• How to Be a Networker Without Being Salesy and Pushy by Tom Chenault
    Jul 29 2024

    Tom Chenault shares his routine and habits on building lasting relationships that create long term success in network marketing

    Who is Tom Chenault

    Tom Chenault has built a career teaching people relationship skills and is a network marketing legend who has earned millions in lifetime commissions.

    His philosophy of treating people as human beings first instead of prospects has let him create connections at every social level in countries all over the world.

    He’s the author of The Coffee Shop Interview, hosts the Legacy Leadership podcast and along with his son, Adrian, built a phone app and a company called Contact Mapping.

    If you ask him, one of his biggest accomplishments is being sober for the last 35 years.

    Tom has appeared numerous times on MLM Nation. He’s been on Episodes 200, 581, 664, 802

    Favorite Quote

    "Love like crazy... and then love even more."

    "Fire your brain and hire your heart.:"

    Recommended Books

    Power of Who by Bod Beaudine

    Who Not How? by Dan Sullivan and Benjamin Hardy

    Recommended Online App


    Nowsite (how he runs a Query)

    Contact Mapping

    Recommended Prospecting Tool


    Tom Chenault's Contact Info


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    52 mins
  • The Real Truth on How Hard It Is to Be Successful by Maria Meriano
    Jul 22 2024

    Maria Meriano was born in Italy and migrated to Canada. She’s a 7 figure earner and leads a team of over 50,000 members. In her career, she and her team has sold over $1 billion worth of products.

    Maria is also very active in women’s empowerment. She does inspiring seminars, been honored at International Women’s Day and also spoke at Harvard University’s Women’s Enterpeneurship Day.

    Maria is a wife, mother to 3 loving children and live in Montreal, Canada.

    Favorite Quote

    Who do you have to become?

    Recommended Books

    7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

    The Greatest Salesman by Og Mandino

    Success Principles by Jack Cansfield

    Recommended Online App


    Recommended Prospecting Tool

    Personal Message

    Maria Meriano's Contact Info


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    52 mins
  • The Simple 3-2-1 System that Creates Network Marketing Success by Lauren McQueen
    Jul 15 2024

    Lauren McQueen shares her 3-2-1 System that creates network marketing success. Focus on the basics and doing them consistently each day

    Who is Lauren McQueen

    Lauren McQueen was 19 and a college student when she got started in network marketing. She didn’t do much and was basically just a customer until her senior year when she had an eye opening meeting with her academic counselor. She learned that she would have to take out $120,000 in loans in order to get a masters degree just so that she can sit behind a desk 9 - 5 everyday and be a registered dietician.

    At that moment Lauren decided to go all in her network marketing business and by the time she graduated from college, she was earning more than she would have had if she had gone to grad school.

    She became a 6 figure earner only to lose it all when her company changed their compensation plan in 2019. She eventually got a job and then realized how good she had it back in network marketing so she got back into the profession.

    Today Lauren is a full time leader and lives with her husband in Austin, Texas.

    Lauren is also the author of a devotional book called, “A New Day: Connect with God, Walk with God, Know God."

    Favorite Quote

    Find someone that has what you want and do what they say

    Recommended Books

    Chop Wood Carry Water by Joshua Medcalf

    Building an Empire by Brian Carruthers


    Recommended Online App



    Recommended Prospecting Tool


    Lauren McQueen's Contact Info


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    40 mins
  • How to Succeed in Network Marketing as an Introvert by Natalie Robison
    Jul 8 2024

    Natalie Robison shares how you can succeed as an introvert in network marketing. She gives tips on recruiting, staying consistent and team building

    Who is Natalie Robison

    Natalie Robison was a stay at home mom with 4 kids before she got started with her current company.

    Her mom was a full time leader and free car earner in a network marketing company for over 24 years. Despite growing up in network marketing, Natalie struggled for years until she finally made it big.

    Today she’s a multiple 6 figure earner leads a team of over 30,000 distributors and hundreds of thousands of customers.

    Favorite Quote

    "Whether you think you can or can't, either way you're right" (Henry Ford)

    Recommended Books

    Direct Selling for Dummies by Belinda Ellsworth

    Getting Over Your Damn Self by Romi Neustadt

    Direct Selling Success: From Amway to Zombies by Randy Gage

    45 Second Presentation by Don Failla

    Recommended Online App

    Phone camera

    Recommended Prospecting Tool

    Face to face, phone, sample (all depends on person)

    Natalie Robison's Contact Info

    Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok

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    41 mins
  • How to Stand Out and Attract Successful People by Rob Sperry
    Jul 1 2024

    Rob Sperry and Simon Chan talk about how to stand out and attract successful people into your network marketing business. They talk about the concept of the Purple Cow and what made them unique

    Who is Rob Sperry

    Rob Sperry is a passionate, purpose-driven entrepreneur who has been full-time in network marketing since 2008.

    He’s reached the highest rank in his company, been a consultant and is one of the top trainers in the profession.

    Rob has been featured in national and international books, podcasts, blogs, articles, and magazines specific to finding success in network marketing and runs the Leaders of Leaders Mastermind every year.

    Rob teaches people around the world how to live balanced lives of growth and contribution. Based in Utah, he is happily married and raising 4 kids.

    He’s been featured on numerous publications and has been featured on MLM Nation podcast numerous times

    Topics Covered

    How to Stand Out with Your Marketing

    Seasons of Life

    Recommended Books

    Siddartha by Herman Hesse

    Hooked by Nir Eyal

    Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles

    Contact Info

    Rob Sperry on Facebook, Instagram and www.robsperry.com

    Show more Show less
    48 mins
  • How to Rebuild After Your Business Declines 50% by Claudia Bazaar
    Jun 24 2024

    Claudia Bazaar shares network marketing tips on lead generation and also how to rebuild your business after it declines.

    Who is Claudia Bazaar

    Claudia Bazaar grew up in Europe and made the bold decision to uproot her life and relocate to the USA with her husband.

    She didn’t know many people in America but built her business slowly one relationship at a time.

    Today, she’s a full time leader with a team of over 1,700 consultants who set a sales record of over $8.5 million in 2023. She’s won multiple honors and has the #1 spot in her company.

    Favorite Quote

    "Never quit on a bad day"

    Recommended Books

    W1nning by Tim Grover

    The Consistency Pill by Simon Chan

    Recommended Online App

    Google Calendar

    Recommended Prospecting Tool


    Claudia Bazaar's Contact Info

    Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok

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    31 mins
  • How to Train and Lead Your First Leader by Alisha Lindsey
    Jun 18 2024

    Alisha Lindsey talks about the first person you must lead in order to have success in network marketing. Shares tips, strategies and routines

    Who is Alisha Lindsey

    Before network marketing, Alisha Lindsey was a military wife and had successful careers in the senior retirement industry and real estate loans.

    She stumbled upon this profession 10 years ago through a desire to travel more with her family and bring her husband home from his busy job.

    She was able to retire her husband and today they’re multiple 6 figure earners with a team of over 10,000 distributors and customers.

    Alisha lives in Montgomery, Texas, been married for 22 years, have 2 kids and just recently launched her book called “Leading Ladies.”

    Favorite Quote

    "Don't wish it was easier. Wish you were better" (Jim Rohn)

    Recommended Books

    Consistency Pill by Simon Chan

    How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie


    Recommended Online App


    Recommended Prospecting Tool


    Alisha Lindsey's Contact Info


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    56 mins
  • What to Do When The Industry is “Declining” by Mark Sterling
    Jun 10 2024

    Mark Sterling shares insights, strategies and tips on what to do when the network marketing direct selling industry seems to be declining.

    Who is Mark Sterling

    Mark Sterling has over 20 years in the direct selling industry.

    He’s been a 6 figure leader and also held corporate positions at various companies such as VP of Sales, COO and Co-founder and Owner.

    He has grown teams in the thousands and was first featured on MLM Nation in episode 165.

    Favorite Quote

    "Believe Bigger Faster"

    Recommended Books

    Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

    Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles

    How to Overcome Doubt by Bishop Eric Ellis

    The Hidden Power by Thomas Troward

    The Magic of Believing by Claude Bristol

    Recommended Online App


    Recommended Prospecting Tool

    Face to Face or zoom

    Mark Sterling's Contact Info

    Facebook , Instagram

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    41 mins