• How To Coach Yourself Into A Thriving Future
    Jul 29 2024

    In this Pocket Sized Pep Talk, you'll learn:

    1. Working definitions for the words “resilience” and “brilliance” which are used a lot in this podcast!
    2. Why more than 87% of working Americans think that both resilience and brilliance are incredibly valuable to their success at work, and why 81% think they would have a better work culture if their company invested more in helping people thrive.
    3. How navigating work or business challenges, can help us grow in resilience and lead to greater success.
    4. Why every generation feels the time they are living is the most transformative and stressful.
    5. A few, top recommendations for building resilience that increase a person's ability to thrive.
    6. How resilience in our relationships with ourselves influences our connections with others, and one step to improve this.
    7. How resilience help individuals uncover their purpose, and one way to start this journey.
    8. From Simon's book, “Resilience @ Work," an introduction to the four characters - Hurry, Worry, Ready, and Steady, and how each character represents different approaches to challenges in the workplace.
    9. How you can recognize your current state in each season, and how you react to it.
    10. Key mentors in Simon's life.

    To Learn More About This Guest:

    GUEST EMAIL taylor@simontbailey.com

    GUEST WEBSITE: https://www.simontbailey.com/


    https://www.facebook.com/BrilliantSimonT –

    https://www.linkedin.com/in/simontbailey –

    Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/simontbailey/)

    YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/c/SimonTBaileyIntl)

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    34 mins
  • Hearing Is Believing
    Jul 24 2024
    When it comes to making people believe what we say, we not only focus on the words we use, but we even tend to obsess on those words. In this quick, four-minute Pocket Sized Pep Talk I'll remind you that the reality is that the words only play a small part of what others hear and believe. You need to learn the tune!
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    4 mins
  • Becoming Authentically Social
    Jul 22 2024

    In this Pocket Sized Pep Talk, you'll learn:

    1. The difference between inward-focused social media as opposed to outward-focused social media.
    2. We all want to be authentic. Corey talks about how.
    3. Some classic mistakes businesses make on social media?
    4. Corey's take on TikTok. Jump on the bandwagon or avoid at all costs?
    5. How to get more out of LinkedIn without coming off as sales-y.
    6. Should we go to LinkedIn paid services?
    7. Two solid strategies to help grow your audience, and increase engagement.
    8. Corey's take on video. Is it the future of social media? - but it seems to take long time to create.
    9. How can you create consistent video for social media without it feeling like a full time job?

    To Learn More About This Guest:

    Consulting: ImpactSocialMedia.com

    Speaking: CoreyPerlman.com

    Show more Show less
    45 mins
  • The Paradox Of Knowledge
    Jul 17 2024
    In real estate, they say the three most important factors are location, location, location. In public speaking, the three most important factors may very well be preparation, preparation, preparation. However, that doesn’t mean we have to burden ourselves with setting unrealistic goals of knowing everything. In this quick, six-minute Pocket Sized Pep Talk, I'll remind that even if you could know everything, it could make you susceptible to damaging your credibility, and I’ll tell you why…
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    6 mins
  • Not Just Good; Superior!
    Jul 15 2024

    In this Pocket Sized Pep Talk, you'll learn:

    1. According to a recent Ernst & Young report, 32% of CEOs fear their industries are changing so fast they can't keep up, 27% anticipate battling brand-new competitors, and 40% of small biz owners are admitting 2024 could make or break them. Rusty provides some quick solutions!
    2. Rusty's teams achieved a record-breaking 22 consecutive state sports championships, and yet, he believes, it’s not just about trophies...
    3. Rusty's three secrets to building championship leadership that works in any business.
    4. His take on rewarding performance, not results.
    5. Proven strategies to stay ahead of the curve and at the top of your market.
    6. How Rusty teaches others to successfully coach themselves.
    7. Often we battle our own negative thoughts. Rusty provides some simple steps to reframe your mindset to be superior in business, sports, and life.

    To Learn More About This Guest:


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    51 mins
  • Some Solutions Are Right Under Your Nose
    Jul 10 2024
    We tend to pride ourselves on our ability to think out of the box, but in reality, we may be doing just the opposite. After all, so much information is available at our fingertips; it would appear that solutions to complex problems can’t be far away. In this quick, seven-minute Pocket Sized Pep Talk, I'll remind you that sometimes, a potential solution is so obvious that it hides in broad daylight. I’ll also give you a classic example that is right above your nose in the airline industry, and some lessons we can learn from it!
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    7 mins
  • The Secret to Resolving Conflict and Defusing Tension
    Jul 8 2024

    In this Pocket Sized Pep Talk, you'll learn:

    1. What makes so many others afraid of dealing with conflict.
    2. Why words like, calm down, take it easy, or relax do NOT work, and what does!
    3. A process move to keep arguments from escalating.
    4. How to go about dealing with an unpleasant, argumentative, opinionated person that holds opinions that are completely opposite of your personal views?
    5. Emotional arguing and persuasive arguing.
    6. The magic of the words, "Do over."

    To learn more about this guest:

    Book website: www.holdingthecalm.com sign up for Hesha’s Insights

    Email: info@holdingthecalm.com

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hesha-abrams-esq/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HeshaAbramsHoldingTheCalm

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    51 mins
  • How To Prepare For Pressure
    Jul 3 2024
    When you watch a professional presenter perform under pressure, it appears effortless. What you don’t see is what goes on before that performance, and the way the speaker uses those final few minutes before he or she begins to speak. In this quick, seven-minute Pocket Sized Pep Talk, I’ll tell you about my personal ritual for preparing for pressure, and how this might help you the next time you have to perform any task under pressure.
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    7 mins