• Break the Cycle of Never Hitting Your Biz and Income Goals
    Sep 27 2024

    If you’re constantly setting goals—whether for income or clients—only to burn out and miss them every time, this episode will make you feel seen. You’re not missing the mark because of a lack of strategy. You’re stuck in a cycle that keeps repeating because of deeper reasons you haven’t addressed yet.

    Here’s what you’ll learn:

    Regan breaks down The Cycle of setting client or income goals, implementing the strategy, not hitting the goal, and spiraling into frustration, only to repeat the process again. You’ve been buying all the “secret sauce” strategies, but nothing changes. The momentum feels gone, and the burnout is real.

    In this episode, Regan shares how to finally break this cycle by addressing 3 key areas:

    Addressing Confirmation Biases + Rebuilding Evidence for Success

    • Regan explains how your confirmation bias (where you focus only on evidence that supports your belief that you can’t succeed) keeps you stuck. She shares how to shift this with a tool called the Self-Trust Resume, helping clients rebuild the belief that they can hit their goals.

    Fixing the Lack of Congruence Between You and Your Offer

    • If you’ve been stuck in this cycle for months, something is likely misaligned between your offer and your true desires. Regan talks about her personal experience of not following her intuition and staying in the wrong niche, keeping her in the cycle for a year. Regan talks about how she broke out of that in 2024 and how you can do the same

    Shifting Who You Are Being + Focusing on Action

    • Regan emphasizes the importance of focusing on who you’re being rather than what you’re lacking. She talks about the shift from feeling like you’re losing momentum to believing “it’s already done” and BEING the person who makes it happen daily.

    Want more?

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    26 mins
  • Why Your Offer Isn’t Selling Even Though You’re Following the Perfect Strategy
    Sep 13 2024

    If you’re frustrated that your offer isn’t selling despite doing everything right, this episode uncovers the real issue: you're out of congruence with your offer in 3 key areas.

    3 Areas Where You Might Be Out of Congruence:

    1. Your offer no longer aligns with your life goals.
    2. Your offer isn’t in the niche you're passionate about.
    3. You’re doubting your ability to deliver the promised results.

    Regan breaks down each of these areas and shares how to close the congruence gap through simple audits. She also shares real-life success stories of how her clients made these shifts to get their sales back on track.

    Work w/ me 1:1



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    24 mins
  • How I'm Raising the Bar in the Coaching Industry in My 1:1 Program
    Aug 30 2024

    In this episode, I’m sharing what it really means to step up and lead in the coaching world. And it’s not about tearing down the industry; it’s about making the changes you know are right, even if it means going first.

    I’ll walk you through the 7 ways I’ve shifted my 1:1 coaching program and why sticking to your values not only makes it easier to sell but also attracts the right clients, builds momentum, and brings inner peace as a coach.

    Tune in to see how I’ve transformed my program and explore how you can do the same.

    Work w/ me 1:1



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    26 mins
  • Don't Prioritize Content Creation Until You Do This
    Aug 9 2024

    Let me ask you—why are you still making content your top priority when it’s not giving you the results you want?

    In this episode of Real Talk with Regan, I’m getting real about why your content strategy might be keeping you stuck, whether it’s minimal growth or an income plateau.

    Because we don’t have time for more burnout, wasting energy on strategies that don’t work, and definitely no more working for free.

    The real issue? Congruence. And it’s a simple fix that will change your business growth more than finding trending audio.

    I’m breaking down how aligning who you are with how you show up in your business can finally unlock the momentum you’ve been chasing.

    Tune in and get ready to have all the clients, momentum, and clarity that you've been searching for.

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    21 mins
  • Become A Client Magnet Outside of Content Marketing with Stephanie Polcyn
    Aug 2 2024

    Welcome back to another episode of Real Talk with Regan! Today, Regan is interviewing the incredible Stephanie Polcyn, a Business Marketing Strategist. This episode is part of an exciting series, and you’re tuning into Part 2: Become A Client Magnet Outside of Content Marketing with Stephanie Polcyn.

    Stephanie shares how women, especially mothers, can grow their client base and amplify their marketing without being tied to Instagram.

    In this episode, Stephanie and Regan discuss:

    • Why Stephanie shifted from only posting on Instagram to a different approach as a mom, business owner, and wife.
    • How "mom guilt" is becoming a thing of the past with this new marketing strategy.
    • How to get off the endless content train and use time more wisely.
    • Three effective ways Stephanie teaches her clients to market: podcasts, books, and events.
    • The art of keeping marketing simple through a repurposing system.

    Connect with Stephanie here!

    Want to listen to Part 1 where Regan talks about Mindset Mastery to Make Your Sales + Marketing Work.

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    28 mins
  • My Worst Fear Happened as a CEO: How I Recovered and Gained Back My Momentum
    Jul 24 2024

    My literal worst fear came true as a CEO. I felt the whisper to pivot into a different niche after coaching in sales for 4 years, I went back to working for someone after being self-employed since 2020, and restarted my instagram after having an established brand & 6 figure sales business. In this episode, I dive into how I rebuilt my momentum, self-trust, and self-belief.

    And P.S. No sales + marketing strategy gave me the answer on what to do next.

    Personal Coaching Intensive - 50% off for July Only



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    22 mins
  • Pivoting Back into Congruence: The Mindset and Strategy to Getting Back into Alignment in Your Business with Ovi
    Jul 17 2024

    In this episode, Regan and Ovi discuss how to heal from burnout, realign with your business, and grow it authentically in your own way.

    We dive into:

    >Red flags indicating you're out of alignment and what to do to not only get back into alignment but earn more.

    >How offer strategy and identity shifts are crucial for regaining congruence, demand, and your life back.

    >The identity you need to cultivate as you scale your business in the way you WANT over industry norms.

    Wanna connect with Ovi?


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    Wanna connect with Regan?

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    Freebie - Become Your Dream Clients' Top Choice Coach in 2 Weeks!

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    40 mins
  • How To Get Unstuck Without Adding More Strategy
    Jul 10 2024

    Slow business growth, feeling like you are in the same exact life situation that you were in 6 months ago, feeling like money is always “hard”, and constantly feeling like your business + life is an uphill battle are symptoms of not solving the root issue for growth.

    So in this episode, Regan is going to help you get unstuck and back into momentum by learning how to address your unique root issue on why growth feels hard, slow, and stagnant.

    Personal Coaching Intensive - 50% off for July Only



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    21 mins