• PMT Mastery Alliance
    Jul 18 2024

    In our fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of daily tasks and responsibilities. We often find ourselves saying "I have to" rather than "I get to," a subtle yet profound shift in perspective that can transform our lives. Recently, during a vibrant discussion with my mastermind group—comprising insightful individuals like Dr. Charlie, Brandon, Raymond and myself—we delved into the power of this mindset shift and the importance of planning, clarity, and executing simple tasks with extraordinary care.

    Key Highlights:

    I. Mindset Shift: "Have To" vs. "Get To"

    a. Transforming "I have to" into "I get to" can turn mundane tasks into privileges.

    b. Reflecting on those who lack the ability to perform certain tasks can foster gratitude.

    c. This shift in perspective helps us appreciate daily activities and approach them with enthusiasm.

    II. The Importance of Planning and Clarity

    a. Planning provides clarity, eliminating the chaos of a directionless day.

    b. A clear plan allows for focused energy on essential tasks, reducing mental clutter.

    c. Clarity helps identify what truly matters, ensuring that energy is not wasted on non-essential activities.

    III. Execution and Flow

    a. Effective execution of a plan creates a sense of flow, much like a powerful stream overcoming resistance.

    b. Flow leads to unstoppable momentum, allowing us to navigate through obstacles effortlessly.

    c. Focusing on simple tasks and doing them extraordinarily well can lead to profound satisfaction and success

    IV. Taking Inventory and Practicing Essentialism

    a. Regularly take inventory of your activities to identify what serves your purpose and what doesn’t.

    b. Practice essentialism by cutting out the noise and focusing on a few key tasks.

    c. Doing fewer things, but doing them better, leads to a more fulfilling and productive life.

    V. Navigating Through Challenges

    a. Embrace challenges with the understanding that you are going through them, not stuck in them.

    b. Each challenge offers lessons and growth opportunities, contributing to future success.

    c. Having a vision and plan helps navigate through difficulties, keeping the end goal in sight.

    By adopting the "get to" mindset, planning with clarity, and focusing on essential tasks, we can transform our daily lives from mundane routines to fulfilling experiences. It’s about recognizing the privilege in every task, creating a clear path, and executing with purpose. As we navigate through life’s challenges, this mindset will not only help us overcome obstacles but also enrich our journey with gratitude and satisfaction. Let’s strive to do the simple things extraordinarily well and live each day with a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

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    1 hr and 7 mins
  • Episode 201- Finding Purpose: A Journey with Sam Demma
    Jul 11 2024

    In today's episode, we delve into the inspiring journey of Sam Demma, a half-Italian, half-Greek motivational speaker from Canada. Sam’s story is a testament to resilience, adaptability, and finding one's true calling amidst life's trials.

    Key Highlights:

    Athletic Beginnings

    1. Born in Scarborough, Ontario, Sam grew up with a deep passion for soccer.

    2. Pursued a dream to play professional soccer from age five to 17.

    3. Faced multiple knee injuries and surgeries, ultimately losing a full-ride scholarship.

    Transition and Mentorship

    1. Wise mentors and motivational literature shifted his focus after his soccer journey ended.

    2. Initiated community service projects, including PickWaste, which involved weekly cleanups.

    3. Developed a passion for public speaking while recruiting volunteers for PickWaste.

    Growth in Public Speaking

    1. Overcame initial challenges and fear of public speaking.

    2. Started receiving recognition and payments for his motivational talks.

    3. Transitioned from local to international speaking engagements.

    Facing Criticism and Hate

    1. Experienced online hate and bullying after a viral video segment.

    2. Developed strategies to manage negativity: distinguishing between genuine critique and jealousy, and responding with kindness when appropriate.

    Accolades and Achievements

    1. Awarded Lecturer of the Year by the Canadian organization of campus activities.

    2. Authored the book "Empty Your Backpack," focusing on mental health and positive beliefs.

    Sam Demma’s journey is a beacon of perseverance. From chasing a dream in sports to inspiring thousands globally, his story encourages us to empty the backpacks of negative beliefs and fill them with purpose and passion. As Sam continues to speak and motivate, he reminds us that the path to greatness is laden with both challenges and triumphs. For those interested in having Sam at their next event, visit his website SamDemma.com.

    If you know someone who could benefit from Sam’s story, please like, subscribe, and share this post. Let's spread the inspiration and support each other on our journeys to greatness.

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    37 mins
  • Episode 200- Where is Your Ladder of Success Leaning?
    Jul 4 2024

    In this latest episode of the Personal Mastery Training podcast, we delve into the wisdom imparted by Franklin Covey: "You want to climb the ladder of success, but you want to make sure it's against the right wall." This principle is crucial for anyone striving for greatness, and today's discussion explores how to ensure your efforts and aspirations align with your true goals and values.

    Key Highlights
    • Franklin Covey’s Wisdom: It's essential to periodically reflect and ensure that your efforts are directed towards meaningful and aligned goals.
    • Jim Rohn’s Goal-Setting Philosophy: Set big goals not just for the end result, but for the personal growth and transformation that achieving those goals necessitates.
    • Personal Reflection: Regular reflection (annually or quarterly) helps ensure that your actions are motivated by genuine passion rather than fleeting motivation.
    • Real-Life Example: After 17 years in business, the host reflects on his journey from aiming to build multiple clinics worldwide to focusing on a single, specialized boutique clinic.
    • Understanding Your True Nature: It's crucial to identify whether you're a business builder or an income producer and align your efforts accordingly.
    • Lessons Learned: The importance of shifting your ladder to the right wall if the current one isn't yielding the desired outcomes, to prevent years of misdirected effort.
    • Passion and Alignment: Ensure that your journey feels aligned and that your pursuit is worth the time, energy, and resources invested.

    Reflect on where your ladder of success is leaning. Take the time to ensure it’s against the right wall, aligned with your true passions and goals. If it doesn’t feel right, don’t hesitate to shift your ladder. For further insights, check out the newly released ebook, "Eight Reasons to Bet on Yourself," available through the provided link. Until next time, make sure your ladder is set against the right wall, and then confidently bet on yourself.

    Visit Alvin's website- Personal Mastery Training

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    12 mins
  • Episode 199- Take a Time Inventory
    Jun 27 2024

    In today's fast-paced world, time often feels like it's slipping through our fingers. In this strategy episode, "Take Inventory of Your Time," Alvin shares insightful reflections on the preciousness of time and how we can make the most of it.

    Key Highlights:

    1. Time as a Non-Renewable Resource: Time is invaluable and irreplaceable. It's crucial to be mindful of how we spend it and with whom we spend it.

    2. Living with Purpose: Taking inventory of your time involves assessing what you are dedicating your life to. Identify your mission, passion projects, and goals.

    3. Influence of Associations: The people you surround yourself with have a significant impact on your life. Evaluate if your close associations inspire and uplift you. Remember the adage, "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with." Choose your companions wisely.

    4. Mindful Consumption: Be conscious of what you consume mentally. The books you read, the podcasts you listen to, and the media you engage with should nourish and inspire you. Avoid wasting time on content that doesn't add value to your life.

    5. Striving for Greatness: Don't settle for the merely good when you can achieve greatness. Identify what truly lights your fire and pursue it with passion. Shift focus from "good enough" to "great" to maximize the quality of your life.

    6. Daily Motivation: Inspired by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, the coach encourages waking up each day with a sense of purpose and enthusiasm. Embrace each day as an opportunity to move closer to your goals and live life to the fullest.

    Taking inventory of your time is a powerful exercise that can transform your life. By being deliberate about how you spend your time, who you spend it with, and what you consume, you can ensure that you are living a fulfilling and purposeful life. Remember, time is the one resource you can never get back, so make every moment count.

    Visit Alvin's website- Personal Mastery Training

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    11 mins
  • Episode 198- Peace begins where Expectation Ends
    Jun 20 2024

    In this strategy episode, we dive deep into a piece of wisdom that has profoundly impacted both myself and my clients: "Peace begins where expectation ends." This concept, simple yet powerful, offers a pathway to a more serene and fulfilled life. Let's explore the key insights from this episode.

    Key Highlights:

    1. Expectations vs. Reality: We often set high expectations for others, leading to disappointment when they aren't met. This wisdom emphasizes the importance of tempering those expectations to enjoy the present moment more fully.

    2. Applying Wisdom in Real Life: One client’s experience illustrates this perfectly. Despite their hard work and high hopes for validation from an authority figure, they received negative feedback, leaving them crushed.

    3. Seeking Validation: Many people yearn for approval from a specific person (e.g., a parent, teacher, or authority figure) despite receiving positive feedback from others. This often stems from a deep-seated need for validation from someone significant in their past.

    4. Understanding the Source: It's crucial to evaluate whether the person you're seeking approval from is capable of giving it. Often, those who haven't experienced approval themselves cannot offer it to others.

    5. Letting Go for Peace: Recognizing that some people may never give you the validation you seek can help you lower your expectations and find peace. Shifting focus to those who do appreciate your efforts can be more fulfilling.

    6. Relentless Pursuit: The more we strive for approval from someone incapable of giving it, the more disappointed we become. It’s like chasing a ghost, leading to perpetual dissatisfaction.

    7. Internal Validation: Emphasize internal validation and appreciate the support from those who recognize your worth. This shift in focus can lead to greater peace and personal growth.

    The journey to peace begins with letting go of unrealistic expectations for validation from others. By understanding the limitations of those we seek approval from and focusing on self-validation and the positive feedback we do receive, we can find the peace we've been searching for. Reflect on this wisdom, journal your thoughts, and embrace the tranquility that comes from within. Until next time, peace and love.

    Visit Alvin's website- Personal Mastery Training

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    14 mins
  • Episode 197- The Difference Between A and B
    Jun 13 2024

    Hey everybody, what's going on? Welcome to another strategy episode of personal mastery training. Today, we're diving into a powerful concept inspired by Will Smith's recent interview: the difference between being good and being great. This idea struck a chord with me, and I knew I had to share it with you. So, let's explore what it truly means to elevate from good to great and why this journey demands more than just effort.

    Key Highlights:

    The Illusion of Effortless Excellence: Will Smith's son believed he could easily move from a B to an A student with minimal effort, but Will emphasized that this transition requires a massive change. Moving from C to B involves some effort, but climbing from B to A demands a complete transformation of one's habits and mindset.

    The Relentless Pursuit of Excellence: Greatness isn't just about natural talent; it’s about an obsession with excellence. Will Smith highlighted that many people remain good because they are not willing to put in the extra work necessary to become great.

    Real-Life Examples of Greatness: Athletes like Michael Jordan and Kobe Bryant exemplify the relentless pursuit of greatness, working tirelessly beyond regular training to elevate their game. Stories of other athletes, such as Tom Brady and Drew Brees, illustrate how consistent hard work surpasses mere talent.

    Transformative Effort: Achieving greatness requires a fundamental change in one's being, behaviors, and daily routines. Success at the highest levels demands more than part-time effort; it requires full dedication and a willingness to outwork the competition.

    Personal Application: Reflect on your own goals and the level of effort you're currently investing. Understand that to achieve personal mastery and greatness, you must embrace hard work and consistent effort as part of your journey.

    Greatness is not for the faint of heart. It requires an unwavering commitment to excellence and a relentless pursuit of improvement. Remember, one powerful idea, well executed, can change your game and your life forever. Embrace the challenge, put in the work, and elevate yourself from good to great. Until next time, keep striving for mastery. Peace.

    Visit Alvin's website- Personal Mastery Training

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    11 mins
  • Episode 196- Manifesting Your Goals Through Belief
    Jun 6 2024

    Welcome to another strategy episode where we delve into the pre-reality principle of manifesting your goals through visualization and unwavering belief. In this session, we'll dissect the wisdom gained from personal and client experiences, aiming to shed light on practical approaches to overcome challenges and achieve success.

    Key Highlights:

    1. Shared Experience: Drawing from personal and client encounters, we unravel the significance of embracing challenges and seeking solutions collectively. Through shared experiences, we realize that human struggles are universal, fostering empathy and understanding.

    2. Navigating Challenges: Amidst life's adversities, it's common to narrow our focus solely on problems, amplifying their magnitude and feeling overwhelmed. However, by reframing our perspective and seeking higher vantage points, we can uncover hidden solutions and pathways forward.

    3. Overcoming Myopia: Human nature often inclines us towards myopic thinking when confronted with difficulties, restricting our ability to explore alternative strategies. By embracing personal mastery training and accessing external perspectives, we can transcend limitations and foster growth.

    4. The Power of Faith: True faith transcends mere belief in known outcomes; it entails unwavering trust in the manifestation of unrealized potentials. Through faith, we can envision and pursue aspirations beyond our current reality, catalyzing transformative change.

    As we navigate life's challenges and strive for personal growth, let us remember the power of resilience, faith, and shared wisdom. By embracing the pre-reality principle, we can transcend obstacles, unlock hidden potentials, and chart a course towards fulfillment. Remember, one idea well executed has the potential to reshape our lives indefinitely. Stay inspired, take action, and embrace the journey of personal transformation. Peace, and remember to like, subscribe, and share this empowering message with others.

    Visit Alvin's website- Personal Mastery Training

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    14 mins
  • Episode 195- Stop Loitering Around Your Greatness
    May 30 2024

    Hey everyone, welcome to another episode of Personal Mastery Training. Today, we're diving into a powerful concept inspired by a sports discussion I watched recently. This episode is all about overcoming the tendency to loiter around your greatness and fully embracing your potential. Let's get into it!

    Key Highlights:

    1. Understand "Loitering": Loitering means lingering aimlessly, moving slowly without purpose, or wasting time around your goals.

    2. Identify Your "Why": Define your ultimate goal and the legacy you want to leave. Clarify what success looks like for you.

    3. Gather Resources: Find the information, mentors, and tools needed to reignite your passion and guide your efforts.

    4. Build a Support System: Surround yourself with a community of supportive individuals who inspire and challenge you.

    5. Develop Discipline and Consistency: Create routines and structures that ensure steady progress towards your goals, even when motivation wanes.

    It's time to stop loitering around your greatness. Take decisive action, kick down the door of opportunity, and claim what's yours. Remember, when it's all said and done, you want to look back with no regrets, knowing you gave it your all. As Jim Rohn wisely said, "Regret weighs tons, while discipline weighs ounces." So, take that first step today and embrace your greatness.

    Stay inspired and keep pushing forward. Peace.

    Visit Alvin's website- Personal Mastery Training

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    11 mins