• Do you only run full speed ahead?
    Jul 22 2024
    🏃‍♀️ Do you only run full speed ahead? 🏎️ Are you willing to downshift into a gentler gear? Susan needs to slow down–her body is demanding it–but she’s in high gear taking care of her grand-kiddos. Will this hard-working high school teacher be able to downshift into a gentler gear? Tune in now to hear how 😇 Susan’s Higher Power shows up for her. Thank you, Lucky 💛
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    Less than 1 minute
  • Has worry got you?
    May 27 2024
    🤔 Does worrying about others help them? Or just hurt you? Casey is worried about his kids, but is that his job at this point? His kids aren’t kids anymore. They’re adults! In this two-part episode, hear Casey’s struggle to let go as well as my suggestions for solutions. How will God show up in Casey’s life? Tune in to find out. In faith, Lucky 😇
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    Less than 1 minute
  • Are you ready to drop the negative stories about your life?
    Apr 1 2024
    😈 Does self-doubt sneak up on you? 📉 Are you ready to drop the negative stories about your life? Lee is asking her Higher Power to help dismiss the negative stories that she tells herself. She knows that her Higher Power supports her in fulfilling her purpose, but then self-doubt sneaks in, and she falls into fear. In the two conversations (recorded two months apart), you’ll first get a peek into Lee’s challenges. Next, you’ll hear her account of the powerful spirit of her loving Almighty 😇 who swooped in with a big ol’ dose of healing! Happy listening, Lucky
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    48 mins
  • How can you plan for the future when you can barely get through today?
    Dec 11 2023
    🤨 Can you relate to Jay's sense of overwhelm? Jay is facing major life challenges, which makes it difficult to plan for the future. Because of fatigue from medical issues, he’s unable to perform many day-to-day functions, which causes frustration. He can’t work, which induces financial stress.💵 And he’s the full-time caretaker for his father. Yikes! Time to call in Jay’s Divine Crew! In this episode of my podcast, Quiet Your Mind Chatter, I don my coaching hat to ask God for guidance on how Jay can move forward through severe conditions.
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    33 mins
  • Can transformation happen within dire circumstances?
    Nov 13 2023
    🦋 Can transformation happen within dire circumstances? 🕊️Can you experience peace and joy even when you’re overwhelmed by responsibilities? Candi was taught by her grandmother that if she took things for herself, there wouldn’t be enough left over for everyone else. She has brought that scarcity mindset into her role as the 24/7 caretaker of her husband who is terminally ill and angry about it. Fortunately, Candi already has a solid relationship with her 😇 Higher Power who strengthens her. But can she believe that the more she receives, the more she will have to give? An expert on caring for others, can she open herself to receiving care? As you listen to today’s episode, let’s send blessings to Candi and to all of us who are overwhelmed by responsibility and yet seeking peace and joy within the challenges. Blessings, Lucky 💙
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    48 mins
  • Is it hard for you to let go of things?
    Oct 16 2023
    🙌 Here’s inspiration for releasing that which no longer serves you!Linda has a hard time letting go of physical things. In an empty coffee creamer container she sees infinite possibilities. Not only does she desire to find a new home for all things still useful, she’s compelled to find just the right person who will cherish each item.In today’s 40-minute episode, you’ll hear our before-and-after conversations in which Linda summons the faith that taking small actions will allow God to release her from the grips of this habit.🤩 After release comes freedom!Sending blessings,💖Lucky
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    41 mins
  • When a Friend Lets You Down
    Oct 3 2023
    When a Friend Lets You Down You love someone. She lets you down. You let her off the hook, then you’re the one who ends up feeling bad. In this episode, I offer coaching to Maui scuba diver, Lisa, who has been lodged in this hurtful pattern with a long-time friend. Does Lisa need to let go of the friendship to save herself? Or can she choose healing within the relationship? In this two-part conversation, Lisa is brave enough to share about her struggles in friendship. I suggest a couple of Wellness Tools to help her voice her truth and practice boundaries. A week later, Lisa updates us on progress she’s making in being a friend to herself. Join my online spiritual retreat! Sat-Sun, October 8-91 is my next online retreat. Woot woot!!! See oodles of info about my online retreats: Retreat Videos https://wellnesswithlucky.com/online-retreats-new/ I love you. This podcast episode is 51 minutes. Thanks for listening! Wellness with Lucky https://wellnesswithlucky.com/
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    34 mins
  • Do you fear criticism?
    Aug 21 2023
    Do you fear criticism? 😧 Do you fear change? So does today’s podcast guest! But instead of caving in, he is asking for Divine support. Sambo is starting a new office job after working from home for twelve years. Not only will he need to trade his house slippers for 👞 dress shoes, he’ll be expected to chit chat at the whim of co-workers when all he really wants to do is get back to the task at hand. 👔 But wearing a collared shirt and being interrupted by well-intentioned staffers is nothing compared to the threat of face-to-face criticism. When working virtually, an occasional electronic check-in with his supervisor was required, but now his performance will be scrutinized by multiple in-house bosses as well is his teammates. Listen to this episode as I channel God’s wisdom to support my coaching client through his transition back into the brick-and-mortar working world. Divinely Yours, Lucky😇
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    53 mins