• अमीर लोग पैसे के लिए काम नहीं करते
    Apr 19 2023

    The first chapter of the book "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki is titled "Rich Dad, Poor Dad." In this chapter, Kiyosaki introduces the two father figures that shaped his views on money and wealth: his biological father, who he refers to as his "poor dad," and his best friend's father, who he calls his "rich dad."

    Kiyosaki explains that his poor dad was highly educated, worked hard, and had a good job, but struggled financially and often lived paycheck to paycheck. In contrast, his rich dad had never finished high school, but was a successful entrepreneur and investor who had built a considerable amount of wealth.

    Through his experiences with both men, Kiyosaki learned that there were fundamental differences in the way that they thought about and managed money. His poor dad believed in working hard and saving money, while his rich dad emphasized the importance of financial education and building assets that would generate passive income.

    Overall, the first chapter of "Rich Dad Poor Dad" sets the stage for the rest of the book by introducing the key themes of financial education, asset-building, and the difference between working for money and having money work for you. It invites readers to reflect on their own beliefs about money and wealth, and to consider the lessons that they can learn from Kiyosaki's experiences.

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    13 mins
  • इसकी बहुत जरुरत है
    Apr 17 2023

    In the preface of the book "Rich Dad Poor Dad," author Robert Kiyosaki shares his personal story of growing up with two father figures who had very different approaches to money and wealth. Kiyosaki's "poor dad" was his biological father, who had a good education and a steady job as a government employee, but struggled to make ends meet and often lived paycheck to paycheck. His "rich dad" was the father of his best friend, who was a successful entrepreneur and investor.

    Through his experiences with both men, Kiyosaki learned important lessons about the difference between working for money and having money work for you, and the importance of financial education and building assets. In the preface, Kiyosaki also sets out his mission to share these lessons with readers and to help people achieve financial freedom and independence.

    Overall, the preface of "Rich Dad Poor Dad" sets the stage for a thought-provoking and practical guide to building wealth and creating a life of financial abundance. Whether you're just starting out on your financial journey or looking to take your wealth-building to the next level, this book offers valuable insights and strategies that can help you achieve your goals.

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    26 mins