je domačin.En: Klemen is a local.Sl: Vodi turiste po svojem prelepem kraju.En: He guides tourists around his beautiful town.Sl: Uživa v veslanju po jezeru.En: He enjoys rowing on the lake.Sl: Klemen sanja o svojem lastnem podjetju za najem kajakov.En: Klemen dreams of his own kayak rental business.Sl: A že zaradi misli ga postane nervozen.En: But just thinking about it makes him nervous.Sl: Ali ga bodo turisti jemali resno?En: Will tourists take him seriously?Sl: Ana je prišla iz Ljubljane.En: Ana came from Ljubljana.Sl: Prvič obiskuje Bled.En: She is visiting Bled for the first time.Sl: Potrebuje oddih od mestnega vrveža.En: She needs a break from the hustle and bustle of the city.Sl: Vabi jo mir Blejskega jezera.En: The tranquility of Lake Bled calls to her.Sl: Kajveč, v notranjosti upa na nekaj novega.En: Moreover, deep down, she hopes for something new.Sl: Klemen v čolnarni pripravlja kajake.En: Klemen is preparing the kayaks at the boathouse.Sl: Spozna Ano.En: He meets Ana.Sl: Ponudi ji izlet po jezeru.En: He offers her a trip on the lake.Sl: Ana se nasmeji in pristane.En: Ana smiles and agrees.Sl: Med veslanjem pogovor steče.En: During the rowing, the conversation flows.Sl: Ana uživa v naravi.En: Ana enjoys the nature.Sl: "Tukaj je čudovito," pravi.En: "It’s beautiful here," she says.Sl: Klemen se strinja in začne pogovor o svoji ideji.En: Klemen agrees and starts talking about his idea.Sl: "Zdaj vodim ture, a sanjam o lastnem podjetju.En: "I currently guide tours, but I dream of having my own business."Sl: " Z besedami okleva.En: He hesitates with his words.Sl: “Najem kajakov.En: "Kayak rentals.Sl: Turistom bi ponujal doživetja.En: Offering experiences to tourists."Sl: ”Ana se ustavi z veslom.En: Ana pauses with her paddle.Sl: Gleda ga naravnost.En: She looks directly at him.Sl: “To je čudovita zamisel!En: "That's a wonderful idea!Sl: V Ljubljani poznam nekaj ljudi, ki bi morda lahko pomagali.En: I know some people in Ljubljana who might be able to help."Sl: ” Klemen ne ve, ali bi ji verjel.En: Klemen is unsure whether to believe her.Sl: A njen pogled ga pomiri.En: But her gaze reassures him.Sl: Sončni zahod se približuje.En: The sunset approaches.Sl: Vrnejo se bliže obali.En: They return closer to the shore.Sl: "Vesel sem, da sem te spoznal," reče Klemen.En: "I'm glad I met you," says Klemen.Sl: Ana se nasmehne.En: Ana smiles.Sl: “Ostani v stiku,” reče.En: "Stay in touch," she says.Sl: “Bi res rada pomagala.En: "I would really like to help."Sl: ”Ko se vrneta na obalo, se oba počutita lahkotno.En: As they return to the shore, they both feel lighthearted.Sl: Klemen ve, da je storil pravi korak.En: Klemen knows he took the right step.Sl: Ana mu je dala upanje.En: Ana has given him hope.Sl: Bodočnost se ne zdi več tako oddaljena.En: The future no longer seems so distant.Sl: Klemen se pohvali.En: Klemen feels proud.Sl: Ko Ana odide, si sam pri sebi misli: “Mogoče res zmorem.En: As Ana leaves, he thinks to himself, "Maybe I really can do it."Sl: ”In tako konča njuno poletje na Blejskem jezeru.En: And so ends their summer at Lake Bled.Sl: Z obljubo o stiku in skupnih sanjah o lepši prihodnosti.En: With a promise of staying in touch and shared dreams of a better future. Vocabulary Words:caress: pobožajocrystal: kristalnotranquil: spokojnadawning: daniinvite: povabilguides: vodirowing: veslanjurental: najembusiness: podjetjunervous: nervozenhustle: vrvežatranquility: mircalls: vabiboathouse: čolnarniagree: pristaneflow: stečenature: naravihesitates: oklevapause: ustavipaddle: veslomgaze: pogledreassures: pomirisunset: sončni zahodcloser: bližeshore: obalilighthearted: lahkotnohope: upanjedistant: oddaljenaproud: pohvalisummer: poletje
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