• Cancer New Moon - 7.5.24
    Jul 5 2024

    This Cancer new moon brings strong elements of both compassion and control. Issues revolving around power struggles will be triggered big time.

    The situation looks like this: you're in the environment you wanted to be in. On the surface, it’s a pretty picture. Yes, we're surrounded by all the elements we requested. The physical surroundings are what we ordered, but the emotional conditions are way off. There’s someone else pulling the strings; we’re dependent upon, tied to, subject to someone else's pesky, petty preferences.

    The discomfort in which you find yourself wedged is designed to get your deep-seeded internal power issues to rise to the surface to be witnessed, confronted, and transformed. Think of it as spiritual puberty!
    Wherever you have enslaved yourself to an undermining narrative, a story running in the background of your mind, the one responsible for the self-sabotage that consistently thwarts your best manifestation intentions, it will show up this week. BUT, new moons are new beginnings, new seeds planted for a whole new growth cycle. This week, you have the power to see that faulty belief for what it is... an outdated wisp of neuron friction, and to rise above that belief, and stand in the power that always belongs to you. You have every right to act in sovereignty. The caveat is just not to overreach and assert your freedom too much too soon. That kind of explosive release is best left to the firecrackers.

    Written and recorded by Jess Rose: personal astrologer, ayurveda coach, and QHHT therapist. Questions welcome! Write to me or book your personal reading at Jess@humanhealed.org
    Check out my YouTube Channel for custom meditations and astrological wellness hacks.

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    13 mins
  • Capricorn FULL Moon / Solstice 6.21.24
    Jun 20 2024

    The unique power of this full moon is that the Capricorn moon is opposing the solstice sun. Summer solstice is famously the longest day of the year, when there is more sunlight exposure blasting our way than any other calendar day. Particularly at this time, the sun has been going through its own metamorphosis. History-making solar flares have been firing off all year long – onto us. The sun is self-destructing portions of ancient surface hydrogen and exposing inner gasses, literally firehosing them our way. Have you noticed how freaking windy it’s been… everywhere? Costa Rica, Tahiti, Mexico, San Diego, the high desert… There's a giant hole in the sun right now, and it’s facing Earth, funneling solar winds our way. That’s a ton of brand new coronal-gestated particles and waves we’re swimming in.
    The moon in Capricorn imbues a profound sense of responsibility to be as true as we can to ourselves, to respectfully decline the invitations and opinions of others, because we're recognizing that our unique individual perspective, and who we are at our most uninfluenced is very needed at this time.

    Capricorn rules the 10th house of public reputation. This is our career house, how we build material possessions based on the public persona we've built. Cancer rules the 4th house. This is who we are privately, when absolutely no one else is around. At home with the curtains closed, when there is no one else to maintain those public facades for.

    This full moon will implore you to confront the differences between who you really, truly are inside (your true thoughts, feelings, and vulnerabilities), and the figure persona you display in public. If who you are alone with yourself is not in line with you project yourself to be outwardly, that is a state of dissonance, of incoherence, and that is blocked, thwarted energy.

    Written and recorded by Jess Rose: personal astrologer, ayurveda coach, and QHHT therapist. Questions welcome! Write to me or book your personal reading at Jess@humanhealed.org
    Check out my YouTube Channel for custom meditations and astrological wellness hacks.

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    13 mins
  • Gemini NEW Moon (New Venus Cycle!) - 6.6.24
    Jun 5 2024

    If you feel like a completely different person this month, you’re right on track. Things are moving fast; we have very little control over the events of our day-to-day these days. ‘Tis the season for surprises, incomings, and shuffling of people, places, and things – BUT – we have more control than ever over our own energetic and emotional resources to handle it all.
    There are three phases of matter, remember: solid, liquid, and gas. The plans and expectations we set – even the qualities and tendencies we’d use to define ourselves at one point – these things used to be a lot more solid, dependenable, firm. Water behaves much differently as ice than it does as liquid, and much differently as vapor than it does liquid. The previous rules simply don’t stick. You can slip right out of them without even feeling it! All you need to know, is what you need to do to feel closer to yourself. In each moment, this is your compass True North. “What do I need to do to feel closer to myself?”

    Here's the secret ingredient to making it all come true. You have to believe, however left-field outlandish it may sound, you have to believe two things: 1) that it is completely and easily attainable, and 2) that you deserve it, and it already has your name on it.

    This new moon is exactly conjunct Venus! The moon is at 16 degrees of Gemini, the sun is at 16 degrees of Gemini, and Venus herself is at 16 degrees of Gemini. Venus has been traveling with the sun through Gemini for a few days, giving us the courage, capacity, and loving perspective to open up to new ways of thinking, new relationships, or new approaches to relationships. There is a great renewal of heart energy here; a resurgence of vigor and passion to express ourselves in creative projects.

    Written and recorded by Jess Rose: personal astrologer, ayurveda coach, and QHHT therapist. Questions welcome! Write to me or book your personal reading at Jess@humanhealed.org
    Check out my YouTube Channel for custom meditations and astrological wellness hacks.

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    12 mins
  • Sagittarius FULL Moon 5.23.24
    May 21 2024

    This full moon is a banger, but you’re gonna need a buddy. The sun is fresh in Gemini, the moon is in Sagittarius. These are mutable signs. Mutable signs respond; they alter, transform, adapt. Mutable signs shift the energy currents.

    Gemini is mutable air: fast ideas, fast talk, sharing, communicating, being a student

    Sagittarius is mutable fire: fast movement, rapid deployment, being a teacher.

    Each of us has felt like we've been trying to solve a Rubik's Cube one-handed. We’ve been waiting for the missing steps between where you are physically today, and what you know you need to secure. This moon provides a bridge to the destination you’re meant for, the one you trusted you would get to, but dear god we've been tearing our hair out trying to formulate how it will all fall together perfectly. It's been the impossible-to-plan plan. Too many things beyond our control, a confounding amount of variables, and it was something we cared way too much about to rush and band-aid. It had to be the right fit. This week it arrives as a very convenient surprise.

    Written and recorded by Jess Rose: personal astrologer, ayurveda coach, and QHHT therapist. Questions welcome! Write to me or book your personal reading at Jess@humanhealed.org
    Check out my YouTube Channel for custom meditations and astrological wellness hacks.

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    12 mins
  • Taurus NEW Moon - 5.7.24
    May 6 2024

    MAY SALE! 1-hour chart reading appointments only $99. Book now!
    After the winter snow melts and things remember how to be alive, the bull must generate momentum from literally square zero. The only thing it's got going for it is motivation – motivation fueled by the vision born in the mind during Aries season. And that Mercury retrograde in Aries gave us a lot to mull over, reconsider, strategize, abandon, and reimagine. Today, on this new moon, we each know exactly where we want to end up in the next six months to a year. We have at least one clearly defined and perfectly attainable goal, but we've also got a lot of ground to cover. It's not easy forging a brand new path, but we're not letting anything pull us off course. Now do you understand why Taurus personalities have the reputation of being slow and stubborn? They've got a lot of physical prowess, but they know it must all be directed towards a singular destination. Firehose pressure.

    This new moon, we initiate that momentum by taking our first self-determined steps to heave ourselves into these awesome new ventures we know we’re ready for, capable of, and frankly, entitled to, dammit! Hard working as Taurus is, it's primary motivation is pleasure. I want the feel-good kick-back smorgasbord where I feast on the fruits of my labor. The vision is so strong it’s palpable. Today, on this new moon, you start to earn it.

    Written and recorded by Jess Rose: personal astrologer, ayurveda coach, and QHHT therapist. Questions welcome! Write to me or book your personal reading at Jess@humanhealed.org
    Check out my YouTube Channel for custom meditations and astrological wellness hacks.

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    17 mins
  • Taurus LUNAR ECLIPSE Full Moon - 10.28.23
    Oct 26 2023

    Taurus and Scoprio are energies of money, property, and emotional entanglement. It gets real messy, real quick. The ugly side of your emotional patterns, and the ugly side of the property you rent, own, and share are in the spotlight. You know the saying “you get what you pay for”? You’ll be confronted with the energetic and empathetic cost of your current relationships and property. Taurus is about financial investment, and Scorpio is about emotional investment. 

    This full moon is ruled by Venus, who always wants the best for our self-love and growth. In Virgo, she’s helping us sort out the pieces. Is there room to grow in what we’re choosing? Take the time to analyze. Are your confines worth the definition? Or is it time to break the chain? This theme is also underlined by Saturn and Neptune’s ongoing transit through Pisces, showing us the realities behind the assumptions we’ve accepted, both individually and as a collective society.

    Written and recorded by Jess Rose: personal astrologer, ayurveda coach, and QHHT therapist. Questions welcome! Write to me or book your personal reading at Jess@humanhealed.org
    Check out my YouTube Channel for custom meditations and astrological wellness hacks.

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    13 mins
  • Scorpio Full Moon - 4.23.24
    Apr 21 2024

    But wait... there's more!
    This full moon in Scorpio is not just the next lunation after that history-book solar eclipse we saw, but it also cements some life-changing lightning bolts thrust upon us from the Jupiter Uranus conjunction on April 20th, not to mention all the Aries activations from Venus, Chiron, the north node, and retrograde Mercury.

    Taurus is about growth. Scorpio is out shedding, releasing, transforming. Pluto is a wrecking ball, it knocks down walls permanently. Aquarius is about progressive future-oriented ideals. Pluto in Aquarius is knocking down the barriers between the world of today and the world of tomorrow. The T-square to Pluto forces us to anchor in and accept the life path and decisions you know would suit you much better. You've gotten plenty of glimpses of this new-and-improved you recently! But there's something you've been running from, a more embedded piece of the comfort zone, something you've relied upon even though it usually wasn’t in your best interest. Something you probably tend to keep private.

    This full moon in Scorpio, you realize that holding on to that is now the only thing keeping you from the life that's calling you over, the life that's pretty much ready for you to move in.

    Written and recorded by Jess Rose: personal astrologer, ayurveda coach, and QHHT therapist. Questions welcome! Write to me or book your personal reading at Jess@humanhealed.org
    Check out my YouTube Channel for custom meditations and astrological wellness hacks.

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    11 mins