• Sell 2 Wales / GwerthwchiGymru
    Apr 26 2022
    On today’s episode, we’ll hear about Sell 2 Wales – The Welsh Government procurement portal, where businesses can register for free and find Welsh Government and Public sector contracts. Every year, there are millions of pounds worth of opportunites advertised through the site for businesses of all sizes to tender for and win.  Ar y bennod heddiw, byddwn yn clywed am GwerthwchiGymru – Porth caffael Llywodraeth Cymru, lle gall busnesau gofrestru am ddim a dod o hyd i gontractau Llywodraeth Cymru a'r sector cyhoeddus. Bob blwyddyn, mae gwerth miliynau o bunnoedd o gyfleoedd yn cael eu hysbysebu drwy'r safle i fusnesau o bob maint dendro amdanynt ac ennill Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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    22 mins
  • Mis Cenedlaethol yr entrepreneur | National Entrepreneurship Month
    Nov 15 2021
    Ryda ni yn taro chwyddwydr ar fusnesau newydd, ac un busnes Cymreig yn enwedig, sydd yn ffynnu wrth ymgeisio i fod yn fwy 'gwyrdd'. Mae hi'n fis cenedlaethol yr entrepreneur, ac mae Dino a Bethan o Simplelifeco yma i rannu ychydig o'i hanes. Mae'r ddau wedi adeiladu eu busnes cynaliadwyedd. Ond pa fanteision, tybed, y maen't wedi eu gweld wrth fod yn fusnes newydd eco? We’re focussing on start-ups, and we’re about to look at how one Welsh business is thriving by going greener. It’s National Entrepreneurship Month, so Dino and Bethan from Simplelifeco are joining us.  They’ve built a business that centres around sustainability.  But what benefits have they seen by being an eco-friendly start-up? Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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    19 mins
  • Busnes Cymru: COVID-19 Cymorth i Fusnesau Pennod 7 - Business Wales: COVID-19 Support for Businesses Update 7
    Feb 10 2021
    In Episode 7, we speak to the Federation of Small Businesses and Business Wales to look at the support that start-ups have been able to access throughout the crisis, and what resources will be available in a post-COVID world.  Ym Mhennod 7, cawn sgwrs hefo Ffederasiwn y Busnesau Bach a Busnes Cymru i edrych ar y cymorth sydd wedi bod ar gael i fusnesau newydd, a pha adnoddau fydd ar gael iddynt mewn byd ôl-GOFID. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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    28 mins
  • Busnes Cymru: COVID-19 Cymorth i Fusnesau Pennod 6 - Business Wales: COVID-19 Support for Businesses Update 6
    Aug 21 2020
    Ym Mhenod 6, rydym yn gweld sut mae cwmni gofal croen Cymreig a siop cynhyrch lleol yng Ngorllewin Cymru wedi ymateb ac addasu i’r sefyllfa eleni. Osian Jones Perchennog Busnes Crwst yn Aberteifi a Kelly Davies o goodwash.co.uk yn y Barri sydd yma i ddweud mwy…In Episode 6, we look at how a Welsh skin care brand and a local produce shop in West Wales have responded and adapted to this year’s situation. Osian Jones - Business Owner at Crwst in Cardigan, and Ym Mhenod 6, rydym yn gweld sut mae cwmni gofal croen Cymreig a siop cynhyrch lleol yng Ngorllewin Cymru wedi ymateb ac addasu i’r sefyllfa eleni. Osian Jones Perchennog Busnes Crwst yn Aberteifi a Kelly Davies o goodwash.co.uk yn y Barri sydd yma i ddweud mwy…In Episode 6, we look at how a Welsh skin care brand and a local produce shop in West Wales have responded and adapted to this year’s situation. Osian Jones - Business Owner at Crwst in Cardigan, and Kelly Davies from goodwash.co.uk in Barry are here to tell us more…from goodwash.co.uk in Barry are here to tell us more… Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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    22 mins
  • Busnes Cymru: COVID-19 Cymorth i Fusnesau Pennod 5 - Business Wales: COVID-19 Support for Businesses Update 5
    May 27 2020
    Ym Mhenod 5, rydym yn gweld sut mae’r diwydiant trafnidiaeth a’r diwydiannau  Therapiau Corfforol yn ymateb i'r argyfwng.  Emma Stephens, Cyfarwyddwr Hiab & Plant Transport yng Nghaerdydd, ac Andrea Parry, Therapydd Galwedigaethol Niwrolegol i United Rehab Solutions yn Sir Ddinbych sydd yma i ddweud mwy.  In Episode 5, we look at how the transportation and physical therapy industries have responded to the crisis.  Emma Stephens, Director of Hiab and Plant Transport in Cardiff, and Andrea Parry, Neurological Occupational Therapist at United Rehab Solutions in Denbighshire are here to tell us more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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    16 mins
  • Busnes Cymru: COVID-19 Cymorth i Fusnesau Pennod 4 - Business Wales: COVID-19 Support for Businesses Update 4
    May 8 2020
    Ym Mhenod 4, rydym yn clywed sut mae’r diwydiant twristiaeth wedi ymateb i’r argyfwng. Zoe Wright, Pennaeth Marchnata Folly Farm & Jason Thomas, Cyfarwyddwr Diwylliant, Chwaraeon a Thwristiaeth fydd yma i ddweud mwy… In Episode 4, we look at how the tourism industry has responded to the crisis.  Zoe Wright, Head of Marketing at Folly Farm, and Jason Thomas, Welsh Government Director of Culture, Sport and Tourism are here to tell us more…  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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    18 mins
  • Busnes Cymru: COVID-19 Cymorth i Fusnesau Pennod 3 - Business Wales: COVID-19 Support for Businesses Update 3
    Apr 30 2020
    Ym mhenod 3, byddwn yn clywed sut mae’r diwydiant gweithgynhyrchu yng Nghymru wedi ymateb yn bositif i’r argyfwng. Cawn glywed mwy gan James Davies, Cadeirydd Diwydiant Cymru In Episode 3, we look at how the manufacturing industry has responded positively to the crisis.  James Davies, Executive Chair at Industry Wales tells us more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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    14 mins
  • Busnes Cymru: COVID-19 Cymorth i Fusnesau Pennod 2 - Business Wales: COVID-19 Support for Businesses Update 2
    Apr 24 2020
    Wythnos yma rydym yn siarad hefo dau berchennog busnes sydd wedi derbyn nawdd i ddangos pa mor hawdd ydi'r broses o gael help. Ein gwesteion ydi:  Jonathan Greatorex, Cyfarwyddwr Reolwr The Hand yn Llanarmon a Phil Scott, Perchennog Rib Ride ar Ynys Mon. In this week’s episode, we chat with two of the businesses that have received funding to find out how simple the process is.  The guests are: Jonathan Greatorex, Managing Director at The Hand at Llanarmon and Phil Scott, Owner Director of Rib Ride on Anglesey. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices
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    14 mins