• How to start getting “unstuck” as a busy adult with ADHD
    Jul 27 2024

    Every single person get stuck in their lives at one time or another. That could be in your career or your job or in your personal life at home. We all get stuck from time to time.

    How do we get unstuck?

    That's the topic for this podcast. Whether you have ADHD or not, you're going to learn something about getting unstuck.

    Dave's guest today is Britt Frank, a clinician, speaker and the author of the Science of Stuck and the Getting Unstuck Workbook.

    We can get stuck on a decision to do the dishes in our house or making a major career or life decision. Being stuck can show up everywhere.

    Britt discusses the science of being stuck, which she equates to having the emergency brake on in your car. She also discusses the shame many of us feel when we're in stuck mode.

    Britt also discusses the following topics with Dave:


    Decision fatigue.

    Intention gaps.

    How to get a micro yes accomplished.

    Why boundaries are related to being stuck.

    And stay to the end of the discussion because Britt gives three steps for anyone to get unstuck.

    Find Britt Frank and her book the Science of Stuck here: https://www.scienceofstuck.com/

    **Do you want to work with Dave one-on-one? Go to www.overcomingdistractions.com and book an introductory Zoom chat. Or go directly to Dave’s calendar; https://calendly.com/davidgreenwood1/15min

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    34 mins
  • How to navigate a toxic workplace as an adult with ADHD
    Jul 24 2024

    So many of us have had to navigate a chaotic working environment as an adult with ADHD. Some of the workplaces we have had to work in could be classified as toxic.

    Dave discusses how to navigate a chaotic and toxic workplace and tries to reassure you that not everything needs to be blamed on our ADHD.

    Many of us have been working in a culture of chaos, a supervisor, or other colleagues who have a less-than-desirable working style. And for entrepreneurs and those of us who are self-employed, many of us have clients that are difficult to deal with.

    Dave talks about the hazards of working in a toxic workplace such as your mental and physical health.

    He discusses ways to survive and thrive in a chaotic work environment and other things to consider when planning for the future.

    **Do you want to work with Dave one-on-one? Go to www.overcomingdistractions.com and book an introductory Zoom chat. Or go directly to Dave’s calendar; https://calendly.com/davidgreenwood1/15min

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    24 mins
  • Time and energy management questions for busy adults with ADHD
    Jul 20 2024

    Preparation is one of the keys to thriving with adult ADHD in a busy setting. And if you are working in a demanding job or career, or you are running your own business with ADHD, planning is mission critical.

    Getting ready for the days ahead can be a game changer as an adult with ADHD. Not being prepared means that we will try to do everything all at once and we know that can't be done. And when that does happen, we procrastinate and end up being less productive and more stressed.

    Dave goes over some key questions to ask yourself each and every day to prepare for the following days ahead of you in your work setting.

    These questions are simple, to the point and even street smart.

    If you've been having trouble getting your day off to a great start, take some time to listen to this short podcast and get the questions to ask yourself every day.

    **Do you want to work with Dave one-on-one? Go to www.overcomingdistractions.com and book an introductory Zoom chat. Or go directly to Dave’s calendar; https://calendly.com/davidgreenwood1/15min

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    18 mins
  • The positives of ADHD in business and in the workplace
    Jul 16 2024

    We solve a lot of problems and challenges here on Overcoming Distractions but today, Dave talks about some of the positives of being a busy professional with ADHD in the business world.

    Those of us with adult ADHD bring tremendous value, skills and critical thinking into any working environment we can thrive. And it's always a good idea to remind ourselves of the positive aspects of our different brains.

    Join Dave on this short podcast as he refreshes all our memories about what we bring into the workplace and our lives that are positives of adult ADHD.

    **Do you want to work with Dave one-on-one? Go to www.overcomingdistractions.com and book an introductory Zoom chat. Or go directly to Dave’s calendar; https://calendly.com/davidgreenwood1/15min

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    19 mins
  • How visual aids can help busy adults with ADHD
    Jun 28 2024

    Out of sight out of mind is probably one of the best descriptions of ADHD. We need important items and reminders in front of us and it needs to capture our attention.

    So that's what we're going to talk about today. Why visual cues for busy adults with ADHD can be a game changer. Well many of us have challenges with short term memory, visual cues and aids can help us tremendously.

    Dave talks with Sara Olsher, the founder of Mighty and Bright, an organization that creates very useful products to help people with visual structure.

    Sara talks about founding Mighty and Bright, her personal story and why she decided to build this business.

    Dave and Sara discuss visual cues and why they can be highly effective for those of us with different brains. Remember out of sight, out of mind.

    They also discuss why from many busy adults with ADHD, important reminders as well as physical items sometimes need to be in our face.

    Sara discusses what makes a great visual aid including those around the house.

    And Dave and Sara talk about some of the important ways that visual aids can help busy adults with ADHD including task initiation, completing tasks and projects, aiding in our challenges with short term memory as well as reducing overwhelm.

    Sara talks about the more popular charts that her business offers and why they are popular.

    You can find out more about Sara's story and her visual aids here: https://mightyandbright.com/

    **Do you want to work with Dave one-on-one? Go to www.overcomingdistractions.com and book an introductory Zoom chat. Or go directly to Dave’s calendar; https://calendly.com/davidgreenwood1/15min

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    29 mins
  • Moms with ADHD, this podcast is for you. And guys, you can listen too!
    Jun 22 2024

    This episode is dedicated to all you moms out there with ADHD.

    But guys, don't hit the stop button because we know you're going to learn something too from this discussion.

    Today we have Anna Burns with Anna Burns Wellness and she works with ADHD moms.

    Anna discusses with Dave what it's like to be in ADHD mom, some of the specific challenges of mothers with ADHD and how ADHD moms out there can make life less stressful and a little more organized.

    Anna starts out by describing a day in the life of an ADHD mom. You might relate to some of this!

    Anna also talks to Dave about some of the more common challenges a mother with ADHD would face that many of you listening can relate to.

    She talks about why it could be common from many women after having children to discover they have ADHD.

    How do we organize as a mom with ADHD? Anna discusses the core parts and systems women should focus on.

    She also discusses with Dave how to implement more emotional intelligence as a mom with ADHD. Because many people, men and women can have challenges with emotions in different situations.

    Anna also walks us through how moms with ADHD can build routines with kids running around the house, extracurricular activities and other responsibilities.

    What can be a game changer for women with ADHD? Anna talks about this as well.

    Find Anna at: https://annaburnswellness.com/

    **Do you want to work with Dave one-on-one? Go to www.overcomingdistractions.com and book an introductory Zoom chat. Or go directly to Dave’s calendar; https://calendly.com/davidgreenwood1/15min

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    33 mins
  • The importance of belonging in the workplace
    Jun 15 2024

    One of the things that makes a career a better journey is when we have purpose, and we feel like we belong. Belonging is human and it's something we all crave.

    On this episode of Overcoming Distractions, we talk about belonging in the workplace and why it is so mission critical for all of us. Especially those with adult ADHD.

    Aga Bajer is a culture strategist and works with organizations to help a cultures evolve for the better. She works with leaders and teams across the globe to help improve culture.

    Aga is the founder of Culture Brained which is a community dedicated creating cultures that are synonymous with fun, meaning and belonging.

    Aga first starts telling us about Culture Brained and the important work the organization does.

    Dave talks with Aga about some of the bigger factors involved in people not feeling like they belong in any type of working Environment.

    Aga also discusses with Dave what happens to both the individual and the organization when the feeling of belonging is lost. That includes stress and in the long term feeling burned out for individuals.

    Aga talks with Dave about how an individual knows that they do truly belong in an environment such as a workplace and what those key indicators that give them comfort.

    And they also discuss how someone that looking to make a job or career change, and belonging is important, what should somebody look for and how do they go about that.

    How do we show up in a workplace that can make a difference? Aga answers this as well.

    Learn more about culture brained and Aga’s important work here.


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    31 mins
  • Questions About Burnout and ADHD to Ask Yourself-Part 2
    May 22 2024

    This is Part 2 of our series on questions to ask yourself if you have adult ADHD and feeling burned out.

    If you haven't listened to part one about burnout questions, go back one episode.

    Dave discusses 10 more questions you need to ask yourself to gain more self-awareness about feeling burned out as a busy adult with ADHD.

    Grab a notebook and a pen and get some self-awareness and understanding about yourself and your level of burnout and stress.

    **Do you want to work with Dave one-on-one? Go to www.overcomingdistractions.com and book an introductory Zoom chat. Or go directly to Dave’s calendar; https://calendly.com/davidgreenwood1/15min

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    19 mins