• How to refresh your manager resume to apply for director jobs in marketing
    Sep 3 2024

    If you've been working at Manager-level for some time in any area of marketing, and you're ready to step into your first Director-level job, then getting this promotion starts with making sure your resume presents you as being ready to be a Director.

    In this episode, I share three actions for you to take to refresh the resume you used to get manager roles, to show hiring leaders that you're ready to take on a Director job. It's important you refresh your resume when applying for jobs at the next level, so that you get offered the chance to interview. No interview equals no promotion.

    The Marketing Career Playbook shares practical and insightful ideas and actions for marketers looking to develop their skills and drive their marketing careers forward.

    The Marketing Career Playbook shares practical and insightful ideas and actions for marketers looking to develop their skills and drive their marketing careers forward.


    • DM me "DIRECTOR" on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://www.merakimarketinglearning.com/marketing-director-skills-quiz to take the assessment and discover which Marketing Director skill you already have as a manager
    • DM me “LEADER” on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://learn.merakimarketinglearning.com/marketing-leader-guide to grab the Marketing Leader-Ready Evaluation Guide
    • DM me “INTERVIEW” on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://content.merakimarketinglearning.com/free-interview-checklist2 for the e-guide ’10 Essential Points to Impress in Your Job Interviews’
    • DM me “STRENGTHS” on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://www.merakimarketinglearning.com/marketing-strengths-quiz to take the Marketing Super Strengths Quiz and discover your marketing skills profile
    • DM me “QUESTIONS” on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://learn.merakimarketinglearning.com/showcase-to-shine to access the training on which impressive questions to ask in your marketing j...
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    20 mins
  • How to take control if you have a ridiculous workload in your job
    May 30 2024

    If you're a marketer who feels like your to-do list at work is just out of control, then this episode is for you.

    It's not sustainable (or enjoyable) to stay in a state of overwhelm because you have too many tasks assigned to you, or unrealistic timelines to deliver all the work that you've been assigned.

    In this episode, I share a really practical exercise you can complete, to determine what and how to prioritize, and where you need support, so you can initiate a conversation with your manager to discuss how to make your workload more manageable.

    It's worth taking control of this situation so you can really demonstrate your best skills and capabilities as a marketer, and demonstrate leadership skills by proactively solving your workload challenge.

    The Marketing Career Playbook shares practical and insightful ideas and actions for marketers looking to develop their skills and drive their marketing careers forward.

    The Marketing Career Playbook shares practical and insightful ideas and actions for marketers looking to develop their skills and drive their marketing careers forward.


    • DM me "DIRECTOR" on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://www.merakimarketinglearning.com/marketing-director-skills-quiz to take the assessment and discover which Marketing Director skill you already have as a manager
    • DM me “LEADER” on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://learn.merakimarketinglearning.com/marketing-leader-guide to grab the Marketing Leader-Ready Evaluation Guide
    • DM me “INTERVIEW” on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://content.merakimarketinglearning.com/free-interview-checklist2 for the e-guide ’10 Essential Points to Impress in Your Job Interviews’
    • DM me “STRENGTHS” on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://www.merakimarketinglearning.com/marketing-strengths-quiz to take the Marketing Super Strengths Quiz and discover your marketing skills profile
    • DM me “QUESTIONS” on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://learn.merakimarketinglearning.com/showcase-to-shine to access the training on which impressive questions to ask in your marketing j...
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    32 mins
  • 4 experiences to gain to be ready for a Marketing leadership role
    May 20 2024

    It's important if you're a marketer at Manager or Senior Manager level, that you make the most of your time in the roles you do at this level, to prepare you for your first leadership role. And position yourself strongly against others who apply with similar skills.
    In this episode, I cover 4 experiences you should look to gain whilst in your current or next Manager role, to achieve this.

    The Marketing Career Playbook shares practical and insightful ideas and actions for marketers looking to develop their skills and drive their marketing careers forward.

    The Marketing Career Playbook shares practical and insightful ideas and actions for marketers looking to develop their skills and drive their marketing careers forward.


    • DM me "DIRECTOR" on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://www.merakimarketinglearning.com/marketing-director-skills-quiz to take the assessment and discover which Marketing Director skill you already have as a manager
    • DM me “LEADER” on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://learn.merakimarketinglearning.com/marketing-leader-guide to grab the Marketing Leader-Ready Evaluation Guide
    • DM me “INTERVIEW” on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://content.merakimarketinglearning.com/free-interview-checklist2 for the e-guide ’10 Essential Points to Impress in Your Job Interviews’
    • DM me “STRENGTHS” on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://www.merakimarketinglearning.com/marketing-strengths-quiz to take the Marketing Super Strengths Quiz and discover your marketing skills profile
    • DM me “QUESTIONS” on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://learn.merakimarketinglearning.com/showcase-to-shine to access the training on which impressive questions to ask in your marketing j...
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    24 mins
  • How to get your work noticed if you're not a self-promoter
    Apr 29 2024

    For you to get known as a great marketer, and for your work to have maximum impact, it's important that your work is noticed in your business. But sometimes it might feel uncomfortable to share your work or even 'promote' your work. Particularly if you're more of an introvert personality. You think 'my work should just speak for itself'. But if could be costing your opportunities for your own growth if your work if your best kept secret.

    So in this week's episode we look at ways you can get your great work noticed more in the business, without you needing to feel like you have to be a big self-promoter.

    The Marketing Career Playbook shares practical and insightful ideas and actions for marketers looking to develop their skills and drive their marketing careers forward.

    The Marketing Career Playbook shares practical and insightful ideas and actions for marketers looking to develop their skills and drive their marketing careers forward.


    • DM me "DIRECTOR" on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://www.merakimarketinglearning.com/marketing-director-skills-quiz to take the assessment and discover which Marketing Director skill you already have as a manager
    • DM me “LEADER” on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://learn.merakimarketinglearning.com/marketing-leader-guide to grab the Marketing Leader-Ready Evaluation Guide
    • DM me “INTERVIEW” on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://content.merakimarketinglearning.com/free-interview-checklist2 for the e-guide ’10 Essential Points to Impress in Your Job Interviews’
    • DM me “STRENGTHS” on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://www.merakimarketinglearning.com/marketing-strengths-quiz to take the Marketing Super Strengths Quiz and discover your marketing skills profile
    • DM me “QUESTIONS” on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://learn.merakimarketinglearning.com/showcase-to-shine to access the training on which impressive questions to ask in your marketing j...
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    17 mins
  • 5 questions you should expect in an interview for a Director role in Marketing
    Apr 27 2024

    If you're a marketer who's ready or soon-to-be-ready to move above Manager level in marketing, then you need to expect that interviewing for a leadership role at the next level will mean you'll be asked different types of questions. And you'll be expected to answer these questions demonstrating you have the skills and experience to be ready to lead.

    This episode covers 5 questions you could be asked when interviewing for a first-time marketing leadership role such as a Director job, so you can prepare answers to these questions in advance, and feel more confident when you go to interview for your first leadership role.

    The Marketing Career Playbook shares practical and insightful ideas and actions for marketers looking to develop their skills and drive their marketing careers forward.

    The Marketing Career Playbook shares practical and insightful ideas and actions for marketers looking to develop their skills and drive their marketing careers forward.


    • DM me "DIRECTOR" on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://www.merakimarketinglearning.com/marketing-director-skills-quiz to take the assessment and discover which Marketing Director skill you already have as a manager
    • DM me “LEADER” on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://learn.merakimarketinglearning.com/marketing-leader-guide to grab the Marketing Leader-Ready Evaluation Guide
    • DM me “INTERVIEW” on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://content.merakimarketinglearning.com/free-interview-checklist2 for the e-guide ’10 Essential Points to Impress in Your Job Interviews’
    • DM me “STRENGTHS” on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://www.merakimarketinglearning.com/marketing-strengths-quiz to take the Marketing Super Strengths Quiz and discover your marketing skills profile
    • DM me “QUESTIONS” on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://learn.merakimarketinglearning.com/showcase-to-shine to access the training on which impressive questions to ask in your marketing j...
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    21 mins
  • 4 criteria I used to evaluate marketing jobs
    Apr 27 2024

    If you're a marketer and struggle to know which marketing jobs you want to do in your career, often it's because you don't have clear goals for what you want to achieve from the jobs you do.

    In this episode I share 4 criteria that I set myself earlier in my career that were important to me to develop in my skills and business experience, so that when I evaluated future potential marketing jobs, I could use this criteria as a lens to decide if the job was one I should do.

    I hope this inspires you to set some key criteria for yourself, so you can focus on the jobs that will help you achieve this.

    The Marketing Career Playbook shares practical and insightful ideas and actions for marketers looking to develop their skills and drive their marketing careers forward.

    The Marketing Career Playbook shares practical and insightful ideas and actions for marketers looking to develop their skills and drive their marketing careers forward.


    • DM me "DIRECTOR" on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://www.merakimarketinglearning.com/marketing-director-skills-quiz to take the assessment and discover which Marketing Director skill you already have as a manager
    • DM me “LEADER” on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://learn.merakimarketinglearning.com/marketing-leader-guide to grab the Marketing Leader-Ready Evaluation Guide
    • DM me “INTERVIEW” on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://content.merakimarketinglearning.com/free-interview-checklist2 for the e-guide ’10 Essential Points to Impress in Your Job Interviews’
    • DM me “STRENGTHS” on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://www.merakimarketinglearning.com/marketing-strengths-quiz to take the Marketing Super Strengths Quiz and discover your marketing skills profile
    • DM me “QUESTIONS” on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://learn.merakimarketinglearning.com/showcase-to-shine to access the training on which impressive questions to ask in your marketing j...
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    17 mins
  • 4 actions that proactive marketers take to focus on their career growth
    Apr 27 2024

    Following on from the last episode, I share 4 actions that I see proactive marketers taking when it comes to focusing on their career growth.

    If you want to spend more time on your career development plan, and progressing your marketing career, then this episode shares 4 ways you can start taking action to be seen as a marketer who's serious about their career.

    These actions are what marketers who are intentional about their career growth take, compared to those marketers who don't.

    The Marketing Career Playbook shares practical and insightful ideas and actions for marketers looking to develop their skills and drive their marketing careers forward.

    The Marketing Career Playbook shares practical and insightful ideas and actions for marketers looking to develop their skills and drive their marketing careers forward.


    • DM me "DIRECTOR" on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://www.merakimarketinglearning.com/marketing-director-skills-quiz to take the assessment and discover which Marketing Director skill you already have as a manager
    • DM me “LEADER” on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://learn.merakimarketinglearning.com/marketing-leader-guide to grab the Marketing Leader-Ready Evaluation Guide
    • DM me “INTERVIEW” on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://content.merakimarketinglearning.com/free-interview-checklist2 for the e-guide ’10 Essential Points to Impress in Your Job Interviews’
    • DM me “STRENGTHS” on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://www.merakimarketinglearning.com/marketing-strengths-quiz to take the Marketing Super Strengths Quiz and discover your marketing skills profile
    • DM me “QUESTIONS” on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://learn.merakimarketinglearning.com/showcase-to-shine to access the training on which impressive questions to ask in your marketing j...
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    26 mins
  • 5 reasons you need to make time to work on your marketing career
    Apr 27 2024

    If you're a marketer who wants to develop an impressive and rewarding marketing career, you need to find time to work 'on' your career.

    Too often, you can get so busy at work doing your marketing job, that you don't find the time to think about your career, set goals, do research on marketing jobs, talk with other marketers and so on.

    This episode shares 5 reasons why it's so important to work on your marketing career, to help you progress your career so you don't feel like you're losing momentum.

    The Marketing Career Playbook shares practical and insightful ideas and actions for marketers looking to develop their skills and drive their marketing careers forward.

    The Marketing Career Playbook shares practical and insightful ideas and actions for marketers looking to develop their skills and drive their marketing careers forward.


    • DM me "DIRECTOR" on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://www.merakimarketinglearning.com/marketing-director-skills-quiz to take the assessment and discover which Marketing Director skill you already have as a manager
    • DM me “LEADER” on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://learn.merakimarketinglearning.com/marketing-leader-guide to grab the Marketing Leader-Ready Evaluation Guide
    • DM me “INTERVIEW” on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://content.merakimarketinglearning.com/free-interview-checklist2 for the e-guide ’10 Essential Points to Impress in Your Job Interviews’
    • DM me “STRENGTHS” on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://www.merakimarketinglearning.com/marketing-strengths-quiz to take the Marketing Super Strengths Quiz and discover your marketing skills profile
    • DM me “QUESTIONS” on Instagram @merakimarketingstudio or visit https://learn.merakimarketinglearning.com/showcase-to-shine to access the training on which impressive questions to ask in your marketing j...
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    26 mins